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Jlug., 1921



PERSONAL NOTES The degree of Doctor of Science has been conferred by Tufts College on Frank William Durkee, professor of chemistry at the college, and on William Henry Nichols, chairman of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation, LTewYork City. Dr. Harry F. Lewis, of the National Aniline and Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y . , has been elected associate professor of chemistry a t Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, where he will have charge of the work in theoretical and physical chemistry, and will assist Dr. Nicholas Knight, head of the department, with the other courses. At the recent annual meeting of the American Institute of Fertilizer Chemists, the following officers were elected for the ”ensuing year: President, Dr. Frank L. Parker, of Charleston, S. C.; vice president, A. G. Stillwell, of New York City; treasurer, W. J. Gascoyne, Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; secretary, S. W. Wiley, of Baltimoie, Md. Mr. Harry E. Wheeler, formerly with Massachusetts Gas Companies and affiliated companies, a t Boston, Mass., has been appointed comptroller of the American Agricultural Chemical Co , with office in New York City. Mr. Charles Copeland, assistant treasurer of E I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., has been elected a member of the Board of Directors and secretary of the firm to fill the vacancies caused by the death of Alexis I. du Pont. Dr. G. J. Fink, formerly with the Hooker Electrochemical Co., has been added to the technical staff of the chemical department of the National Lime Association, Washington, D. C. Mr. C. S. Bryan, for several years connected with the VirginiaCarolina Chemical Co., as superintendent and research chemist, and more recently manager for the Charleston Chemical Co., Charleston, S . C., is now with the Provident Chemical Works of St. Louis, as chemical engineer, By an order of the Secretary of Agriculture on July 30, Mr. Walter G. Campbell, assistant chief of the Bureau of Chemistry since 1916, was made acting chief to fill the place of Dr. Alsberg. Dr. W. W. Skinner, chief of the water and beverage laboratory since 1908, has been designated assistant chief. Mr. C. J. West has left the position of director of the Information Department of Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass, to become managing editor of the “Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants,” which is being published by the National Research Council, in cooperation with the American Chemical Society, The work will have its headquarters a t 1701 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. Dr. Maurice L. Dolt is now research and plant chemist for the manufacture of food colors and pharmaceuticals with Calco Chemical Co., Bound Brook, N. J., having previously been research chemist with the American Cotton Oil Co., of Chicago, ‘I11 Mr. J. C. Butcher, former owner of the Hood River Spray Co., and Mr. W. B. Dickerson, director of the Apple Growers Association, will launch a large spray factory a t San JosP, Cal., at an early date. This factory will manufacture sprays of all kinds. According to a recent announcement, Mr. Bradley Stoughton has resigned as secretary of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, his resignation being accepted by the Institution. Mr. Roy A. Weaver, upon completing his course in chemical engineering a t Purdue University last spring, accepted a position In the chemical division of the Procter and Gamble Soap Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Dr. Howard Adler was recently appointed to an instructorship in 1 he department of chemistry a t the University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Dr. €1. Lee Ward, formerly OF the National Aniline Co., has been appointed assistant professor of chemistry at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., where he will have charge of the work in physical chemistry and applied electrochemistry. Dr. J. W. Kimball, formerly research chemist at Delta Laboratory, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & C o , Arlington, N. J., has joined the staff of the National Aniline and Chemical Co., as research chemist a t their works a t Marcus Hook, Pa. , Mr. Sidney D. Kirkpatrick resigned as chemical expert for the U. S. Tariff Commission Tune 1 to become assistant editor of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, with headquarters in New York City.

Mr. Ralph Shriner has been appointed an instructor in chemistry at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Walter G. Karr, formerly with the department of chemical research, Parke, Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich., is a t present biochemist in charge of the chemical laboratories, Philadelphia General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Barnett Cohen, until recently engaged as research assistant in Public Health a t Yale University, at present holds the position of associate chemist a t the Hygienic Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Dr. F. A. Gilfillan recently received his Ph.D. from Yale, and has accepted a position on the research staff of the Calco Chemi.ca1 Co., Bound Brook, N. J. Mr. L. J. Bircher, formerly instructor in chemistry a t Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., has accepted a position at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Mr. 0. D. Cunningham, previously with the National Aniline and Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y., where he carried on research in the physical chemistry department, is now associated in a similar capacity with the Republic Creosoting Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. C. A. Carlton, for the past two years secretary and chief chemist for the Avalon Rubber Manufacturing Co., Akron, Ohio, has joined the staff of the Duplex Tire and Rubber Co., Joplin, Mo., as secretary and factory manager. Mr. William J. Husa, formerly research assistant in food chemistry with Dr. H. C. Sherman, a t Columbia University, New York City, where he recently received his M.A. degree, will teach chemistry this coming year in the College of Pharmacy of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Mr. George A. Olson has resigned as chemist of the Washington Agricultural Experiment Station and state chemist of the State of Washington, in order to accept the position as director of agricultural research and agricultural adviser for the Gypsum Industries Association, Chicago, Ill., which position was formerly held by Dr. William Crocker, plant physiologist of the University of Chicago. Through Dr. Crocker’s assistance and direction several fellowships in various agricultural colleges were established. Dr. Joseph L. Mayer, chief chemist of the research and analytical laboratories of the Louis K . Liggett Co., New York, has been appointed professor of analytkal and pharmaceutical chemistry in the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy where he has been associate professor of analytical chemistry for several years. Dr. J. H. Shrader, formerly with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wa&ington, D. C., has been appointed director of the Bureau of Chemistry and Food, Health Department, Baltimore, Md. Mr. E. J. Eimer has left the employ of the Hercules Powder Co., Parlin, N. J., and is now in partnership with Mr. George Tierney in the production of pyroxylin lacquers, under the firm name of the Paterson Chemical Co., Paterson, N. J. Mr. Albert S. Richardson, research chemist a t the Experiment Station of the du Pont Co., is a t present director of research of Procter and Gamble Co., Ivorydale, Ohio. Mr. S. M. Southard, who was connected with the Western Oil Refining Co., as purchasing agent, traffic manager, and chemical engineer, severed his connections with that firm to become affiliated with the Southern Oil Corp., Chicago, Ill. He was a short time ago appointed district manager in charge of the southwestern district with offices a t Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Max Y. Seaton, who was chemical engineer on the staff of the Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., having pqrticular charge of the oxychloride research division of that company, has taken over the direction of technical work for the hTational Kellastone Co., Chicago, 111. He will also direct the technical work of the Sierra Magnesite Corporation, of Porterville, Cal. Mr. C. Earl Littell, chemical engineer for the Providence Gas Co., Providence, R. I., has left that position to become assistant superintendent of the New Haven Gas Light Co., New Haven,

Conn. Mr. Philip B. Terry has resigned as development chemical engineer in the dye works branch at Jackson Laboratories, of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Deepwater Point, N. J., ta enter the office of the Spaulding-Moss Co , Boston, Mass.