Personnel Changes at du Pont de Nemours & Co - C&EN Global

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JULY 10, 1939 Personnel Cbaaiges a t d u d e N e m o u r a St Co«


441 Pittsburgh, Penna. H e has been previously an assistant instructor at Northwestern University and a research chemist for General Plastics, Inc., of North Tonawanda, N . Y.

B l u e s t B . Benger, general assistant chemical director of the du Pont Company, has been appointed assistant manager of the Rayon Department Technical Division, which has been reorganized to include the technical work of the Nylon Division. These changes became effective July 1.

James J. Pyle, who received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Industrial and Cellulose Chemistry, McGill University, in June, has accepted a position as chemist in the Development and Control Laboratory, Laminating Division, Plastics Department, General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass.

M . d u Pont Lee will continue as manager of the Rayon Department Technical Division. Cole Coolidge, assistant director of the Chemical Department Experimental Station, has been appointed assistant director, vice Dr. Benger. C. H. Greenewalt, a research supervisor of the Chemical Department Experimental Station, will succeed Dr. Coolidge.

E. St. Pierre Bellinger has recently been transferred to the Hercules, Calif., plant of the Hercules Powder Co., for special work in connection with the new synthetic ammonia plant now under construction. Roe Blume recently joined the Glycerine Producers' Association chemical research staff a t the Miner Laboratories, Chicago, 111. At the 113th commencement of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, the honorary degree of Doctor of Science was conferred upon William Meriam Burton, alumnus of the university, inventor of the Burton petroleum cracking process, and formerly president of the btandard Oil Co. of Indiana. At its meeting on M a y 17, the Administrative Council approved the appointment of E . J. Cameron as director of the Washington Research Laboratory of the National Canners Association, Washington, D . C. Since the death of Dr. Bigelow, Dr. Cameron has been serving as acting director. Lester M . Curtiss, formerly assistant general superintendent of the Lukens Steel Co., Coatesville, Penna., has been appointed general superintendent in charge of all operations of the company. Mr. Curtiss succeeds G. Donald Spackman, who has been granted leave of absence o n account of health, but will continue t o serve in an advisory capacity. Win. R . Dial, who recently received his P h . D . degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois, has accepted a position a s organic research chemist in the Barherton, Ohio, laboratories of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Willard H . Dow, president and general manager of the Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., received the honorary degree of doctor of science from the Michigan College of Mining and Technology o n June 2 . Dr. Dow delivered

Willard H. D o w the graduation address to the largest outgoing class in the history of the college. The citation was as follows: "A chemical engineer whose basic philosophy is the conservation of nature's resources, a man who appreciates the value of scientific research, a business man with the ability and foresight to select those discoveries and inventions that have great commercial possibilities, a citizen who carries a high sense of public duty." Edward V. H e g g has been promoted to manager of the New York Office of the Buffalo Foundry & Machine Co., manufacturers of chemical machinery, dryers, and ^evaporators. Mr. Hegg has been with the company more than 10 years, having served in various sales and engineering capacities. Robert Louis Huffman, The Ohio State University, has been awarded the diploma and membership badge in the Student Branch of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for highest scholarship during his freshman and sophomore years.

Richard R i m b a c h Richard Rimbach has been appointed technical adviser to R. C. Enos, president of the Standard Steel Spring Co., Coraopolis, Penna., and will work on the development and promotion of a new process for coating steel with a pore-free metallic coat. He was formerly director of research, Standard Steel Car Co., editor of Metals and Alloys, and more recently consulting metallurgical engineer. Albert B. Scott, formerly of the Parke Davis Research Department, and for the past two years associated with The General Chemical Co., in New York, N . Y., is now with T h e Norwich Pharmacal Co., in charge of organic research in their new laboratories a t Norwich, N . Y.

Arthur Langmeier has been named director of operations of the Naval Stores Department of the Hercules Powder Co. He will have charge of all manufacturing and development work at t h e p l a n t s and naval stores work at the Experiment Station. Paul Mayfield, formerly assistant director of sales, will succeed Mr. Langmeier as director of sales of the Naval Stores Department.

George J. Taylor has accepted a position as research chemist for the Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N . Y .

Charles McDermid, secretary of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, England, since 1900, has resigned and has been succeeded by William John Felton, who has been assistant secretary for the past seven years.

Edward R. Weidlein, director, Mellon Institute, delivered t h e commencement address at Waynesburg College, Waynesburg, Penna., on June 13 and subsequently that institution conferred on him the honorary degree of doctor of science.

Paul Mahler, who has been located in the Chemists' Building since 1917, until 1926 as assistant to John E. Teeple and since then under his own name, has moved his headquarters to the resin plant of the Stroock & Wittenberg Corp., 480-490 Frelinghuysen Ave., Newark, N. J., where he is in charge of the manufacturing and development operations.

J. Frederic Wiese, who since 1935 has been assistant to the vice president of the Lukens Steel Co., Coatesville, Penna., has been appointed general manager of sales. In August, 1926, Mr. Wiese joined the Lukens Steel Co. and has served continuously in its flanging, railroad, and general sales departments, with t h e exception of a period of one year in 1928. At the commencement exercises of the Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio, the degree of doctor of science was conferred upon Clement C. Williams, president of Lehigh University, and Otto Struve, director of the Yerkes and McDonald Observatories. The doctorate of engineering was conferred on M. Y. Seaton, chief engineer of the California Chemical Corp.

C. S. Miner, Jr., has returned from the raduate school of The Pennsylvania tate College to the Miner Laboratories, Chicago, IU., for the summer months.


Ralph W . Planck, who received his P h . D . degree from Northwestern University in 193S, has accepted a position as Industrial Fellow at Mellon Institute,