Perturbations and extrapolations

actly 33 113% of the fowls gained weight more rap- idly than normal and 33 113% grew ... Two geologists were exploring rugged country and came upon a ...
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WENDELL H. SLABAUGH O r e p n State University Cowallis, 97331

In Memorium Here lies cross-eyed Jake He grabbed her leg instead of the brake.

. . . H . N.Alyea

Class on the Grass 'Tis a sign of spring And the prof is a pal When its nicer outside Than to study psych inside So out go the classes Where the guys and the lasses Sit on the grasses. The pros and the cons Of an issue arise But the guys study lasses Who sit on the grasses Yea, It's a lot more fun To sit in the sun And watch the ants bite The lasses who sit on the grasses.

Statistical Validity In the early days of testing penicillin as a feed supplement to accelerate the growth of poultry, one particular study with chickens showed that exactly 33 113% of the fowls gained weight more rapidly than normal and 33 113% grew a t the normal rate. The other chicken died.

It's in the Genes Two geologists were exploring rugged country and came upon a deep canyon with a big river a t the bottom. Gazing into the canyon they spied a dead burro about halfway down the steep slope. Scrambling down to the animal they discovered a human body under the beast. Papers on the body quickly identified the person as one "Pedro Knievel!'

Chemistry Class Roster I Ethyl Acetate Ester Hydrolysis Phyllis Beaker Anne Ion P. H. Buffer D. Kant Otto Catalytic A1 Keel Nick L. Chloride Millie Liter Molly Cool Anna Litical Lynn Dane Earl N. Meyer Sir Factant Millie Mole Florence Flask Stan Nate Flo Giston Barry M. Neightrait A1 D. Hide Polly Protic Ann Hydride Ben Zene "Noah Count" got the lowest grade on last week's test. . .Wayne L. Felty, The Pennsylvania State University Wilkes-Barre


Volume 55, Number 4. April 1978 1 245