Pesticide Transformation Products - American Chemical Society

Pesticide degradation products have several effects on soil microflora. ... compound; inhibiting or stimulating respiration, nitrogen transformations ...
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Chapter 15

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on August 2, 2012 | Publication Date: March 21, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0459.ch015

Effects of Pesticide Degradation Products on Soil Microflora N. Dwight Camper Department of Plant Pathology and Physiology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0377

Pesticide degradation products have several effects on soil microflora. These effects include: enhancing or decreasing populations; causing enhanced degradation of the parent compound; inhibiting or stimulating respiration, nitrogen transformations or substrate utilization; inhibiting the growth of one or more specific microbe. Pesticide degradation in soils resultsfrommicrobial actions such as oxidation, hydrolysis, dehalogenation, conjugation, and reduction. Products formed may be inhibitory or stimulatory to various components of the microbial population, some of which may catalyze the degradation of the parent or the product itself. Significant levels of degradation products in soils and their effects on soil microbes need to be defined. Pesticides reach the soil either through direct application or indirectly as a result of application methods. Once present in the soil, pesticides are subjected to transformations by chemical or biological processes which affect the environmental fate and behavior of these compounds. A summary of the types of reactions involved is shown in Table I; those most frequently documented for pesticide degradations are hydrolysis and oxidation. Persistence of a pesticide in soil depends on the rate of transformation. Products of these transformations include compounds which have undergone only slight molecular changes, or represent complete mineralization; e.g., carbon dioxide, water, ammonia and halogen ions. Nonenzymatic or chemical reactions rarely lead to appreciable changes in chemical structure; thus, it is the biodegradative or enzymatic reactions that bring about major changes in molecular structure (1). Evidence suggests that microbial populations in the soil are the sources of enzyme-catalyzed degradative reactions (2,3,4). Microorganisms in the soil convert pesticides either to inorganic compounds, or to different organic compounds. The processes involved Ο097-^156/91/0459-Ο205$06.00/0 © 1991 American Chemical Society In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



Table I. Types of reactions important to pesticide transformations by soil microorganisms ether cleavage hydrolysis* oxidation* methylation β-oxidation

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dealkylation dealkoxylation decarboxylation* dehalogenation reduction

'May occur as a result of both chemical and biological processes. include complete mineralization or cometabolic reactions, the formation of new toxicants, or to the production of compounds that may be incorporated into the soil structure (organic matter). Alteration of pesticide molecules by enzymatic mechanisms may involve incidental metabolism where the pesticide does not serve as an energy source, catabolism where the pesticide does serve as an energy source, or detoxification (possibly a resistance mechanism) (5). Pesticides exert effects on soil microflora both in pure culture and in soil (3). These effects may be either inhibitory or stimulatory, may affect populations of a single species or of many different species, or may specifically affect a biochemical activity of the soil microorganism(s). Adverse effects of pesticides are observed more frequently at application rates well above those recommended for pest control. Effects of pesticide degradation products on soil microflora are not well documented, perhaps because emphasis has been on assessing the impact of the parent molecule. At least two reasons can be offered to explain the lack of data: 1. Prior to 1960 data on degradation reactions and products formed were not required for registration; and 2. Detection and analysis of minute amounts of compounds was not possible. Improved analytical instrumentation and the availability of C-labeled pesticides enabled researchers to trace minute amounts of parent molecule and products in a soil system (4). This review will concentrate on the effects of degradation products (metabolites) on soil microflora. Areas reviewed are effects on microbial populations, adaptation phenomena that involve a degradation product as the adaptive agent, and effects on specific microbial activities. 14

Microbial Populations Pesticides, when applied at the recommended rates, generally either have no effect on the total culturable indigenous microbial population in the soil, or cause a temporary shift in certain components of the microbial population (1,3,5). Certain species within a population may be inhibited or stimulated; eventually an equilibrium is reestablished. The effect varies depending on the pesticide, time of incubation and various environmental conditions. Variation of pesticide metabolite effects and the lack of a consistent

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Degradation Products and Soil Microflora


pattern of effect has been documented. For example terbufos sulfoxide (a degradation product of terbufos { S-[[l,l-(dimethylethyl)thio]methyl]-0,0diethyl phosphorodithionate} stimulated bacterial numbers (+55%) after two weeks incubation in a loamy sand soil; similar results were obtained on fungal populations (+66%) with terbufos sulfone (6). Microbial populations in hazardous waste contaminated soils from three different sites were enumerated. They were more active (heterotrophic activity with radiolabeled amino acid mixture), and more abundant and active than populations in adjacent, noncontaminated soil (7). Abundance and activity of bacterial populations varied from site to site, which may be related to nutrient status or the presence of inhibitory chemicals. Phenols are produced as a result of the degradation of a number of different pesticides [2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), 2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid), parathion (diethyl-4-nitrophenylphosphorothionate), and others]. In the hazardous waste sites examined, the capacity to degrade phenols varied from site to site, and was not correlated with either numbers of bacteria present, the number of phenol degraders present, or phenol concentration present in the soil. Parathion degradation in cranberry soils was enhanced by pretreatment with either parathion or p-nitrophenol (a degradation product) (8). The number of aerobic bacteria increased in p-nitrophenol-pretreated soil compared to controls. The presence of p-nitrophenol applied directly, or derived from parathion, apparently resulted in an increase of parathiondegrading microorganisms. Sudhakar-Barik and Wahid (9) showed that parathion-hydrolyzing microorganisms proliferated during the metabolism of p-nitrophenol. Three successive applications of parathion resulted in an increase in the number of microorganisms capable of hydrolyzing the parent molecule from undetectable levels to 1.4 χ 10 and 4.3 χ 10 /g soil for the second and third successive applications, respectively. Repeated application of pesticides or their degradation products may alter activities of enzymes or shift the route of a degradative pathway, which may simply be a specific population shift. Repeated application of parathion or its hydrolysis product, p-nitrophenol, to flooded soil resulted in a shift in degradation from a reductive mechanism (nitro group reduction) to one primarily of hydrolysis (10). This shift was a consequence of an increased population of parathion-hydrolyzing microorganisms that used p-nitrophenol as an energy source. Either there were more of these microbes, or less likely microbes with either enhanced levels of the hydrolytic enzyme, or a more active form of the enzyme. A separate study snowed that mineralization of parathion increased with the number of successive pretreatments with pnitrophenol (11). Similar results were obtained when flooded soils were pretreated with the hydrolysis products of carbaryl (1-naphthyl methylcarbamate) and carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7benzofuranylmethyl-carbamate), 1-naphthol and carbofuran phenol, respectively; accelerated hydrolysis of the parent compounds was observed (12). Pretreatment of soil with 2,4-dichlorophenol resulted in a more than 7


In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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70% increase in the mineralization of 2,4-D; similar results were obtained with hydrolysis products of isofenphos (22). In all of the cases cited, the accelerated degradation of the parent compound seems to be a consequence of a microbial population shift as result of exposure to a degradation product. β-oxidation is an important metabolic activity of microorganisms and a similar degradation type of reaction may be involved in pesticide metabolism. Compounds such as 2,4-DB (2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyric acid) are converted to 2,4-D, which is then inhibitory (25). Sesone (2,4-dichlorophenoxyethyl sulfate) is hydrolyzed to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyethanol, which is further oxidized to 2,4-D. Related compounds such as 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyethyl sulfate and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyethyl sulfate behave in a similar manner (14). Populations of bacteria were reduced by 2,4-D in soil receiving repeated applications of the herbicide (25). In other soils, total microbial biomass levels in soils receiving 35 years of annual treatments were not different from levels in untreated soils (26). Adaptation of Microflora to Degradation Products A characteristic of microbial populations is the ability to adapt to the presence of an increasing number and quantity of chemicals in the environment. Such adaptation is the measurable ability of an organism to show insensitivity or reduced sensitivity to chemicals that might otherwise be toxic. Possible mechanisms involved are: enrichment, mutation, induction, or selective inhibition of one or more members of the microbial community. Adaptation, as it is used in the literature reviewed, generally does not suggest a mechanism of adaptation; therefore, "adaptation" as used in pesticide degradation studies may refer only to microbial population changes, or to a true genetic change resulting in more rapid degradation for example. The pesticide may also be acting as an inducer of a specific enzyme, which would result in an adapted microbe. The case of penicillin-resistance in bacteria through induction of penicillinase is well known (27). Such microbial adaptation has been observed with pesticides. For example, the second addition of BHC (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane) to a submergedricefield resulted in a higher BHC-degrading activity (18). Similar responses to pesticide degradation products have been observed. Rouchaud et al. (19) obtained results indicating that repeated application of chlorfenvinphos [diethyl-l-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-chlorovinyl phosphate] in a cauliflower monoculture situation resulted in an adapted microbial population and higher rates of degradation of the insecticide. Adaptation of microbial populations to parent pesticides has been demonstrated and therefore, adaptation to degradation products might be expected which could result in increased degradation rates of parent molecules. The growth of an Achromobacter strain on peptone agar with either 2,4dichlorophenol or 4-chloro-2-methylphenol (degradation products of 2,4-D and MCPA [(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid], respectively), resulted in

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Degradation Products and Soil Microflora


cultures which were adapted to oxidize 2,4-D and MCPA (20). A strain of Flavobacterium peregrinum. when grown with either MCPA or 2-chloro-4methylphenoxyacetic acid, could degrade 2,4-D and 4-chloro-2-methylphenol, but not MCPA. The inability to degrade MCPA may indicate the inability to use this compound as a carbon or energy source, perhaps because of the presence of peptone in the growth medium. The phenomenon of accelerated pesticide degradation induced by prior pesticide treatment is referred to as enhanced degradation (21). One explanation of this phenomenon assumes adaptation of a specific component of the microbial community, which results in a competitive advantage and subsequent proliferation. This adaptation phenomena may result from interactions between the soil, pesticide, microbes and environmental conditions (11). The adapted population(s) can more rapidly degrade the pesticide upon the next application. Enhanced degradation has been demonstrated in chemostats, soil slurries, and soils with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and other xenobiotics. The loss of efficacy of a particular pesticide may be related to its degradation and the presence of a degradation product, which then serves as the inducing agent. The effect of pretreatment of soils with EPTC (S-ethyl dipropylcarbamothioate) and butylate [S-ethyl bis(2methylpropyl)carbamothioate] metabolites on subsequent EPTC and butylate degradation was reported by Bean et al (22). Butylate sulfone did not enhance the rate of EPTC or butylate degradation. However, EPTC and butylate sulfoxides induced enhanced degradation of both parent compounds. In a Clay Center type soil, cross-enhancement for EPTC and butylate degradation was less when pretreated with the sulfoxides than with either parent compound. In a Scottsbluff type soil, cross-enhancement was similar for pretreatment with either the parent molecule or the sulfoxide derivatives. A comprehensive study of eight pesticides and their hydrolysis products in a clay loam soil was reported by Somasundaram et al (23). Results showed that 2,4-dichlorophenol, p-nitrophenol and salicylic acid predisposed the soil for enhanced degradation of 2,4-D, parathion and isofenphos {1-methyl2[[ethoxy[9(l-methylethyl)arrdno]^hosphinothioyl]oxy]benzoate}, respectively. The persistence of chlorpyrifos (Ο,Ο-diethyl 0-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate) was increased by prior treatment of the soil with its degradation product, 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol. Repeated application of carbofuran phenol, 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine, methyl phenyl sulfone, thiophenol, isopropyl salicylate, 2,4,5-trichlorophenol {hydrolysis products of carbofuran, diazinon [Ο,Ο-diethyl 0-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4pyrimidinyl)phosphorothioate], fonofos (ethyl S-phenyl ethylphosphonothiolothionate), isofenphos, and 2,4,5-T, respectively)} had no effect on degradation rates of their parent molecules. Microbial Activities Metabolic activities of soil microorganisms are many and varied. These

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



activities include: nitrogen transformations and fixation; respiratory activities as evidenced by C0 evolution and 0 uptake; substrate utilization (cellulose and protein decomposition, and glucose metabolism); and various enzymatic activities. Biological and chemical degradation affect the persistence of pesticides in soil, and thus affect the duration of effects on microorganisms (24). Pesticide metabolites may be present in larger quantities than the parent compound, and relatively less toxic. However, they may accumulate to potentially toxic levels. Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on August 2, 2012 | Publication Date: March 21, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0459.ch015



Respiration. Respiration, indicated by oxygen uptake, is an indicator of the activity of aerobic microorganisms involved in substrate decomposition in the soil. Degradation products of DDT [l,l,l-trichloro-2,2-bis(pchlorophenyl)ether], PCPA (p-chlorophenylacetic acid) and DDA [2,2-bis(pchlorophenyl)acetic acid] were inhibitory to oxygen consumption, but only at 100 Mg/g soil (25). The nonpolar metabolites and the parent compound were not inhibitory. Phorate [diethyl S-(ethylthiomethyl)-phosphorothiolothioate] and terbufos, and their sulfones and sulfoxides, did not inhibit oxygen uptake by a loamy sand soil (6). More oxygen was consumed when the soil was treated with the sulfone and sulfoxide derivatives as compared to the controls. Populations of bacteria and fungi were greater in soils treated with the sulfoxide and sulfone derivatives, respectively; thus, enhanced populations may account for stimulated oxygen consumption reported. Nitrogen Transformations. One of the degradation products of several phenylamides is 3,4-dichloroamline. This metabolite inhibited the oxidation of ammonia-nitrogen to nitrite-nitrogen, but was inactive against organisms that oxidize nitrite-nitrogen to nitrate-nitrogen (26). High concentrations of two other degradation products, 3,4-dichlorophenylurea and 3,3\4,4'tetrachloroazobenzene, were required to inhibit nitrification. Another metabolite, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l-methylurea, inhibited the oxidation of nitrite-nitrogen to nitrate-nitrogen by Nitrobacter spp., resulting in accumulation of nitrite-nitrogen in soilfromammonia-nitrogen oxidation. High concentrations of the sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites of terbufos and phorate decreased nitrification, but less that the parent molecules (6). A study of benomyl [methyl-l-(butylcarbamoyl)-2-benzimidazole] and its hydrolysis products MBC (methyl-2-benzimidazole carbamate) and AB (2aminobenzimidazole) on nitrification in a flooded soil showed no effect except at lOOOMg/ml for MBC and at 100 and lOOOMg/ml for AB (27). Both products were less toxic than the parent compound. AB was toxic to Nitrosomas sp. and N. agilis. but only at 100 Mg/ml. Benomyl was more toxic to both organisms than AB; MBC had no effect at 10 and 100 Mg/ml. Studies with 2,4-D showed that there were no long-term effects on Ν mineralization in treated soil (16,28). Rhizobia and Azotobacter are important in the nitrogen cycle in the soil.

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Degradation Products and Soil Microflora


Their association with the roots of legume crops also positions them to interact with pesticides and their metabolites in the soil. Carbofuran, carbaryl or their metabolites at normal and a lOx rate had no effect on Rhizobium sp. growth (29). Carbofuran and 3-hydroxycarbofuran at 0.5 and 5 Mg/ml did not affect the growth of Azotobacter chroococcum in a nitrogen-containing medium; 3-ketocarbofuran (at 5, but not 0.5 Mg/ml) delayed A. chroococcum growth, which then was comparable to the control. Carbaryl or 1-naphthol had no effect on growth of the bacterium. When grown in a nitrogen-free medium carbofuran and both metabolites inhibited the growth of A chroococcum: the metabolites were more inhibitory than the parent compound. Carbaryl and 1-naphthol were both inhibitory to growth. The different results obtained with the two media were interpreted as an effect of the pesticides and their metabolites on the nitrogen-fixing systems of A. chroococcum: e.g., whether nitrogenase was active or not. Carbofuran is converted to 3-hydroxcarbofuran, then to 3-ketocarbofuran. The latter was the most toxic of the three compounds tested. Substrate Utilization. Microorganisms are important in the decomposition of many substances in the soil; i.e., cellulose, proteins, other types of organic and inorganic compounds. The effect of trifluralin [2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4(trifluromethyl)-benzenamine] and twelve of its metabolites on the decomposition of glucose, cellulose and protein was evaluated in a Dundee silt loam soil (30). Decomposition was measured as C0 production from C-labeled substrates mixed with the soil and incubated in biometer flasks. Trifluralin increased the rate of metabolism of glucose;fiveof its metabolites inhibited glucose utilization, but in a transitory manner only (Table II). Only one metabolite, TR-9, inhibited glucose utilization over the 30-day observation period. Neither trifluralin or any of its metabolites affected the decomposition of protein. However, seven of the metabolites, when applied at rates exceeding those expected in the soil, increased the rate of cellulose decomposition (Table II). The parent compound had no effect on cellulose mineralization. Considering the potential concentration of metabolites in the soil at normal application rates of the parent compound, and the type and duration of the effects of these compounds, it was concluded that trifluralin metabolites would have minimal effects on the various decomposition processes in the soil. The degradation product of 2,4-DB, 2,4-D, has minimal effects on cellulose or plant residue decomposition, except at very high concentrations (31,32). 14



Toxicity. Pesticide metabolites may be toxic to soil microbes and hence, have an adverse effect on induction or inhibition of microbial degradation by the effective organisms. Oxygen-limited cultures of Klebsiella pneumoniae reduced 4-methylsulfinyl phenol (100 to 125 Mg/ml) to 4-methylthiophenol, which at 200 Mg/ml was toxic to the bacterium (33). Thus, accumulation of the thiophenol could result in inhibition of the degradation of the

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



TABLE Π. Effect of trifluralin and metabolites on mineral-ization of Cglucose and C-cellulose in soil. Values are shown as a percentage of mineralization in control soils (stimulation, S or inhibition, I). TR-28 and TR32 were compared with benzene controls. AdaptedfromBoyette et al. 1988 (30)

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Compound (0.5 mg/ml soil) trifluralin TR-2* TR-3 TR-6 TR-9 TR-13 TR-15 TR-17 TR-21 TR-28 TR-32 TR-36 TR-40 Benzene cont. Methanol cont.


C0 evolution from: 2


C-glucose (+N) Maximum % S or I 5(1) 2(S) 17(1) 26© 10(1)


C-cellulose Maximum % S -

18 23 36 -








47 -

10(1) -

18 -

*TR-2: 2,6-dimtro-N^ropyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)berizenenarnine; TR-3: 2,6dinitro-4-(trifluorometty^ benzenediamine; TR-9: 5-(trifluoromethyl)-l,2,3-berizenetriamine; TR-13: 2ethyl-7-mtro-l-propyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)-lH-benzirm nitro-6-(trifluoromethyl)-lH-benzimidazole; TR-17: 7-nitro- l-propyl-5(trifluoromethyl)-lH-benzimidazole; TR-21: 4-(dipropylamino)-3,5dinitrobenzoic acid; TR-28: 2,2'-azoxybis-(6-nitro-N-propyl-4(trifluoromethyl)benzenamine); TR-32: 2,2'-azobis-(6-nitro-N-propyl-4(trifluoromethyl)berizena (trifluoromethyl)benzenamine; TR-40: N-(2,6-dinitro-4(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-N-propyl-proanamide. sulfinylphenol and possibly the parent compound, fensulfothion {Ο,Ο-diethyl 0-[4-(methylsulfînyl)-phenyl]phosphorothionâte}. Somasundaram et al (34) used the Beckman Microtox system to assess the toxicity of several pesticide metabolites to (Photobacterium phosphoreum^ as a model system. Metabolites of chloropyrifos - 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol, 2,4-D - 2,4dichlorophenol, 2,4,5-T - 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, and isofenphos - isopropyl salicylate, were more toxic than their respective parent molecules. A

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Degradation Products and Soil Microflora


degradation product of carbaryl, 1-naphthol, was toxic to Pseudomonas sp., Nitrosomas sp., and Nitrobacter sp. (10), but does not seem to be used as an energy source for microorganisms (34). The decreased mineralization and increased persistence of chlorpyrifos resultingfromrepeated soil application of its degradation product, 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol, may be because of its toxicity to the effective degraders. The growth of Pseudomonas sp. was inhibited by 2,4-dichlorophenol at 25 mg/1, whereas the parent compound (2,4-D) had no effect at concentrations up to 2000 mg/1 (35). The relatively low toxicity of salicylic acid and 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxylpynnidine (degradation products of isofenphos and diazinon, respectively) may be related to their rapid metabolism to nontoxic compounds and also result in enhanced degradation of the parent compounds (34,36). Racke et al. (37) reported an interesting study where the hydrolysis product of chlorpyrifos, 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP), apparently accumulated to toxic levels in certain soils treated with the parent compound. TCP was not detected in some treated soils; rather, only the parent compound was present. Direct treatment of fresh soil samples with 5 mg/1 TCP resulted in its rapid mineralization only in those soils in which TCP had not accumulated to toxic levels after chlorpyrifos treatment. Microbial adaptation as a result of insecticide treatment may be the reason for the rapid degradation of TCP. TCP at 50 mg/1 inhibited its mineralization in all soils tested indicating the potential for microbial toxicity. Fungitoxicity of methoxychlor [ 1,1, l-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4methoxyphenyl)ethane], fenitrothion (dimethyl-3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate) and their metabolites were evaluated against Mortierella pusilla. Mortierella isabellina. Trichoderma virdie and Saprolegnia parasitica (38). Concentrations tested were 1.6 to 400 Mg/ml except for £. parasitica which was more sensitive and the concentration range tested was 0.2 to 440 Mg/ml. Hydroxychlor [2,2-bis-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-l,l,l-trichloroethane], Smethylfenitrothion and 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol were the most toxic compounds tested and were more toxic than the parent molecules. In all cases the more toxic compounds were also more water soluble. Conclusions Segments of the microbial community may increase under conditions where a enzymes system provides a detoxification or cometabolic mechanism, which would reduce the potential inhibitory level of a metabolite or parent pesticide molecule. Increased microbial populations may also be attributed to utilization of the metabolite as an energy source. Either scenario would give a competitive advantage to certain segments of the microbial community. Adaptation, a characteristic of microbial populations, enables some components of the community to survive exposure to potentially toxic chemicals. Frequently, the pesticide metabolite serves as the inducing agent and results in a more rapid degradation of either the metabolite or the parent

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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pesticide, or both. The end result can be reduced efficacy of the pesticide upon repeated applications in a monoculture situation. However, the mechanism of the adaptation is unknown. Pesticide metabolites include some potentially toxic compounds; e.g., phenols, anilines and organic acids. These compounds can inhibit specific microbial enzymes, interfere with energy (ATP) generation, or other microbial activities such as nitrogen transformations. These activities contribute to many attributes of the soil and adverse effects of pesticide metabolites could alter one or more of these attributes; e.g., soil fertility and pesticide efficacy. These effects singly or in combination could affect agricultural productivity. Two central questions remain: 1. What constitutes a significant level of a pesticide degradation product in the soil, and 2. What constitutes a significant effect of these chemicals on soil microflora? A significant level of degradation products has not been defined to date; however, a level equivalent to 10 percent of the original concentration of the parent compound may be justification for further research (perhapsfirstsuggested by Blinn in 1973,39). Further research certainly should include determination of product identity and concentration in the soil, and persistence. Significant effects on soil microflora will be more difficult to define. Atlas et al (40) suggest that the most relevant effects to be evaluated are essential cycling processes in the soil; e.g., Ν and S cycling. They suggest that evaluation of cycling processes may be more realistic than an evaluation of population shifts. A stress on one component of the microbial community may be compensated for by increased activity of another. Johnen and Drew (41) suggest that if microbial populations in thefieldrequire 60 days or more to recover from pesticide treatment to pretreatment levels, the effect should be considered of major importance and further tests be conducted. Concerns about environmental quality will most likely dictate that the status of pesticide degradation products in the soil be examined more extensively in the future. Acknowledgments Technical Contribution No. 3091 of the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson University. Assistance and reviews provided by Dr. M. J. B. Paynter, Professor of Microbiology, Clemson University are gratefully acknowledged. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3.

Alexander,M. Science 1981, 211, 132-138. Hill,I.R.; Wright, S.J.L. In Pesticide Microbiology; Hill,I.R.; Wright,S.J.L., Eds.; Academic Press: NY, 1978; pp 79-136. Grossbard,E. In Herbicides: Physiology, Biochemistry, Ecology; Audus,L.J., Ed.; Academic Press: NY, 1976; pp 99-147.

In Pesticide Transformation Products; Somasundaram, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

15. CAMPER 4. 5.

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

18. 19.

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Degradation Products and Soil Microflora


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