Petrochemicals with a Tropical Bent - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 12, 2010 - LATER this month, this initial phase of a major Caribbean petrochemical complex starts operations. Location: Moron, in Venezuela's nort...
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This Udex plant is p a r t of the refinery area at Moron w h e r e Venezuela will begin initial operations of a major petrochemical complex later this month

of 1958. This part includes explosives, insecticides, fungicides, and a national natural gas pipeline network. The third step, with a $150 million price tag, is slated for completion in 1960, although the government hopes it will be earlier. It includes a fullscale entrance by t h e Venezuelan government into oil refining—possibly with a 200,000-ban-el-per-day plant. Also in this phase of t h e plan a r e facilities for synthetic rubber, plastics, synthetic fibers, and related products. T h e government agency running t h e project, Instituto Venezolano d e Petroquimica, feels it's too early t o talk about specific capacities in this phase yet. The natural gas pipeline is alreadv

Petrochemicals w i t h a Tropical Bent First units of Venezuela's chemical center go onstream this month; project to cost $ 3 0 0 million

.LATER this month, trie initial phase of a major Caribbean petrochemical complex starts operations. Location: Moron, in Venezuela's north. Total cost of the government project is pegged at some $300 million. T h e first segment built at $75 million includes a 3000-barrel-per-day experimental petroleum refinery, caustic soda-chlorine units, and synthetic fertilizer facilities. T h e German-built caustic-chlorine plant has a daily capacity of 30 tons of cHlorine and 34 tons of caustic soda ( 9 6 % ). Fertilizer units are Montecatini-designed. In the group: ammonia, nitric acid, sulfuric acid (200 t o n s / d a y ) , ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea, phos76




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phoric acid, and superphosphate production units. Work on the project started slowly in 1955, with the 750-acre site mainly forest and swamp. Construction moved into high gear only 18 months ago. Some 3500 workers have since p u t u p 20 buildings, mainly installing United States and European equipment. Actually, not only industrial plants but an entire community and its facilities are being built. Moron will eventually house 30,000 people; 10,000 will b e there by the end of this month. • Plastics, Fibers, Rubber Coming. By the end of next month, the second $75 million phase should be well under way. Completion target date is t h e end

Large-scale development of petroleum resources is planned. Storage tanks

under construction to Moron. The Guacara-Moron line is 69 kilometers long (about 43 miles) and will have a daily capacity of 2.3 million cubic meters. The Anaco-Caracas line is 330 kilometers long (206 miles) and has 7 million cubic meters daily capacity. Impetus for the entire program is the large-scale development of Venezuela's petroleum resources by American oil companies over the past three decades. This provides vast quantities of locallyproduced oil and by-products for the budding petrochemical industry. Many minerals essential to the complex are available within the country; sulfates, phosphates, calcium compounds, and salt are plentiful. Several side effects should occur from the operation. Venezuelan fertilizer, coupled with farmer education, should spur farm output. Transportation facilities are rapidly improving. T h e new portion of the Pan-American highway is only 4 miles from Moron. Later this month, an initial national railway system link will connect Moron with Puerto Cabello and Barquisimeto. New drydock and shipyard facilities are now under construction at Puerto Cabello, just 30 minutes away from the petrochemical center. Also new industries are expected to locate in the area to take advantage of the chemicals produced. First of these is the $12 million pulp and paper plant Mendoza is building only 1 mile away. Others should be coming shortly. m

25,000-bbI. Stainless Steel Tank built by Qjsl i stores 8 3 % and 9 5 % % ammonium nitrate

When the ammonium nitrate prilling plant in the background, above, is shut down for maintenance, the production of 8 3 % and 9 5 % ammonium nitrate solutions from nitric acid continues. This is possible because of the storage facilities offered by the 25,000-bbl. Horton® stainless steel tank in the foreground. The ammonium nitrate stored in the tank is used when the prilling plant is returned to operation. The tank can also be used for storing 5,000 tons equivalent ammonium nitrate to be prilled during high demand season. The Horton stainless steel tank, built for the Mississippi Chemical Corporation, Yazoo, Miss., is expected to pay for itself quickly by helping to increase considerably the company's production. CB&I is a steel plate structure specialist. When planning structures, of unique or standard design, write our nearest office for information, estimates or quotations.

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for oil are in background; fractional distillation units are being installed DEC.


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