Petrogel: New Hydrocarbon (Oil) Absorbent Based on Polyolefin

Jul 25, 2016 - The maximum absorption capacities of semicrystalline LLDPE and amorphous x-D-DVB elastomer with toluene can reach 35 and 43 times that ...
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Petrogel: New Hydrocarbon (Oil) Absorbent Based on Polyolefin Polymers Changwoo Nam, Houxiang Li, Gang Zhang, and T. C. Mike Chung* Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: We discuss a new class of polymer absorbents called “petrogels”, polyolefin-based hydrophobic absorbents that demonstrate selective absorption of hydrocarbon (oil) molecules in water, counterpart to “hydrogels” that are known for absorbing aqueous solutions. To understand the effects of the molecular structure (i.e., polymer composition, cross-linking density, and morphology) to the absorption capacity with various hydrocarbons and mixtures, a systematical study was conducted involving polyolefin copolymers that exhibit a highly swellable network but no dissolution in hydrocarbons at ambient temperature. They include a set of semicrystalline poly(ethylene-co-1-octene) thermoplastics (metalloceneLLDPEs) with low crystallinity, melting temperature, and various morphologies (i.e., pellets, films, and foams) and a set of cross-linked amorphous poly(1-decene-co-divinylbenzene) (x-D-DVB) elastomers with low cross-linking densities. The absorption study involves pure hydrocarbons (toluene and heptane), refined oil products (gasoline and diesel), and Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil. In addition, the Flory−Rehner theory is also applied to determine the network structure (i.e., crosslinking density and molecular weight between cross-links) and provide the structure−property relationships. In the good solvent (absorbate) condition, the absorption capacity is basically controlled by the network structure. The maximum absorption capacities of semicrystalline LLDPE and amorphous x-D-DVB elastomer with toluene can reach 35 and 43 times that of the polymer weight, respectively. However, in the mixed hydrocarbon conditions, the absorption profile is determined by a combination of absorbate composition and absorbent network structure and morphology. With a specific LLDPE foam, for the first time we have been able to achieve the absorption capacity of ANS crude oil >26 times.

INTRODUCTION Polymer sorbent technologies have been widely used in various application areas for decades.1−3 They involved either adsorption or absorption mechanisms.4,5 Adsorption only occurs on the surfaces of the substrate with the diffusion of the adsorbate into the interstices by capillary action. The adsorption capacity is linearly proportional to the specific surface area.6,7 The weak adsorbate−substrate interaction at the surfaces usually causes an easy rebleeding of the adsorbed molecules under a slight external force.8 With a limited sorption capacity and fast sorption−desorption kinetics, the adsorption process is found to be particularly suitable for analytical applications. However, many adsorbents with high surface areas are also used for various sorption (storage) applications, especially for gas molecules.9−13 On the other hand, the absorption mechanism happens not only on the surfaces but mostly inside the polymer matrix with an extensive polymer matrix swelling.14−16 To prevent the polymer dissolution in the solution, the polymer chains are usually cross-linked to form a network structure. As expected, this volume expansion offers significantly higher absorption capacity, suitable for liquid © XXXX American Chemical Society

storage applications. It is also relatively slow kinetics to reach the saturation level in most cases, except some superabsorbent hydrogels.17−21 The absorption capacity is generally proportional to the swelling ability of the absorbent polymer, which is controlled by a combination of the cross-linking density and the absorbate−substrate χ1-interaction parameter, as explained by Flory.22−26 It is fascinating to have observed hydrogels’ wide absorption capacity range, with some superabsorbent hydrogels (SAPs) able to absorb thousand times that of their polymer weight. Hydrogels have been utilized in a diverse range of applications, including personal care, biomedical, and agrochemical industries.27−30 Most of them are based around acrylate and cellulose polymers with hydrophilic (polar and ionic) moieties in the side chains.31−33 However, there are few papers that discuss the counterpart hydrophobic hydrocarbon (oil) absorbent polymers.34−36 During the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Received: June 10, 2016 Revised: July 19, 2016


DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01244 Macromolecules XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



applied to prepare LLDPE films. The LLDPE compressed film was prepared by compressing LLDPE pellets at 190 °C in a mold with a specific flat cavity and then cooling to room temperature. In the solution-casting process, LLDPE pellets (∼5 wt %) were dissolved in toluene solvent under elevated temperature conditions (∼100 °C) with agitation. The homogeneous solution was then cased onto a glass surface. After exposing in air (inside the hood) to remove most of the solvent, the polymer film formed was dried in a vacuum-oven at 70 °C for 24 h. LLDPE foaming process was carried out in a 50 mL stainless steel cylinder that was connected to a vacuum line. In a typical example, 2 g of LLDPE pellets (Tm ∼ 55 °C) was first placed in a beaker with the presence of hexane (physical blowing agent) at ambient temperature for overnight. The hexane-saturated LLDPE pellets were then removed and transferred into the cylinder before heating the cylinder to 65 °C, which is about 10 °C higher than the melting temperature of this LLDPE polymer. After pulling the vacuum in the cylinder to foam the polymer matrix, the resulting porous morphology was stabilized by exposing the resulting foam to air (ambient temperature and pressure). The foam morphology (bubble size and density) can be controlled by the amount of foaming agent and the operation condition. Figure S3 in the Supporting Information shows the pictures of LLDPE polymer before and after the foaming process. Synthesis of 1-Decene/Divinylbenzene (D-DVB) Copolymer. The polymerization reaction was conducted in a 300 mL stainless autoclave equipped with a mechanical stirrer. In a typical reaction, the reactor was initially charged with 50 mL of toluene, 10 mL of 1decene, and 0.5 mL of divinylbenzene (DVB) in an argon-filled drybox. The reactor was then sealed, moved from the drybox, and purged with nitrogen gas at 30 °C. About 0.101 g of TiCl3(AA) and 1 mL of AlCl2Et in 3 mL of toluene were stirred for about 20 min and then introduced under nitrogen pressure to the reactor in order to initiate the polymerization. After about 2 h, the reaction was terminated by adding 100 mL of dilute HCl solution in methanol to the reactor. The polymer was isolated by filtration and was washed completely with methanol and dried under vacuum for about 8 h. About 5.44 g of the D-DVB copolymer was obtained. The copolymer was completely soluble in common organic solvents, including toluene and decalin. Its molecular structure was determined by a combination of 1H NMR (Bruker AM-300 instrument in chloroform-d) and GPC measurements (a Waters 1515 isocratic HPLC pump with a Waters 2414 refractive index detector). The 1H NMR spectrum shows the composition of 1-decene/divinylbenzene mole ratio = 97.87/2.13, and the GPC curve indicates that the copolymer has an average molecular weight of about 450 kg/mol and a polydispersity index of about 3.5. Synthesis of Cross-Linked 1-Decene/Divinylbenzene (x-DDVB) Network. The resulting D-DVB copolymer was divided into 1/ 2 in. size particles and was heated in an oven at about 220 °C for 2 h to obtain the cross-linked 1-decene/divinylbenzene copolymer (x-DDVB). To remove any soluble fraction that was not fully cross-linked into the network structure, the x-D-DVB sample was subjected to a vigorous solvent extraction by refluxing toluene for 36 h. After drying at 120 °C in a vacuum for 8 h, the insoluble x-D-DVB fraction was weighed to determine the gel content. The gel content is a measure of the percent that the copolymer is cross-linked and is determined by dividing the weight of the dried and extracted insoluble x-D-DVB fraction over the weight of the dried D-DVB sample prior to crosslinking. Absorption Evaluation. Absorption tests were conducted following the standard method (ASTM F7260-6) using various oils. Typically, a piece of polyolefin copolymer with specific weight (W1) was put into a graduated cylinder. About 100 times the amount of hydrocarbon absorbate was added and then capped with a stopper. After 2 h at ambient temperature, the free hydrocarbon was poured out of the graduate cylinder, and the weight (W2) of absorbed material was determined. Hydrocarbon absorption capacity (A) was calculated by the weight ratio between the absorbed oil (W2 − W1) to the originally unabsorbed material (W1) using the equation A (g/g) = (W2 − W1)/W1 . In order to study swelling kinetics, the above measurements were carried out every 2 h for 1 day.

the Gulf of Mexico, had an oil superabsorbent polymer been available, spilled oil could have been selectively absorbed and recovered from the water. Despite the government’s “all hands on deck” approach to combat the spill, most methods were ineffective and manpower-intensive, some involving dispersants with unknown environmental consequences.37 Currently, commercially available oil-sorbent materials, involving the adsorption mechanism, demonstrate limited oil recovery capabilities and easy rebleeding. Most solutions are also unable to selectively absorb oil and wind up absorbing water.38−41 To achieve high oil absorption capacity, multiple reports showed that experiments involved highly diluted crude oils with solvents.42−44 The most common and inexpensive hydrophobic polymers are polyolefins, including polyethylene and polypropylene. The meltblown polyethylene and polypropylene pads and booms are used in small scale spilled oil cleanup. Because of the fibular morphology with high crystallinity, these polyolefin sorbents primarily exhibit an adsorption mechanism with a limited oil sorption capacity ( ANS oil. The refined oil products (toluene and diesel), with low molecular weight (low viscosity) and well-defined compositions, show better absorption capacity. ANS crude oil with a complex hydrocarbon mixture is significantly less effective, with the absorption capacity 55 °C and crystallinity > 16%) absorbs a very small amount of hydrocarbon solvents. The combination of some crystalline domains and dense morphology limits the swelling ability of the polymer, even containing >80% amorphous phase. However,

Scheme 1. Two Sets of Polyolefin Structures Used in This Absorbent Study

co-1-octene) copolymers (LLDPEs) with various melting temperatures and crystallinities and set (B) of amorphous poly(1-decene-co-divinylbenzene) (D-DVB) copolymers. In set A polymers, the partial crystallinity prevents the polymer from dissolving in hydrocarbons. On the other hand, the incorporated DVB units in set B polymers provide the crosslinking points for the amorphous polymers in forming the network structures. The morphology was further varied by foaming procedures to create the absorbent with various densities, which increases the surface area and shortens the diffusion path. In addition, to understand the network structure and the structure−property relationship, the Flory−Rehner theory was also applied to determine the cross-linking density and the average molecular weight between two fixed interchain links (crystalline domains in LLDPE and cross-linkers in x-DDVB) in the network structure. The absorbates involves pure hydrocarbons (hexane, cyclohexane, and toluene), refined oil products (gasoline, diesel, and petroleum oil), and Alaska North Slope crude oil (a complex mixture of hydrocarbons). Semicrystalline LLDPE Pellets. As discussed, semicrystalline PE and PP polymers with high crystallinity and a high melting temperature are not effective hydrocarbon sorbent materials with the adsorption mechanism. So, we chose a series of poly(ethylene-co-1-octene) random copolymers (set A) with low crystallinity and a low melting temperature. They are commercially available linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) thermoplastics with narrow molecular weight and composition distributions, prepared by a homogeneous single-

Figure 1. Absorption profiles for six ethylene/1-octene copolymer pellets with (left) toluene, (middle) diesel, and (right) ANS crude oil. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01244 Macromolecules XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Macromolecules Table 1. Summary of Hydrocarbon Absorption Capacity Using Several Ethylene/1-Octene Copolymers (Pellet Form)

absorption results (weight times)a

copolymer structures




side chain (mol %)

density (g/cm )

melting temp (°C)

crystallinity (%)



ANS oil

A-1-P A-2-P A-3-P A-4-P A-5-P A-6-P

4.3 5.1 7.4 8.4 8.9 9.4

0.909 0.897 0.875 0.870 0.868 0.865

106 95 75 55 55 47

36 28 20 18 16 12

0.21 0.31 2.10 3.47 6.69 17.38

0.16 0.27 0.78 1.84 2.87 7.62

0.18 0.20 1.11 1.09 1.82 2.52

Absorption capacity is based on the weight increase of the polymer after contacting with hydrocarbon for 24 h.

Figure 2. Absorption profiles for six ethylene/1-octene copolymer films with (left) toluene, (middle) diesel, and (right) ANS crude oil.

Figure 3. Absorption profiles of five ethylene/1-octene copolymer foams with (left) toluene, (middle) diesel, and (right) ANS crude oil.

there is a very narrow window in the LLDPE pellet composition (sample A-6-P), with the lowest melting temperature (47 °C) and crystallinity (12%) before becoming a soluble polymer, which shows a significant hydrocarbon absorption capacity, especially on low molecular weight organic solvents (>17 times on toluene). However, its ANS oil absorption capacity is quite low, about 2.5 times. Overall, the pellet form of LLDPE copolymers are not effective hydrocarbon absorbents. Semicrystalline LLDPE Films. Although there is limited absorption capacity in this semicrystalline morphology, these LLDPE copolymers are a good sample set for systematically studying the effect of morphology on absorption performance. It is interesting to consider methods to maximize the absorption kinetics and capacity by reducing the diffusion length and increasing the surface area. The same set of commercial LLDPE polymers were processed into films with the film thickness in the range of 200−300 μm by the solutioncasting method. Figure 2 shows their absorption profiles with toluene, diesel, and ANS crude oil for 24 h under ambient temperature. They are also following the general trend of

toluene > diesel > ANS oil. Comparing the three absorption profiles (Figure 1) for the corresponding pellet forms, all the LLDPE films show significantly fast kinetics, reaching the maximum oil absorption capacity in less than 4 h. Most of them, with the exception of two densest LLDPE polymer films (A-1-F and A-2-F), show significantly higher hydrocarbon absorption capacity than their corresponding pellet forms. Again, the A-6-F LLDPE film with the lowest density (0.865 g/ cm3) and thickness ∼250 μm shows the highest absorption capacityabout 35 times for toluene, 20 times for diesel, and 10 times for ANS crude oil. In addition, the resulting hydrocarbon-swelled LLDPE films exhibit very good mechanical strength and hydrocarbon (oil) retention, which are suitable for hydrocarbon (oil) storage and recovery applications. Note that a small density difference (0.909 g/cm3 in A-1F vs 0.865 g/cm3 in A-6-F) in the LLDPE films has a profound effect on their absorption capacities. In the A-6-F film, the combination of high side chain content (9.4 mol %), low crystallinity (12%), and small crystal size (Tm = 47 °C) must spontaneously form the continuous channels between the polymer chains, with higher free volume. This low-density D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01244 Macromolecules XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



oil with solvents shown in several papers. As expected, LLDPE does not absorb aqueous solutions. The resulting A-4-S, A-5-S, and A-6-S LLDPE foams (with low cost and easy processing) shall be suitable for oil spill recovery and cleanup that has been a challenging technology for decades, as we witnessed during the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It is interesting to further investigate the correlation between foam density (morphology) and hydrocarbon absorption capacity. LLDPE (A-5 copolymer) was then chosen to prepare a series of foams with various bulk density. As summarized in Table 3, a series of A-5-S LLDPE foams with the density from

morphology offers the favorable diffusion path and interaction with hydrocarbon molecules. Compared to the current state-ofthe-art meltblown polypropylene sorbent,46,47 which shows less than 10 times hydrocarbon sorption capacity and adsorption mechanism with easy rebleeding issues, this inexpensive LLDPE A-6-F film demonstrates significantly better performance. Semicrystalline LLDPE Foams. The results from the LLDPE film study have encouraged us to explode further modification of polymer morphology, reducing the bulk density and increasing the specific surface area. The open-cell foam (akin to a bath sponge) shall offer easy flow of the hydrocarbon liquid (absorbate) through the entire polymer matrix. The LLDPE pellet was first swelled with hexane solvent (foaming agent), and then the temperature was increased to about 10−15 °C higher than its Tm before pulling the vacuum to foam the polymer matrix. The resulting porous morphology was stabilized by exposing the resulting foam to air (ambient temperature and pressure). The foam morphology (bubble size and density) can be controlled by the foaming agent and operation condition. Preparing LLDPE foams with a density more than 10 times smaller than those of starting LLDPE pellets is reproducible. Figure 3 shows the absorption profiles of toluene, diesel, and ANS crude oil with five resulting LLDPE foams that have similar density (∼0.1 g/cm3). Table 2

Table 3. Hydrocarbon Absorption Capacity of the Ethylene/ 1-Octene Copolymer Foams absorption results (weight times after 24 h)

Table 2. Summary of Hydrocarbon Absorption Capacity of the LLDPE Films and Foams absorption results (weight times after 24 h) sample

density (g/cm3)



ANS oil

A-1-F A-2-F A-3-F A-4-F A-5-F A-6-F A-2-S A-3-S A-4-S A-5-S A-6-S

0.909 0.897 0.875 0.870 0.868 0.865 0.102 0.095 0.092 0.105 0.111

0.3 0.4 3.8 17.6 21.8 36.2 7.8 25.1 26.7 26.5 25.8

0.2 0.2 2.3 6.2 11.1 20.4 5.2 21.2 23.5 23.4 23.9

3.7 3.2 4.8 7.0 7.9 11.8 3.8 17.7 21.4 21.3 22.8


LLDPE foam density (g/cm3)



ANS oil

A-5-P (pellet) A-5-F (film) A-5-S1 A-5-S2 A-5-S3 A-5-S4 A-5-S5 A-5-S6

0.868 0.868 0.405 0.254 0.177 0.143 0.122 0.081

6.69 21.8 14.7 16.8 18.7 20.2 21.2 30.2

2.87 11.1 18.5 21.3 22.7 23.8 24.2 33.8

1.82 7.92 11.3 14.2 16.8 18.9 20.2 26.6

0.405 to 0.081 g/cm3 were compared with the corresponding A-5-P pellet and A-5-F film forms. The hydrocarbon (oil) absorption capacity and kinetics are strongly influenced by the porous morphology; the lower the material density, the higher the absorption capacity. In the A-5-S6 sample, the density was reduced to less than one-tenth of the original bulk density, and this foam shows very high absorption capacity with all hydrocarbons. Comparing ANS crude oil absorption capacity in the same LLDPE (A-5) copolymer but three different forms, i.e., pellet (A-5-P), film (A-5-F), and foam (run A-5-S6), the experimental results clearly indicate the advantage of porous morphology, especially for absorbing the complex (viscous) crude oils. Amorphous Polyolefin Elastomer Networks. In searching for the hydrocarbon superabsorbents, we have also studied amorphous polyolefins, without any crystalline domains that prevent polymer dissolution but also reduce the overall absorption capacity. To prevent dissolution in hydrocarbons, the amorphous polyolefins were cross-linked to form an insoluble network structure. Because of the fact of the absorption capacity reversely proportional to the cross-linking density, we were targeting on the amorphous network with a very low cross-linking density. As illustrated in Scheme 2, we employed 1-decene which has a comparative comonomer reactivity with divinylbenzene (DVB) cross-linker48,49 during the Ziegler−Natta catalyst mediated copolymerization, which forms high molecular weight polymer chain with a uniform copolymer structure. The combination is essential in forming a complete network structure with a very low DVB cross-linker content. In addition, poly(1-decene) is a polymer with high entangle molecular weight and spontaneously forms low density material with high free volume,50 due to the long side chain in each monomer unit. They are also very beneficial in cross-linking reaction and absorption kinetics (discussed later).

compares the density and absorption capacity of all resulting LLDPE film and foam samples. With the exception of sample A-2-S with relatively high crystallinity and Tm, all other LLDPE foams show a marked improvement in both absorption capacity and kinetics. The A-6-S foam saturated with toluene become too weak to be fully recovered, resulting in a slightly reduced absorption capacity. The absorption profiles also merged into a similar pattern with fast kinetics, reaching about 20 times the absorption capacity in 2 h and were completely saturated within 5 h. It was a pleasant surprise to have observed similar profile patterns independently between three very different hydrocarbons that include pure solvent (toluene), refined oil product (diesel), and complex crude (ANS oil). The results indicate the importance of reducing the diffusion path into the polymer matrix and high surface area for absorbing viscous and complex mixture of hydrocarbons, especially for complex and viscous hydrocarbons. This is the first experimental result to demonstrate the absorbent with >20 times the crude oil absorption capacity, without the requirement of diluting crude E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01244 Macromolecules XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Macromolecules Scheme 2. Synthesis of D-DVB Copolymer and the Subsequent Cross-Linking Reaction To Form x-D-DVB Network

Table 4. Summary of Copolymerization and Subsequent Cross-Linking Results polymerization conditionsa


polymerization results


1-decene/DVB (mL/mL)

temp/time (°C/h)

yield (%)

density (g/cm3)

1-decene/DVB (mol %)

x-linkingb (%)

B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6

10/0.5 10/0.3 10/0.2 10/0.1 10/0.05 10/0.02

25/3 25/3 25/3 25/3 25/1 25/1

69 90 95 91 84 92

0.872 0.872 0.872 0.872 0.872 0.872

97.87/2.13 97.89/2.11 98.06/1.94 98.66/1.34 99.34/0.66 99.40/0.60

100 100 100 100 94 93

Ziegler−Natta catalyst: TiCl3.AA/AlEt2Cl; solvent: 50 mL of toluene. bInsoluble fraction after solvent extraction.

Figure 4. 1H NMR spectrum of poly(1-decene-co-divinylbenzene) copolymer (run B-1).

(>106 g/mol). Figure 4 shows a typical 1H NMR spectrum of D-DVB copolymer (run B-1). There is a triplet chemical shift centered at 0.8 ppm, corresponding to CH3 in the 1-decene units, and a band of aliphatic proton chemical shifts between 0.9 and 1.7 ppm, corresponding to CH2 and CH in the polymer backbone and side chains. In the expanded region, there are three minor bands around 5.2 and 5.7 ppm (CHCH2) and 6.7 ppm (CHCH2), corresponding to the vinyl groups in the pendent styrene groups (after monoenchainment of DVB units). There is also a broad aromatic (C6H4) proton band between 6.9 and 7.4. The peak intensity ratios indicate that the mole ratio of vinyl group to phenyl group is near unity. All resulting D-DVB copolymers were completely soluble in common hydrocarbon solvents, such as toluene, at ambient temperature. The resulting D-DVB copolymer solids were divided into about 1/4 in. sized particles and then heated at 220 °C under N2 for 2 h to form the corresponding cross-linked x-D-DVB samples. They were subjected to a vigorous solvent extraction by refluxing toluene for 36 h to examine any soluble fraction

In a typical copolymerization, a specific monomer mixture was introduced into a reactor containing Ziegler−Natta catalyst and toluene solvent. The polymerization was carried out under a N2 atmosphere with constant agitation. After certain reaction time and a specific reaction temperature, the reaction was terminated by adding isopropanol; then the coagulated polymer was washed, dried, and weighted. All resulting copolymers were examined by 1H NMR and GPC to determine their copolymer compositions and molecular weights. Most of polymers were then thermally cross-linked at 220 °C to form the corresponding network structures (C). Table 4 summarizes the copolymerization conditions and results as well as the subsequent thermal cross-linking efficiencies based on the gel contents. The traditional Ziegler−Natta catalyst (i.e., TiCl3(AA)/AlCl2Et; AA: activated by aluminum) shows an effective incorporation of 1-decene and monoenchainment of DVB to form poly(1-decene-co-divinylbenzene) (D-DVB) copolymers with various DVB cross-linker contents and excellent catalyst activity in all copolymerization runs. The GPC curve shows a high molecular weight copolymer F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01244 Macromolecules XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



Figure 5. Absorption profiles for six 1-decene/DVB copolymers with (left) toluene, (middle) diesel, and (right) ANS crude oil.

Table 5. Summary of Hydrocarbon Absorption Capacity of x-D-DVB Copolymers absorption capacity (weight times)a



1-decene/DVB (mol %)






ANS oil

B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6

97.87/0/2.13 97.89/0/2.11 98.06/0/1.94 98.66/0/1.34 99.34/0/0.66 99.40/0/0.60

14.9 20.6 21.2 29.8 32.3 43.4

13.1 17.7 19.6 28.4 31.7 34.4

12.4 19.9 18.6 22.0 24.4 35.2

11.8 18.1 18.5 24.8 25.3 33.8

6.9 8.8 8.9 12.3 13.2 12.8

9.3 7.7 6.7 7.4 7.5 7.5

Absorption capacity is based on the weight increase of the polymer after contacting with hydrocarbon for 24 h.

that was not fully cross-linked. As shown in Table 4, most samples with >1 mol % DVB content show no detectable soluble fraction, indicating an efficient cross-linking reaction to form the network structure. Two samples (runs B-5 and B-6) with very low cross-linking density show minor weight loss, which may be partially due to the very soft gel particles that cause some fragmentation and loss during the extraction process. Overall, it implies that the thermally induced Diels− Alder [2 + 4] cycloaddition reactions happened between two pendent styrene units from two adjacent polymer chains under the solid state conditions.51,52 The combination of the long entangle molecular weight of poly(1-decene), minimizing the possible intrachain cycloaddition reactions between two adjacent DVB units in the same D-DVB polymer chain, and the narrow composition distribution and high DVB reactivity shall also increase the cross-linking efficiency and reduce the unreacted DVB units. As will be discussed, we also apply the Flory−Rehner theory to determine the network structures. Figure 5 compares the absorption kinetic profiles of all x-DDVB amorphous networks with three representative hydrocarbons, i.e., toluene (solvent), diesel (refined oil product), and ANS crude oil (complex mixtures). Table 5 summarizes the absorption capacity results with various hydrocarbons after coming in contact for 24 h. The absorption behaviors are very different between pure organic solvents and complex hydrocarbon mixtures. Toluene is a good solvent and can effectively diffuse into the amorphous network structure. The absorption capacity is inversely proportional to the cross-linking density, and the absorption capacity can reach to >40 times for the most lightly cross-linked x-D-DVB copolymer (run B-6). On the other hand, in both diesel and ANS oil cases, the absorption profiles do not follow the cross-linking density, and all curves nearly merge into one during the ANS oil absorption, indicating the diffusion difficulty in the dense morphology with a long diffusion path. When comparing the absorption profiles in Figures 1 and 5, both involve similar dense particle forms but

different morphologies (semicrystalline LLDPE vs amorphous x-D-DVB networks). The general slow absorption kinetic patterns are very similar in all three representative hydrocarbons, but the amorphous x-D-DVB network shows higher absorption capacity than the semicrystalline LLDPE. Evidently, the crystalline domains in LLDPE cannot contribute to the absorption activity and reduce the overall capacity. Unfortunately, the combination of low-Tg amorphous (soft) material and naturally tacky property of x-D-DVB properties does not allow us to prepare the corresponding film or foam absorbents, following the same strategy used in the semicrystalline LLDPE cases. Calculation of Network Structures. The experimental results clearly show a complex structure−property relationship in the Petrogel network system with a relatively week absorbent−absorbate interaction and strong morphology effects. As shown in eq 1, the Flory−Rehner equation is commonly used to characterize the polymer network structure with cross-linking density (ρc) and average molecular weight (Mc) between two cross-links. The calculation is based on the equilibrium swelling network with a good solvent, in which the free energy of mixing between the polymer and solvent is against the free energy of elastic response from the polymer network, wherein υ2 is the volume fraction of the polymer in the swollen mass, χ1 is the Flory polymer−solvent interaction parameter, and V1 is the molar volume of the solvent. Rearranging eq 1 and introducing polymer density (σ1) give the final expression for the cross-linking density (ρc) and molecular weight (Mc) between cross-links, shown in eq 2. −[ln(1 − υ2) + υ2 + χ1 υ2 2] = V1ρc (υ21/3 − υ2 /2)


σ1/Mc = ρc = − [ln(1 − υ2) + υ2 + χ1 υ2 2]/V1(υ21/3 − υ2 /2) (2)

Based on the experimental results in Table 5, toluene (V1 = 106.3 cm3 mol−1) is a good solvent for x-D-DVB copolymers, G

DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01244 Macromolecules XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Macromolecules and the polymer volume fraction (υ2) in the equilibrium toluene-swollen network can be computed by the absorption capacity with the mass densities of the polymer (σ1 = 0.872 g/ cm3) and solvent (σ2 = 0.867 g/cm3). If one knows the Flory χ1 polymer−solvent interaction parameter, the values of ρc and Mc can be determined.53 However, the determination of the χ1 value, including both entropy (χS) and enthalpy (χH) contributions, is far from perfect. For the x-D-DVB/toluene interaction, the χH value is related to the heat of mixing and can be calculated by χH = (V1/RT)(δs − δp)2, wherein the solubility parameter of toluene δs = 18.2 MPa1/2 and solubility parameter of poly(1-decene) δp = 16.6 MPa1/2.54 However, the χS entropy parameter, associated with the dispersion forces, is a mean semiempirical value 0.34 (with the largest deviation of 0.15) in the nonpolar−nonpolar system. The branched polymer structure usually possesses a considerably lower χS value. In this highly branched D-DVB copolymer structure, we adopted the low end of χS = 0.19 with the calculated χ1 = 0.31 that is in consistent with the reported Flory interaction parameter in other polyolefin−toluene systems.50,55 Table 6 summarizes the Table 6. Calculated ρc and Mc Values in the Toluene-Swollen x-D-DVB Networks




χ1 range

ρca (×10−6 mol/cm3)

B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6

0.0663 0.0460 0.0447 0.0322 0.0298 0.0224

0.31−0.46 0.31−0.46 0.31−0.46 0.31−0.46 0.31−0.46 0.31−0.46

23.4 12.0 11.4 6.39 5.58 3.39

Mc (×103 g/mol)a

1-decene units/ cross-linka

37 72 76 136 156 256

264 514 730 971 1114 1828

Figure 6. Plots of toluene absorption capacity vs (top) cross-linking density (ρc) and (bottom) the average molecular weight (Mc) between two cross-links in the x-D-DVB networks.

Calculated values by using χ1 = 0.31 value.

crystalline domain can serve as a cross-linking point. As discussed, the nonswellable crystalline domains maintain the structure integrity while allowing the amorphous domains to be swollen by a good solvent, such as toluene. The combination of the equilibrium toluene absorption capacity shown in Figure 2 and the density of polymer (σ1) and toluene (σ2 = 0.867 g/ cm3) allows us to determine the υ2 value (volume fraction of the polymer in the swollen mass). With the reported χ1 = 0.34 for the LLDPE−toluene interaction parameter,55 we apply the same eq 2 to estimate the density of crystalline domains (ρc) and the average molecular weight (Mc) between two crystalline domains in the LLDPE polymers. The results are summarized in Table 7. Figure 7 plots the absorption capacity vs crystalline domain density (ρc) and the average molecular weight (Mc) between two crystalline domains. As expected, the relatively high crystallinity (36%) in the A-1 sample results in high ρc and low Mc values, indicating a tight network structure with low swelling capacity. With the

estimated ranges of the χ1 parameter using χ1 = χS + (V1/ RT)(δs − δp)2 with the range of χS values between 0.19 and 0.34. However, the cross-linking density (ρc), average molecular weight (Mc), and the corresponding 1-decene units between two cross-links are calculated based on the χ1 = 0.31 value. The experimental results in Table 6 indicate that only a small fraction of DVB units (35% in B-1 and 18% in B-6) in the DDVB copolymers involve the interchain cross-linking reactions, and the cross-linking efficiency decreases with the decrease of the DVB cross-linker content in the D-DVB copolymer. Figure 6 plots the toluene absorption capacity vs cross-linking density (ρc) and the average molecular weight (Mc) between two crosslinks. The absorption capacity exponentially decreases with the increase of cross-linking density and is linearly increased with the increase of molecular weight (Mc). It is interesting to note the relatively low cross-linking density in most cases, especially for the B-6 sample with an average of only four cross-links per polymer chain and about 1828 repeating 1-decene units between two cross-links. The combination of high polymer molecular weight and the uniform distribution of the DVB comonomer units is essential in forming this highly swellable (but not soluble) network structure with the lowest crosslinking density possible. The B-6 sample may reach the optimal x-D-DVB network structure that can absorb toluene (good solvent) up to about 43 times its weight at ambient temperature. It is interesting to extend this network structure calculation to the semicrystalline LLDPE polymer system, in which each

Table 7. Calculated ρc and Mc Values in the Toluene-Swollen LLDPE Copolymers



σ1 (g/cm3)

V1 (cm3/mol)



ρc (×10−6 mol/cm3)

Mc (×103 g/mol)

A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6

0.909 0.897 0.875 0.870 0.868 0.865

106.3 106.3 106.3 106.3 106.3 106.3

0.67 0.62 0.23 0.05 0.04 0.03

0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34

4982.7 3759.5 252.8 12.1 8.1 4.8

0.18 0.24 3.46 71.64 106.87 177.48

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links (or crystalline domains). With toluene (good solvent) condition, we observed the equilibrium absorption capacity of 35 and 43 times of the polymer weight for LLDPE and x-DDVB systems, respectively. The slight difference may be due to the fact that LLDPE contains some nonswellable crystalline domains. Overall, the key factor impacting the absorption capacity is the cross-linking density (ρc) and the associated average molecular weight (Mc) between two cross-links. However, the trend does not follow with more complicate hydrocarbon mixtures, especially crude oils. Most of ANS oil absorption curves are collapsed into a low absorption profile, with 26 times at ambient temperature.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01244. Structure and property of LLDPE copolymers and ANS crude oil and the foaming process from LLDPE pellets to LLDPE foam (PDF)

Figure 7. Plots of toluene absorption capacity vs (top) crystalline domain density (ρc) and (bottom) the average molecular weight (Mc) between two crystalline domains in LLDPEs.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail [email protected] (T.C.M.C.).

systematical decrease of crystallinity in LLDPE samples, the material becomes softer (expandable) with the reduction of nonswellable domains and the increase of Mc molecular weight in the amorphous phase. Evidently, the A-6 sample may reach to the structure limit, in which the 12% crystallinity still can provide the absorbent material integrity while allowing toluene swelling in its matrix to the maximum capacity (35 times by weight) at ambient temperature. In fact, both ρc and Mc values approach similar values in both A-6 and B-6 samples, along with the toluene absorption capacity (35 vs 43 times). Considering the size and volume fraction of crystalline domains in LLDPE are always larger than the those of DVB cross-linking units in xD-DVB, it is logical to expect that the amorphous polymer will always exhibit higher absorption capacity with good solvent under equilibrium condition.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), U.S. Department of the Interior, under Contract E14PC00002.


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