Petroleum Chemistry - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Subjects covered in this first volume include fuel sources and trends, crystallization, superfractionation, paraffin alleviation, cataly...
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BOOKS Petroleum Chemistry **Advanees in Petroleum Chemistry and Refining** is t h e first of a n e w series of books whose purpose it is to review and evaluate new developments in petroleum refining a n d in petrochemicals. As conceived by the editors, t h e industry m a y be divided into five main sections: economics and future b e n d s , unit operations and d e sign, refining processes, petrochemicals, and mechanical equipment. Each year, topics are to b e chosen from each of these sections and presented in the sequence shown. Subjects covered in this first volume include fuel sources a n d trends, crystallization, superfractionation, paraffin alleviation, catalytic reforming, solvent refining, the oxo process, and an excellent chapter on solid polymers from surface catalysts. T h e editors, with the aid of a fine editorial advisory board, have chosen authors who are experts on each of the 12 topics treated in this volume, and these authors have in turn presented their material in understandable, comprehensive form. Each chapter contains both general and specific information and concludes with a helpful list of pertinent literature references. While the general information is both interesting a n d instructive, t h e specific data a n d examples do most to increase t h e usefulness of books such as this. In the struggle t o keep abreast of a rapidly changing a n d expanding technology, this series promises to be a n excellent new aid. If t h e forthcoming volumes maintain t h e standard set b y this first volume, t h e series should find wide acceptance in the industry. Advances

in P e t r o l e u m


a n d Refining. Vol. 1. KEXNETH A. KOBE, JOHN J. M C K E T T A , J R . , edi-

tors, xv -f- 641 pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, N . Y. 1958. S13.50. Reviewed by Robert C. Jagel, Sun Oil Co., Marcus Hook, P a .

y Amercian



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acetic acid, PH4.100-1958; acetic acid, 2S«fr solution, PH4.106-1958; anhydrous sodium acetate, PH4.176-1958; copper sulfate, PH4. ISO-1958; potassium dichromate, PH4.300-1958; potassium permanganate, PH4.301 -1958; and potassium ferricyanide, PH4.302195S. Cost is 2 5 cents each. Write to American Standards Association, Inc., 70 East 45th St., N e w York 17, Ν . Υ. • Physics in Industry and M o n o g r a p h s for Students series of the Institute of Physics (London) can now b e obtained from Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., N e w York 22, Nf. Y.

Papers given at the Conference on I Ientoglobin, May 2—3, 1957, held under the auspices of the National Academy of Sci­ ences—National Research Council with the support of the National Heart Institute. Symposium oil Composition of Petroleum Oils. 288 pages. American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St.» Philadelphia 3, Pa. 1958. $5.50. Papers on separation, analysts, and data correlation in determining the composition of petroleum oils. Symposium oil Determination of Cases in Metals. 59 pages. American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila­ delphia 3, Pa. 1958. $2.25. Papers and discussion on the determination of gases in metals given at ASTNfs 16th annual meeting at Atlantic City, N . J., June 18, 1957. Fundamentals

of Papemiaking



χ -+- 487 pages.

British Paper and Board Makers* Asso­ ciation, Inc., St. Winifred's, Welcomes Road, Kenley, Surrey, England. 1958. 3£.15s. Papers given in an international symposium on Fundamental Aspects -of Fibers and Their Treatment for Papemiaking, held at Cambridge, Sept. 1957, under auspices of • American Institute of Physics, in co­ the British Paper & Board Makers* Associa­ operation with the American Crystal- tion. lographic Association, offers complete Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals Standards. English translation of the Russian bi­ Vol. 2. 444 pages. Chemapol, Techni­ cal Dept., Panska 9, Prague 3 , Czecho­ monthly journal Soviet Physics—Crystal­ slovakia. 1957. Free on request. lography. With the help of the Ameri­ Chemical reagent standards adopted by the can Astronomical Society, A1P also of­ Czechoslovak State Office for Inventions fers English translations of Soviet and Standardization. Astronomy—A], Write t o American Recommended Methods for the Analysis of Trade Effluents. Society for Analyti­ Crystallographic Association, 335 East cal Chemistry, xii -f- 124 pages. W. 45th St., New York 1 7 , Ν . Υ. lleffer & Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, Eng­ land. 1958. 42s. Methods for analyzing sewage and sewageworks effluents approved by a joint com­ mittee of the Association of the British Vjiiuniuciiu Maïîuiactuïcïâ «ΗΚι tîis Society for Analytical Chemistry. The Phvsics of Rubber Elasticity. 2nd ed. L. R." G. TKELOAR.

342 pages.


Chromatographisehe Methoden in der analytischen und praparativen anor-

ganischen Chemie. E. BLASIUS. XX -fUniversity Press, 114 Fifth Ave., New 370 pages. Ferdinand Enke Verlag York 11, X. Y. 1958. $6.40. (14a), Stuttgart-W, Hasenbergsteige 3, This edition on the statistical theory of Germany. 1958. 99 ΌΜ. rubber elasticity includes new material on swelling, crystallization and photo-elastic Chromatographic methods in t h e analysis properties, and the phenomenological and preparation of inorganic chemicals. theory of large elastic deformations. Vinyl Resins· W . MAYO SMITH, vii -f 282 pages. Reinhold Publishing Corp., Structure of Glass. 291 pages. Consult­ 430 Park Ave., New York 22, Ν. Υ. ants Bureau, Inc., 227 West 17th St., 1958. $5.75. New York I I , N. Y. 1958. $20. Proceedings of a conference on glass strac- Types, properties* chemistry, manufacture ture at Leningrad, Nov. 23 to 27, 1953. and fabrication, and applications of vinyl Papers translated from Russian. resins. Proceedings of the Congress on Modern Paperbound Analytical Chemistry in Industry. Scot­ tish Section of the Society for Analytical Isotopes: A Bibliography of U. S. Re­ search and Application 1955-Ί957. J. Chemistry, vii -f- 244 pages. W. Heifer A. MCCOKMIOK, vi -f- 261 pages. U. S. & Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, England. Atomic Energv Commission, Washington 1958. $5.88. 25, D. C. 19'58. $2.25. Papers given at the Congress on Modern Analytical Chemistry in Industry held at Thermonuclear Processes. the University of St. Andrews, June 24 to Controlled THOMAS \V. SCOTT, viii -f- 26 pages. 28, 1957. Congress organized by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Scottish Section of the Society for Analyti­ Washington 25, D. C. 1958. $1.00. cal Chemistry.

Conference on Hemoglobin, xiii -\~ 303 Manual of Analytical Methods. American pages. National Acad|my of SciencesConference of Governmental Industrial National Research Council, 2101 Con­ Hygienists. vii + 49 pages. ACGIH, stitution Ave., Washington, D. C. 1958. 1014 Broadway, Cincinnati 2, Ohio. $3.00. 1958. $5.00.