Pfizer bulletins on polymer intermediates are almost as useful as

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Pfizer bulletins on polymer intermediates are almost as useful as Pfizer intermediates. Try a free sample. ITACONIC ACID. Pfizer is the only do­ mestic producer of this organic intermediate, a product with special crossCH, -- C—COOH linking properties so useful I CH; COOH in resin formulation. It has low toxicity and its unique beta-carboxyl group adds adhesion, solubility and stability to copolymers. We also have other itaconic monomers—dimethyl and dibutyl—commercially available. BENZOIC ACID. A useful resin inter­ mediate—sodium salt is an antimycotic and anticorrosive compound for paints and textiles.

FUMARIC ACID. A prime monomer in alkyd or polyester resins and resin adducts manu­ facture. You can depend on HCCOOH Pfizer for a steady, ample HOOCCH supply of Fumaric Acid. Because we are in the busin e s s of m a k i n g o n l y Fumaric Acid as a major product, not Fumaric a n d / o r maleic anhydride "depending upon the market." SORBITOL. Useful as a polymer inter­ media teand plasOH H OH OH tics additive. I I I I H O C H ^ - C — C — C—C—CH,OH Available in liq­ I I I I uid and many dry H OH H H forms. We'd be happy to send samples. And technical data. Just mail the coupon.

TEKCHEM Pfizer Inc. 'Chemicals Division r 235 East 42nd Street r New York, N.Y. 10017 Please send literature Π and/or samples • Itaconic Acid Π Benzoic Acid Π Fumaric Acid Π Sorbitol-Dry Π Liquid Π 'Name Company Address_


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