Pharmaceuticalsand Related Drugs C. A. Janicki," R. K. Gilpin, E. S. Moyer, R. H. Almond, Jr., and R. H. Erlich Research Division, McNeil Laboratories, Inc.,
Washington, Pa. 19034
This review surveys analytical methodology and subjects related to pharmaceutical analysis that appeared in Chemical Abstracts ( C A ) or Analytical Abstracts ( A A ) during the period between June 1974 and June 1976. The authors were selective and attempted to cite only those references that appeared to be significant and appeared in easily accessible journals. It is not as encompassing as the previous Pharmaceutical Review in 1975. The bibliography is divided into nine sections with separate numbering of each. The sections are Alkaloids (A), Antibiotics (B), Inorganic and Metal Containing Compounds (l),Sulfur Containing Compounds (S),Nitrogen and Oxygen Containing Compounds (N), Steroids (R), Vitamins (V), Formulations and Mixture (F),and New Techniques (T).Each citation in the bibliography contains the complete title in English as BIBLIOGRAPHY ALKALOIDS General (A 1) Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Sterols, Alkaloids, and Other Drugs Using Steam as the Mobile Phase. Baydarovtseva, M. A,, Rudenko, 8. A,, Kucherov, V. F., Kuleshova, M. I., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104,277-281, (A2) Ligand Exchange Chromatography of Alkaloids. Murgia, E., Walton, H. F., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104,417-424. (A3) Fluorescence Derivatisation for Trace Determination of Some Alkaloids and Adrenaline. Nachtmann, F.,Spitzy, H., Frei, R. W., Anal. Chim. Acta., 1975, 76, 57-64. (A4) Charge Transfer Complexes in Alkaloid Assay. Taha, A. M., Ahmad, A. K. S., Gomaa, C. S., El-Fatatry, H. M.. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 18531857. (A5) SpectrophotofluorometricDetermination of Alkaloids Containing a Tertiary Amine Group. Thomas, A. D., Talanta, 1975, 22, 865-869. Cannabis Alkaloids (A6) High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Cannabinoids as Their Fluorescent Dansyl Derivatives. Abbott, S. R., Abu-Shumays. A,. Loeffler;K. O., Forrest, I. S., Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol., 1975, IO, 9-19. (A7) Identification of Synthetic Cannabinoids by Gas Chromatography. Bailey, K., Legault, D., Verner, D., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 263-266. (A8) Rapid Thermo-micro Thin-Layer Chromatographic Procedure for the Identification of Cannabinoids in Marihuana. Chiesa, E. P., Rodeina, R. V. D., Coussio, J. D., J. Chromatogr. 1973, 87, 298-299. (A9) Fluorescence of Cannabinoids. Dionyssiou, A. A,, Miras, C. J.. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 135- 137. (A10) Determination of Ag-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Blood by Electron-Capture Gas Chromatography. Fenimore, D. C., Freeman, R. R., Loy, P. R., Anal. Chem., 1973,45,2331-2335. (A1 1) Gas Chromatography of Cannabis Constituents. Fish, F., Chromatographia, 1974, 7, 311-315. (A12) Use of Trimethylsilyl and Other Homologous Trialkylsilyl Derivatives for the Separation and Characterisation of Mono- and Di-Hydroxycannabinoids by Combined Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. Harvey, D. J., Paton, W. D. M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 73-80. (A13) Detection of Ag-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Saliva of Men by Thin-Layer Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. Just, W. H., Filipovic, M., Werner, G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 96, 189-194. (A14) Decomposition of Cannabidiol in Chloroform Solution. Parker, J. M., Borke, M. L., Block, L.
provided by C A or AA. The abbreviation, ibid., has not been used. Translated titles as provided by CA or A A are used for papers in language other than English. T o compensate for the space required by the titles, the text has been kept brief. The titles are considered part of the text and must be scanned to obtain the full value of the review. Sections are divided either according to compound type where convenient, or by the analytical method used.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge the contribution of their employers to this project. In addition, the special efforts of Ms. Susan H. Greger and Ms. Roseann Gramlich are gratefully acknowledged.
H., Cochran, T. G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 970971. (A15) Review of Gas Liquid Chromatography of Marihuana. Parker, J. M., Stembal, E. L., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 888-892. (A16) Mass Fragmenographic Assay for A9Tetrahydrocannabinol in Plasma. Rosenfled, J. J., Bowins, B., Roberts, J., Perkins, J., MacPherson, A. S., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 2232-2234. (A17) Development of a Radioimmunoassay for Tetrahydrocannabinol in Plasma. Teale, J. D., Forman, E. J., King, L. J., Marks, V., Proc. SOC.Anal. Chem., 1974, 11, 219-220. (A18) Separation and Identification of the Constituents of Hashish (from Cannabis lndica L.) by Thin-Layer Chromatography and Its Application in Forensic Analysis. Tewari, S. N., Harpalani, S. P., and Sharma, S. C., Mikrochim. Acta, 1974, 6, 991-995. (A19) Constituents of Cannabis Sativa L. VII. Use of Silyl Derivatives in Routine Analysis. Turner, C. E., Hadley, K. W., Henry, J., Mole, M. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1872-1876. (A20) Studies in Laboratory Use Reagents. 111. Simple Thin-Layer Chromatographic System for the Separation of Cannabinoids. Vinson, J. A,, Hooyman, J. E., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 196-199.
Sapogenins (A26) Thin-Layer Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Sapogenins from the Digitalis Species. Evans, F. J., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 166-168. Glycoalkaloids (A27) Estimation of Glycoalkaloids as Soiascdine in Solanum Laciniatum. Karawya, M. S., Ghourab, M. G., Elrakhawy, F. H., J. ASSOC.Off. Anal. Chem., i975,5a, 528-529. INDOLE ALKALOIDS
Ergonovine (A28) Semiautomated Analysis of Ergonovine Maleate or Methylergonovine Maleate Tablets and Injections by Colorimetric and Fluorometric Systems. Kirchhoefer, R. D., Wells, C. E., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975,58,879-883. (A29) Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Ergonovine Maleate. Sondack, D. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 584-587. (A30) Thin-Layer Chromatographic Separation and Identification of Diastereoisomers of D-Ergometrine Maleate. Sondack, D. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1141-1143.
General Methods
(A21) Simplified Fluorimetric Method for the Determination of Digitalis Alkaloids. Naik, D. V., Groover, J. S., Schulrnan, S. C., Anal. Chim. Acta., 1975, 74,29-33.
(A31) Ergot Alkaloids. II. Determination of Agroclavine by Gas Liquid Chromatography. Barrow, K. D., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 105, 393-395. General
Cardenolides (A22) New Thin-Layer Densitometric Technique for the Assay of Cardenolides from Digitalis Purpurea. Evans, F. J., Flemons, P. A., Duignan, C. F., Cowley, P. S., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88, 341346. Digitoxin (A23) Determination of Digitoxin in Pharmaceutical Oral Dosages by Automatic Discrete-Sample Analysis. Ramirez-Munoz, J., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 73, 167-172. Digitoxigenin (A24) High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Digitoxigenin and its Glycosides. Evans, F. J., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88, 41 1-412. Dlgoxln (A25) Specific Fluorimetric Determination of Digoxin. Brittin, A. Z.,Njau, E., Anal. Chim. Acta., 1975,76,409-415.
(A32) Direct Quantitative Evaluation of Thin-Layer Chromatograms by Remission and Fluorescence Measurements. IV. Determination of Ergot Alkaloids in Medicaments and Ergot by Fluorescence Measurements. Eich, E., Schunack, W., Pianta Med., 1975, 27, 58-64. (A33) Fluorimetric Assay of Ergotamine. Hooper, W. D., Sutherland, J. M., Eadie, M. J., Tyrer, J. H., Anal. Chim. Acta., 1974, 69, 11-17. (A34) Analytical Studies on Ergot Alkaloids and Their Derivatives. I. Separation of Alkaloids of Ergotoxine and Ergotamine Groups by Thin-Layer Chromatography. Reichelt, J., Kudrnac, S., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 433-436. (A35) Quantitative Measurements of Mixtures of Hallucinogens by Fluorimetry and Phosphorimetry. Fabrick, D. M.. Winefordner, J. D., Taianta, 1973, 20, 1220-1223. (A36) Preliminary Investigation of the Use of High Pressure Liquid Chromatography for the Separation of (Plant) Indole Alkaloids. Kinoston. D. G. I..Li. B. T., 'J. Chromatogr., 1975, 10q-43 1-437. (A37) Identification of Indole Alkaloids by ThinLayer Chromatography. Use of a Glyoxylic Acid
Casimlr A. Janicki is Section Head of the Analytical Pharmacy Section in the Pharmacy Research Department at McNeil Laboratories. He received his B.S. degree in chemistry from LaSalle College, Philadelphia, and his M.S. degree in analytical chemistry from Marquette University. He was employed as an Analytical Chemist at Smith Kline & French Laboratories in the Analytical & Physical Chemistry Section from 1957-60, and was awarded the Karr Fellowship from Smith Kline & French Laboratories for graduate studies in 1960. Dr. Janicki obtained his Ph D degree in analytical chemistry from Loyola University, Chicago, and joined McNeil Laboratories in 1963 as a Senior Research Chemist. He is presently responsible for analytical research and development as well as designing of stability studies for pharmaceuticals His most recent studies include the application of high pressure liquid chromatography to pharmaceutical analysis and thermal methods for assessing the purity of pharmaceuticals. Dr. Janicki is a member of the American Pharmaceutical Association and the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Ernest S. Moyer is a senlor research chemist in the Basic Pharmacy Section at McNeil Laboratories Inc.. Fon Washington. Pa. He received his B.S. degree from Juniata College in 1967 and the Ph.D. degree in Analyttcal Chemistry from West Virginia University in 1970. Dr. Moyer was associated with the Celanese Research Corporation from 1970- 1972 as a chemlst working in the area of analytical polymer characterization. From 1972-1974 he was associated with Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation in the Division of Chemical Research. His research interests nave been in analytical cnemistry, pharmacebtical chemistry. polymer chemistry. an0 biological sciences. He is the co-abthor of several publications and has co-authoreo chapters in ' Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances" and "lntroodction to Quantitative Cytochemistry, Vol. 11". He has Deen an active member of N.J.-ACS and has oeen a committeeman, N J. Chromatography Discussion Group (1973- 1974).He is a member of the American Chemical Society and Phi Lambda Upsilon.
Detecting Reagent. Ouech, A., Duru, C., Jacob, M., J. Pharm. Belg., 1974, 29, 126-132. Physostigmine (A38) Determination of Physostigmine by ThinLayer Chromatography and Ultra-Violet Spectrophotometry.Rogers, A. R., Smith, G., J. Chromatogr., 1973,87, 125-136.
Roger K. Gilpin is Group Leader of Analytical Chemistry in the Research Division of McNeil LaDoratories, Inc., Fort Washington, Pa. He received his B.S. degree in chemistry from Indiana Slate University in 1969 and his Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry from the University of Arizona in 1973. His research interests are in fundamental and applied chromatography, and pharmaceutical analvsis. He has Dublications in the areas of orga'nometallic surface reactions, application of gas and high pressure liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical analysis, and the development of chemically modified stationary phases for TLC, GC, and HPLC use. Dr. Gilpin is McNeil's representative to the Johnson & Johnson Corporate Analytical and Instrumentation Committee. He is resently serving as an executive committeeman for the Philadelphia Chromatography Forum. He is also a member of the American Chemical Society.
Harold R. Almond, Jr., Research Fellow in the Research Division of McNeil Laboratories. Inc received his B S and Ph D (1961) degrees in organic chemistry from the California Institute of Technology After joining McNeil Laboratories in 1960, his interests shifted to analytical chemistry From 1964-1976 as Group Leader of Analytical Chemtstry, he was primarily concerned with structure determinations of new drug substances using instrumental methods In 1976, he became a Research Fellow to analyze and utilize quantitative structureactivity correlations and other computer aids for medicinal and analytical chemists He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, and an associate member of Sgma Xi
Ronald H. Erlich is Manager of Analytical Development at Bristol Laboratories, Syracuse, N.Y. He received a B.S. degree in chemistry from Wayne State University in 1967 and a Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry from Michigan State University in 197 1. He was a postdoctoral fellow with the Heart and Lung Institute of the National Institutes of Health from 1971-1972. From 1973-1976 he was employed as a senior scientist at McNeil Laboratories. In 1976, he joined Bristol Laboratories in the Product Development Analytical Group. His interests are in the area of stability-indicatingmethods development, physical and chemical proper.ties of drugs, and automation of analytical procedures. He is a member of tht? American Chemical Society.
Thin-Layer Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection. Dombrowski, L. J., Crain, A. V. R., Browning, R. S., Pratt, E. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 643-645. (A43) Fluorimetric Analysis of Alkaloids. Determination of Serpentine, Yohimbine, Boldine. Gurkan, T., Mikrochim. Acta, 1976, 1, 173-180.
(A39) Thin-Layer Chromatographic Behavior of Some Rauwolfia Alkaloids on Silica Gel Layers. Court, W. E.,Timmins, P., Planta Med., 1975, 27, 3 19-329.
(A44) Thin-Layer Chromatographic Procedure for the Separation of Aspirin, Cocaine, Caffeine, Codeine, Heroin (Diamorphine). 6-Acetylmorphine, and Morphine. Conine, F., Paul, J., Mikrochim. Acta, 1974, 3,443-448. (A45) Thin-Layer Chromatographic Study of Isoquinoline Alkaloids with the Brenner-Niederwieser Chamber. Cooper, S. F., Dugal, R., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 1, 395-401. (A46) Investigation of Direct Thin-Layer Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry as a Drug Analysis Technique. Down, G. J., Gwyn, S. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103,208-210. (A47) Liquid Chromatography of Dansyl Derivatives of Some Alkaloids and the Application to the Analysis of Pharmaceuticals. Frei, R. W., Santi. W., Thomas, M., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 116, 365377.
Strychnine (A40) Colorimetric Assay of Strychnine and Brucine in Nux Vomica. Karawya, M. S., Hifnawy, M. S., Dahawi, H. S., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58,85-87. (A41) Determination of Micro Amounts of Strychnine by Solvent Extraction. Pecar, M., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 616. Yohimbine (A42) Determination of 17-Monochloroacetylajmaline and Its Metabolite (Ajmaline) in Plasma by
(A48) Ultra-violet Spectrophotometry in the Control of Drugs. XIII. Influence of Substitution and Solvent on the Spectrophotometric Behavior of Drugs Containing Quinoline, and lsoquinoline Chromophores. Kracmar, J , Kracmarova, J., Pharmazie, 1974,29,510-516.
(A49) Thin-Layer Chromatography of Apomorphine and Its Analogs. Erhardt, P. W., Smith, R. V., Sayther, T. T., Kaiser, J. E., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 116,218-224. (A50) Determination of Apomorphine and Norapornorphine in Urine by Thin-Layer Chromatographic Fluorescence Quenching. Smith, R. V., Cook, M. R., Stocklinski, A. W., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 294-297. (A51) Gas Chromatographic Determination of Apomorphine in Urine and Feces Smith, R. V., Stocklinski, A. W., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 13211325. Codei ne (A52) Gas Chromatographic Measurement of Codeine and Norcodeine in Human Plasma. Brunson, M. K., Nash, J. F., Clin. Chem., 1975, 21, 19561960. (A53) Analysis of Pholcodeine in Cough Prepa-
111 R
rations. Shohet, J. S.,J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1011-1013. (A54) Application of Orthogonal Functions to the Determination of Dihydrocodeine in Presence of Noscapine.Wahbi. A. M., Ebel, S., Fresenius 2.Anal. Chem., 1974,270, 282-285.
raphy. Wallace, J. E., Hamilton, H. E., Blum, K., Petty, C., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 2107-21 11. (A76) Separation and Identification of Morphine and Its Metabolites and Congeners. Yeh, S. Y., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973,62, 1827-1829. Opium
Diamorphlne (Heroln) (A55) Identification of Heroin and Its Diluents by Chemical-Ionization Mass Spectroscopy. Chao, J., Saferstein, R., Manura, J., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 296-298. (A56) Rapid and Sensitive Gas-Chromatographic Determination of Diacetylmorphine and Its Metabolite Monoacetylmorphine in Blood Using a Nitrogen Detector. Smith, D. A., Cole, W. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 105,377-381. (A57) Analysis of Illicit Diamorphine Preparations by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. Twichett, P. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 205-210. (A58) GLC Determination of Heroin and Its Metabolites in Human Urine. Yeh, Y. S., McQuinn, R. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1237-1239. Morphine (A59) Detection, Isolation and Characterization of Normorphine and Norcodeine as Morphine Metabolites in Man. Boerner, U., Roe, R. L., Becker, C. E., J. Pharm. Pharmac., 1974, 26, 393-396. (A60) Quantitative Analysis of Morphine in Urine by Gas Chromatography-Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry with n-(Trideuteromethy1)morphine as Internal Standard. Clarke, P. A,, Foltz, R. L., Clin. Chem., 1974,20,465-469. (A61) Quantitative Determination of Morphine in Biological Samples by Gas-Liquid Chromatography and Electron-Capture Detection. Dahlstroem, B., Paaizow, L., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 172-1 76. (A62) Conformation of the Presence of Morphine on Thin-Layer Plates by Fluorimetry, Doedens, D. J., Forney, R. B., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 100, 225226. (A63) Mass Fragmentography of Morphine and 6-Acetylmorphine in Blood with a Stable-Isotope Internal Standard. Ebbighausen, W. 0. R., Mowat, J. H., Steams, H., Vestergaard, P., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 305-31 1. (A64) Quantitative Determination of Morphine in Urine by Gas-Liquid Chromatography and Variations in Excretion. Fry, D. E., Wills, P. D., Twycross, R. G., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 51, 183-190. (A65) Improved Method for Direct Rapid Extraction of Bile for Morphine. Goldner, S.J., Umberger, C. J.. Hoffman, D. B., Gourdet, G., Andryauskas, S., Broich, J. R., Biochem. Med., 1974, 10,79-82. (A66) Stability-Indicating Spectrophotometric Determination of Morphine in Injectable Solutions Containing Bisulfite. Hundley, H. K., Castillo, G. D., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 738-740. (A67) Characterization and Quantitation of Morphine in Urine Using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection. Jane, I., Taylor, J. F., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 37-42. (A68) Application of High Speed Liquid Chromatography to the Determination of Morphine, Heroin, 6-OAcetylmorphine, and Methadone. Know, J. H., Jurand, J., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 95108.. (A69) Use of XAD 2 Resin for Detection of Abused Drugs in Urine. Kullberg, M. P., Gorodetzky, C. W., Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 177-183. (A70) Thin-Layer and Gas Chromatographic Parameters of Morphine and Codeine Derivatives. Liras, P., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 238-240. (A71) Quantitative Extraction of Morphine from Urine Using Nonionic XAD-2 Resin. Miller, W. L., Kullberg, M. P., Banning, M. E., Brown, L. D., Doctor, B. P., Biochem. Med., 1973, 7, 145-158. (A72) Radioimmunoassay of Drugs Subject to Abuse. Critical Evaluation of Urinary MorphineBarbiturate, Morphine, Barbiturate, and Amphetamine Assays. Mule, S. J., Whitlock. E., Jukofsky, D.. Clin. Chem., 1975, 21, 81-86. (A73) Specialized Thin-Layer Chromatograhic System for Some Common Drug Identification Problems. Pranitis, P. A. F:, Stolman, A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 485-489. (A74) Quantitative Spectrodensitometry of Morphine and Amphetamine on Thin-Layer Chromatograms. Sherma, J., Dobbins, M. F., Touchstone, J. C., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 300-303. (A75) Determination of Morphine in Biological Fluids by Electron Capture Gas-Liquid Chromatog-
(A77) Liquid Chromatographic System for Separating Opium Alkaloids. Beasley, T. H., Smith, D. W., Ziegler, H. W., Charles, R. I., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57,85-90. (A78) Quantitative Gas-Chromatographic Determination of the Major Alkaloids in Gum Opium. Furmanec, D., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 76-79. (A79) Simple Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Assay of Opium. Nakamura, G. R., Noguchi, T. T., J. Forensic Sci. Soc., 1974, 14, 347-353. (A80) Thin-Layer Chromatographic Separation and Identification of the Major Alkaloids of Opium. Thielemann, H., Groh, F., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 255-256. Papaverine (A8 1) Spectrophotometric Determination of Papaverine and Narcotine in Biological Materiai. Mikhno, V. V., Levitskaya, G. K., Farmatsiya (Moscow), 1975, 24, 76-79. (A82) lodometric Methods to Determine Papaverine Hydrochloride. Suprun. P. P., Farmatsiya (Moscow), 1975, 24,67-68. Thebaine (A83) Determination of Thebaine in Papaver Bracteatum Lindl by Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Fairbairn, J. W., Heiliwell, K., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 217-221. Nicotine (A84) Extractive-Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Nicotlne. Mahmoud, A. E., Mohamed, Y. A., Planta Med., 1975, 27, 140144. Tobacco Alkaloids (A85) Reaction-Chromatographic Identification of Some NNitrosamines of Tobacco Alkaloids. Klus, H., Kuhn. H., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 425426. Cinchona (A86) Separation and Evaluation of Alkaloids of Cinchona by Thin-Layer Chromatography and GasLiquid Chromatography. Sarsunova, M., Hrivnak, J., Pharmazie, 1974, 29,608-609.
Templeton, J. L., Panzik, H. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1963-1965. (A94) Gas Chromatographic Analysis for Cocaine in Human Plasma, with Use of a Nitrogen Detector. Jatlow, P. I., Bailey, D. N., Clin. Chem., 1975, 21, 19 18- 1921. (A95) Quantitative Determination of Cocaine and Its Metabolites Benzoylecgonine and Ecgonine by Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Javald, J. I., Dekirmenjian, H.,Brunngraber, E. G., Davis, J. M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 110, 141-149. (A96) Gas Chromatographic Determination of Ecgonine and Benzoylecgonine in Cocaine. Moore, J. M.. J. Chromafogr., 1974, 101, 215-218. (A97) Rapid Screening of "Street" Drugs by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography: Screening of Cocaine, Heroin, Methadone, and Morphine by Reverse Phase HPLC. Trinler, W. A,, Reuland, D. J., J. Forensic Sci. SOC., 1975, 15, 153-158. (A96) Gas Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Cocaine and Benzoylecgonine in Urine. Wallace, J. E., Hamilton, H. E., King, D. E., Bason, D. J., Schwerner, H. E., Anal. Chem., 1976, 48, 34-38. General (A99) Gas Chromatographic Separation and Identification of Tropane Alkaloids. Liebisch, H., Bernasch, H., Schuette, H. R., 2.Chem., 1973, 13, 469-470. (A100) Chromatography in the Analysis of Tropane Alkaloids. Maksyutina, N. P., Korzhavikh, E. 0.. Farm. Zh. (Kiev), 1974, 29, 20-24. Homatropine (A101) Specific Analysis for Homatropine Methylbromide in Syrups. Cantwell, F. F.. Domjan, M., Hiskey, C. F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 599603. (A102) Polymorphism of Homatropine Hydrochloride. Kuhnert-Brandstaetter,M., Heindl. W., Sci. Pharm., 1975,43, 112-116. Novatropine (A103) Colorimetric Estimation of Novatropine in Pharmaceutical Preparations. Karawya, M. S., Ghourab, M. G., Mohamed, I. H., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 1132-1133. Scopolamine (A104) Submicrogram Assay for Scopolamine in Plasma and Urine. Bayne, W. F., Tao, F. T., Crisologo, N., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 288-291. (A105) Infrared Identification Test for Scopolamine as the Hydrobromide. Brannon, W. L., Levine, J., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58, 871874.
General (A87) Thin-Layer chromatographic Separation of Quinoline Alkaloids. Rozsa, 2 . . Szendrei, K., Novak, I., Minker, E., Koltai, M., Reisch, J., J. Chromatogr., 1974, TOO, 218-224. Qulnldlne (A88) Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Quinidine from Plasma and Whole Blood. Midha, K. K., Charette, C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1244-1247. (A89) Direct Quantification of Drugs and Their Metabolites From Human Plasma Utilizing Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Stable Isotope Labelling Quinidine and Lidocaine. Garland, W. A,, Trager, W. F., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 124-129. Strychnos (A90) High Speed Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Some Strynos Alkaloids. Verpoorte, R., Baerheim, S. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 441-442.
XANTHINE ALKALOIDS Caffelne (A 106) Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography with an Internal Standard. I. Determination of Caffeine by In Situ Reflectance Measurement. Ebel, S., Harold, G., Chromatographia, 1975, 8, 35-37. (A107) Gas-Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Caffeine and Codeine Phosphate in Pharmaceutical Preparations. Stevens, M. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1686-1687. (A108) Partition Chromatographic Method for Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Injections. Weber, J. D., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 719720. General (A109) Liquid Chromatography of Xanthines, Analgesic Drugs, and Coffee. Murgia, E., Richards, P., Waiton, H., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 07, 523533. ( A I IO) Thin-Layer Chromatographic Separation of Caffeine, Theophylline, and Theobromine. Thielmann, H., Sci. Pharm., 1974, 42, 179-180.
Cocaine Theophylline (A9 1) Routine identification of Cocaine Metabolites in Human Urine. Bastos, M. L., Jukofsky, D., Mule, S. J., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 335-342. (A92) Rapid, Sensitive Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Screening Procedure for Cocaine. Blake, J. W., Ray, R. S., Noonan, J. S., Murdick, P. W., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 288-289. (A93) Definitive Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Method of identifying Cocaine. Hammer, R. H.,
( A I 11) Determination of Theophylline in Biological Material by Means of Electron Capture Gas Chromatography. Arbin, A,, Edlund, P. O., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1975, 12, 119-126. ( A I 12) Application of the Cobalt(l1) Amine Reaction in Pharmaceutical Analysis. Analysis of Mixtures of Phenobarbital, Theophylline, Naphazoline, and Xylometazoline. Buit, A,, Klasen, H. B.,
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Penicillins and Cephalosporins (61) N-Bromosuccinimide Assay of Penicillins and Cephalosporins. Alicino. J. F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65,300-301. (82) Colorimetric Determination of Probenecid, Saccharin, Penicillins, and Some Indicators Using Methylene Blue. Beltagy. Y. A,; Rida, S. M., Issa, A,, Pbarmazie, 1974, 29, 64-65. (83) Determination of Sodium Penicillin G. in Disodium Carbenicillin Preparations. Birner, J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63,603-605. (84) High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Penicillin G Potassiunl and Its Degradation Products. Blaha, J. M., Knevel, A. M., Hem, S. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1384-1386. (85) Spectrophotometric Determination of Ampicillin Sodium in the Presence of Its Degradation and PolymerizationProducts. Bunaaard, H., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1974, 26,385-392. (66) Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography as an Aid to the Identification of Penicillium Species. Burns, 0 . T., Stretton, R. J., Jayatilake, S. D. A. K., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 116, 107-115. (87) On the Titration of &Lactam Antibiotics in Nonaqueous Media. Casaiini, C., Montecchi, L., Boccali, D., Cesarano, G., Boll. Cbim. Farm., 1975, 114, 651-668. (B8) Simple and Specific Assay of Penicillins by Infrared Spectrophotometry in Deuterium Oxide and Dimethyl Sulphoxide Solutions. Casu, B., Ventura, P., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 211-218. (B9) Improved Penicillin Selective Enzyme Electrode. Cullen, L. F., Rusling, J. F., Schleifer, A,,
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Identification of Penicillins and Cephalosporins. Wilson, W. L. Avdovich, H. W., Hughes, 0. S.,J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Cbem., 1974,57, 1300-1314. Sulfonamides (835) Titration of Acids (Sulfonamides) in Nitrobenzene-Benzene, Benzene-Nitromethane and Benzene-Acetone Binary Solvent Systems. Amirjahed, A. K., Blake, M. I., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 9 10-91 2. (836) Thin-Layer Chromatography of Sulfonamides on Silica Gel G and Polyamide Layers by Means of a Polar Mobile Phase. Ragi, G. L., Barbaro, A. M., Guerra, M. C., Canrelli-forti, G., Gandolfi, O., J. Chromaiogr.. 1975, '106, 349-355. (837) High Speed Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Sulfasalazine (salicylazosulfapyridine). Bighley, L. D.,McDonnell, J. P.. J. Pbarm. ScL, 1975, 64, 1549-1553. (838) Luminescence Properties of Sulfonamide Dfugs. Bridges, J. W., Gifiora, L. A., Hayes, W. P., Miller, J. N.. Burns, D. T., Anal. Cbem., 1974, 46, 10'10-1017. (839) Titrations of Barbiturates and Sulfa Drugs in 3-Methyloxazolidin-%one Medium. David, G. M., Tapnorn, J. E., Caruso. J. A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1136-1 138. (840) Specific Colorimetric Determination of Sulfanilamide in tne Presence of Otner Sulfanilamides by an lndopnenol Reacrion. Ellcock, C. T. H., fogg, A. G., Lab. Praci., 1974, 23,555-556. (841) Determination of Sub-Micromolar Concenrrarions of SulfOnaMideS by Differential Polarograpiny airer Diazorizarion and Coupling with 1Napnmoi. Fogg, A. G., Ahmea, Y. Z.,Anal. Cbim. Acta. '1974, 70, 241-244. (842) Determinarion of Sulfonamides of Pharmaceutical Importance by Catalytic Thermometric Titfarion. Greenhow. E. J., Spencer, L. E., Anal. Chem.. '1975,47, 1384-1388. (843) Deterrrlination of Sulfonamides by Electron Capture Gas Chrornatogfaphy. Preparation and Properties of Perfruoroacyl and Pentafluorobenzyl Derivatives. Gyiuennaal, O., Ehrsson, H., J. Chrornatogr., 1975. 107, 327-333. (844) Determination of Sulfinpyrazone in Serum by High Perforn?anceLiquid Chromatography. Inaba, T.. Besley, M. E., Cnow, E. J., J. Chromatogr..,1975, 104, 165-169. (845) Chromatographic ana Electrophoretic Benavior of Sulfonamides on Thin-Layers of Ion Excnangers. Lepri, L., Desideri, P. G., Tanturli, G., J. Chromarogf., 1974, 93,201-210. (846) Assay of Suifacetarniae SOOiUM Ophthalmic Soiutions by High Pressure Liquia Chromatography. Penner. M. H., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1017-1019. (847) Screening Method for SUlfOnaMideS Exrracrea from Animal Tissues. Phillips, W. f.. Trafton, J. E., 3. ASSOC. Off. Anal. Chem., 7975, 58, 4447.
(648) Quantitative Tnin-Layer Chromatography of Salicyiazosulfapyriaine. Powell. 0. R., Bunon, 6. A., J. Pharm. Scl., 1974, 63, 1290-1293. (849) Specific Thin-Layer Chromatographic Tissue Residue Derermination of Sulfadiazine Following Fluorescamine Oerivatization. Sigel, C. W., Woorley, J. L., Nichol, C. A,, J. Pbarm. Scl., 1975, 64,973-976. (B50) Specific Tnin-Layer Chromatographic Derermination on Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole in Plasma. Sigel, C. W., Grace, M. E., Nichol, C. A , , hirchings, G. H., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1202-1205. (85'1) Specrrofluorimetric Anaiysis of Procainamiae and Sulfadiazine in Presence of Primary Alipnatic Amines Based on Reaction with Fluorescarnine. Sterling, J. M.! Haney, W. G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63,1446-1450. (852) Improved Methoa for Salicylazosulfapyridine Analysis ana Parrial Characterization of Impuriries in Commercial Salicylazosdfapyridine. Srone, J. C., Goroy, R., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1296-1 298. (653) Nuclear rvlagnetic Resonance Analysis of Pnarmaceuricals. XI. Determination of Acetazolamide ana 11s Sodium Salt in Various Dosage Forms. Turczan, J. W., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 68, 395400. Tetracyclines (854) Simuiraneous High Speed Liquid Chromatographic Derermination of Rolitetracycline and Tetracycline in Rolitetracycline formulations. But-
terfield, A. G., Hughes, D. W., Wilson, W. L.. Pound, N. J., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1975, 64, 316-320. (855) Stability of Rolitetracycline in Aqueous Solutions. Hughes, D. W., Wilson, W. L., Butterfield, A. G.. Pound, N. J , J. Pharm. Pbarrnacol., 1974,26, 79-80. (856) Separation of Tetracyclines by High Speed Liquid Chromatography. Know, J. H.,Jurand, J., J. Cbromatogr., 1975, 110, 103-115. (857) Complex Formation of Uranyl Acetate with Tetracycline, and Its Utilization for Their Microdetermination. Mahgoub, A. E., Khairy, E. M., Kasem. A,, J. Pbarm. Sci., 1974,63, 1451-1455. (858) Internal-Reflection Spectra of Several Tetracyclines. Schlecht, K. D., Dix, R. 6., Tamul, M. J., Appl. Spectrosc., 1974, 28, 38-40. (859) High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Tetracyclines. Tsuji, K., Robertson, J. H., Beyer, W. F., Anal. Cbem.. 1974, 46, 539543. (660) Separation and Quantitative Determination of Impurities in Tetracyclines. Willekens, G. J., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1975,64, 1681-1686. 1661) Paoer Chromatooraohic Determination of Teiracycline. Youssef, M.wK.,rlbrahim, E. A,, Attia, I. A,, J. fbarm. Sci., 1973, 62. 1998-2001. (862) Determination of Impurities in Commercial Tetracycline Preparations. Zak, A. F., Loseva, G. I., Snezhnova, L. P., Shatrova, V. M., Navolotskaya, T. I., Yakobson, L. M.,Antibiotiki, 1975, 20, 685688. Bacitracin (863) Quantitative Hign Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Bacitracin, A Polypeptide Antibiotic. Tsuji, K., Robenson, J. H., Bach, J. A,, J. Cbromatogr., 1974, 99, 597-608. (864) Improved High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Polypeptide Antibiotics and Its Application to Study the Effects of Treatments to Reduce Microbial Levels in Bacitracin Powder. Tsuji, K., Robertson, J. H., J. Cbromatogr., 1975, 112, 663-672. (665) New Color Reaction for Determination of Bacirracin in Ophthalmic Ointments. Doulakas, J., J. Pharrn. Sci., 1975,64,307-310. Chloramphenicol (866) Determination of Chloramphenicol Palmitate in Pharmaceutical Suspensions. Banerjee, S., Chakrabarti, K., Haldar, A. K., J. Pbarrn. Sci., 1973, 62, 1841-1844. (667) Chloramphenicol Palmitate. Identification and Determination of the Polymorph A in the Active Polymorph B Using Explorative Differential Calorimetry. Ferioli, V., Gamberini, G., Cameroni, R., Farmaco, Ed. Prat., 1974, 29, 309-317. (668) Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Chloramphenicol Preparations: A Collaborative Study. Margosis, M., J. Pbarrn. Sci., 1974, 63, 435-437. (669) Polarography of Chloramphenicol Palmitate. Pflegel, P., Shoukrallah, I., Pbarrnarie, 1974, 29,316-320. (870) Study of the Gas-Chromatographic Determination of Chloramphenicol and Its 2-Azido Analogue Azidoamphenicol as Their Trimethylsilyl Ethers. Pfiegal, P., Shoukrallah, I., Wagner, G.. Pbarrnarie, 1973, 28, 652-659. (871) Separation of Some Chloramphenicol Intermediates by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. Vigh, G., Inczedy, J., J. Cbrornatogr., 1976, 116, 472-474. (672) Separation of Some Chloramphenicol Intermediates by High Pressure Ion-Exchange Chromatography. Vigh, G., Inczedy, J., J. Cbrornatogr., 1974, 102,381-383. Clindamycin (673) Determination of Clindamycin 2-Palmitate in Clinical Human Serum Samples. Brodasky, T. F., Sun, F. F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 360-365. (874) Gas-Liquid Chromatography Determination of Clindamycin and Related Compounds. Brown, L. W., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1974,63, 1597-1600. (875) Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Lincomycin and Clindamycin. Horton, D., Wander, J. D., Foltz, R. L., Anal. Biochem., 1974, 59, 452-461. (676) Liquid Chromatography of Clindamycin 2-Phosphate on Triethylaminoethyl-Cellulose. MOrozowich, W., Williams, R. G., J. Pharm. ScL, 1974, 64,313-316.
(877) Separation of Four Components of the Antibiotic EM49 by Partition chromatography on Paper. Pan, S. C., J. Cbrornatogr., 1974, 97, 112-1 14, Erythromycin
Nystatin (895) New Spectrophotometric Method for the Determinarion of Nystatin. Amer. M. M., Habeeb, A. A.. Talanta, 1975, 22, 605-607. Polyene Antibiotics
(878) Colorimetric Assay for Erythromycin Using Salicylaldehyde. Amer, M. M., Habeeb, A. A,, Walash, M. I., J. Drug Res., 1974, 6, 89-94, (B79) Determination of Erythromycin Estolate in Pharmaceutical Preparations Containing Tetracyclines. Macioci, F., Fiotek. C., Boil. Chim. Farm., 1973, 112,543-552. (B80) Colorimetric Method of Estimation of Erythromycin. Sanghavi, N. M., Chandramohan, H. S.,Can. J. Pbarm. Sci.. 1975, 10, 59-61. Everninomicin (B81) Derivative Pulse Polarographic Analysis of Complex in Fermentation Broth, Kabasakalian, p,, Kalliney, s,, Wescoa, A,, J, pharm, Sci., 1974, 63, 641-642.
~~~~~~~~i~ (B82) Stability of Gentamicin and a Merhcd for Its Determination. Kartseva, V. D., Portnoi, Y. A,, Vakulenko, N. A., Kruzhkova, N. G., Savitskaya, E. M., Antibiotiki, 1975, 20, 514-517. (883) Separation of Gentamicin Complex by Ion-Exchange Column chromatography. Thomas, A. H., Tappin. S. 0..J. Cbrornatogr., 1974, 97, 280-283. Griseofulvin (684) Gas-Liquid chromatographic Analysis of Griseofulvin: A Collaborarive Study. Margosis, M., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1020-1022. (685) Determination of 6-Oemethylgriseofulvin in Urine. Rowlana. M., Riegelman, S.,J. Pharm. Sci., 1973,62,2030-2032. Kanamycin (686) Quantitarive Determination of Kanamycin, Prednisone, and Ephedrine in the Aerosol Preparation Kanpresol. Korchagin, V. 6., Satarova, D. E., Kochetkova, E. V., Mikhailova, S. M., Antibiotiki, 1975,20,991-993. (B87) Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Trimethylsilyl Derivatives of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics: Kanamycin A, Kanamycin E, and Neomycin 8. Murata. T., Takahashi, S..Takeda, T., Jpn. Anal., 1973, 22, 405-410. Lasalocid (888) Spectrofluorometric Determination of the Antibiotic Lasalocid in Blood. Brooks, M. A,, D'Arconte, L., DeSilva, J. A. F., Chen, G . , Crowley. C., J. Pbarrn. Sci., 1975, 64, 1874-1876. (689) Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Determination of the Antibiotic Lasalocid. Westley, J. W., Evans, R. H., Stempel, A., Anal. Biochem., 1974,59, 574-582. Lincomycin (690) Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Linomycin and Clindamycin. Horton, O.,Wander, J. D., Foltz, R. L., Anal. Biochem., 1974, 59, 452-461. Neomycin (891) Determination of Neomycin in the Film Forming Aerosol "Neotizol". Korchagin, V. E., Satarova, D. E., Kochetkova, E. V., Vakulenko, N. A,, Antibiotiki, 1975, 20, 116-119. (892) Optimum Conditions for Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Neomycin. Margosis, M., Tsuji, K., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1973, 62, 18361838. Niphimycin (693) Niphimycin. 111. Chromatographic Separation of the Components of the Niphimycin Complex. Againa, S.,Kalushkova, M., Georgieva, I., J. Cbromatogr., 1975, 109, 177-180. Novobiocin (894) High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Novobiocin. Tsuji. K., Robertson, J. H., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 94, 245-253.
(B96) Separation of Polyene Antifungal Antibiotics by High Speed Liquid Chromatography. Mechlinski, W., J. Cbromatogr., 1974, 99, 819833. (897) Chromatographic Analysis of Hepaene Macrolide Antibiotics. Calam, D. H., J. Cbromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 613-616. (698) Quantitative Thin-Layer Spectrodensitometric Determinarion of the Components of Polyene Macrolide Antibiotic Complexes. Martin, J. F., McDaniel, L. E., J. Cbromatogr., 1975, 104, 151160. Polymyxin (899) Thin-Layer chromatography of Polymyxin E and Its Methanesulfonate. Kotula, Z..Piekut, S., Kowszyk-Gindifer, Z., Acta Poi. Pharm., 1974, 31, 621-625. Rifamycin (8100) Contributions to the Determination and Stability of Rifamycin SV. I. Analysis. Bornschein, M., Voigt, R.. Pbarrnazie, 1975, 30, 527-529. Spectinomycin (6101) Gas Chromatographic Assay for the Antibiotic Spectinomycin. Brown, L. W., Bowman, P. 6., J. Cbrornatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 373-376. Tetranactin (6102) Tetranactin, A New Miticidal Antibiotic. VI. Determination of Dinactin, Trinactin, and Tetranactin in Their Mixtures by NMR Spectroscopy. Haneda, M., Nawata, Y., Hayashi, T., Ando, K., J. Antibiot., 1974, 27, 555-557. Tobramycin (8103) Paper Chromatography of Tobramycin and Some Related Compounds. Hussey, R. L., J. Chrornatogr., 1974, 92, 457-460. Variamycin (8104) Determination of Varimycin by Thin-Layer Chromatography. Zhdanovich, Y. V., Lokshin, G. E., Antibiotikl, 1974, 19, 687-689. INORGANIC AND METAL CONTAINING COMPOUNDS Inorganic-Reviews
and Multiple Analyses
(11) Analytical uses of some Kalkyl (or cycloalkyl) (derivatives of) Knitrosohydroxylamines. I. NCyclohexyl-Nnitrosohydroxylamine. Buscarons, F., Canela, J., Anal. Cbim. Acta, 1973, 67, 349355. (12) Oerermination of copper and manganese in vitamin-mineral tablets by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Chae, Y. S., Vacik, J. P., Shelver, W. U., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1838-1841. (13) The reactions of inorganic ions in the "European Pharmacopeia". Dryon, L., J. Pbarrn. Belg., 1975,30,432-442. (14) Novel approach to reaction-rate-based determinations by use of transient redox effects. Dutt, V. V. S.E., Mottola, H.A,, Anal. Cbem., 1975, 47, 357-359. (15) Photometric study of reactions between 4hydroxy-5-nitroso- and 5-hydroxy-4-nitroso-benzo2,1,34hiadiazole and cobalt(l1) and iron(l1). D'yachenko, S. A., Gerasimova, S.O., Belen'kaya, I. A., Pesin, V. G., Zb. Anal. Kbim., 1974, 29, 877-880. (16) Proposal for the second edition of the pharmacopoeia of the German Democratic Republic. Determination of cations by ion exchange. Fuerst, W., Roethig, J., Zentrabl. Pbarrn., Pharmakotber. Laboratoriumsdiagn., 1974, 114, 355-356. (17) Threshold value determination by atomic absorption of heavy metals in medicines. Example of lead and arsenic. Kovar, K. A,. Lautenschlaeger, W., Seidel, R., Dtscb. Apotb.-Ztg., 1975, 115, 1855-1 858. (18) Determination of calcium and magnesium in multielectrolyte infusion fluids. Olech, A,, Usiekni-
ewicz, K., Farm. Pol., 1975, 31, 761-767. (19) Thin-layer chromatographic determination, as dithizonates, of several metals contaminating pharmaceutical preparations. Pawlaczyk, J., Sierzant, M., Farm. Pol., 1974, 30, 37-41. (110) Assay of heavy-metal impurities in organic substances used in pharmacy. i. Assay following wet mineralization. Peinhardt, G., Scholz, F., Wettengel, J., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 482-483. (I1 1) Applications of atomic absorption s p e p troscopy to the analysis of metallic elements in medicinal preparations. Rouselet, F., Courtois, V., Girard, M. L., Analusis, 1975, 3, 132-138. (112) Automated peak discrimination and integration for nonfiame atomic absorption analysis at nanogram levels. Sarbeck, J. R., Landgraf, W. C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 929-931. (113) Testing of phamaceuticals for heavy metal ion contamination. Proposal for the Pharmacopoeia of the German Democratic Republic. Second edition. Senf, H. J., Wollmann, H., Voss, C., Kottke, D., Zentraibl. Pharm., Pharmakother. Laboratoriumsdiagn., 1974, 113, 675-684. (114) Application of atomic-absorption spectrophotometry to the routine determination of metallic components in pharmaceutical products. Shimamura, A,, Flame Notes, 1975, 7, 35-38. (115) The Nordic Pharmacopoeia limit test for heavy metals. Heating with anhydrous sodium sulfate as a source of error. Smit, A,, Skinnemoen, B. E., Backe-Hansen, K., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1974, 11, 225-232. (I16) Application of spectroscopic analytical methods in pharmaceutical analysis. IV. Determination of bismuth, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, titanium, and silicon in antacids by means of atomic-absorption spectrometry. Stahlavska, A., Prokopova, H., Tuzar, M., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 140, 141. (117) Particles in intravenous solutions: microtechnique measurements. Thomas, W. H., Lee, Y K.. Acta Pharm. Suec., 1974, 11, 495-503
(I18) Comment on the quantitative determination of aluminum in monographs in DAK 63. Handlos, M., Arch. Pharm. Chemi, 1974, 81,594-596. (I 19) Atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of aluminurn in pharmaceuticals. Karkhanis, P. P., Anfinsen, J. R., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1973,56,358-360. (120) Titration of antimony(ll1) with cerium(lV) sulfate and diphenylamine and its derivatives as reversible indicators. Rao, G. G., Viswanath, S. G., Gandikota, M., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 79, 273278. (121) Coulometric microtitration of arsenic(ll1) and isoniazid using a vitreous carbon generating electrode. Jennings, V. J., Dodson, A,, Harrison, A,, Analyst (London), 1974, 99, 145-148. (122) Arsenic determination in pharmaceutical preparations upon combustion according to Schoeniger. Malysz, D., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1975, 32, 18 1-186. (123) Bromometric determination of white arsenic. Zwirello, H., Petri, S., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1975, 32,339-342. (124) Thiosulfate compleximetric determination of bismuth in some organic pharmaceutical chemicals. Amer, M. M., Stahlawska, A., Abdel Kader, S. A., Tawakkol, M. S., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 418419. (125) Photometric determination of bismuth in vicalin and vicair. Grunin, A. V., Farmatsiya (Moscow), 1974, 23, 74. (126) Application of thiosalicylic (2-mercaptobenzoic) acid and its amide for determination of bismuth. Sikroska-Tomicka, H., Lewicka, M., Chem. Anal., 1974, 19, 271-278. (127) Determination of boron at the parts-permillion level in pharmaceuticals. Moore, R. A., Proc. SOC.Anal. Chem., 1972, 9, 35-36. (128) Determination of the bromine content of pharmaceutical preparations by radioisotope-excited X-ray analysis. Havranek, E., Bumbalova, A., Nemcikova, A., Farm. Obr., 1974, 43, 147-150. (129) Determination of D-glucose in calcium Dgluconate, and assay of calcium D-gluconate. Illner, E., Pharmazie, 1973, 28, 684. (130) Spectrocolorimetric determination of calcium D-glUCOnate. Illner, E., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 407. (13 1) Micro-determination of calcium in organic compounds. Penic, J., Bregovec, I., Stefanac, Z.,
Sliepcevic, Z., Microchem. J., 1973, 18, 596604. (132) Automated method for determining calcium disodium edetate in iodinated contrast media parenterals. Ziegler, H. W., Anderson, W. L., Shade, J. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1026-1028. (133) Measurement of carbon dioxide in a gas which is to be inhaled (e.g., in anaesthesia). Dragerwerk, A. G., British Patent 1,368,870; date appl. 22.9.72. (134) Simplified Haldane apparatus: estimation of carbon dioxide concentration in the presence of nitrous oxide (during anesthesia). Nagarajan, T. M., Murrin, K. R., Anasthesia, 1973, 28, 662-665. (135) Gas-chromatographic analysis of the carbon dioxide content in aluminum hydroxide gels. Wilkinson, D. R., Pavlikowski, F., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975,58, 858-859. (136) Determinationof the cyanate concentrations of blood after intravenous administration to patients with sickle-cell disease. Nigen, A. M., Peterson, C. M., Gillette, P. N., Manning, J. M., J. Lab. Clin. Med., 1974,83, 139-146. (137) General coulometric study of hydrochlorides. Pharamceutical applications. Lemahieu, G., Lemahieu, C., Resibois, B., Bertrand, J., Ann. Pharm. Fr., 1973, 31, 709-716. (138) Amperometric determination of hydrochlorides (of organic bases) in dimethyl sulfoxide. Lemahieu, G., Lemahieu, C., Resibois, B., Bertrand, J., Ann. Pharm. Fr.. 1974, 32, 513-520. (139) Indirect non-aqueous titration of hydrochlorides of nitrogenous bases. Soiiman, S. A., Abdine, H., ZaKhari, N. A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1767-1 770. (140) Determinationof cobalt(l1) in pharmaceutical preparations with 3-methyl-1-thiocarbamoylpyrazolin-5-one. G y i a k , H., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1974, 31, 473-479. (141) Colorimetric determination of cobalt in ferrocobalt and C-cobalt preparations with the aid of pyrazole [5-azo-l-(P-hydroxynaphthalene)]-4carboxylic acid KPAN. Janik, B., Gancarczyk, T., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1974, 31, 61-64. (142) Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt with pyrazine-carboxylic acid amide. SikorskaTomicka, H., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw) 1975, 20, 1025-1030. (143) The volatility of chromium from brewers yeast during assay. Jones, G. B., Buckley, R . A., Chandler, C. S.,Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 80, 389-392. (144) Ion-selective electrodes. il. Fluoride-selective electrode. Staroscik, R., Manczyk, R., Farm. Pol, 1973, 29, 979-985. (145) Determination of fluorine in boron-containing materials with a fluoride sensitive electrode. Schreiber, B., Frei, R. W., Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, 219-222. (146) Separation and determination of fluoride by diffusion with hexamethyldisiloxane and use of a fluoride-sensitive electrode. Sara, R., Waenninen, E., Talanta, 1975, 22, 1033-1036. (147) Direct potentiometric fluoride determination using ion-selective electrodes. Luethi, W., Sahii, M., Pharm. Acta Heiv., 1974, 49, 270-273. (148) Determination of fluorine concentration by atomic absorption. Gutsche, B., Ruediger, K., Herrmann, R., Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, 1975,30, 441-447. (149) Determination of gold in drugs and serum by use of anodic-stripping voltammetry. Schmid, G. M., Boiger, G. W., Ciin. Chem., 1973, 19, 10021005. (150) Inorganic iodide in contrast media. Lang, J. H., Lasser, E. C., Talner, L. B., Lyon, S., Coei, M., Invest. Radio/. 1974, 9, 51-55. (151) Separate determination of iron(ll) and of oxalate in iron(il) Oxalate. Willekens, G. J., Pharm. Weekbl., 1975, 110,812-816. (152) Monitoring the composition of ferrocerone by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Lependina, 0. L., Gel'man, N. E., Bozhevol'nov, E. A., Nikoiaeva, K. I., Khim.-Farm. Zh., 1976, IO, 133-135. (153) Colorimetric determination of iron(l1) in Pharmaceutical preparations with the aid of rutin. Korkuc, A.. Acfa Pol. Pharm. 1975, 32, 193-198. (154) Selective and sensitive spectrophotometric determination of iron(ll) with 7-nitroso-8-quinolinol-5-sodium sulfonate. Eldawy, M. A,, Elshabouri, S. R., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 1844-1846. (155) Determination of iron in pharmaceutical preparations.Djukanovic, A., Radovic, Z., Velasevic, K., Arh. Farm. 1974, 24, 5-9. (156) Resorcylic acids as indicators for the direct titration of ferric ions with CyDTA (1,2-diaminocy-
clohexane-NNNN-tetraacetic acid). Desai, M. N., Desai, 0. M., Patwari, 0. S., Gandhi, M. H., Lab. Pract., 1974, 23, 50-51. (157) Testing of organic pharmaceuticals for contamination with heavy metals (lead). 2. Nondestructive tests. Peinhardt, G., Scholz, F., Le, T. V., Pharmazie, 1974,29, 729-730. (158) Detection and determination of chrysotile (magnesium silicate) in talc U.S.P. Rose, H. A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 268-269. (159) Differential thermal analysis of chrysotile (magnesium silicate) asbestos in pure talc and talc containing other minerals. Luckewicz, W., J. SOC. Cosmet. Chem., 1975,26,431-437. (160) Determination of mercury-containing pharmaceuticals by vapor phase atomic absorption spectroscopy. Thompson, R. D., Hoffmann, T. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1863-1866. (161) Determination of mercury by non-flame atomic-absorption and fluorescence spectrometry: a review. Ure, A. M., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 76, 1-26. (162) Problems due to the use of synthetic containers for liquid medicinal preparations. XVII. Photometric determination of oxygen-permeability with indigo carmine. Beyrich, T., Mehr, A,, Pharmazie, 1975, 30,715-717. (163) Gas chromatographic studies on the estimation of trace quantities of water in raw materials. Riley, J. A,, J. Hosp. Pharm., 1974, 29, 47-49. (164) Determination of residual water (in, e.g., vaccines). Robinson, L. C., British Patent 1,336,668; date appl. 4.5.71. (165) Coulometric determination of microgram amounts of water in certain pharmaceuticals. Szyszko, E., Gawrych, Z., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1975, 32,333-338. (166) Indirect determination of phosphorus in organic compounds by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Kidani, Y., Takemura, H., Koike, H., Bunseki Kagaku, 1974, 23, 212-214. (167) Automated in vitro dissolution rate analysis of potassium in plastic matrix slow release tablets. Engdahl, A., Karlberg, B.,Thelander, S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 349-352. (168) Flame-photometric determinations of potassium in some plant laxatives, intestinal regulators, and Intestinal dietetic agents in a biopharmaceutical model experiment. Schramm, G., Koch, B., Schweiz. ApOth.-Ztg., 1974, 112, 416-419. (169) Determination of potassium in some pharmaceutical preparations using an ionoselective electrode. Staroscik, R., Selinger, K . , Farm. Pol., 1975,31, 501-505. (170) Rapid determination of dimethyl polysiloxane by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Anhoury, M. L., Crooy, P., De Neys, R., Laridant, A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1976,65, 590-592. (171) Determination of silicon in streptomycin by atomic absorption. Hurtubise, R. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1128-1 130. (172) Determination of dimethicone in zinc-siiicone ointment. Nielson, A,, Arch. Pharm. Chemi. Sci. Ed., 1974, 2, 33-37. (173) Test methods for glass container surfaces. European Pharmacopeia, DAB-7 and DIN 52329 (with regard to flame photometric sodium ion determination). Peters, A., Pharm. lnd., 1975, 37, 1066-1070. (174) Simultaneous polarographic determination of sodium metabisulphite and iproniazid in gel formulations. Donahue, J. J., Oliveri-Vigh, S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973,62, 1990-1992. (175) Determination of sulfur dioxide in starch and other pharmaceutical materials. Hamilton, C. M., Moros, S. A., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1458. (176) Measurement of preservatives (SOn) in pharmaceutical preparations. Phillippe, M. J., Sci. Tech. Pharm., 1974, 3, 419-432. (177) Detection of carbon disulphide (a disulfiram metabolite) in expired air by gas chromatography, Wells, J., Koves, E., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 92, 442-444. (178) Electrolytic determination of tin in pharmaceutical preparations. Suffczynski, J., Farm. Pol., 1974,30,845-850. (179) Spectrophotometric determination of zinc in insulin preparations. Nikolaeva. E. A,, Vil'Chinskaya, M. N., Korotkova, E. M., Farmatsiya (Moscow), 1976, 25, 71. Radiopharmaceuticals-Reviews and Multiple Analyses (180) Application of radioactive labels to studies of drug metabolism in man. Carr, E. A,, Jr., Princ.
Tech. Hum. Res. Ther., 1974, 3, 117-132. (181) Views on quality tests of radiopharmaceuticals. Cohen, Y., J. Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 26, 3 17-325. (182) Radioactivation analysis at the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences at Vinca and the possibilities of its application. IV. Draskovic, R., Ratkovic, M.. Draskovic, R., Hem. lnd., 1973, 27, 507-509. (183) Nondestructive assay for radiopharmaceutical capsules. Ford, L. A,, Jaffee, M., lnt. J. Appl. Radiat. lsot., 1975, 26, 21-23. (184) Present and future of radiopharmaceuticals produced from generators. Mitta, A. E. A,, J. Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 27, 129-136. (185) Studies of indium-1 13m generators. Oniciu, L., Veglia, A,, J. Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 24, 99114. (186) Interlaboratory study of methods for radiochemical purity control. Pasternak, A,, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1975, 20, 1037-1045. (187) Spectrographic analysis of radioactive drugs. I . Analysis of solutions of carrier-free radioactive isotopes. Potapova, 2. M., Kharlamov, V. T., Gus’kov, A. F., Khim.-Farm. Zh., 1974, 8, 5657. (188) Production of h i p ~ u r a n - ’ ~in ’ l the Boris Kidric Institute. Vinca. Ill. Trace elements in hippuran and its radiopharmaceuticalpreparation labelled with iodine-131. Ratkovic, M., Draskovic, R. S., Draskovic, R . J., lsotopenpraxis, 1974, 10, 330332. (189) Use of Auger and conversion-electrons for the detection of y-emitting radionuclides. Chromatographic quality control of radiopharmaceuticals. Wenzei, M., Wahid, A. A., lnt. J. Appl. Radiat. /sot., 1975,26, 119-123. Radiopharmaceuticals-By
(190) Cobalt-60 a constant contamination of pharmaceutically prepared iron-59. LeBlanc, A. D., Johnson, P. C., Phys. Med. Biol., 1972, 17, 418419. (19 1) Determination of radiochemical purity of radiochromate solution by thin-layer chromatography. Ebihara, H., Kamioki, H., BunsekiKagaku, 1975, 24,56-60. (192) Radiochemical purity determination of (pharmaceutical) fluorine-18 preparations. Noto, M. G., Nicolini, J. O., J. Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 24, 85-87. (193) Production of indium-I 15m using bis-(2ethylhexy1)hydrogen phosphate. Haggag. A.. El-Kot, A,, J. Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 25, 29-33. (194) Labeling of molecular (human serum albumin) and macroaggregates with radioiodine. Haliaba, E., El-Wetery, A. S., Azzam, R., Radiopharm. Label. Compounds, Proc. Symp. New Develop. Radiopharm. Label. Compounds, 1973, 2, 123-139. (195) Quality control of radiopharmaceuticals. XIV. Sodium iodide (iodine-123). Neirinckx, R. D., Lambrecht, R . M., Norton, E. F., Wolf, A. P., lnt. J. Appl. Radiat. lsot., 1974, 25, 387-392. (196) Comparative study on methods for radiochemical purity control of radio-3,3’,5-triiodothyronine and radiothyroxine. Zelenay, K., Pasternak, A,, Chem. Anal., (Warsaw), 1975, 20, 11691175. (197) Analytical control of a radiopharmaceutical (iron-52) using a cathode ray polarograph. Thakur, M. L., J. Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 24, 89-97. (198) Radio-assay of phosphorus-32-labelled chromic phosphate suspension by Cerenkov counting. Heitzman. M. W., Ford, L. A,, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975,58,995-997. (199) Analysis of sodium selenite (selenium-75) solutions. Khariamov, V. T., Shubnyakova, L. P., Inkin, A. A,, Sysoeva, E. S., lsotopenpraxis, 1974, 10,407-411. (I100) Separation of carrier-free strontium-85 from a cyclotron target. Kopecky, P., Mudrova, B., lnt. J. Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 1974, 25, 469-470. (1101) Radiochemical purity of the technetium99m-tin-diethylene-triaminepentaacetic acid complex. Besnard, M., Costerousse, O., Merlin, L., Cohen, Y., J . Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 26, 201208. (1102) Gel chromatography as an analytical tool for technetium-99m-labeled radiopharmaceuticals. Billinghurst, M. W., Palser, R. F., J. Nucl. Med., 1974, 15, 722-723. (I103) Rapid column-chromatographic determination of free technetium-99m in labeled radiopharmaceuticals. Colombetti, L. G., Pinsky, s.,
Moerlien, S., Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett, 1975, 20, 77-85. (1104) Methods for radiochemical and radionuclidic purity determination of some technetium-99m and indium-113m radiopharmaceuticals. Galateanu, I., Roman, M., Zamfir, I., Lungu, V., Uncuta, C., Fodor, G., J. Radioanal. Chem., 1975, 26, 189199. (1105) Comparison of some methods of analysis for the control of the preparation of technetium-99m labeled albumin. Krugers Dagneaux, P. G. L. C., Klein Elhorst, J. T., Pharm. Weekbl., 1974, 109, 11771180. (I106) Rapid index of free activity in preparations of technetium-99m-albumin. Lamson, M., ill, Callahan, R. J . , Castronovo, F. P., Jr., McKusick, K. A,, Potsaid, M. S., J. Nucl. Med., 1974, 15, 10611062. (1107) Gel chromatography column scanning for the analysis of technetium-99m-labeledcompounds. Persson, 8. R . R., Darte, L., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101, 315-326. (1108) Gel chromatography in the analysis of technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals. Steigman, J., Williams, H. P., Richards, P., Lebowitz, E., Meinkin, G., J. Nuci. Med. 1974, 15, 318-319. (I 109) Quality control of radiopharmaceuticals (99Tc)prepared from generator-produced isotopes. Vree, P. H., Pharm. Weekbl., 1974, 109, 11411156. (I110) Precise chromatography system for specific technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals. Zimmer, A. M., Holmes, R . A,, Nucl.-Med., 1975, 14, 192- 195. (I111) Absolute determination of trace quantities of the thorium-228 series. Cross, P., McBeth, G. W., Health Phys., 1974, 27, 265-272. (I112) Method for determining the radiochemical purity of ytterbium-169-labeled EDTA. Kovach, A,, Radiopharm. Label. Compounds, Proc. Symp. New Develop. Radiopharm. Label. Compounds, 1973, 2, 145-150.
SULFUR CONTAINING COMPOUNDS Amino Acids (Sl) Detection of cystine. I. New color reaction of cystine and its mechanism. Horiuchi, M., Chiba, T., Yakugaku Zasshi, 1975, 95, 1263-1270. (S2) Contribution to the electrochemistry of thiols and disulfides. 11. Direct-current, alternating-current, and differential-pulse polarography of glutathione. Mairesse-Ducarmois, C. A., Patriarche, G. J., Vandenbalck, J. L., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 76, 299308. Benzothlepin (S3) Extractive volumetric determination of Dithiaden, Methiaden, and Prothiaden with sodium lauryl sulfate. Subert, J., Knazko, L., Sistek, F., Pharmazie, 1974, 29,353-354. (S4) Anodic oxidation of some psychotropic substances with seven-membered rings. Volke, J., El-Laithy, M. M., Volkova, V., J. Electroanal. Chem., 1975, 60, 239-244. Dipyrone
(S5)Colorimetric determination of dipyrone. Abdine, H., Soliman, S. A,, Morcos, M. G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1834-1836. (S6) Colorimetric-thin-layer chromatographic estimation of sodium noramidopyrine methanesulfonate (dipyrone) in dosage forms. Diab, A. M., Awad, N. S., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 745-746. (S7) Determination of a mixture of sodium noramidopyrinemethanesulfonateand sodium metabisulfite. Gachon, M., Maire, G., Eloy, F., Ann. Pharm. Fr., 1974, 32, 697-700. (S8) Estimation of analgin and ascorbic acid in formulations. Rao, S. N., Ramamoorthy, M., Mohan, N. R. C., Dar, R. N., Indian J. Pharm., 1975, 37, 98-99. (S9) Determination of analgin in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Shingbal, D. M., Shirsat, P. D., Indian J..Pharm., 1975, 37, 94-95. (S10) Spectrophotometric determination of Dipyrone with neotetrazolium chloride. VassilevaAlexandrova, P. S., Shishmanov, P. S., Anal. Chem., 1975,47, 1432-1435. ( S l l ) Colorimetric determination of analgin in pharmaceutical preparations. Philip, G., lndian J. Pharm., 1974, 36, 14-15.
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Disulfides and Disulfiram (S12) Determination of disulfiram in blood and of exhaled carbon disulfide using cathode-ray polarography. Brown, M. W., Porter, G. S., and Williams, A. E., J. Pharm. Pharmacoi., 1974, 26, 95P-96P. (S13) Polarographic determination of pyrithioxine in pharmaceutical preparations. Lopez Fonseca, J. M., Tutor Valcarce, J. C., Sanz Pedrero, P., Analyst (London), 1975, 100,334-338. Heparin
(S14) Sodium heparin determination. Comparison of an instrumental method with the USP method. Reed, M., Wilson, G., Davenport, W., Schmitz, T., Klamrzynski, M., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1974, 63, 14551457. (S15) Glycosaminoglycans from Ateroid and bovine duodenal mucosa and pancreas. Seethanathan, P., Dalferes, E.,Jr., Radhakrishnamurthy, B. S. B., Victor, R., Berenson, G. S., Mol. Cell. Biochem., 1975,8, 177-183. Mercaptodiazole (S16) Cobalt(l1) amine reaction in drug analysis. Bult, A., Klasen, H. B., Pharm. Weekbl., 1974, 109, 389-403. (517) Identification and determination of thiamazoie. Szabo, A. E., Stajer, G., Vinkler, E., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 615. Mercapto-purines and -pyrimidines (518) Gas-chromatographic method for measuring mercaptopurine in serum. Bailey, D. G., Wilson, T. W., Johnson, G. E.: J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 305-311. (S19) Spectrophotometric method for estimation of urinary azathioprine, mercaptopurine, and 6thiouric acid. Chalmers, A. H., Biochem. Med., 1975, 12, 234-241. (S20) Fluorimetric assay of thioquanine. Finkel, J. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 121-122. (S21) Separation of purine analogues from nucleic acid derivatives on a thin layer of ECTEOLAceilulose. Harber, M. J . , Maddocks, J. L.. J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101, 231-234. (S22) Determination of microamounts of mercaptopurines (MP) by an induced sodium azideiodine reaction. Kurzawa, Z.,Matusiewicz, H., Matusiewicz, K., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1974, 19, 1175-1182. (S23) Potentiometric studies on organic compounds containing sulfur with a sulfide-ion-selective membrane electrode. Direct potentiometric titration of some physiologically active thiols. Neshkova, M. T., Izvekov, V. P., Papay, M. K., Toth, K., Pungor, E., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 75, 439-444. (S24) Osciilopolarography of mercaptopurine and its synthesis intermediates using a commercial oscilloscope and an adapter circuit. Parrak, V., Tuckerman, M. M., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 622-624. (S25) Chloraminometric determination of 6mercaptopurine and azathioprine. Piotrowska, A., Farm. Pol.,1974, 30, 1107-1 110. (S26) Separation of some thyreostatic drugs by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Wiidanger, W., Chromatographia, 1975, 8, 42-44. Miscellaneous (S27) Determination of thio amides in pharmaceutical formulations by argentimetric potentiometric titration with alcoholic silver nitrate solution. Davidson, I. E., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, Suppl. 32P. (S28) Determination of sulphinpyrazone in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography. Inaba, T., Besley, M. E., Chow, E. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 165-169. (529) Blood-level patterns, thin-layer chromatographic separation and metabolism of 1.3-dioxolans and 1,3-oxathiolans in the rat. Koester, D., Bekemeier, H.,Schmollack, W., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 172-174. (530) Polarographic determination of pyrithioxine in pharmaceutical preparations. Lopez Fonseca, J. M., Tutor Valcarce, J. C., Sanz Pedrero, P., Analyst (London), 1975, 100,334-338. (S31) Quantitative determination of chlormethazanone in pharmaceutical preparations. Macioci, F., Fiotek, c., Boll. Chim. Farm., 1974, 113, 75-78. (532) Studies on stability of methallibure. 11. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for deter-
mination of methaliibure derivatives together with methallibure. Oithoff, U., Matthey, K., Pharmazie,
1974,29, 777-780. (S33)Color reaction of 4-(3-dimethyiaminopropylidene)-4,9dihydrothieno[2,3-[ b]benz[ elthiepin (Dithiaden)with sulfuric acid. Subert, J., Knazko, L., Pharmazie, 1974,29,483. (S34)Thin-layer chromatographic and colorimetric methods for monitoring the purity of S-2(3-aminopropylamino)ethyi phosphorothioate (WR-2721).Washburn, L. C., Hayes, R. L., Anal. Chem., 1974,46,223 1. (S35)Thin-layer chromatography of dimercaprol (BAL). White, L. B., Torosian, G., Becker, C. H., Anal. Chem., 1974,46,143-144. Phenothlazines
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13,390-396. (542)Identificationand quantitative determination of phenothiazine drugs in urine samples of psychiatric patients. De Leenheer, A. P., J. Pharm. Sci.,
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(S53)Chlorpromazine metabolism. IV. Quaternization as a key to determination of picomoles of chlorpromazine and other tertiary amine drugs. Lehr, R. E.,Kaul, P. N., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64,
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derivatives in pharmaceutical preparations. Youssef, M. K., Attia, I. A,, indian J. Pharm., 1975, 37, 121- 124.
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349. (S75)Assay procedures for thioridazine, triflu-
(S77)Colorimetric determination of probenecid, saccharin, penicillins, and some indicators using methylene blue. Beltagy, Y. A,, Rida, S.M., Issa, A,, Pharmazie, 1974,29, 64-65. (578)Microscopic characterization and identification of drugs, including the use of ultraviolet spectrophotometry. XI. Kuhnert-Brandstaetter, M., Kofler, A,, Friedrich-Sander, G., Sci. Pharm., 1974, 42,234-248. (S79)Detection and determination of synthetic sweetening agents in some pharmaceutical preparations. Part II. Determination of Saccharin and sodium saccharate in tablets by alternating-current oscillopolarography. Nasierowska, Z.,Farm. Pol., 1975,31,975-979. (S80) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of saccharin in Pharmaceutical products. Ratchik, E. M., Viswanathan, V., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64,
133- 135. Sulfides
(S81) On the microdetermination of S-alkyl groups in organic compounds. Campiglio, A., Mikrochim. Acta, 1976,329-331. (S82)Chromatographic, mass spectral, and visible light absorption characteristics of toluidine blue 0 and related dyes. McKamey, M. R., Spitznagle, L. A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64,1456-1462. Sulfonamides (See Also Antlbiotlcs)
(S83)High-speed liquid chromatographic analysis of sulfasalazine. Bighiey, L. D.. McDonnell, J. P., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 1549-1553. (S84)Assay of flucytosine and frusemide by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Blair, A. D., Forrey, A. W., Meijsen, B. T., Cutler, R. E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 1334-1339. (S85)Excretion of probenecid and its metabolites in bile and urine in rats. Conway, W. D., Melethil, S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1551-1554. (S86)Application of the extractive-alkylation technique to the gas-chromatographic determination of chlorthalidone in plasma in nanogram quantities. Ervik, M., Gustavii, K., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 39-42. (S87)Furosemide concentrations in serum and urine, and its binding by serum proteins as measured fluorimetrically. Forrey, A. W., Kimpel, B., Blair, A. D., Cutler, R. E., Ciin. Chem., 1974,20, 152-158. (588) Determination of furosemide concentrations in plasma and urine using high-speed liquid chromatography. Lindstrom, B., J. Chromatogr.,
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219-221, (S90)Gas chromatographic determination of microamounts of cyclamates. Nagasawa, K., Ogamo, A,, Shinozuka, T., J. Chromatogr., 1975,
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1296-1298. (S95)improved method for estimating chlorthalidone in body fluids. Tweeddaie, M. G., Ogilvie, R. I., J. Pharm. Scl., 1974,63, 1065-1068. (S96)Gas-liquid chromatographic determination
of probenecid in biological fluids. Zacchei, A. G., Weidner, L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 19721975. Sulfonates (S97) Application of densitometry to the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of pharmaceutical colorants. Brain, K. R., Jones, B. E., Turner, T. D.,J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109,383-388. (S98) Determination of potassium guaiacolsulfonate by ion-pairing partition chromatography. Doyle, T. D., Proctor, J. E., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975,58, 276-277. (S99) Method of assay for suifobromophthalein and other dyes in whole blood by a DEAE-cellulose column technique. Ikeda, M., Uesugi, T., Uematsu, T., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 100, 211-214. (S 100) Application of synthetic ion-exchange resins in drug analysis. VII. Determination of components of binary drugs. Jarzebinski, J., Farm. Poi., 1974, 30, 137-141. (S101) Pharmacopoeia monograph proposals for determining purity and content of Congo Red, Evans Blue, trypan blue, and trypan red. 2. Relations among colloid association, physical stability, and acute toxicity of bisazo dyes in injectable solutions. Thoma, K., Steinbach, D., Pharm. ind., 1975, 37, 455-457. Sulfonylureas (S102) Determination of sulfonylureas and metabolites by pyrolysis-gas chromatography. Aggarwal, V., Sunshine, I., Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 200-204. (5103) Mass spectrometric identification of the thermal decomposition roducts of K(ptoluenesulfonyl)-N'-(azabicyclo~.3.0]octyl)urea (S-852). Belvedere, G., Fanelli, R., Frigerio, A., Malen, E., Hugon, P., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1975, 13, 54-56. (S104) Formation of thermally stable derivatives for determination of tolbutamide and chlorpropamide by gas Chromatography. Braselton, W. E., Jr., Ashline, H. C., Bransome, E. D., Jr., Anal. Lett., 1975, 8,301-313. (S105)Quantitative analysis of anisylbutamide and carbutamide by proton magnetic resonance and photodensitometry. Comparison of the two methods. Gallazzi, A., Ghilardelli, G., Vanoni, P. C., Farmaco, Ed. Prat., 1976, 31, 95-101. (S106) Use of a solid sampler in chemical-ionization mass spectrometry for the determination of compounds unstable under gas-liquid chromatographic conditions. Analysis for tolbutamide from biological fluid. Knight, J. B., Matin, S.B., Anal. Lett., 1974, 7,529-537. (S107) Analytical methods for drugs in the presence of their decomposition products. I. Separation and determination of tolbutamide and its decomposition products with fluorodinitrobenzene. Kuriki, T., Tsujiyama, T., Suzuki, N., Jpn. Anal., 1973, 22, 91-97. (S108) Use of solid-probe chemical-ionization mass spectrometry and gas chromatographychemical-ionization mass spectrometry in quantitation of drugs in biological fluids: determinatlon of tolbutamide and its metabolites in human plasma. Matin, S. B., Knight, J. &, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1,323-328. (S109) High-pressure liquid-chromatographic determination of chlorpropamide in tablet formulations. Molins, D.. Wong, C. K., Cohen, D. M., Munneily, K. P., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 123-124. (SI10) High-resolution mass-spectroscopic analysis of methylated tolbutamide derivatives. Sabih, K., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 163-165. Thladiazines and Benrothiadiazines ( S i l l ) Collaborative study of a column chromatographic method for bendroflumethiazide and cyclothiazide. Fazzari, F. R., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1976,59,90-92. (SI12) Thin-layer chromatographic quantitative analysis of polythiazide tablets. Flinn, P. E., Smith, T. G., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 8284. (S113) Collaborative study of a column chromatographic method for the determination of polythiazide in the presence of vanillin. Fazzari, F. R., Levine, J., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 7 16-7 18. (S114) Quantitative fluorimetric thin-layer chromatographc procedure for determination of hydroflumethiazide in biological fluids. Garceau, Y .,
Davis, I.,Hasegawa, J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1793-1795. ( S I 15) Polarographic determination of some thiazide diuretics in compound tablets. Kkolos, E., Walker, J., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 80, 17-30, (S 116) Gas-chromatographic determination of hydrochlorothiazide in plasma, blood corpuscles, and urine using an extractive alkylation technique. Lindstroem, B., Molander, M., Groschinsky, M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 459-462. (SI17) Determination of polythiazide in pharmaceutical dosage forms by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Moskalyk, R. E., Locock, R. A,, Chatten, L. G.. Veltman, A. M., Bielech, M. F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1406-1408. (S118) Applications of high-speed ion-exchange chromatography to pharmaceutical analysis. Smith, J. B., Mollica, J. A., Govan, H. K., Nunes, I. M., Int. Lab., 1972, 15-23. (S119) Detection of thiazide diuretics in urine. Column extraction and thin-layer chromatography. Sohn, D., Simon, J., Hanna, M. A,, Ghali, G., Tolba, R., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 87, 570-575. (S120) Separation of thiazide diuretics and antihypertensive drugs by thin-layer chromatography. Stohs, S. J., Scratchley, G. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114,329-333. (S12 1) Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis for hydrochlorothiazide in blood and plasma. Vandenheuvel, W. J. A,, Gruber, V. F., Walker, R . W., Wolf, F. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1309-1312. (S122) Identification of pharmaceuticals by thin-layer chromatography using metal ions. Walash, M. I., Agarwal, S. P., J. Drug Res., 1973, 5, 217225.
specific flame-photometric detector. Schirmer, R. E., Pierson, R. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 20522054. (S136) Physicochemical and analytical studies on Suprofen. Van Rompay, J. F. H., Pattyn, W. J., Demoen, P. J. A. W., Arzneim.-Forsch., 1975, 25, 1501-1 505. NITROGEN AND OXYGEN CONTAINING COMPOUNDS Gas Chromatography
( N l ) Gas-liquid chromatographic estimation of lignocaine, ethyiglycylxylidide [a-(ethylamin0)aceto-2',6'-xylidide], glycylxylidide [2-aminoaceto-2',6'-xylidide], and 4-hydroxyxylidine [4amino,3,5-xylenol] in plasma and urine. AdjeponYamoah, K. K., Prescott, L. F., J. Pharm. Pharmacal., 1974,26,889-893. (N2) Simultaneous determination of acetylsaiicylic acid and salicylic acid by gas-liquid chromatography using a new methylation technique. Aii, S. L., Chromatographia, 1973, 6, 478-480. (N3) Gas-chromatographic determination of traces of acetylsalicylic anhydride and acetylsalicylsalicylic acid in acetylsalicylic acid. Ali, S. L., Fresenius'Z. Anal. Chem., 1976, 278, 365. (N4) Determination of theophylline and probenecid in biological material. Arbin, A,, Edlund, P.-O., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1974, 11, 249-256. (N5) Gas-chromatographic determination of meprobamate in plasma after column extraction. Arbin, A., Ejderfjail, M.-L., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1974, 11,439-446. Thiadiazoles and Thiazoles (N6) Gas-chromatographic assay of medazepam and its major metabolites in plasma. Baird, E. S . , (S123) Assay for acetazolamide in plasma. Hailey, D. M., Malcolm,'S., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, Bayne, W. F., Rogers, G., Crisologo, N., J. Pharm. 48, 105-108. Sci., 1975, 64, 402-404. (N7) Determination of trichloroethanol at thera(S124) Determination of sulfathiazole by induced peutic and overdose levels in blood and urine by reaction of sodium azide with iodine. Kurzawa. Z., electron-capture gas chromatography. Berry, D. J., Krzyminska, A., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1973, 18, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107, 107-114. 1103-1108. (N8) Gas-chromatographic analysis of 4(S125) Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroprenyl-1,2-diphenyl-3,5-pyrazolidinedione (feprascopic analysis for 2-mercapto-5-methyl-1,3,4zone) at therapeutic levels in human plasma. Berry, thiadiazoie in cefazolin. Staiger, D. B., Warren, R. D. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 159. J., Zarembo, J. E., Post, A., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, (N9) Gas-chromatographic determination of 1396- 1397. chloral hydrate, trichloroethanol, and trichloroacetic (S 126) Electron-capture gas-liquid chromatoacid in blood and urine employing head-space graphic determination of timoloi in human plasma analysis. Breimer, D. D., Ketelaars, H. C. J., Rossum, and urine. Tocco, D. J., DeLuna, F. A,, Duncan, A. J. M. van, J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88, 55-63. E. W., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1879-1881. (N10) Rapid and selective gas-chromatographic (S127) Automated method for the determination determination of hexobarbitone in plasma of man of thiabendazole. White, T. D., Roc. SOC. Anal. using a nitrogen detector. Breimer, D. D., Van RosChem., 1973, I O , 10-11. sum, J. M., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88, 235-243. (N11) Determination of low levels of 5,5-dipheThiobarbituaies nylhydantoin in serum by gas-liquid chromatography. Brien, J. F., Inaba, T., J. Chromatogr., 1974,86, (S128) Study of the spot-test reaction between 265-270. sorbic acid and thiobarbituric acid. Auterhoff, H., (N12) Oxyphenbutazone and phenylbutazone Jaeger, L., Arch. Pharm., Bed., 1974, 307, 234determination in plasma and urine by GLC. Bruce, 236. R. B., Maynard, W. R., Dunning, L. K., J. Pharm. Sci., (S129) Structure-luminescence correlations in 1974, 63, 446. the thiobarbiturates. King, L. A,, Gifford, L. A,, Anal. (N13) Determinatlon of chlorophacinone and Chem., 1975,47, 17-20. diphenadione residues in biological material. Bullard, (S130) Determination of microquantities of R. W., Holguin, G., Peterson, J. E., J. Agric. Food thiobarbituric acids by an induced reaction of sodium Chem., 1975,23,72-74. azide with iodine. Kurzawa, Z., Dobrzanska(N14) Gas-chromatographic determination of Jajszczyk, A,, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1974, 19, plasma concentrations of some local anesthetics 107 1-1 077. using a nitrogen detector. Cameron, J. D.,Clin. Cbim. (S131) Electrochemistry of thiols and disulfides. Acta, 1974, 56, 307-309. 111. The dc, ac, and differential pulse polarography (N15) Determination of bromazepam [7of thiobarbituric acid and sodium pentothal. Mairbromo- 1,3-dihydro-5-(2-pyridyl)- 1,4-benzodiesse-Ducarmois, C. A., Patriarche, G. J., Vandenazepln-2-onel in plasma, with an internal standard balck, J. L., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 79, 69-78. by gas-liquid chromatography. Cano, J. P., Baille, (S132) Gas-chromatographic determination of A. M., Viala, A,, Arzneh-Forsch., 1975, 25, thiopentone in plasma by using an alkali-flame ion1012-1016. ization detector. Sennello, L. T., Kohn, F. E., Anal. (N16) Quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic Chem., 1974,46, 752-755. method for the determination of pethidine and its metabolites norpethidine and pethidine Koxide in Thiophenes and Benrothlophenes human biological fluids. Chan, K., Kendall, M. J., Mitchard, M., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 169-176. (S133) Determination of isomeric impurity in (N17) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination samples of morantel tartrate by gas-liquid chroof methadone in sustained-release tablets. Choulis, matographic analysis of the products of a controlled N. H., Papadopoulos, H., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, degradation procedure. Addison, E., Davison, E., 180. Wadsworth, P. F., Analyst (London), 1974, 99, 114-1 19. (N18) Determination of phenobarbitone, pheny(S134) Comparative gas-liquid chromatography toin, ethotoin, and pyrimidone in serum by gas-liquid chromatography. Christophersen, A. S., Lundby, K. of biologically important indoles, and their benS., Salvensen, B., Medd. Nor. Farm. Seisk., 1976, zo[b]thiophene and I-methylindole analogs. Bosin, 36, 78. T. R., Buckpitt, A. R., Maickel, R. P., J. Chromatogr., (N19) Determination of amphetamine by Schiff 1974,94,316-320. base formation and quantitative gas-liquid chro(S135) Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of matography. Clark, C. C., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., methapyrilene in plasma and urine, using a sulfur-
1975,58, 1174. (N20) Analysis of 1-(2-rnethylaminopropyl)-2phenyladamantane as its chlorodifluoroacetyl derivative. Cockerill, A. F., Mallen, D. N. B., Osborne. D. J., Prime, D. M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 151-158. (N21) Gas chromatographic microdetermination of acetanilide in blood. Cooper, M. J., Anders, M. W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 215. (N22) Determination of primidone and its metabolites in biological fluids by gas chromatography. Couch, M. W., Greer, M., Williams, C. M., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 559-561. (N23) Determination of tolmetin in human plasma by GLC and Spectrophotometric procedures. Cressman, W. A,, Lopez, B., Sumner, D., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1965. (N24) Improved method for the simultaneous determination of phenobarbitone, primidone and diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin) in serum by gas-liquid chromatography. Davis. H. L., Falk, K. J., Bailey, D. G., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107, 61-66. (N25) The determination of y-amino-b-(pchlorophenyl) butyric acid (baclofen) in biological material by gas-liquid chromatography. Degen, P. H., Riess, W., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 117, 399. (N26) Isolation and detection of methyl phenidate, (1evo)phacetoperane[2-(a-acetoxybenzyl)piperidine] and some other sympathomimetic central nervous stimulants with special reference to doping. I. Gas-chromatographic detection procedure with electron-capture detection for some secondary amines. Delbeke, F. T., Debackere, M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 412-417. (N27) Improved gas-liquid chromatographic method for determining practoloi in plasma and urine. Desager, J. P., Harvengt, C., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 52-54. (N28) Gas-chromatographic determination of iproclozide in urine of psychiatrically treated patients. De Sagher, R. M., De Leenheer, A. p., Claeys, A. E., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 1144-1147. (N29) Determination of bromazepam in blood by electron-capture GLC and its major urinary metabolites by differential polarography. de Silva, J. A. F., Berkersky, I., Brooks, M. A., Weinfeld, R. E., Glover, W., Puglisi, C. V., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1440. (N30) Determination of clonazepam and flunitrazepam in blood and urine by electron-capture GLC. de Silva, J. A. F., Puglisi, C. V., Munno, N., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 520. (N31) Determination of 1,4-benzodiazepines and diazepin-2-ones in blood by electron-capture gasliquid chromatography. de Silva, J. A. F., Bekersky, I., Puglisi, C. V., Brooks. M. A,, Weinfeld, R. E., Anal. Chem., 1976, 48, 10. (N32) Chromatographic separation of 2-phenylquinoline analogues. Di Gregorio, G. J., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 90, 396. (N33) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride in human plasma. Dombrowski, L. J., Comi, P. M., Pratt, E. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1761-1763. (N34) Ktrifluoroacetyi-0-trimethylsilyl (aminoalkyl) phenols. Preparation and mass-specific gaschromatographic detection. Donike, M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103, 91-112. (N35) Rapid gas-chromatographic determination of disopyramide using a nitrogen detector. Duchateau, A. M. J. A,, Merkus, F. W. H. M., Schobben. F., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 432. (N36) Gas-chromatographic identification of drugs after multiple derivatization in the micro scale. Duenges, W., Heinemann, H., Netter, K. H., Gas Chromatogr., Proc. lnt. Symp., 1972, 9, 99-108. (N37) Gas-chromatographic method for the microdetermination of barbiturates in blood using a nitrogen-selective flame ionization detector. Dvorchik, B. H., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 105, 49. (N38) Quality control of phenol with menthol injection in almond oil. Earnshaw, M., Greenwood, N. D., J. Hosp. Pharm. 1974, 32, 11-12. (N39) Gas-chromatographic determination of barbiturates after extractive methylation in carbon disulphide. Ehrsson, H., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 922-924. (N40) Determination of therapeutic levels of amitriptyline in serum by gas-liquid chromatography. Eichholtz, P. C. N., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 456-458. (N41) Gas-liquid chromatographic electroncapture determination of some monosubstituted "guanido-containing" drugs. Erdtmansky, P., Goehl, T. J., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 750-752. (N42) Rapid gas-chromatographic method for quantitation of ethchiorvynol in serum. Evenson, M.
A,, Poquette, M. A,, Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 212216. (N43) Qualitative and quantitative determination of methaqualone in serum by gas chromatography. Evenson, M. A,, Lensmeyer, G. L., Clin, Chem., 1974,20,249-254. (N44) Indomethacin estimation in plasma and serum by electron-capture gas chromatography. Ferry, D. G., Ferry, D. M., Molier, P. W., McQueen, E, G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 69, 110-112. (N45) Possible interference by a metabolite in gas-chromatographic assays for glutethimide which employ certain nonselective liquid phases. Fisher, L. J., Ambre, J. J., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 379-386. (N46) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of the main urinary metabolite of diftalone [phthalazino[2,3-b]phthalazine-5,12-[ 7H, 14H]dione], a new anti-inflammatory drug. Gallo, G. G., Rimorini, N., Zerilli, L. F., Radaelli, P., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101, 163-168. (N47) Quantitative assay of diclofenac in biological material by gas-liquid chromatography. Geiger, U. P., Degen, P. H.. and Sioufi, A., J. Chromatogr., 1975, Ill, 293-298. (N48) Quantitative assay of maprotiline in biological fluids by gas-liquid chromatography. Geiger, U. P., Rajagopalan, T. G., Riess, W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 167. (N49) GLC determination of carbamazepine suitable for pharmacokinetic studies. Gerardin, A,, Abadie, F., Laffont, J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1940. (N50) Sensitive method for the routine determination of tricyclic antidepressants in plasma using a specific nitrogen detector. Gifford, L. A,, Turner, P., Pare, C. M. B., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 105, 107. (N5 1) Quantitative determination of medazepam, diazepam, and nitrazepam in whole blood by flame ionization gas-liquid chromatography. Greaves, M. S.,Clln. Chem., 1974, 20, 141-147. (N52) New approach to derivatization and gaschromatographic analysis of barbiturates. Greeiey, R. H., Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 192-194. (N53) A direct gas-chromatographic method for the determination of basic nitrogenous drugs in pharmaceutical preparations. Greenwood, N. D., Guppy, I. W., Analyst(London), 1974, 99, 313. (N54) The direct gas-chromatographic analysis of barbiturates as their sodium salts. Greenwood, N. D., Guppy, I. W., Simmons, H. P., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1975, 13, 349. (N55) Gas-chromatographic studies on basic nitrogenous drugs. I. Addition of basic compounds or steam to the carrier gas. Greenwood, N. D., Nursten, H. E., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 92, 323-333. (N56) A rapid gas-chromatographic method for the determination of chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid in plasma and urine. Gugler, R., Jensen, C., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 117, 175. (N57) Gas-chromatographic analysis of medazepam and its metabolites using an electrolytic conductivity detector. Hailey, D. M., Howard, A. G., Nickless, G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 100, 49-54. (N58) Gas-chromatographic separation of isomers of benzoraprofen using liquid crystals. Hall, M., Mallen, D. N. B., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 118, 268. (N59) Rapid and selective determination of free barbiturates by GC using the electrolytic conductivity detector. Hall, R. C., Risk, C. A,, J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1975, 13, 519. (N60) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of chlorpheniramine in human plasma. Hanna, S., Tang, A.. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1954-1957. (N6 1) Gas-chromatographic simultaneous analysis for glutethimide and an active hydroxylated metabolite in tissues, plasma, and urine. Hansen, A. R.. Fischer, L. J., Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 236242. (N62) Eliminated in revision. (N63) Gas-chromatographic analysis of substituted 8-hydroxyquinolines in pharmaceutical preparations. Hartmann, V., Herrmann, W., Pharm. lnd., Berl., 1974, 36, 202-205. (N64) Gas chromatography and eiectron-capture detection of benzophenones. XI. Applications in the oxidation of gem-substituted diphenylmethane compounds by barium peroxide. Hartvig, P., Handl, W., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1975, 12,349-360. (N65) Gas chromatography and electron-capture detection of tertiary amines as carbamates after reaction with pentafluorobenzyl chloroformate. Hartvig, P., Vessman, J., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 722. (N66) Electron-capture gas chromatography of
tertiary amines as pentafluorobenzyl carbamates. Hartvig, P., Handl, W., Vessman, J., Svahn, C. M., Anal. Chem., 1976,48,390. (N67) Gas chromatography and electron-capture detection of benzophenones. X. Electron-capture gas chromatography of methadone after oxidation to benzophenone. Hartvig, P., Naeslund, B., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 347-354. (N68) Metabolic fate of flurazepam. I. Gaschromatographic determination of flurazepam and its metabolites in human urine and blood using electron-capture detector. Hasegawa, M.,Matsubara, I., Chem. Pharm. Bull. Tokyo, 1975, 23, 1826- 1833. (N69) A new method for the gas-chromatographic detection of phenols. Heenan, M. P., McCallum, N. K.. J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 89. (N70) Gas-chromatographic analysis of benzodiazepines. 11. Diazepam and its metabolites. Heidbrink, V., Mallach, H. J., Moosmayer, A,, Arzneim.-Forsch., 1975, 25, 516-517. (N71) Determination of indomethacin in serum and urine by electron-capture gas-liquid chromatography. Helleberg, L., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 117, 167. (N72) Quantitativedetermination of guanethidine and other guanidino-group-containing drugs in biological fluids by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection and multiple ion detection. Hengstmann, J. H., Falkner, F. C., Watson, J. T., Oates, J., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 34-39. (N73) Determination of a new cerebral vasodilator 3-[2-(benzylmethylamino)ethoxycarbonyl]1,4-dihydro-5-methoxycarbonyl-4-(3-nitrophenyl)2,6-lutidine hydrochloride (YC-93) in plasma by electron-capture gas chromatography. Higuchi, S., Sasaki, H., Sado, T., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 110, 301-307. (N74) GLC determination of plasma levels after oral administration of clorazepate potassium salts. Hoffman, D. J., Chun, A. H. C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1668. (N75) Simultaneous assay of methyiphenobarbitone and phenobarbitone using gas-liquid chromatography with on-column butylation. Hooper, W. D., Dubetz, D. K., Eadie, M. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 110,206-209. (N76) Gas-chromatographic analysis of medazepam and its metabolites using an electrolytic conductivity detector. Howard, A. G., Nickless, G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 100, 49. (N77) A rapid gas-chromatographic method for the determination of diazepam and metabolites in body fluids. Howard, A. G., Nickless, G., Hailey, D. M., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 90, 325. (N78) Gas-liquid chromatographic method for quantitative determination of amitriptyline in human plasma. Hucker, H. B.. Stauffer, S.C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63,296-297. (N79) GLC determination of phendimetrazine in J. serum. Hundt, H. K. L., Clark, E. C., Mulier, F. O., Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1041. (N80) Determination of disopyramide and its mono-Kdealkylated metabolite in blood serum and urine. Hutseli, T. C., Stachelski, S.J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 151-158. (N81) Alkylation method for use in the gaschromatographic determination of antiepileptic drugs. Ijdenberg, F. N., fharm. Week&/., 1975, 110, 21-24. (N82) Improvement of barbiturate gas chromatography by formic acid: possible mechanism. loannides, C., Chakraborty, J., Parke, D. V., Chromatographia, 1974, 7, 351-356. (N83) Pharmacokinetics of iodochiorhydroxyquin in man. Jack, D. B.. Riess. W., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1929-1932. (N84) Determination of low levels of oxprenoiol in blood or plasma by gas-liquid chromatography. Jack, D. B., Riess, W., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88, 173-176. (N85) Determination of nitrazepam in serum by gas-liquid chromatography. Application in bioavailability studies. Jensen, K. M.. J. Chromatogr., 389-396. 1975, Ill, (N86) Quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic determination of pentylenetetrazol in biological fluids. Jun, H. W., Iturrian, W. B., Stewart, J. T., Lee, B. H., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1843-1846. (N87) Quantitation of cyclazocine and its metabolites in human urine by use of gas-liquid chromatography. Kaiko, R. F., Inturrisi, C. E., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 100, 63-72. (N88) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of warfarin in human plasma. Kaiser, D. G., Martin, R. S.,J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1579-1581.
(N89) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of chlorphenesin carbamate in serum. Kaiser, D. G., Shaw, S. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 10941097. (N90) GLC determination of dl-2-(2-fluoro-4biphenylyl) propionic acid (flurbiprofen) in plasma. Kaiser, D. G., Shaw, S. R., Vangiessen, G. J., J. Pharm Sci., 1974, 63, 567. (N9 1) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of ibuprofen in plasma. Kaiser, D. G., Vangiessen, G. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 219-221. (N92) Assay of clofibrate in human serum by gas chromatography. Karmen, A., Haut, H., Biochem. Med., 1975, 12, 154-161. (N93) Determination of clonazepam in plasma by gas-liquid chromatography. Knop, H. J., Kleijn, E. van der, Edmunds, L. C., Pharm. Weekbl., 1975, 110,297-309. (N94) Rapid gas-liquid chromatography in the determination of serum levels of phenobarbital and diphenylhydantoin. Kumps, A,, Mardens, Y., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 62, 371. (N95) Quantitative determination of ethotoin in serum by gas chromatography. Larsen, N.-E., Naestoft, J., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 92, 157-161. (N96) Simultaneous determination by gas chromatography of butalbital (5-aliyi-5-isobutylbarbituric acid), caffeine, amidopyrine, and two metabolites of the last in plasma and urine. Lavene, D., Guerret, M., Humbert, H., Kiger, J. L., Ann. Pharm. f r . , 1974, 32,505-512. (N97) New mixed-bed column for rapid gas-liquid chromatographic determination of sedatives and Dilantin in serum..Levy, S. K., Schwartz, T., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 54, 19-26. (N98) Gas-chromatogrgtphic determination of esters of polysorbates. Lindner, W., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101,57-62. (N99) Quantitative determination of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the picogram range by flame ionization gas-liquid chromatography. Lovelady, H. G., Foster, L. L., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 108, 4352. (N100) Determination of carbamazepine in serum by liquid-solid chromatography. Lundy, K. S.,Salvesen, B., Med. Nor. Farm. Selsk., 1975, 37, 6471. (N101) New and expedient determination of atenolol in biological samples. Malbica, J. O., Monson, K. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1992. (N102) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of hexadiphane in pharmaceutical preparations. Mardente, S., De Marchi, F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1866-1868. (N103) Gas-chromatographic determination of 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Mardente, S., Calo, R., Boil. Chim. farm., 1974, 113, 590-594. (N104) Determination of carbamazepine in plasma. Mashford, M. L., Ryan, P. L.,Thomson, W. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 11-15. (N105) Sample electron-capture GC method for the determination of oral hypoglycemic biguanides in biological fluids. Matin, S. B., Karam, J. H., Forsham, P. H., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 545. (N106) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of meprobamate in water, plasma, and urine. Martis, L.. Levy, R. H.. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 834-837. (N107) Meperidine and other basic drugs: general method for their determination in plasma. Mather, L. E., Tucker, G. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 306-307. (N108) Electron-capture determination of propoxyphene from human plasma. Maynard, w. R.. Bruce, R. B., Fox, G. G., Anal. Lett., 1973, 6,
1005. (N109) Assay of phenylbutazone in human plasma by a specific and sensitive gas-liquid chromatographic procedure. McGilveray. I. J.. Midha, K. K., Brien, R., Wilson, L., J. Chromatogr., 1974,69, 17-22. (NIIO) GLC determination of plasma concentration of phenylbutazone and its metabolite oxyphenbutazone. Midha, K. K., McGilverary, I. J., Charette, C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1234. (N111) Determination of therapeutic levels of metronidazole in plasma by gas-liquid chromatography. Midha, K. K., McGilveray, I. J., Cooper, J. K., J . Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 491-497. (N112) GLC determination of plasma concentrations of phenprocoumon. Midha, K. K., Hubbard, J. W., Cooper, J. K., McGilveray, I. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 387. (N113) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of plasma levels of warfarin. Midha, K. K., McGilveray, I. J., Cooper, J. K., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,
63, 1725-1729. (N114) Extraction of drugs in blood with a nonionic resin. Missen, A. W., Lewin, J. F., Clin. Chim Acta, 1974, 53, 389-390. (N115) Use of SE-30 as stationary phase for gas-liquid chromatography of drugs. Moffat, A. C., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 113 (I), 69-95. (N116) Gas-chromatographic determination of phenethylbiguanide and its metabolite 1-(4-hydroxyphenethy1)biguanide in serum and urine. Mottale, M., Stewart, C. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 263-270. (N117) Quantitative determination of clonazepam and its metabolites in human plasma by gas chromatography. Naestoft, J., Larsen, N. E., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 93, 113. (N118) Quantitation of propoxyphene and its major metabolites in heroin-addict plasma after large-dose administration of propoxyphene napsylate. Nash, J. F., Bennett, I. F., Bopp, R. J., Brunson, M. K., Sullivan, H. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 429-433. (N119) Gas-chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of lidocaine and its metabolite monoethylglycinexylididein plasma. Nation, R. L., Triggs, E. J., Selig, M., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 116, 188. (N120) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of nikethamide in injectable perparations. Newton, J. M., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1976, 59, 93. (N121) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of 7-chloro-5,I l-dihydrodibenz[b,e](1,4)oxazepine-5-carboxamide in serum or plasma. Niedermayer, A. O., Koski, R. G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 1531-1534. (N122) Simultaneous determination of amitriptyline and nortriptyline in postmortem blood and urine using gas-liquid chromatography. Norheim, G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88, 403-406. (N123) Gas-liquid chromatographic studies of commercially available clinoquinol. Ohlson, B., Svensk. farm. Tidskr., 1973, 77, 631-634. (N124) Quantitative analysis for phenobarbitone with trimethylanilinium hydroxide. Osiewicz, R., Aggarwal, V . , Young, R. M., Sunshine, I., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 86, 157-164. (N125) Rapid micro-method for determining four anticonvulsant drugs by gas-liquid chromatography. Papadopoulos. A. S., Baylis, E. M., Fry, D. E., Marks, V., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 48, 135-141. (N126) Gas-chromatographic studies of phenobarbitone and diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin) after flash-heater alkylation. Pecci, J., Giovanniello, T. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 163-167. (N127) Rapid gas-liquid chromatographic determination of carbamazepine in plasma. Perchalski, R. J., Wilder, B. J., Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 492493. (N128) Flame-ionization and electron-capture GLC determination of 1-(2,6-dimethyphenoxy)-2aminopropane in plasma. Perchaiski, R. J., Wilder, B. J., Hammer, R. H., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1489. (N129) Gas-liquid chromatographic assay of sorbitol as cyclic butaneboronate. Rabinowltz, M. P., Reisberg. P., Bodin, J. I.,J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 160 1- 1604. (N130) A simultaneous determination of acetylsalicyclic acid, salicyclic acid, and salicylamide in plasma by gas-liquid chromatography. Rance, M. J., Jordan, B. J., Nichols, J. D., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 425. (N131) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of fluorouracil. Rao, K. V.,Killion, K., Tanrikut, Y.,J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1328-1330. (N132) Gas-chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of imipramine and desipramine in human serum using nitrogen detection. Reite, S. F., Medd. Nor. Farm. Selsk., 1975, 37, 76-85. (N133) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of nanogram amounts of amitriptyline and nortriptyline in serum following common therapeutic doses. Reite, S. F., Salvesen, B., Skaug, 0.E., Medd. Nor. Farm. Selsk., 1975, 37, 55-63. (N134) Gas chromatographic determination of ethambutol. Richard, B. M., Manno, J. E., Manno, B. R., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 80-83. (N135) Specific gas-chromatographic determination of phenothiazines and barbiturate tranquiliizers with the nitrogen flame ionization detector. Riedmann, M., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 92, 55-59. (N136) Gas-chromatographic determination of atenolol in biological samples. Scales, B., Copsey, P. B., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 430-433.
(N137) A gas-liquid chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of tolmetin in plasma and tolmetin and its major metabolite in urine. Selley, M. L., Thomas, J., Triggs, E. J., J. Chromatogr.,1974, 94, 143. (N138) GLC determination of underivatized carbamazepine in whole blood. Sheehan, M., Beam, R. E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 2004. (N139) GLC determination of procainamide in biological fluids. Simons, K. J.. Levy, R. H., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1967. (N140) Gas-chromatographic resolution of enantiomeric amphetamines and related amines. II. Effects of cyclic structures on diastereoisomer and enantiomer resolution. Souter, R. W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 307-313. (N141) improved gas-chromatographic determination of lignocaine. Spencer, M., Mehta, A,, Hetherington, C., J. Hosp. Pharm., 1975, 33, 13. (N 142) Quantitative gas-chromatographic determination of diazepam and its major metabolite in human serum. Stevn, J. M., Hundt, H. K. L., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107, 196-200. (N 143) Gas-chromatographic resolution of enantiomeric amphetamines and related compounds. Stouer, R. W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 108, 265274. (N144) Estimation and identification in blood plasma of paracetamol in the presence of barbiturates. Street, H. V., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 29-36. (N 145) Comparative gas-chromatographic analysis of narcotics. II. Amphetamine sulfate. Stroemberg, L., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 335342. (N146) Gas chromatography of the oxidation products of phenylbutazone. Szabo, A. E., Stajer, G., Vinkler, E., Arch. Pharm., Weinheim, 1974, 307, 960-966. (N147) Determination of phenylbutazone and its metabolites in plasma by gas-liquid chromatography. Tanimura, Y., Saitoh, Y.,Nakagawa, F., Suzuki, T., Chem. Pharm. Bull., Tokyo, 1975, 23, 651658. (N148) Determination of plasma and urinary levels of an analgesic anti-inflammatory a-[4-(2isoindoiinyl)phenyl]propionic acid derivative by gas-liquid chromatography. Tosoiini, G. P., Forgione, A,, Moro, E., Mandelli, V.,J. Chromatogr., 1974, 92, 61. (N149) Quantitative determination of p-chiorophenoxyisobutyric acid in blood plasma by gas-liquid chromatography. Tuong, C. C., Tuong, A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 97-102. (N150) Electron capture gas chromatography of methindione. Vessman, J., Stroemberg, S., Freij, G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 94, 239, (N151) Determination of chloroquine in biological material by gas-liquid chromatography. Viala, A,, Cano, J. P., Durand, A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 11 1, 299-303. (N152) isolation of drugs with macro-reticular resins. Determination of phentermine in blood. Vycudilik, W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, Ill, 439-442. (N153) Determination of amitriptyline at nanogram levels in serum by eiectron-capture gas chromatography. Wallace, J. E., Hamilton, H. E., Goggin, L. K., Blum, K., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 1516-1 519. (N154) Electron-capture gas chromatography of barbituric acid and phenytoin after pentafluorobenzyiation. Walle, T., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 345-350. (N 155) GLC determination of propranolol, other &blocking drugs, and metabolites in biological fluids and tissues. Waiie, T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63,
1885. (N156) Determination of purity of levodopa and levodopa products by gas-liquid chromatography. Watson, J. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63,96-99. (N157) Specific quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of methyldopa and some foreign related amino-acids in raw material and commercial tablets. Watson, J. R., Lawrence, R. C., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103, 63-70. (N158) Micro-methods for determination of sedatives and antipyretics (amidopyrine, phenytoin, paracetamol, phenobarbitone and primidone) by thermal gas chromatography. Windorfer, A., Jr., Roettger, H. J., Arzneim.-forsch., 1974, 24, 893-895. (N159) GLC analysis of metronidazole in human plasma. Wood, N. F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1048. (N160) Eiectron-capture gas-liquid chromatographic determination of a new antiarrhythmic agent,
a,a-dimethyi-4-(a,a,fl,fl-tetrafluorophenethyl)benzylamine, in biological fluids. Zacchei, A. G., Weidner, L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 814-818. Chromatography, HPLC
(N161) Simultaneous high-pressure liquid chromatographic determination of some anticonvulsants in serum. Adams, R. E.. Vandemark, F. L.. Clin. Chem., 1976,22,25. (N162) Development and evaluation of method for simultaneous determination of phenobarbitone and phenytoin in plasma by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Atwell, S. H., Green, V. A,, Haney, W. G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 806-809. (N163) Automated chromatographic determination of chlorhexidine in pharmaceutical preparations. Bailey, F., Brittain, P. N., Williamson, B. F., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 305-312. (N164) High pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of barbiturates in the picomole range by fluorometry of their DANSderivatives. Dunges, W., Naundorf, G., Seiler, N., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 655. (N 165) Determination of carbamazepine and Its epoxide metabolite in plasma by high-speed liquid chromatography. Eichelbaum, M., Bertilson, L., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103, 135-140. (N166) Simultaneous measurements of diphenylhydantoin and phenobarbitone in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography. Evans, J. E., Anal. Chem., 1973, 45, 2428-2429. (N167) Determination of sodium o-iodohippurate in pharmaceuticaldosage forms by high-speed liquid chromatography. Falk, A. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,
63, 274-275. (N168) Micro-method for the determination of carbamazepine in blood by high-speed liquid chromatography. Gauchel, G., Gauchel, F. D., Birkofer, L., 2.Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1973, 11, 459-
460. (N 169) High-pressure liquid-chromatographic determination of (dextro) propoxyphene hydrochloride in tablets and capsules. Gilpin, R. K., Korpi, J. A,, Janicki, C. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107,
115-123. (N170) Separation of a wide range of drugs of abuse by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Jane, I., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 227-233. (N171) Comparative serum and urine analyses by dual-detector anion-exchange chromatography. Katz, S.,Pitt, W. W., Jr., Mrochek, J. E., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 303-310. (N172) High-speed liquid chromatographic determination of procaine in pharmaceuticals. Khalil, S. K. W., Shelver, W. H., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 606-608. (N173) Separation of tricyclic psychosedative drugs by high-speed ion-pair partition and liquid-solid absorption chromatography. Knox, J. H., Jurand, J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103, 31 1-326. (N174) Liquid chromatography of analgesic drugs on ion-exchange resins. Larson, P., Murgia, E., Hsu, T.-Y., Walton, H. F., Anal. Chem., 1973, 45,
2306-2310. (N175) Partition high-pressure liquid-chromatographic systems for the separation of digitalis glycosides of the cardenolide group. Linder, W., Frei, R. W., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 117, 81. (N176) High-resolution liquid chromatography of some psychotropic drugs. Macek, K., Rehak, V., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 105, 182. (N177) Determination of methylglucamine in urine using high-performance liquid chromatography. Nahlovsky, B. D., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101,
electrochemical detection. Riggin, R. M., Schmidt, A. L., Kissinger, P. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64,
(N 183) Separation and analysis of psychopharmacologic drugs by high efficiency liquid chromatography. Rodgers. D. H., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 742. (N 184) High-speed liquid-chromatographic analysis of indomethacin in plasma. Skellern, G. G.. Salole, E. G., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 483-
485. (N 185) High-pressure liquid chromatography of drugs. Evaluation of an octadecylsilane stationary phase. Twitchett, P. J., Moffat, A. C., J. Chromatogr.,
1975, 111, 149-157. (N186) Separation and quantitative determination of tricyclic antidepressants by high-performance chromatography. Watson, J. D., Stewart, M. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 110, 389. Chromatography, TLC
(N187) In situ spectrofluorimetric estimation of substituted tetrahydrolsoquinolines by thin-layer chromatographic separation and oxidation to the dihydroisoquinolinium derivatives. Allen, J. G., Haigh, J. L., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 217-218. (N188) Quantitative analysis of barbiturates by thin-layer chromatography. Amin, M., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101, 387-393. (N 189) Thin-layer chromatographic analysis of barbituric acid derivatives. Braun, M., Hanel, G., Heinisch, G..Sci. Pharm., 1975, 43, 168. (N190) Rapid and accurate determination of the level of carbamazepine in serum by ultraviolet reflectance photometry on thin-layer chromatograms. Breyer, U., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 108, 370-374. (N191) Colorimetric determination of pancuronium and its desacetyl derivatives in the human body fluids. Buzello, W., Anaesthesist, 1974, 23, 443. (N192) Detection and quantitative analysis of amphetamine. Danielson, T. J., Boulton, A. A., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 159-162. (N193) Simple new method for testing impurities in cephalexin. David, A,, Takacsy, T. E., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 774-775. (N 194) Quantitative thin-layer chromatography of pyrimethamine and related diaminopyrimidines in body fluids and tissues. DeAngells, R. L., Simmons, W. S., Nichol, C. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106, 41. (N195) Evaluation and selection of optimal solvents and solvent combinations in thin-layer chromatography application of the method to basic drugs. DeClercq, H., Massart, D. L., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 115, 1. (N 196) Spectrofluorodensitometric determination of flurazepam and its major metabolites in blood. de Silva, J. A. F., Bekersky, I., Pugiisl, C. V., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1837. (N 197) Evaluation of thin-layer chromatograms with an internal standard. II. Fluorimetric in situ determination of aspirin. Ebel, S., Herold, G., Arch. Pharm. Weinheim, 1975, 308, 839-843. (N198) In situ evaluation of thin-layer chromatograms by the Kubelka-Munk function. 2. Peak height evaluation by the linearized diffuse reflectance curve in the UV. Ebel, S., Hocke, J.. Fresenius' 2. Anal. Chem., 1975, 277, 105-110. (N 199) Decomposition of amitriptyline hydrochloride in aqueous solution: identification of decomposition products. Enever, R. P., Po, A. L. w., Millard, B. J., Shotton, E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64,
1497- 1499.
225-227. (N178) Determination of ethchlorvynol by high-
(N200) A thin-layer chromatographic method for determining carbamazepine in blood. Faber. D. B., In't Veld, W. A. M., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 93,
pressure liquid chromatography. Needham. L. L., Kochhar, M. M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 422-
238. (N201) A thin-layer method for the determination
425. (N179) Analysis of phenylbutazone in plasma by high-speed liquid chromatography. Pound, N . J., McGilveray, I. J., Sears, R. W., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 23-30. (N180) Simultaneous determination of phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone in plasma by highspeed liquid chromatography.' Pound, N. J., Sears, R. W., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 284. (N181) Determination of phenolic sympathomimetic stimulants in pharmaceuticals by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Riggin, R. M., Rau, L., Alcorn, R. L., Kissinger, P. T., Anal. Lett., 1974, 7, 791-798. (N182) Determination of acetaminophen in pharmaceutical preparations and body fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography with
of amitriptyline and nortriptyline in plasma. Faber, D. B., Mulder, C., in't Veld, W. A. M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 100, 55. (N202) Quantitative thin-layer chromatographic determination of primidone, phenethylmalonamide, and phenobarbitone in biological fluids. Garceau, Y., Philopoulos, Y., Hasegawa, J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973,
62,2032-2034. (N203) Thin-layer chromatography of ion pairs on impregnated layers. 111. Straight-phase systems, their efficiencies and use in screening of partition properties. Groningsson, K., Weimers, M., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1975, 12,65-80. (N204) Determination of nanogram amounts of primary aromatic amines and nitro-compounds in blood and plasma. Haefelfinger, P., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111 (2), 323-329.
(N205) Sensitive spray reagent for methaqualone and its metabolites. Hinze, H.J.,Bedessem, G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 94, 347-348. (N206) Quantitative analysis of tribromsalan in blood and urine. Hong, H. S. C., Steltenkamp, R. J., Smith, N. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 2007. (N207) Thin-layer chromatographic method for determining carbamazepine and two of its metabolites in serum. Hundt, H. K. L., Clark, E. C., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107, 149-154. (N208) Simultaneous detection of a wide variety of commonly abused drugs in a urine screening programme using thin-layer identification techniques. Kaistha, K. K., Tadrus, R., Janda, R., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107, 359-379. (N209) 2-Thiobarbituric acid as a reagent for the detection of meconic acid by thin-layer chromatography. Karnat, s. s., Joglekar, V. D., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 110, 190-192. (N210) Simple determination of guaiacyl glyceryl ether in liquid and solid pharmaceuticalpreparations. Kartnig, T.. Still, F.. Sci. Pharm., 1975, 43, 6-9. (N211) Use of fluorescamine (Fiuram) to detect amphetamine in urine by thin-layer chromatography. Klein, B., Sheehan, J. E., Grunberg, E., Clin. Chem., 1974,20, 272-274. (N212) Assay of indomethacin in the presence of its hydrolytic-degradation products. Krasowska, H., Krowczynski, L.. Bogdanik, Z., Pol. J. Pharmac. Pharm., 1973,25,417-421. (N213) Detection of benzodiazepine drugs and/or of their metabolites In urine. Krugers Dagneaux, P. G. L. C., Pharm. Weekbl. Ned., 1973, 108, 1025-
1037. (N214) Detection of a flurazepam metabolite in urine. Krugers Dagneaux, P. G. L. C., Klein Elhorst, J. T., Pharm. Weekbl., 1975, 110, 1-9. (N215) Semi quantitative determination of m aminophenoi in paminosalicylic acid and its sodium salt. Kulkarni, S. B., Kundaji, S. B., Tamhane, R. G., lndian J. Pharm., 1975, 37, 151-153. (N216) Extraction method and thin-layer chromatographic system for the determination of a - l acetylmethadol and metabolites in biological fluids. Kuttab, S. H.,North-Root, H., Henderson, G. L., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 117, 193. -(N217) Thin-layer chromatographic identification of preservatives in eye-drops. Ludwikowska, K., Kowalska, A., Fiebig, A,, Szczygiel, E., Farm. Pol.,
1975,31,37-41. (N218) Detection and determination of benzophenone present in phenytoin sodium formulations and drug substance. Matsui, F. F., Smith, S. J., Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 1975, 275, 365-367. (N219) Practical kinetics. i. Quantitation of barbiturate stability by thin-layer chromatography. Maulding, H. V., Polesuk, J.. Rosenbaum, D., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 272-274. (N220) Separation and identification of certain benzodiazepines by thin-layer chromatography. Meeles, M. T. H. A., Dreijer-van der Glas, S. M., Kho, G. L., Pharm. Weekbl. 1975, 110,492-495. (N221) Quantitative analysis of barbiturates by thin-layer chromatography. Monir, A., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101, 387. (N222) Stability, absorption; excretion, and distribution of 1,4-bis[2-(2-(I-naphthyl)propionyloxy)ethyl]piperazine (nafiverine).Naito, S.4, Yamamoto, T.. J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 253-258. (N223) Densitometric determination of isoniazid and p-aminosalicylate in a rectal ointment. Pavlyuchenkova, L. P., farmatsiya (Moscow), 1976, 25,
73-74. (N224) Specialized thin-layer chromatographic system for some common drug-identification problems. Prantis, P. A. F., Stoiman, A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106,485-489. (N225) Thin-layer chromatography of hydrazidic monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs. Sagher, R. M. de, Leenheer, A. P. de, Claeys, A. E., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106,357-362. (N226) Urinary excretion of amitriptyline Noxide in humans. Santagostino, G., Facino, R. M., Pirillo, D., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1690-1692. (N227) Differentiation of unsaturated barbiturates by reaction chromatography. Schuetz, C., Schuetz, H., DtSCh. ApOth.-Ztg., 1973, 113, 1559-1562. (N228) Reaction-chromatographic detection of diazepam, nitrazepam, and clorazepic acid. Schuetz, C., Schuetz, H., Ha, Y. D., Dtsch. Apoth.-Ztg., 1973,
115, 1967-1969. (N229) Possible applications of reaction chromatography exemplified by the reaction-chromatographic detection of nitrazepam and its major metabolites. Schuetz, H., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 94,
159- 167.
121 R
(N230) Determination of clofibrate in biological fluids by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography. Sedaghat, A., Nakamura, H., Ahrens, E. H., Jr., J. Lipid Res., 1974, 15, 352-355. (N231) Thin-layer chromatography of 3,4methylenedioxyamphetamine,3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine and other phenethyiamine derivatives. Shaw, M. A,, Peel, H. W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 201-204. (N232) Thin-layer chromatographic estimation of chlorinated organic impurities in phenacetin. Sokolowska, I., Borkowska, Z . , Acta Pol. Pharm., 1973.30, 575-579. (N233) A thin-layer chromatographic method for the determination of quinidine in human serum. Steyn, J. M., Hundt, H. K. L., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 463. (N234) Limits of the thin-layer chromatographic detection (semi-quantitative determination)of methyl and propyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid on ready-coated sheets with different spray reagents. Thieiemann, H., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 337. (N235) Thin-layer chromatography of various analgesics, anti-pyretics and anti-inflammatory agents. Thompson, R. D., Johnson, G. L., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88, 361-363. (N236) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of ibuprofen enantiomers in biological specimens. VanGiessen, G. J., Kaiser, D. G.. J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 798-801. (N237) Thin-layer chromatographic-spectrofluorimetric analysis of amphetamine and amphetamine analogues after reaction with 4-chloro-7nitrobenzofurazan. Van Hoof, F., Heyndrickx, A,, Anal. Chem., 1974,46,286-288. (N238) Separation and quantitative determination of impurities in tetracycline. Willekens, G. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1681-1686. (N239) Column-chromatographic analysis of barbiturates in their dosage forms. II. Secobarbital, amylobarbitone and pentobarbitone. Cunningham, C. G., Barkan, S., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58,525-527. (N240) Column chromatography of fluorouracil on Sephadex G-10. De Leenheer, A. P., Rigo, S. S., Gelijkens, C. F., Van Vaerenbergh, P. M., J. Cbromatogr., 1974, 92, 339-348. (N241) Determination of procaine and related local anaesthetics. I. Partition-chromatographic separation and assay of mixtures of procaine with tetracaine and with propoxycaine. Doyle, T. D., Proctor, J. B., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975,58, 88-92. (N242) Determination of major impurity in chlordiazepoxide formulations and drug substance. French, W. N., Matsui, F. F., Smith, S. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1545. (N243) Chromatography of 1,Cbenzodiazepines. Haiiey, D. M., J. Cbromatogr., 1974, 98, 527568. (N244) Separation of methotrexate and nonmethotrexate components in rat plasma. Kates, R. E., Tozer, T. N., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 2056. (N245) An assay for phenylephrine applicable to stability studies. Shotton, E., Priaulx, D.J., J. Pbarm. Pharmacol., 1974, 26, 197. (N246) The identification of barbiturates in urine. Wang, R. I.H.,Mueiler, M. A,, J, Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62. 2047-2049. Electrochemical (N247) Determination of 1,Cbenzodiazepines in biological fluids by differential pulse polarography. Brooks, M. A,, de Silva, J. A. F., Talanta, 1975, 22, 849-860. (N248) Trace-level determination of 1,4-benzodiazepines in blood by differential pulse polarography. Brooks, M. A., Hackman, M. R., Anal. Chem., 1975,47,2059-2062. (N249) Polarographic determination of poiyphenolic amines (adrenaline, noradrenaline, and isopropyladrenaline). i. Theory. Cantin, D., Alary, J., Coeur, A., Analusis, 1973-1974, 2, 654-657. (N250) Application of polarography to the development of a stability-indicating assay method for a new indole derivative and its tablet formulations. Chan, H. K., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1974, 26, 37P-4OP. (N251) Assay of flurazepam in plasma by differential pulse polarography. Clifford, J. M., Smyth, M. R., Smyth, W. T., Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem., 1974,272, 198. (N252) Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones. XVIII. Ethacrynic acid. Deshler, L., Zuman, P., Anal. Chim. Acta. 1974, 73, 337-354.
(N253) Electron-capture GLC determination of blood levels of 7-chloro-l,3-dihydro-5-(2'-chlorophenyl~2/+1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one in humans and its urinary excretion as lorazeparn determined by differential pulse polarography. de Silva, J. A. F., Bekersky, I., Brooks, M. A., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1943. (N254) Polarographic behavior of isocarboxazide (marplan) and its hydrolytic products. El-Darawy, 2 . i., Ei-Makkawi, H. K., Saber, T. M. H., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 94. (N255) Polarographic behavior of the 1,4-benzodiazepines oxazepam and iorazepam, and a method for quality control. Goldsmith, J. A,, Jenkins, H. A,, Grant, J., Smyth, W. F., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1973, 66,427-434. (N256) Determination of chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride and its major metabolites in plasma by differential pulse polarography. Hackman, M. R., Brooks, M. A,, de Silva, J. A. F., Ma, T. S., Anal. Chem., 1974,46, 1075. (N257) Polarographic determination of chlorpheniramine maleate in pharmaceuticals.Jacobsen, E., Hogberg, K., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 71, 157-163. (N258) Polarographic determination of chlorhexidine in pharmaceutical preparations. Jacobsen, E., Glyseth, B., Talanta, 1975, 22, 1001-1004. (N259) Polarographic determination of derivatives of butyrophenone in blood. Mikolajek, A., Krzyzanowska, A,, Fidelus, J., Fresenius'Z. Anal. Chem., 1974,272,39-42. (N260) Polarographic method for the analysis of cinnarizine (I-benzhydryl-4-cinnamylpiperazine) tablets. Nin'o, M., Tr. Nauchnoizsled. Khim.-farm. lnst. 1974, 9, 445-450. (N261) Polarographic determination of temazepam. Oelschlaeger, H., Oehr, H. P., Pharm. Acta Helv., 1974, 49, 179-186. (N262) Analysis of drugs by polarography or oscillopolarography. XIII. Electrochemical properties and polarographic determination of prazepam. Oelschlaeger, H., Senguen, F. I., Arch. Pharm. Berl., 1973,306 (IO), 737-746. (N263) Polarographic determination of lorazepam. Oelschlaeger, H., Sengun, F. I., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 770. (N264) Determinatioh of propiolactone by polarography. Pellerin, F, Letavernier, J. F., Ann. Pharm. Fr., 1974,32, 561-568. (N265) Voltammetric determination of trmepranol., Proksa, E., Molnar, L., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 418. (N266) Drug analysis by polarography or oscillopolarography. XVIII. Electroanalytical properties of bromazepam and its determination in blood by cathode-ray polarography. Senguen, F. I., Oelschlaeger, H., Arch. Pharm., Weinheim, 1975, 308, 720-723. (N267) Collaborative study of the determination of glyceryl guaiacolate in pharmaceutical dosage forms by conventional direct-current polarography. Sherken, S., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 756-760. (N268) Quantitative and automatic polarographic determination of isosorbide dinitrate in pharmaceutical preparations. Silvestri, S., Pbarm. Acta. Helv., 1975, 50, 304-307. (N269) Spectral and polarographic study of clorazepate dipotassium. Smyth, W. F., Leo, B., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 76, 289. (N270) Polarography of nalidixic acid. Staroscik, R., Prochowska, I., Sulkowska, J., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 387. (N271) Determination of methyldopa in pharmaceutical dosage forms and biological fluids based on oxidation at the tubular carbon electrode. Stewart, J. T.. Lo, H. C., Mason, W. D., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 954-955. (N272) Decomposition of phenylbutazone in solutions. Ii.Phenylbutazone determination by alternating-current oscillopolarography. Szyszko, E., Weglowska, W., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1974, 31, 195-199. (N273) Polarographic determination of isosorbide dinitrate. Turner, W. R.,Lenkiewicz, R. S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 118. (N274) Determination of isoniazid, Kacetylisoniazid and isonicotinic acid by sine-wave ac poiarography. Vallon, J. J., Badinand, A,, Bichon, C., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 78, 93-98. (N275) Differential pulse polarographic determination of benzodiazepines. Van Doorne, P., Pharm. Weekbl., 1975, 110, 149-151. (N276) Polarographlc determinatlon of some phenyl substituted anticonvulsive drugs. Wiegrebe,
W., Wehrhahn, L., Arzneim.-Forsch., 1975, 25, 517. Fluorimetrlc (N277) Determination of isoniazid and metabolites in biological fluids. Boxenbaum, H. G., Riegeiman, S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1191-1197. (N278) The specific fluorimetric determination of digoxin. Britten, A. Z., Njau, E.,Anal. Chim. Acta., 1975, 76, 409. (N279) Fluorescence reactions of fluorescarnine with levodopa and its derivatives: fluorescence assay of 4-hydroxy-3-rnethoxyphenylalanine in levodopa dosage forms. Cheng, L. K., Levitt, M., Fung, H. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 839-841. (N280) Fluorimetric assay of bethanidine in plasma. Corder, C. N., Klaniecki, T. S., McDonald, R. H., Jr., Berlin, C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 785-788. (N281) Spectrofluorimetric determination of pharmaceuticals containing aromatic or aliphatic primary amino-groups as their fluorescarnine derivatives. de Silva, J. A. F., Strojny, N., Anal. Chem., 1975447, 714-718. (N282) Fluorometric determination of 2,3-bis(p methoxyphenyi)imidazo(1,2-a)pyrimidine in biological materials. Kaiser, D. G., Forist, A. A., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 2011. (N283) Fluorometric analysis of phenol derivatives. 111. Fluorometric determination of acetaminophen. 2. Fluorometric analysis of p-aminophenol and its application to the determination of acetaminophen. Kaito, T., Sagara, K., Yakugaku Zasshi, 1974,94,639-644. (N284) Fluorometric analysis of phenol derivatives. II. Fluorometric determination of acetaminophen. Kaito, T . I.,Sagara, K., Yoshida, T., ito, Y., Yakugaku Zasshi, 1974,94,633-638. (N285) Semi-automated spectrophotofluorimetric determination of trimethoprim in biological fluids. Kaplan, S. A,, Weinfeld, R. E., Lee, T. L., J. Pbarm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1865-1870. (N286) Comparison of three photochemicalfluorimetric methods for determination of chloroquine. Lukasiewicz, R. J., Fitzgerald, J. M., Appl. Spectrosc., 1974, 28, 151-155. (N287) Fluorimetric determination of dibucaine. Martucci, J. D., Schulman, S. G.. Anal. Chim., Acta, 1975, 77,317-319. (N288) Fluorometric assay for Kacetylprocainamide. Maturik, E., Gibson, T. P., Clin. Chem. (Winston-Salem, N.C.), 1975, 21, 1899. (N289) Fluorometric assay of verapamil in biological fluids and tissues. McAliister, R. G., Howell, S. M., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 431. (N290) Fluorimetric assay of carbamazepine and its metabolites in blood. Meilink, J. W., Pharm. Weekbl. Ned., 1974, 109, 22-30. (N291) Automated specific fluorimetric methods for adrenaline and noradrenaline assay in a single biological extract. Peyrin, L., Cottet-Emard, J. M., Anal. Biochem., 1973, 56, 515-531. (N292) Determination of the main metabolites of acetylsalicylic acid. I. Determination of salicylic acid and it$ metabolites: studies in healthy subjects. Puetter, J., Arzneim-Forsch., 1975, 25, 941-944. (N293) Fluorimetric determination of flufenamic acid and quinine in the nanogram range with use of a chamber paper-analysis (KAPA) apparatus. Schmollack, W., Wenzel, U., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 583-584. (N294) Extraction of adrenaline as trihydroxyindole for fluorimetric determination in the presence of noradrenaline. Schwedt, G., Clin. Cbim. Acta, 1974,51,247-256. (N295) Fluorescence of gentistic acid. Stailings, M. S., Schulman, S. G., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 78, 438. (N296) Rapid fluorimetric determination of procainamide hydrochloride dosage forms. Tan, H. s. I., Beiser, C., J . Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 12071210. (N297) Reaction of K3,3-trimethyl-l-phenylI-indanpropylamine hydrochloride with 7-chloro4-nitrobenzofurazan and its application to spectrophotofluorimetric assay. Turdiu, R., Penner, M. H., Chafetz, L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 78-81. (N298) Fluorimetric determination of epinephrine and norepinephrine in one milliter of urine, introducing dithiothreitol and boric acid as stability- and sensitivity-improving agents of the trihydroxyindo!e method. Vaage, O., Biochem. Med., 1974, 9, 4153. (N299) Fluorimetric determination of propoxyphene. Valentour, J. C., Monforte, J. R.,Sunshine,
I., Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 275-277.. (N300) Fluorescence and phosphorescence of antihistamines having the diphenylmethane chromophore. Effect of halide ions on luminescence. Wirz, D. R., Wilson, D. L., Schenk, G. H.,Anal. Chem., 1974,46,896-900. (N301) Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of pentazocine in patients: assay by mass fragmentography. Agurell, S., Boreus, L. 0.. Gordon, E., Lindgren, J. E., Ehrnebo, M.. Loenroth. U., J. Pharm. Pharrnacol., 1974,26, 1-8. (N302) Mass spectrometry-gas chromatographic determination of mecioqualone metabolites from urine extracts. Boven, M. van, Janssen, G., Daenens, P., Mikrochim. Acta, 1974, 603-610. (N303) Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis for methaqualone, phendimetrazine, and phenmetrazine. Boyd, P. M., Moses, P. J., Bowman, L., Spectrosc. Lett., 1974, 7, 223-227, (N304) Thermal decomposition of methylphenidate in the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Flamm, 6. L., Gal, J., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1975,2,281-283. (N305) Quantitation of cyclophosphamide in human blood and urine by mass spectrometry-stable isotope dilution. Jarman, M., Gilby, E. D., Foster, A, B., Bondy, P. K., Ciin. Chim. Acta, 1975. 58, 6169. (N306) Determination of phenformin in biological fluids using chemical-ionization mass spectrometry. Matin, S. B., Uaram. J. H., Forsham, P. H., Knight, J. B., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1 , 320-322. (N307) Identification of a blood metabolite of methsuximide by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Muni, i. A,, Aitshuler, C. I-., Neicherii, J. C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1820-1823. (N308) Gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry of biologically active primary amines as their isothiocyanate derivatives. Narasimhachari, N., Vouros, P., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 367-373. (N309) Determination of carbamazepine in plasma by mass fragmentography. Palmer, L., Bertilsson. L.. Coilste, P., Rawlins, M., Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 1973, 14, 827-832. (N310) The analysis and biochemistry of azaanalogues of methaqualone. I. Mass spectrometry. Pfeifer, S., Poehlmann, H., Kraft, R., Pharmazie, 1974,29, 765-769. (N311) Determinatlon of (f)-1,2-bis(3,5-dioxopiperaziny1)propane plasma levels in rats, rabbits, and humans by gas-liquid chromatographyand mass fragmentography. Sadee, W., Staroscik, J., Finn, C., Cohen, J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 998-1001. (N312) Determination of pinazepam (7-chloro5-phenyl-l-prop-2-ynyl-l,4-benzodiaze~in-2-one) and its metabolites in serum, urine and brain by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Trebbi, A,, Gervas, G. B., Comi, V., J. Chromatogr., 1975. 110.309-319. (N313) Mass-spectral studies of ultraviolet irradiated and non-irradiated lysergic acid diethylamide extracts from illicit preparations. Urich, R. W., Bowerman, D. L., Wittenberg, P. H.,McGaha, 6. L., Schisler, D. K., Anderson, J. A., Levisky, J. A,, Pflug, J. L., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 581-583. (N314) Simultaneous determination of propranolol and 4-hydroxypropranolol in plasma by mass fragmentography. Walle, T., Morrison, J., Walle, K., Conradi, E., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 351-359. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (N315) Determination of glutethimide by nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. Aboui-Enein, H. Y., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 73, 399-401. (N316) Nuclear magnetic resonance assay of diastereoisomers of 7-chloro-3,3a-dihydro-2methyl-2H,9H-isoxazolo(3,2-b)- 1,3-benzoxazin9-one using deuterated tris(6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyloctane-3,5-dionato)europium(lll) shift reagent. Reisberg, P., Brenner, I. A,, and Bodin, J. I., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1586-1591. (N317) Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of pharmaceuticals. XI. Determination of acetazolamide and its sodium salt in various dosage forms. Turczan, J. W., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 68,395400. (N318) Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of pharmaceuticals. XIII. Carbromal and Bromural (bromvaletone) in tablets. Turczan, J. W., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57,893-896. (N319) Determination of amantadine hydrochloride in soft gelatin capsules and syrups. Turczan, J. W., Medwick, T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 425-427.
(N320) NMR analysis of pharmaceuticals. XIV. Determination of amyl nitrite in its inhalant dosage form. Turczan, J. W., Medwick, T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 235. Spectrophotometric, Colorimetric (N32 1) Colorimetric determination of dipyrone. Abdine, H., Soliman, S. A., Morcos, M.G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1834-1836. (N322) Colorimetric determination of antazoline in some pharmaceutical preparations with sodium nitrite. Amer, M. M., Tawakkol, M. S., Ismaiel, S. A,, Analyst (London), 1974, 99,487-490. (N323) Spectrophotometric determination of piperazine in pharmaceutical preparations, Baggi, T. R., Mahajan, S.N., Rao, G. R., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 1144-1 146. (N324) Colorimetric determination of piperazine in pharmaceutical preparations. Baggi, T. R.. Magajan, s. N., Rao, G. R., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 1144. (N325) Quantitative determination of barbiturate in urine and serum. de Bruijn, D., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974,53,385-388. (N326) Analytical procedures for the determination of chlorhexidine in oral products. Cropper, E., Platt, P., Puttnam, N. A,, J. SOC.Cosmet. Chem., 1975, 26,355-373. (N327) Quantitative determination of piperazine citrate in piperazine citrate syrup U.S.P. Das Gupta, V., Am. J. Hosp. Pharm., 1976, 33, 283. (N328) Quantitative determination of phenol in phenolated calamine lotion U.S.P. Das Gupta, V., Bomer, K. A., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 11991200. (N329) Quantitative determination of phenol in ointments. Das Gupta, V., Chan, S. H. F.. Am. J. Hosp. Pharm., 1975,32, 522-533. (N330) Colorimetric determination of guanazole in plasma and blood. Dave, C., Caballes, L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 347. (N331) Colorimetric method for the determination of phenacetin and paracetamoi. 11. Indophenol reaction. Alternative manual procedure for determination of phenacetin and paracetamoi and its application to determination of other pharmaceuticals, including sulfonamides, procaine, and related compounds. Davis, D. R., Fogg, A. G., Burns, D. T., Wragg, J. S., Analyst(London), 1974, 99, 12-18. (N332) Colorimetric determination of piperazine in pharmaceutical formulations. Dessouky, Y. M., Ismaiel, S. A., Analyst (London), 1974, 99, 482486. (N334) Selective colorimetric determination of paracetamol by means of an indophenol reaction. Eilcock, C. T. H., Fogg, A. G., Analyst (London), 1975, 100, 16-18. (N335) Spectroscopic methods for the determination of azapropazone in serum developed and evaluated using radioisotopic techniques. Farrier, 0. S., Arzneim.-Forsch., 1974, 24, 747. (N336) New spectrophotometric determination of nitrazepam. Galio, N., Bianco, V. D., Doronzo, S., Laforgia, P. D., Experientia, 1974, 30, 439-440. (N337) Human urinary excretion of piperazine citrate from syrup formulations. Hanna, S., Tang, A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 2024-2025. (N338) Compounding of antacids. 11. Quantitative analysis of propantheiine bromide mixed with dried aluminum hydroxide gel. Horioka, M., Aoyama, T., Maeda, T., Takada, K., Yakuzaigaku, 1974, 34, 22-26. (N339) Analysis of pharmaceutical preparations. XXVII. Colorimetric determination of aminopyrine in anticold pharmaceutical preparations with ferric-dipyridyl reagent. Inoue, T., Tatsuzawa, M., Hojo, M., €/sei Kagaku, 1974, 20, 223-227. (N340) Determination of nifuroxime in tablets and powders containing furazolidone. Ismaiel, S. A,, Aust. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 3, 31-32. (N341) Determination of antazoline and diphenhydramine in some pharmaceutical preparations containing ephedrine. Ismaiei, S. A,, Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 423-424. (N342) Colorimetric method for the determination of methyldopa. Khalii, S. K. W., Saiama. R. E., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1974, 26, 972. (N343) Determination of diphenyiacetic and cyclohexyiphenyiacetic acid esters by their reaction ferric hydroxamate. Effect of substituents. Longree, R.. Bosly, J., Mikrohcim. Acta, 1975, 321-336. (N344) Colorimetric determination of some isoxazolamines with sodium 1,2-naphthaquinone4-sulfonate. Manzo, R. H., Catania, P., Martinez de Bertoreilo, M., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 1141-
1143. (N345) Spectrophotometric determination of chlordiazepoxide. Ossman, A. R. E.N., El Hassany, A. H., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 257. (N346) Colorimetric method for the estimation of menadione or menadione sodiun bisulfite in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Patel, J. C., Mehta, R. C., Shastri, M. R., lndian J. Pharm., 1975. 37, 14 1- 143. (N347) Colorimetric determination of microgram quantities of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (isoniazid). Rao, P. V., Rao, G. 6. B., Murti, P. S., Mikrochim. Acta, 1974, 979-984. (N348) Analysis of phoicodine in cough preparations. Shohet, J. S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1011-1013. (N349) Utilization of ion-pair extraction to the microdetermination of benactyzine. Siedlanowska-Krowczynska, H., Pol. J. Pharmacol. Pharm., 1974, 26, 575-580. (N350) Colorimetric determination of isoniazid with 9-chioroacridine. Stewart, J. T,, Settle, D. A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1403. (N35 1) Spectrophotometric determination of phenylephrine. Szekeres, L, Harmon, R. E., Gupta, S. U.,Microchem. J., 1973, 18, 583-588. (N352) Colorimetric analysis of procaine hydrochloride. Tan, H. S. I., Sheiton, D., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63,916-919. (N353) Spectrophotometric determination of dipyrone with neotetrazolium chloride. VasilevaAleksandrova, P. S., Shishmanov, P. S., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 1432-1435. (N354) Colorimetric and spectrophotometric estimations of nitrazepam in pharmaceuticals and urine samples. Wassei, G. M., Diab, A. M., Pharmarie, 1973, 28, 790-791. (N355) Disposition of hydralazine in man and a specific method for its determination in biological fluids. Zak, S. B., Bartiett, M. F., Wagner, W. E., Giileran, T. G., Lukas, G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 225. Spectrophotometric, UV (N356) Bilateral differential spectrophotometric determination of amphetamine sulfate in tablets. Abdine, H., El-Sayed, A,, Ibrahim. S. A., Pharmazie, 1974, 29,545-546. (N357) Determination of antihistamines in pharmaceutical preparations by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Boonen, F., J. Pharm. Belg., 1973, 28,410-416. (N358) Oxidation procedures in the assay of some drugs containing a diphenylmethyiene ether or diphenylmethyiene amino group. Caddy, B., Fish, F.. Tranter, J., Analyst(London), 1974, 99, 555. (N359) Rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric procedure for the determination of diphenyhydramine and related ethers. Caddy, B., Fish, F., Tranter, J., Anaiyst(London), 1975, 100, 563. (N360) Improved benzophenone procedure for the microdetermination of 5,5-diphenyihydantoin (phenytoin) in blood. Fellenberg, A. J., Magarey, A,, Pollard, A. C., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 59, 155160. (N361) Naltrexone zinc tannate: a prolongedaction narcotic antagonist complex. Gray, A. P., Robinson. D. S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 159161. (N362) Improved methods for quantitative determination of methadone. Hamilton, H. E., Wallace, J. E., Bium, K., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 741. (N363) Spectrophotometric determination of menadione bisulfite. Ismaiel, S. A., Yassa, D. A,, Pharmazie, 1975, 30 (6), 407-408. (N364) Spectrophotometric determination of salicylamide in complex mixtures. Joy, J., Szekeres, L., Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, 2, 125-128. (N365) spectrophotometric assay of salsoiidine hydrochloride. Karawya, M. S., Diab, A. M., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58, 1169. (N366) A sensitive specific method for measuring N-acetyl-4-aminophenol in blood. Knepil, J., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 52, 369-372. (N367) Spectrophotometric quantitative determination of cyclozil. Le Van Thuan, Reznik, M. B.. Gurevich, I. Y., Farmatsiya (Moscow), 1974, 23, 37-40. (N368) Automated method for the determination of acetylsalicylic acid and its content of free salicylic acid. Oeydvin, K.. Sapiraa, 0. E., Medd. Nor. Farm. Selsk., 1975, 37, 115-122. (N369) Spectrophotometric determination of methaqualone in biological materlal. Preisser, G., Arzneim.-Forsch., 1975, 25, 363-365.
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(N370) Determination of the active principle in preparations based on micronazole and clotrimazole. Szabolcs. Mrs. L., Acta Pharm. Hung., 1976, 46,43-48. (N371) Application of the "AA method" to the determination of phenylbutazone. Wahbi, A. M.. Abou El-Ailah, M. K., Rizk, M. S., J. Drug Res., Cairo, 1972,4, 153-157. (N372) Diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin) microdetermination in serum and plasma by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Wallace, J. E., Hamilton, H. E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1795-1798. (N373) Determination of diphenhydramine hydrochloride in elixir. Woo, D., Yen, J. K. C., Heimlich, K. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1993-1994. (N374) Indirect micromethods for the ultraviolet determination of derivatives of aryl- and diarylhydroxyacetic acids. II..Determination of 5,5-diphenyl-2-(2-piperidinoethyl)- 1,3-dioxoian-4-one hydrochloride. Zyzynski, W., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1975, 32,8147. Titrations (N375) Oxidative determination of dipyridamole with amperometric and potentiometric end-point indication. Binder, A,, Ebel, S., Arch. Pharm., Weinheim, 1975, 308, 68-71. (N376) Comparison of analysis of isoniazid and its dosage forms by several methods. Blake, M. I., Bode, D., Rhodes, H. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1303-1306. (N377) Selective assay of benzoyl peroxide in lotions and creams. Oaly, R. E., Lomner, J. J., Chafetz, L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1999. (N378) Titrations of barbiturates and sulfa drugs in 3-methyloxazolidin-2-one (medium).Davis, G. M., Taphorn, J. E., 111, Caruso, J. A., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1136-1 138. (N379) Thiocyanatochromium(111)complexes in chemical analysis. 16. Determination of procaine with rhodanilate. Ganescu, I.,Varhelyi, C., Cioica, M., Pharmazie, 1975,30,609-610. (N380) Nonaqueous reactions of some 1,4benzodiazepines. Hagel, R. B., Debesis, E. M., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 78, 439-450. (N381) The influence of various salts, polyhydric compounds, and absorbents on the determination of organic bases by anionic Surfactants in two-phase systems. Helman, A. L., Flores, M. J., Gerschocvich, H., Simoni, M., Bernal, E., Freytes, M., Helman, J., Ann. Pharm. Fr., 1974, 32, 283-294. (N382) Spectrophotometric titration of edetic acid in ophthalmic solutions. Kaminski, E. E., Pacenti, D. M., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1133. (N383) Estimation of sodium citrate in pharmaceutical preparations. Kulkarni, S.B., Kundaji, S.G., Tambane, R. G., Indian J. Pharm., 1974, 36, 120121. (N384) Formation of by-products in the oxidimetric determination of certain pyrazolones. II. Pinxteren, J. A. C. van, Verloop, M. E., Pharm. Weekbl., 1975, 110, 61-65. (N385) Chloramine-T as titrimetric reagent in potentiometric determination of isoniazid, phenelzine, and dihydralazine. Pinzauti, S., Dal Piaz, V., La Porta, E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1446-1448. (N386) Direct and indirect titration of propranolol with chloramine T or potassium bromate, and potentiometric or visual determination of the end-point. Piotrowska, A,, Acta Pol. Pharm., 1973, 30, 493498. (N387) Estimation of analgin and ascorbic acid in formulations. Rao, S. N., Ramamoorthy, M., Mohan, N. R. C., Dar, R.N., lndian J. Pharm., 1975, 37,98-99. (N388) Use of copper(l1) as an indicator in volumetric determination of drugs. IX. Determination of paminosalicyciic acid salts. Rzeszutko, W., Janik, E., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1974, 31, 331-335. (N389) Application of copper(l1) as an indicator in volumetric determination of drugs. IX. Determination of 4-aminosalicylates. Rzeszutko, W., Janik, B., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1974, 31, 331-335. Thermal (N390) Thermal analysis of some nonprescription antacids. Wendlandt. W. W., Thermochim. Acta, 1974, I O , 93-99. (N39 1) The identification of non-prescription internal analgesics by thermal analysis. Wendlandt, W. W., Collins, L. W., Anal. Chim. Acta., 1974, 71, 411.
Miscellaneous (N392) Spectroscopic and chromatographic identification of dimethoxy(-derivatives of) amphetamine. Bailey, K., Legault, D., Verner, D., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 70-78. (N393) Chemistry and analysis of dibenzazepine derivatives. IV. Analysis of therapeutic dibenzazepines. Beyer, K. H., Bredenstein, O., Dtsch. Apoth Ztg., 1973, 113, 1562-1567. (N394) Enhancement of optical rotation of levodopa by cyclization. (Application to determination of levodopa). Chafetz, L., Chen, T. M., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63,807-808. (N395) High-voltage paper electrophoresis for characterization of drug metabolites. Conway, W. D., Batra, V. K., Abramowitz, A,, J. Pharm. Sci., l973,62, 1810-1817. (N396) Radioimmunoassay of chlordiazepoxide in plasma. Dixon, W. R., Earley, J., Postma, E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 937. (N397) Structure-luminescence correlations in the oxybarbiturates. Gifford, L. A,, Hayes, W. P.. King, L. A,, Miller, J. N., Burns, D.T., Bridges, J. W., Anal. Chem., 1974,46,94-99. (N398) Ion-pair extraction and precipitation methods for ethambutol determination. Girgis, E. H.. Gad, Z.,Maram, M., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1764-1767. (N399) Boron(il1) anionic complexes in the analysis and control of drugs. Applications in the determination of guanethidine. Grecu, I., Bojita, M., Farmacia, 1975, 23, 49-57. (N400) Determination of micro quantities of ethyl-phenylephrine in plasma by radioisotope derivative method using tol~ene-4-(~~S)sulfonyl chioride. Hiraoka, T., Chem. Pharm. Bull., Tokyo, 1974, 22, 2511-2517. (N401) Importance of the purity control of commercial bulk quinidine and hydroquinidine salts. NMR analysis and apparent partition coefficients. Huynh, N. T., Sirois, G., Pharm. Acta Helv., 1974, 49, 37. (N402) Identification of derivatives of barbituric acid by x-ray powder analysis. XII. 4-Nitrobenzyl derivatives of pentobarbital and of the isomer isomebumai and mixtures of the two compounds. Jersley, B., Ravn-Jonsen, E. J., Arch. Pharm. Chemi, Sci. Ed., 1974, 2, 95-102. (N403) Reaction of haloperidol with 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde, an impurity in anhydrous lactose. Janicki, C. A., Almond, H. R., Jr., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 41-43. (N404) Indirect determination of aminobenzoic acid by atomic absorption spectrometry. Kidani, Y., Saotome, T., Inagaki, K., Koike, H., Jpn. Anal., 1975, 24,463-466. (N405) Indirect determination of chlorpheniramine maleate by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Kidani, Y., Saotome, T.,Kato. M., Koike, H., Jpn. Anal., 1974, 23, 265-269. (N406) Microscopic characterization and identification of drugs, including the use of ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Xi. Kuhnert-Brandstaetter, M., Kofler, A,, Friedrich-Sander, G., Sci. Pharm., 1974, 42,234-248. (N407) Identification and determination of bencyclane hydrogen fumarate and fendilin hydrochloride. Lotti, B., Chim. Farm., 1975, 114, 663-667, (N408) Determination of diphenylhydantoin by phosphorescence spectrometry. Morrison, L. D., O'Donneli, C. M.,Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 11191120. (N409) Analysis and biochemistry of aza-analogues of methaqualone. IV. Biotransformation of 3-(4-chlorophenyi)-2-methyl-4-oxopyrido(2,3-d)pyrimidine. Pfeifer, S., Poehimann, H., Bornschein, I., Kraft, R., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 290-296. (N410) Double radioisotope derivative technique for the assay of drugs in biological material. Oetermination of naprotiline. Riess, W., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 68,363-376. (N411) Measurement of despiramine in brain tissue by a radioisotope derivative technique. Riva, E.,Hrdina, P. O., Morselli, P. L., J. Pharm. Pharmacal., 1975, 27, 797-799. (N412) Quality control of dopamine. Sardini, D., Boll. Chim. Farm., 1973, 112, 700-706. (N413) Analytical-chemical study of benzodiazepines in pharmaceutical preparations. I. Seitzinger, R. W. T., Pharm. Weekbl., 1975, 110, 1073-1096. (N414) Glyceryl trinitrate, its stability and its determination in tablets for sub-linguai and oral use. Soeterboek, A. M, Thiel, M.van, Pharm. Weekbl., 1975, 110, 169-179. (N415) Comparison of procaina.mide analyses in
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plasma by spectrophotofluorimetry, colorimetry, and gas-liquid chromatography. Sterling, J. M., Cox, S., Haney, W. G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 17441747. (N416) New method for quantitative determination of Ddopa in levcdopa samples. Vidi, A,, Franco, C., Bonardi, G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1130. (N417) Single tablet enantiomeric purity assay of amphetamine by rotation enhancement. Weber, J. D., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 105.
STEROIDS Chromatographic Separations
( R I ) Chromatography of sterols, alkaloids, and other drugs using steam as the mobile phase. Baidarovtseva, M. A,, Rudenko, E. A,, Kucherov, V. F., Kuleshova, M. I., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 277-281. (R2) Separation of some androst-16-enes on hydroxyalkoxypropyl-Sephadex (Lipidex). Bicknell, D. C., Gower, D. B., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 110, 2 10-2 12. (R3) Convenient system for the separation of some steroids on Sephadex LH-20. Bourne, A. R., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 92, 465-466. (R4) Simultaneous separation of oestrogens and prostaglandins on an automated column-chromatography system using Sephadex LH-20. Buckle, J. W., Jack, P. M. B., Nathanielsz, P. W., J. Physiol., London, 1974,242,56P-57P. (R5) Analysis of corticosteroids by means of gradient-elution liquid chromatography: application to the analysis of cortical extracts for pharmaceutical use. Cantafora, A,, Cavina, G., Moretti, G., Gallinella, B., Farmaco, Ed. Prat., 1974, 29, 351365. (R6) Rapid, sensitive method for the separation of free cholesterol from esterified cholesterol. Cham, B. E., Hurwood, J. J., Knowles, E. R., Powell, L. W., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 49, 109-113. (R7) identification of some plasma metabolites of (6,7-3H2)oestrone glucosiduronate in male dogs. Collins. D. C., Preedy, J. R. K., Steroids, 1975, 25, 427-439. (R8) Chromatography on lipophilic dextran gels for fractionation of low molecular weight compounds. I. Steroid digitonides. El-Olemy, M. M., Stohs, S. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 161-162. (R9) Simultaneous measurement of unbound testosterone and oestradiol fractions in undiluted plasma at 37 OC by steady-state gel filtration. Fisher, R. A,, Anderson, 0.C., Burke, C. W., Steroids, 1974, 24,809-824. (R10) Acetonitrile-diatomaceous earth column for separation of steroids and other compounds. Graham, R. E., Kenner, C. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1845-1849. (R1 1) Determination of iodochlorhydroxyquin (ciioquinol) and corticosteroids in pharmaceutical formulations. Graham, R. E., Kenner, C. T., Biehl, E. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1013-1017. (R12) Isolation of aldosterone urinary metabolites, glucuronides, and sulfate. Grose, J. H., Nowaczynski, W., Kuchel, O., Genest, J., J. Steroid Biochem., 1973, 4, 551-566. (R13) Group separation of steroid hormones and stilbenes from biological material. Hauser, H. J., Guenther, H. O., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 95, 232234. (R14) Determination of prednisone sodium phosphate by ion-pair extraction. Kaplan, G. B., Levine, J., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 735-737. (R15) Method for fractional determination of soya-bean sterols (divided) into four classes by Florisil column chromatography. Katayama, M., Hou, C. T., Chen, N. C., Hirota, T., Kiribuchi, T., Funahashi, S., Agric. Bioi. Chem., 1974, 38, 1661-1667. (R16) New paper-chromatographic systems for the separation of conjugated corticosteroids. Kornel, L., Miyabo, S., Saito, Z., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 200-205. (R17) Studies on steroid conjugates. VIII. Isolation and characterization of glucuronide-conjugated metabolites of hydrocortisone in human urine. Kornel, L., Saito, Z., J. SteroidBiochem., 1975, 6, 1267-1284. (R18) Efficient method for purifying progesterone for competitive protein-binding technique. Lebei, M., Nowaczynski, W., Genest. J., J. Steroid Biochem., 1975,6, 1359-1361. (R19) Gel chromatography of steroid oestrogens on Sephadex LH-20. Lisboa, B. P., Strassner, M., J.
Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 159-164. (R20) Liquid ion exchangers in paper chromatography of steroidal glucosiduronic acids, glucosiduronic esters, and free steroids. Influence of concentration of exchanger and counterion. Mattox, V. R., Goodrich, J. E., Litwiller, R. D., J. Chromatogr,, 1975, 108,23-35. (R21) Liquid ion-exchangers in paper chromatography of steroidal giucosiduronic acids. Influence of different exchangers on the mobility in chloroform-formamide and correlation of chromatographic data. Mattox, V. R., Litwiller, R. D., Goodrich, J. E., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 109, 129-147. (R22) Corticosteroids in human blood. VI. Isolation, characterization and quantitation of sulfateconjugated metabolites of cortisol (hydrocortisone) in human plasma. Miyabo, S.,Kornel, L., J. Steroid Biochem., 1974, 5, 233-247. (R23) Method for separating oestrogens and phytooestrogens on Sephadex LH-20 columns. Newsome. F. E., Kitts, W. D., Steroids, 1975, 26, 215-217. (R24) Improved apparatus for Celite chromatography of steroids. Purvis, K., Kling. 0. R., Anal. Lett., 1975, 8, 435-439. (R25) Use of Sephadex G-15 in an improved method for oestrogens in pregnancy urine. Quek, E. S.C., Buttery, J. E., de Witt, G. F., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1204-1206. (R26) New rapid method for estimation of urinary pregnanediol. Sarkar, S. L., Jogi, K. V., Mohimen, A., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 206-208. (R27) Group separation of plasma and urinary steroids by column chromatography on Sephadex LH-20. Setchell, K. D. R., Shackleton, C. H. L., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 47, 381-388. (R28) Automation of multiple Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography for the simultaneous separation of plasma corticosteroids. Sippell, W. G., Lehmann, P., Hollmann, G., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 108,305-312. (R29) Urinary metabolites of (9a, 11 p H 2 ) 17a-ethynyloestradiol in women. Chromatographic profiling and identification of ethynyl and non-ethynyl compounds. Williams, M. C., Helton, E. D.,Goldzieher, J. W., Steroids, 1975, 25, 229-246. Chromatography, TLC (R30) Evaluation of total and free cholesterol by thin-layer chromatography. Argeri, N. J., Credaro, C., Bioquim. Clin., 1973, 7 , 295-300. (R31) Solvent system for the separation of steroids with estrogenic and progestational activity by twodimensionai thin-layer chromatography. Cavina, G., Moretti. G., Petrella, M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103,368-371. (R32) Analysis of mixtures of isomeric 5,6-bromohydrins of Sa-pregnane and Sa-androstane series. Chemerisskaya, A. A,, Ivanova, N. M., Sokolov, S. D., Khim.-Farm. Zh., 1974, 8, 54-56. (R33) Steroid quality control. Ii. Purity control and contaminant identification by thin-layer chromatography. Enache, S.,Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 1973, 24,753-754. (R34) Ascorbic acid as an antioxidant in thin-layer chromatography of corticosteroids. Frgacic, S., Kniewald, Z., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 94, 291-293. (R35) Solvent selectivity of the mobile phase in thin-layer chromatography in relation to the mobility and the structure of steroidal pharmaceuticals. Hara, S., Mibe, K., Chem. fharm. Bull., Tokyo, 1975,25, 2850-2859. (R36) Systematic analysis of steroids. XV. Solvent selectivity of the mobile phase in thin-layer chromatography in relation to the mobility and the structure of steroidal pharmaceuticals. Hara, S., Mibe, K., Chem. fharm. Bull., 1975, 23, 28502859. (R37) Determination of unconjugated hydrocortisone, corticosterone, cortexone (1l-deoxycorticosterone), and cortexolone (17,21-dihydroxypregn-4-ene-3.20-dione) by thin-layer chromatography Hartmann, F., Ilner, W., Res. Exp. Med., 1973, 161, 165-174. (R38) Simplified method for the determination of progesterone and testosterone in ampuls. Hilal, S. H.,Mahran, G. H., Mohamed, A. A,, Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 15, 131-135. (R39) Polyamide chromatography of oestrogens and their related compounds. Ii. Thin-layer chromatography of oestrogen-related compounds and influence of chemical structure on migration rates. Hsiu, H. C., Jpn. Anal., 1974, 23, 1226-1231. (R40) Novel spray reagent for steroids on thin-
layer plates. Kohli, J. C., Ann. Chim., 1975, I O , 145-147. (R41) Simultaneous estimation of sterol and steroidal sapogenin in plant extracts by densitometric thin-layer chromatography. Lockwood, G. B., Brain, K. R., Turner, T. D., J. Chromatogr., 1974,95, 250-253. (R42) Thin-layer chromatography-mass spectrometry in the study of the impurities of norethindrone (norethisterone) and norethindrone (norethisterone) acetate. Lodge, B. A,, Toft, P., Can. J. fharm. Sci., 1974, 9, 41-43. (R43) Uses of densitometry in the analysis of pharmaceutical preparations. Quantitative determination of thvmidine and deoxvcorticosterone glucoside. Macioci, F., Fiotek, C , Bbll. Chim. Farm., 1975. 114. 161-168. (R44) Identifying steroids. Martin, J. L., Duncombe, R. E., froc. Soc. Anal. Chem., 1972, 9, 29-3 1. (R45) Thin-layer chromatographic test for identification of some drugs: its application to steroids, tetracyclines, penicillins, and cephalosporins. Martin, J. L., Duncombe, R. E., Shaw, W. H. C., Analyst (London), 1975, 100,243-248. (R46) Thin-layer chromatography of estrogens and 19-nortestosterone. Mijatovic, B., Ristovic, Lj., Grubor, J., Arh. Farm., 1974, 23, 91-93. (R47) Thin-layer chromatography and high-resolution selected-ion monitoring for the analysis of C19 steroids in human hyperplastic prostate tissue. Miilington, D. S.,Buoy, M. E., Brooks, G., Harper, M. E., Griffiths, K., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1975, 2, 219-224. (R48) Thin-layer chromatography on pre-coated adsorbents attached by sintering with glass. X. Thin-layer chromatography of steroidal sapogenins on silica gel and alumina sintered plates. Okumura, T., Jpn. Anal., 1974, 23, 893-900. (R49) Thin-layer chromatography of picogram amounts of oestradiol. Pollow, K., Sinnecker, R., Pollow, B., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 90, 402-404. (R50) Thin-layer chromatography of oestrogens. their derivatives and cholesterol. Rajkowski, K. M., Broadhead, G. D., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 374-379. (R51) Micromethods of characterization and determination of acetylenic steroids by formation of silver acetylide. Rizk, M., Vallon, J. J., Badinand, A,, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 70, 457-461. (R52) Sorption behavior of steroids on silicic acid surfaces. Rupprecht, H., Kindl, G., Biersack, M. J., fharmazie, 1974,29, 207-208. (R53) Determination of small amounts of corticosterone in high-level-lipid plasma by means of thin-layer chromatography. Sable-Amplis, R., Agid, R., Abadie, D., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 94, 287290. (R54) Quantitative determination of conjugated or esterified oestrogens in tablets by thin-layer chromatography. Schroeder, I., Lopez-Sanchez, G., Medina-Acevedo, J. C., del Carmen Espinosa, M., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1975, 13, 37-40. (R55) Ferric chloride-impregnated silica gel for thin-layer chromatography of steroids. Shapiro, D. R., Kuwahara, S. S., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1305-1306. (R56) Simultaneous determination of adrenoovarian steroids from a single aliquot. Sharma, D. P., Venkitasubramanian, T. A,, Biochem. Med., 1974, 11, 103-113. (R57) Steroids and related studies. XXXII. Thin-layer chromatography of some lactam, tetrazole, basic, and quaternary azasteroids. Singh, H., Paul, D., Malhotra, R. K., Bhardwaj, T. R., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 270-273. (R58) Solvents for the adsorption chromatography of adrenocortical steroids. Smith, P., Hall, C. J., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101, 202-205. (R59) Identification and quantitation of 5apregnane-3,20-dione in human pregnancy plasma. Stoea, K. F., Bessesen, A., J. Steroid Biochem., 1975,6, 21-25. (R60) Thin-layer chromatographic study of oestrogenic substances. Szasz, G., Budavari, Z.,Acta Pharm. Hung., 1974,44,233-239. (R61) Application of a histochemical reaction to the thin-layer chromatography of steroids. Valle, L. B. S.,Oliviera-Fiiho, R. M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 105, 201-205. (R62) Identification of steroid hormones. I. Corticosteroids. Vanderhaeghe, H., Hoebus, J., J. fharm. Belg., 1976, 31, 25-37. (R63) Rapid determination of oestriol of pregnancy by spectrodensitometry of thin-layer chromatograms. Wortmann, W., Wortmann, B., Schna-
bel, C., Touchstone, J. C., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12,377-379. Spectroscopy, UV and Visible (R64) Determination of total cholesterol in ghee (milk fat) prepared from milk of cows and buffaloes. Bindal, M. P., Jain. M. K., J. lndian Chem. Soc., 1973, 50,63-65. (R65) Quality control of ready drug forms containing corticosteroids by physicochemical methods. Spectrophotometric determination of prednisolone and fluocinolone acetonide in ointments. Bobkova, L. N., Kazarinov, N. A,, Farm. Zh. (Kiev), 1974, 29, 59-63. (R66) Assay procedure for prednisone acetate in maize oil using a modified isoniazid reagent. Bowron, M., Lodge, B. A,, Can. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 9, 31. (R67) Spectrophotometric determination of methyltestosterone in ointment. Chukurova, R . M., Gretskii, V. M., Kovalenkoo, L. I., farm. Zh. (Kiev), 1974,29,37-39. (R68) Semi-automated determination of urinary 17-oxosteroids in a continuous-flow system. Egloff, M., Degrelle, H., Jayle, M. F., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 59, 147-154. (R69) Rapid, sensitive colorimetric method for determination of ethinylestradiol. Eldawy, M. A,, Tawfik, A. S.,Elshabouri, S. R., J. fharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1221-1223. (R70) Studies in a specific colour reaction for the determination of testosterone (in pharmaceutical preparations). Fahmy, E., Yassa, D. A,, Wahba, N., Analyst. (London), 1974, 99, 759-764. (R71) Determination of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in human urine. Feinstein. W., Sciarra, J. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 1050-1051. (R72) Spectrophotometric determination of steroid oximes. Forist, A. A., Judy, R. W., Anal. Lett., 1974, 7,419-424. (R73) Separation of sulfate and glucuronate fractions of urinary steroids: new analytical method. Goertz, G. R., Crepy, 0. C., Judas, 0. E., Longchampt, J. E., Jayle, M. F., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 51, 277-283. (1374) Reduction of blue tetrazolium by corticosteroids. Graham, R. E., Biehi, E. R., Kenner, C . T., Luttrell, G. H.. Middleton, D. L., J. fharm. Sci., 1975, 64,226-230. (R75) Kinetics of the cholesterol-sulfuric acid reaction: fast kinetic method for serum cholesterol. Hewitt, T. E., Pardue, H. L., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1128-1 134. (R76) Modified method for the determination of prednisone and prednisolone in tablets. Hilai, S.H., Mahran, G. N., Mohamed, A. A., Egypt J. fharm. Sci,, 1973, 14,57-60. (R77) Assay method for oral contraceptives containing megestrol acetate and ethinylestradioi. Hosia Liisa, Kokkonen, M., Karki, A,, Farm. Aikak., 1974,83, 27-33. (R78) Determination of total cholesterol in blood serum with antimony pentachloride reagent. Jungreis, E., Rapp, H., lsr. J. Chem., 1974, 12, 911916. (R79) Simultaneous colorimetric determination of cholesterol and triglycerides in serum with a dual-channel AutoAnalyzer. Koehring, B., Kattermann, R., Z. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1974, 12, 282-286. (R80) Blanking and the determination of cholesterol. Manasterski, A,, Bartzack, C., Thibert, R. J., Zak, B., Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, 11, 1-16. (R8 1) Cholesterol study: reaction plateau and kinetic determinations. Manasterski, A,, Zak, B., Microchem. J., 1974, 19, 8-17. (R82) New possibility for the spectrophotometric determination of steroid sulfates. Marian, M., Matkovics, B., Z.Anal. Chem., 1974, 272, 37-39. (R83) Standardization of the tetrazolium blue method for the determination of antiinflammatory steroids. Occhipinti. B., Rigamonti, G., farmaco, €d, frat., 1974, 29, 61 1-620. (R84) Submicrogram assay of serum and adrenal cholesterol by a simple, direct non-extraction procedure. Parekh, A. C., Creno, R. J., Biochem. Med., 1975, 13, 241-250. (R85) Interference (by drugs) in the Zimmerman test for steroids (in biological fluids). Richardson, R. A.. Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 50, 151-152. (R86) The Dische reaction and its extensions, VII. Specific reactions of glucocorticoids with Dische reagent. Analytical applications to anti-inflammatory steroids. Rioux-Lacoste, C., Viel, C., Ann. F’harm. Fr,, 1975,33, 163-170.
(R87) Urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroid determination with 4-hydrazinobenzenesulfonic acidphosphoric acid. Sanghvi, A,, Wight, C., Parikh, B., Desai, H., Am. J. Clin. Pathol., 1973, 60, 684690. (R88) Analysis of steroids. XXV. Determination of 21-hydroxycorticosteroids in pharmaceutical preparations using the 4,5-dimethyl-c-phenylenediamine method. Szepesi, G., Gorog, S., Boll. Chim. farm., 1975, 114,98-106. (R89) Analysis of steroids. XXIV. Specific method for the spectrophotographic determination of 17-ethynyl steroids. Szepesi, G., Gorog, S., Analyst. (London), 1974, 99, 218-221. (R90) Determination of steroid phosphates in formulations of creams, ointments, and solutions by tetrazolium blue reduction. Van Dame, H. C.. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 731-734. (R91) Colorimetric determination of mestranol in combination with ethynodioi diacetate. Wu, J. Y. P., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58, 75-79. (R92) Colorimetric determination of ethinyloestradiol in oral-contraceptive formulations. Wu, J. Y. P., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 747751. (R93) Colorimetric determination of methyltestosterone in some multivitamin preparations. Yassa, D. A,, Ismaiel, S. A., Pharmazie, 1973, 28, 791. Fluorimetric Analysis (R94) Fluorimetric microdetermination of cholesterol. Badzio, T., Winnicka, U., Solecki, A., Chem. Anal. Warsaw, 1975,20, 701-705. (R95) Determination of estrogens in dosage forms by fluorescence using dansyl chloride. Fishman, S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 674-680. (R96) Enzymic fluorimetric method for determination of hydrocortisone in plasma. Harkoqen, M., Aldercreutz, H., J. Steroid Biochem., 1974, 5, 527-528. (R97) Fluorimetric determination of testosterone on alumina after thin-layer chromatographic separation of trimethylsilyl ether derivatives. Huck, H., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 110, 125-131. (R98) Urinary total-oestrogen values determined by an automated method in normal and abnormal pregnancies. Hull, M. G. R., Braunsberg, H., Irving, D., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 58, 71-76. (R99) Fluorescence (detection and) determination of steroidal dienones (of pharmaceutical interest). Kadin, H., Microchem. J., 1975, 20, 236-241. (R100) Improved fluorimetric determination of A4-3-oxosteroids by the lithium hydroxide reaction for analysis at the nanogram level. Kaplan, H. G., Kany, L., Abraham, R., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974,51, 113-1 17. (R101) Rapid method for estimation of oestriol in plasma during pregnancy. Miklosi, S., Biggs, J. S. G., Selvage, N., Canning, J., Lythal, G.. Steroids, 1975,26,671-681. (R102) The fluorimetric analysis of estrogen in oral contraceptive preparations. Miller, J. H. M., Duguid, P., Proc. Anal. Div. Chem. SOC.,1976, 13, 9-13. (R103) Sulfuric acid-induced fluorescence of corticosteroids: effects of position substituents on fluorescence. Monder, C., Kendall, J., Anal. Biochem., 1975,66,248-254. (R104) Fluorescence of adrenocorticoid hormones. Nagy, L., Acta Pharm. Hung., 1975, 45, 106- 109. (R105) Determination of 1l-hydroxycorticosteroids (hydrocortisone and corticosterone) in plasma. Nordstroem, C. G., Peltola, O., Scand. J. Rheumatob, 1974,3, 143-144. (R106) Simultaneous assay for hydrocortisone and corticosterone in plasma. Painter, K., Shaw, S. M., Russell, H. T.. Biochem. Med., 1974, 9, 184189. (R107) Fluorimetric measurement of urinary free hydrocortisone. Ratliff, C. R., Hall, F. F., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1400-1402. (R108) Fluorimetric determination of oestriol in pregnancy urines after thin-layer chromatography. van Bezeij, M., Bosch, M. W., Z.Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1975, 13,381-386. (R109) Effect of sugars on automated estimations of urinary oestrogens in pregnancy. Worth, H. G. J., Clin. Chem. Acta, 1973. 49, 53-59. Gas Chromatography (R1 IO) Determination by gas chromatography of the seven principal urinary oestrogens at the end of gestation. Adessi, G., Eichenberger, D.. Tran Quang
Nhuan, Jayle, M. F., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 55, 323-331. (R111) Gas-chromatography profile of oestrogens: application to pregnancy urine. Adessi, G. L., Eichenberger, D., Tran Quang Nhuan, Jayle. M. F., Steroids, 1975, 25, 553-564. (R112) Biochemical surveillance during pregnancy. I. Rapid determination of urinary pregnanediol by gas-liquid chromatography. Adessi, G., Tran Quang Nhuan, Egloff, M., Jayle, M. F., Ann. Bid. Clin., 1973, 31, 489-494. (R113) Rapid determination of urinary oestriol by gas-liquid chromatography during the last two trimesters of pregnancy. Adessi, G., Goutte, C., Christeff, N. I.,Jayle, M. F., Ann. Biol. Clin., 1973, 31 (6), 495-500. (R114) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of testosterone esters .in oil solutions. Akalaev, A. N., Pakhomov, S. D., Sokolov, S. D., Farmatsiya (Moscow), 1974,23,36-40. (R115) Gas chromatographic analysis of oil solutions of testosterone esters. Akalaev, A. N., Pakhomov, V. p., Sokolov, s. D., Farmatsiya(Moscow), 1975,24,66-67. (R116) Evaluation of a gas-liquid chromatographic method for determination of urinary steroids using high-resolution open-tubular glass capillary columns. Bailey, E., Fenoughty, M., Chapman, J. R., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 96, 33-46. (R117) Separation of urinary androstanedioi and pregnanediol by a combined gas-liquid chromatography-thin-layer chromatography method. Berthou, F., Bardou, L., Floch, H. H., J. Chrqmatogr., 1974,93, 149-165. (R118) Analysis of 5a-androstanediol monoacetates by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Berthou, F. L., Morfin, R. F.. Picart, D., Bardou, L. G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88' (2), 271-279. (R119) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of 17a-ethynyloestriol (17a-ethynyloestra1,3,5(10)- triene-3,16a,l7/3-triol)-3-cyclopentyl ether. Bishara, R. H., Rutherford, B. S., Dinner, A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 1210-1213. (R120) Gas-liquid chromatography of sterols, alkaloids, and other drugs using steam as the mobile phase. Baydarovtseva, M. A,, Rudenko, B. A,, Kucherov, V. F., Kuleshova, M. I., J. Chromatogr., 1975.104,277-281. (R121) Gas-liquid chromatography in diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Bongiovanni, A. M., Parks, J. S., Ranke, M., Kirkland, R., Vaidya, V., Tenore, A., J. Sterold Biochem., 1974, 5, 467469. (13122) Analysis of steroid hormones by gasliquid chromatography: 17-0xosteroids, pregnanediol, and pregnanetriol in urine. Chevins, R., Launay, J. M., Julien, R.. Dreux, C.. Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974. 55,333-343. (R123) New derivative for gas-liquid chromatography with electron-capturedetection of steroidal secondary alcohols. Dehennin, L., Scholler, R., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 238-241. (R124) Simple gas-liquid chromatographic method with electron-capture detection for determination of progesterone in blood of humans and domestic animals. Feher, T., Feher, K. G., Bodrogi, L.. J. Chromatogr., 1975, 111, 125-132. (R125) Determination of oestrogens by gas-liquid chromatography with an open-tubular column. Feis, J. P., Dehennim. L., Scholier. R., J. SteroidBiochem., 1975,6, 1201-1203. (R126) Identification and quantitation of 1 6 ~ hydroxyprogesterone (and progesterone) in human amniotic fluid. Friedrich, E., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 56, 127-130. (R127) Identification and quantitative determination of 2-hydroxyoestriol [oestra-1,3,5( IO). triene-2,3,16a,-17P-tetroi] in human late-pregnancy urine. Gelbke, H. P., Knuppen, R., J. Steroid Biochem., 1974,5, 1-7. (R128) Use of different silylating agents for structure analyses of steroids. Gleispach, H., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 91, 407-412. (R129) Quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of plasma cholesterol. Harris, P. A,. Harris, K. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 781-784. (R 130) Quantitative analysis for cholesterol in 5 to 20 fiL of plasma. Ishikawa, T. T., MacGee, J., Morrison, J. A,, Glueck. C.J., J. LipidRes., 1974, 15, 286-291, (R131) Comparison of capillary- and venousblood sampling for quantitation of plasma choiesterol. Ishikawa, T. T., Morrison, J., Fallat, R., Parsons, D., Glueck, C. J., J. Lab. Clin. Med., 1974, 84, 281-286.
(R 132) Gas-chromatographic differentiation of 4-demethyl-, 4-methyl-, and 4,4-dimethyl-sterols. Itoh, T., Tamura, T., lida, T., Matsumoto, T., Steroids, 1974,23,687-698. (R133) Differentiation of sterols based on A-Roxo values on four stationary phases. Itoh, T., Tamura, T., Ogawa, S., Matsumoto, T., Steroids, 1975, 25, 729-739. (R 134) Gas-chromatographic differentiation of 4-demethyl-, 4-monomethyl-, and 4,4-dimethylsterols. II. Differentiationof sterols based on A-RAc values on four stationary phases. Itoh, T., Tamura, T., lida, T., Matsumoto, T., Steroids, 1975, 26, 93-106. (R 135) Quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic determination of conjugated oestrogens in raw materials and finished dosage forms. Johnson, R., Masserano, R., Haring, R., Kho, B., Schilling, G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975.64, 1007-1011. (R136) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of medroxyprogesterone acetate in plasma. Kaiser, D. G., Carlson, R. G., Kirton, K. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 420-424. (R137) Improved resolution of cholestanol and cholesterol by gas-liquid chromatography. Application to pigeon testicular sterols. Klause, K. A,, Subbiah, M. T. Ravi, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103, 170-1 72. (R138) 0-(2,3,4,5,6-Pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxyl~ amine hydrochloride as a sensitive derivatizing agent for the electron capture gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of keto steroids. Koshy, K. T.. Kaiser, D. G., VanDer Slik, A. L., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1975, 13, 97-104. (R139) Improved method for gas-liquid chromatographic determination of aldosterone in urine. Kuelpmann, W. R., Siekmann, L., Breuer, H., J. SteroidBiochern., 1973, 4, 649-657. (R 140) Gas chromatographic determination of Stanozolol in veterinary suspensions. Magin, D. F., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 115, 687-689. (R141) Estimation of aldosterone, 1l-deoxycorticosterone, 1&hydroxy- 11deoxycorticosterone (18,2 l-dihydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione), corticosterone, cortisol (hydrocortisone) and 1 l-deoxycortisol (17a,2ldihydroxypregn-4-ene-3,2Odione) in human plasma by gas-liquid chromatography with electron-capture detection. Mason, P. A,, Fraser, R., J. Endocrinol., 1975, 64, 277-288. (R142) Rapid determination of serum cholesterol by reaction gas chromatography. Matsui, M., Mizunuma, H., Ikekawa, N., Jpn. Anal., 1973, 22, 987-992. (R143) Gas-liquid chromatographic separations of equine oestrogens. McErlane. K. M., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 97-100. (R144) Rapid gas chromatographic assay for progesterone metabolites in urine. Metcalf, M. G., Clin. Biochem., 1973, 6, 307-320. (R145) Use of new silylating agents for identification of hydroxylated steroids by gas chromatography-electron-impact mass spectrometry. Miyazaki, H.. Ishibashi, M., Itoh, M.. Nambara, T., Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo), 1975, 25,3033-3035. (R146) Preparation and assessment of fluorocarbonsilyl ethers as gas-chromatographic derivatives for steroids. Morgan, E. D., Poole, C. F., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 89, 225-230. (R147) Formation of pentafluorophenyldimethylsilyl ethers and their use in the gas chromatographic analysis of sterols. Morgan, €. D., Poole, C. F., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 104, 351-358. (R148) Rapid method for the analysis of pregnanediol in non-pregnancy urine. Moore, J. W., Cooper, W., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 56, 215220. (R149) Analytical studies on steroids, CIII. New type of derivative for electron-capture gas chromatography of oxosteroids. Nambara, T., Kigasawa, K., Iwata, R., Ibuki, M., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 114, 81-86. (R150) Simultaneous estimation of pregnenolone, 17-hydroxypregnenolone (3P-hydroxyand 3/3,17ndihydroxy-pregn-5-en-2O-one, respectively) and dehydroepiandrosterone (36-hydroxyandrost5-en-17-One) by gas-liquid radiochromatography. Nice, E., Williams, K., Anal. Biochem., 1974, 59, 399-406. (R151) Anomalies in the gas-liquid chromatography of cholesterol heptafluorobutyrate. Poole, C. F., Morgan, E. D., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 90, 380381. (R152) Simultaneous determination of pregnanetriol and pregnanediol by gas-liquid chromatography. Rahman, M., Clin. Chem. Acta, 1974, 51, 233-240.
(R153) Identification of @-sitosterol,campesterol, and stigmasterol in human serum. Rao, M. K., Govind, Perkins, E. G., Connor, W. E., Bhattacharyya, A. K., Lipids, 1975, I O , 566-568. (R154) Identification of oestrogens isolated from pregnant mares' urine. Roman, R., Yates, C. H., Millar, J. F., Vandenheuvel, W. J. A,, Can. J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, I O , 8-11. ( R I M ) Gas-chromatographic analysis of esterified oestrogens. Roman, R., Yates, C. H., Millar, J. F., Vandenheuvel, W. J. A., Can. J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, I O , 12-16. (R156) Measurement and presence of melengestrol acetate in beef tissues at low levels. Ryan, J. J., Dupont, J. A,, J. Agric. FoodChem., 1975, 23, 917-920. (R157) Oestrogen analysis in pregnancy urine: an artefact corrected. Ryan, M., Gray, B. C., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 60, 197-204. (R158) Gas-liquid chromatography of underivatized steroids: simultaneous determination of urinary 17-oxosteroids, 5P-pregnane-3a,20a-diol, 5ppregnane-3a, 17a,20a-triol, and pregnanetriolone (3a,17a,20a-trihydroxy-5~-pregnan-II-one). Sanghvi, A,, Wight, C., Serenko, A,, Balachandran, R.. Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 56, 49-57. (13159) Application of cholesterol oxidase in the analysis of steroids. Smith, A. G., Brooks, C. J. W., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 101, 373-378. (R160) Stigmasterol as internal standard for simultaneous determination of biliary cholesterol and bile acids by gas-liquid chromatography. Subbiah, M. T. Ravi., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 48, 19-21. (R161) Gas-liquid chromatographic studies of reactions and structural relationships of steroids. I. Positions 3, 11, and 17 in the androstane series. Vandenheuvel, F. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1974, 96, 47-78. (R162) Gas-liquid chromatographic studies of reactions and structural relationships of steroids. II. Positions 3, 11, and 20 in the pregnane series, Vandenheuvel, F. A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103, 113- 134. (R 163) Gas-liquid chromatographic studies of reactions and structural relationships of steroids. 111. 1 1a-Hvdroxv steroids of the androstane and oreo.~ nane series. Vandenhewel, F. A,, J. Chromatog;., 1975, 105, 359-375. Mass Spectrometry (R164) Mass-fragmentographic method for the determination of megestrol acetate in plasma and its application to studies on the plasma levels after administration of the progestogen to patients with uterine cancer. Adlercreutz. H., Nieminen, U., Ervast, H. S., J. SteroidBiochem., 1974, 5,619-626. (R165) Studies on mass-fragmentographic determination of plasma oestriol. Adlercreutz, H., Nylander, P., Hunneman, D. H., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 332-339. (R 166) Mass-fragmentographic determination of eleven oestrogens in body fluids of pregnant and non-pregnant subjects. Adlercreutz, H., Tikkanen, M. J., Hunneman, D. H., J. SteroidBiochem., 1974, 5 , 21 1-217. (R167) Mass spectral studies on steroidal compounds. VI. 3P-Hydroxy ethers and related compounds in the cholestane series. Ahmad, M. S., Ansari, G. A. S., Can. J. Spectrosc., 1974, 19, 105- 109. (R168) Mass spectral studies on steroidal compounds. VIl. 6P-Hydroxy ethers and compounds in the cholestane series. Ahmad, M. S., Ansari, G. A. S.,Can. J. Spectrosc., 1974, 19, 133-136. (R169) Mass spectral studies on steroidal compounds. V. Rings B and A seco 5-keto compounds in the cholestane series. Ahmad, M. S., Mushfiq, M., Ansari, G. A. S., Waris, F., Org. Mass Spectrom., 1974r8, 1-10, (R170) Sterols of the cockle Cerastoderma edule. Evaluation of thermostable liquid phases for the gas-liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of the trimethylsilyl ethers of marine sterols. Ballantine, J. A,, Roberts, J. C., Morris, R. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 103, 289-304. (R171) Analysis of steroids in biological fluids by computer-aided gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Baty, J. D., Wade, A. P., Anal. Biochem., 1974,57, 27-37. (R172) Plasma cortisol (hydrocortisone) determination by mass fragmentography. Bjoerkhem, I., Blomstrand, R., Lantto, O., Loef, A,, Svensson, L., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 56, 241-248. (R173) Serum cholesterol determination by mass fragmentography. Bjorkhem, I., Blomstrand, R.,
Svensson, L., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 54, 185193. (R174) Serum testosterone determination by mass fragmentography. Bjoerkhem, I., Lantto, O., Svensson, L., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 60, 59-66. (R175) Detection of 5a-androst-16-en-3a-ol in human male axillary sweat. Brooksbank, B. W. L., Brown, R., Gustafsson, J. A,, Experientia, 1974, 30, 864-865. (R176) Determination of plasma testosterone by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chapman, J. R., Bailey, E., J. Chromatogr., 1974,89, 215-224. (R177) Quantitative method for estimation of testosterone and progesterone in human plasma using the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer combination with single-ion monitoring. Dehennin, L., Reiffsteck, A,, Scholler, R., J. Steroid Biochem., 1974,5, 81-86. (R178) Field desorption mass spectrometry of sodium and potassium salts. Games, D. E., Games, M. P., Jackson, A. H., Olavesen, A. H., Rossiter, M., Winterburn, P. J., Tetrahedron Lett., 1974, 23772380. (R179) Comparison of field-desorption, chemical-ionization and electron-impact mass spectra of some steroids. Haskins, N. J., Games, D. E., Taylor, K. T., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 423424. (R180) Detection of oestrogens in bovine liver by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Hoellerer, G., Jahr, D., Z.Lebensm.-Unters-forsch., 1975, 157, 65-69. (R181) Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of catechol oestrogens. Hoppen, H. O., Siekmann, L., Steroids, 1974, 23, 17-34. (R 182) Mass-fragmentographic determination of conjugated neutral 17-oxosteroids in peripheral and portal venous blood: effect of ampicillin administration. Martin, F., Adlercreutz, H., Lindstroem, B., Dencker, H., Rimer, U., Sjoeberg, N. O., J. Steroid Biochem., 1975, 6, 1371-1372. (R 183) Evaluation of gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric and mass-framentographic performance in steroid analysis with glass capillary columns. Maume, B. F., Luyten, J. A,, J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1973, 11, 607-610. (R184) Chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Steroidal ketones. Michnowicz, J., Munson, B., Org. Mass. Spectrom., 1974, 49-60. (R185) Chemical-ionization mass spectrometry. il. Application to analysis of sterol esters. Murata, T., Takahashi, S., Takeda, T., Anal. Chern., 1975,47, 577-580. (R186) Identification of estrogens isolated from pregnant mares' urine. Roman, R.. Yates, C. H., Millar, J. F., Vandenheuvel, W. J. A., Can. J. Pharrn. Sci., 1975, I O , 8-11. (R187) Mass spectrometry in structural and stereochemical problems. CCXLII. Analysis of mixtures based on the distribution of fragment ions arising from unimolecular decomposition of metastable molecular ions. Smith, D. H., Djerassi, C., Maurer, K. H.. Rapp, U., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,1974, 96,3482-3486. (13188) Localization of functional groups in steroids with mass spectrometry. XIil. Mass spectra, of 3,7,17-trihydroxyandrostanes and 7,17-dihydroxyandrostan-3-ones. Stock, B., Spiteller, G., Org. Mass Spectrom., 1974,9, 888-902. (R189) Interpretationof steroid mass spectra with pattern recognition methods. Varmuza, K., Rotter, H., Krenmayr, P., Chromatographia, 1974, 7, 522-525. (R190) Localization of functional groups in steroids by mass spectrometry, XII. Mass spectra of steroids with carbonyl functions in positions 12 and 17. Zietz, E., Spiteller, G., Tetrahedron, 1974, 30, 597-601. Chromatography, HPLC (R191) Combined assay, identification, and foreign related steroids test for methandrostenolone (methandienone) by high-speed liquid chromatography. Butterfield, A. G., Lodge, B. A,, Pound, N. J., Sears, R. W., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 441-443. (R 192) Nitrile-terminated hydrocarbons as stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatography of steroid hormones. Fitzpatrick, F. A,, Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1293-1295. (R193) High-resolution liquid chromatography of derivatized non-ultraviolet-absorbing hydroxysteroids. Fitzpatrick, F. A,, Siggia, S., Anal. Chem., 1973,45, 2310-2314. (R194) Liquid-solid chromatography at high
pressure. Separation and assay of corticosteroids. Gaetani, E., Laureri, C. F., Farmaco, Ed. Prat., 1974, 29, 110-1 18. (R195) Specific determination of corticosterone and hydrocortisone in the nanogram range. Hesse, C., Pietrzik, K., Hoetzel, D., 2. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochern., 1974, 12, 193-197. (R196) Rapid analysis of individual tablets by high-pressure reverse-phase liquid chromatography. Huettemann, R. E., Shroff, A. P., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1975, 13,357-360. (R197) High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis for triamcinolone acetonide in rice starch. Higgins, J. W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 115, 232235. (R198) Progesterone injection assay by liquid chromatography. King, R. H., Grady, L. T., Reamer, J. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1591-1596. (R199) High-pressure liquid-solid chromatography of the ecdysones (insect moulting hormones). Nigg, H. N., Thompson, M. J., Kaplanis, J. N., Svoboda, J. A,, Robbins, W. E., Steroids, 1974, 23, 507-516. (R200) Analysis of adrenocortical steroids in pharmaceutical preparations by high-pressure liquid-liquid chromatography. Olson, M. C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 2001-2007. (R201) Separation of C27. C28, and C29 sterols by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on small particles. Rees, H. H., Donnahey, P. L., Goodwin, T. W., J. Chromatogr., 1976, 116, 281-291. (R202) Identification and determination of synthetic oestrogens in pharmaceuticals by high-speed reversed-phase partition chromatography. Roos, R. W., .,' Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 594-599. (R203) Analysis of enzymic steroid conversions by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Slocum, S. A,, Studebaker, J. F., Anal. Biochem., 1975, 68, 242-247. (R204) Quantitative determination of cortisol (hydrocortisone) in human plasma by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Trefz, F. K., Byrd, D. J., Kochen, W., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107, 181189. (R205) High-speed liquid chromatographic determination of canrenone in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Williamson, D. E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 138-140. Radloassay (Protein Binding) (R206) Rapid competitive protein-binding assay of unconjugated oestradiol in late-pregnancy plasma. Ahmed. J.. Mester, J., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 48, 37-43. (R207) Relative competition of corticosterone, hydrocortisone, cortisone, 11deoxyhydrocortisone, and prednisolone with (1 p H 2 ) hydrocortisone in various protein-binding radioassay systems. Angeli, A., Bisbocci, D., Melo, F., Frairia, R., Gaidano, G. P., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 61, 279-286. (R208) Simple competitive-protein-bindingassay for plasma cortisol (hydrocortisone). Baum, C. K., Tudor, R., Landon, J., Ciin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 55, 147- 154. (R209) Aqueous solubility of ''C-triamcinolone acetonide. Behl, C. R., Block, L. H., Borke, M. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 429-430. (R210) Determination of corticosterone concentration in rat plasma by competitive proteinbinding analysis. Cameron, E. H. D., Scarisbrick, J. J., J. SteroidBiochem., 1973, 4, 577-584. (R211) Stable uterine binding preparation for the assay of plasma oestriol in pregnancy. Corns, C. M., Stevens, J. F., Miller, A. L., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 47.203-210. (R212) Modified competitive-protein-binding determination for cortisol (hydrocortisone). Cox, R. A,, Gokcen, M., J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 1973, 37,670-673. (R213) Competitive radio-ligand assay for danazol [ 17P-hydroxypregn-4-en-20-yno(2,3-d)isoxazole] by using pregnant-guinea-pig serum. Creange, J. E., Potts, G. O., Steroids, 1974, 23, 41 1-420. (R214) Protein-binding assay for plasma testosterone, after purification by column partition chromatography. Horgan, E. D., Riley, W. J., Clin. Chem., 1974,20,430-435. (R215) Simple routine method for analysis of 1ldeoxyhydrocortisone in small amounts of plasma by competitive-protein-binding analysis. Hubl, W., Stahl, F., Freymann, E., Buechner, M., Clin. Chirn. Acta, 1973, 49, 423-433. (R216) Measurement of a progestational and
antiandrogenic compound (in human male plasma) by a competitive protein-binding assay. Jagarinec, N., Givner, M. L., Steroids, 1974, 23, 561-578. (R217) The simultaneous determination of cortisol (hydrocortisone), deoxycortisol, and corticosterone in plasma and urine by competitive protein-binding assay. Response of normal subjects to ACTH (corticotrophin) and metyrapone. Koianowski, J., J. SteroidBiochem., 1974, 5, 55-64. (R2 18) Iodine- 125-labeled hydrocortisone-tyrosine methyl ester for competitive protein binding. Malvano, R., Dotti, C., Grosso, P., Clin. Chim. Acta, l973,47, 167-173. (R219) Determination of purity of some tritiated steroids. Merill, E. J., Vernice, G. G., J. Label. Compounds, 1973,9, 769-777. (R220) Mechanized competitive protein-binding analysis for serum hydrocortisone without previous extraction with organic solvents. Mueller, 0. A., Braun, J., Froehlich, R., Scriba, P. C., 2.Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1974, 12, 276-278. (R221) Determination of microsomal cholesterol by an isotopederivative method. Nicolau, G., Shefer, S., Mosback, E. H., Anal. Biochem., 1975, 68, 255-259. (R222) improved assay for plasma oestradiol, using competitive protein binding. Pratt, J. J., Linden, G. van der, Doorenbos, H., Woidring, M. G., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 50, 137-146. (R223) Physical and chemical factors influencing the reliability of the assay of androgens (in plasma) by competitive protein binding. Rudd, B. T.,Holder, G., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 47, 261-268. (R224) Simplified method for the separation of steroid hormones and its application to radio-ligand assays. Schiller, H. S.,Mahler, E.,Brammali, M. A., Anderson, P. H., Anal. Lett., 1974, 7, 473-481. (R225) Determination of 20a- and 20P-dihydroprogesterone (20a- and 206-hydroxypregn-4-en3-one) in plasma of the pregnant rhesus monkey. Sholl, S . A,, Wolf, R. C., Steroids, 1974, 23, 269289. .. (R226) Modification of the competitive proteinbinding assay for corticosterone: serial measurements in the rat. Sparagana, M., Kucera, L., Biochem. Med., 1974,9,363-367. (R227) In vitro and in vivo availability of commercial prednisone tablets. Sullivan, T. J., Sakmar, E., Albert, K. S.,Blair, D. C., Wagner, J. G., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1723-1725. (R228) Rapid method for measurement of oestradiol and hydrocortisone levels in (human) maternal and foetal blood and amniotic fluid. Sybulski, S . , Maughan, G. B., Am. J. Obsfet. Gynecol., 1975, 121, 32-36. (R229) Competitive protein-binding radioassay for deoxycorticosterone (21-hydroxypregn-4-ene3,20-dione) in human plasma. Tan, S . Y., Muirow, P. J., Steroids, 1975, 25, 1-12. (R230) Plasma 17a-hydroxyprogesterone: improved radioassay method. Tan, S. Y., Murphy, B. E. P., Steroids, 1975, 25, 283-284. (R231) Direct counting of tissues containing radioactive cholesterol by a two-phase liquid scintillation method. Viikari, J., Anal. Biochem., 1975,63, 566-571. (R232) Application of iodine- 125-labeled testosterone in protein-binding methods. Wiedemann, M., Wirtz, A., Karl, H. J., Raith, L., Fresenius'Z. Anal. Chem., 1974,272, 195-198. Enzymatlc Determination (R233) Rapid enzyme hydrolysis of urine extracts for oestriol analysis. Albrecht, B. H., Kusaiasai, K., Hagerman, D. D., Steroids, 1975, 25, 587-590. (R234) Enzymic determination of total serum cholesterol. Aliain, C. C., Poon, L. S . , Chan, C. S . G., Richmond, W., Fu, P. C., Ciin. Chem., 1974, 20, 470-475. (R235) Quantitative determination of 20-oxosteroids in urine by the use of a 3a,2OP-hydroxysteroid: NAD oxidoreductase. Allner, R., Eggstein, M., Kujawski, H., Klin. Wochenschr., 1975, 53, 867-87 1, (R236) Oestrogen determination in pregnancy urine, using enzymic hydrolysis of oestrogen conjugates. Crowley, M. F., Rosser, A,, Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 49, 115-122. (R237) Studies on complete enzymic hydrolysis of steroid conjugates in urine. Graef, V., Fuchs, M., 2. Kiin. Chem. Klln. Biochem., 1975, 13, 163167. (R238) Enzymic determination of total serum cholesterol with centrifugal analyzers. Knob, M., Rosenmund, H., Z.Kiin. Chem. Kiin. Biochem., 1975,
13,493-498. (R239) Enzymic cholesterol determination using ion-selective membrane electrodes. Papastathopoulos, D. S.,Rechnitz, G. A., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 1792-1796. (R240) Enzymic determination of total cholesterol in serum. Roeschlau, P., Bernt, E., Gruber, W., Z. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1974, 12, 403-407. (R241) Enzymic method for automated determination of total serum cholesterol. Ziegenhorn, J., Z. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1975, 13, 109-115. Infrared and Raman Spectrometry (R242) Some IR spectra of fluorinated corticosteroids of pharmaceutical interest. Bellomonte, G., Ann. 1st. Super. Sanita, 1973, 9, Pt 2-3, 121128. (R243) Quantitative assay of anti-fertility agents by IR spectroscopy. Chatten, L. G., Triggs, E. J., Glowach, S.J., J. Pharm. Beig., 1976, 31, 63-79. (R244) Identification by iR absorption spectra of steroid hormones entered in the European Pharmacopeia. Hoffmann, H., Pharm. Ztg., 1976, 121, 347-350. (R245) Quantitative determination of prednisone in tablets using iR spectroscopy. Mynka, A. F., Farmatsiya. Resp. Mezhved. Sb., 1975, 69-71. (R246) Infrared spectroscopy of synthetic analogs of androgenic hormones. Mynka, A. F., Lutsevich, D. D., Farm. Zh. (Kiev), 1975, 30, 31-35. (R247) Raman spectroscopy of steroids. Schrader, B., Steigner, E., Mod. Methods Steroid Anal., 1973, 231-243. Electrochemical Analysls (R248) Conversion of lynoestrenol into polarographically active substances by mixtures of sulfuric acid and methanol. Bennekom, W. P. van, Reeuwijk, H. J. E. M., Schute, J. B., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 74, 387-393. (R249) Chromatography-polarography of mixtures of hydrocortisone and 1 I-epicortisol (1l a ,17a,21-trihydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione). Ivanova, N. M., Kovalenko, T. A., Polievktov, M. K., Sokolov, S. D., Khim. Farm. Zh., 1973, 7, 52-53. (R250) Conversion of lynestrenol to poiarographically active substances by mixtures of sulfuric acid and methanol. Van Bennekom, W. P., Weeuwijk, H. J. E. M., Schute, J. B., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975,74,387-393. Titrirnetrlc Analysis (R251) Application of lead picrate to the determination of steroid hormones in pharmaceutical preparations. Gajewski, M., Lugowska, E., Tomaszewska, E., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1975, 20, 615-620. (R252) A titrimetric determination of solasodine for aqueous incubates of Solanum fruits. Hardman, R., Williams, T. G., Planta Med., 1976, 29, 66-71. (R253) New methods for the estimation of acetylenic steroids (nonaqueous titrimetric method). Roushdi, I. M., Ei Sebai, A. I., Belal, S., Egypf. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 15,217-222. Mlscellaneous (R254) Apparatus for the automatic quantitative extraction of active ingredients from pharmaceutical preparations. Amin, M., Korbakis, Z.,Petrick, D., Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem., 1976, 279, 283-285. (R255) Polymorphism of progesterone. Ill. Solubility and thermodynamic data of two crystalline forms. Bernabei, M. T., Gamberini, G., Cameroni, R., Farmaco,M Prat., 1974,29, 184-191. (R256) Comparison of a manual and a simple automated technique for the estimation of total oestrogens in pregnancy urine. Corns, M. D., Corns, C. M., Miller, A. L., Stevens, J. F., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973,48,335-340. (R257) Testosterone sulfate, its bio-synthesis, metabolism, measurement, functions, and properties. Dessypris, A. G., J. SteroidBiochem., 1975. 6, 1287-1298. (R258) Identification of 2-hydroxyoestradiol (oestra-l,3,5( 10btriene-2,3,17P-triol)and the pattern of catechol oestrogens in human-pregnancy urine. Gelbke, H. P., Hoogen, H., Knuppen, R., J. Steroid Biochem., 1975,6, 1187-1191. (R259) Optical rotatory dispersion in quantitative analysis: microdetermination of some steroid sex hormones. Hassan, S. S. M., Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem., 1974,269,363-367. (R260) Methandienone. I. Convenient method
for separation of methandienone and 1 7 p - h ~ droxy-l7a-methylandrosta-l,4,6-trien-3-one. Lala, A. K., Kulkarni, A. B., Steroids, 1973, 22, 763766. (R261) Inter-laboratory study of an automated technique for the assay of urinary oestrogens. Moscrop, K. H., Antcliff, A. C., Braunsberg, H., James, V. H. T., Goudie, J. H., Burnett, D., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 56, 265-280. (R262) Standardization of urinary oestriol determinations during pregnancy. Peace, S.M., Lever, M., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 53, 323-330. (R263) Methods for quantitative estimation of nanogram and subnanogram amounts of steroids in blood and urine. Petrak, K., C.R.C. Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem., 1974, 3,421-453. (R264) NMR technique for C-5 configurations in 6-oxo-7-unsaturated steroids. Smith, W. B., Newsoroff, G. P., Steroids, 1974, 23, 579-583. (R265) Quantitative analytical method for determination of drugs dispersed in polymers using differential scanning calorimetry. Theeuwes, F., Hussain, A., Higuchi, T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 427-429. (R266) NMR studies on steroids. XVII. Carbon13 nuclear magnetic resonance of natural and related products. XVIII. Carbon-I3 NMR spectra of steroidal epoxides. Configurational assignment of an epoxy group on six-membered ring by carbon-I3 NMR spectroscopy. Tori, K., Komeno, T., Sangare, M., Septe, B., Delpech, B., Ahond, A,, Lukacs, G., Tetrahedron Lett., 1974, 1157-1 160. (R267) Rapid technique for extraction of yolk cholesterol. Washburn, K. W., Nix, D. F., PoultrySci., 1974,53, 1118-1122. (R268) Brief hydrolysis of oestriol conjugates from pregnancy urine. Weiss, P. A. M., 2. Klin. Chem. Kiin. Biochem., 1974, 12, 279-281. VITAMINS Chromatographlc Separations ( V I ) Separative determination of the six types of vitamin Bs by gel filtration. Abe, M., Nishimune, T., Hayashi, R., Vitamins, 1974, 48, 545-549. (V2) Separation behavior of nicotinamide and thionicotinamide derivatives on Dowex 1-X8, Christ, W., Arndt, G., Schulze, G., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 106,417-422. (V3) Fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A. Blitek, D., Chromatogr. Cienkowarstwowa Anal. Farm., 1973, 276-279. (V4) Separation and purification of vitamin BI2 (cyanocobalamin) by ion exchanger. Goldstein, S., Duca, A.. Revta Chim., 1973,24,871-874. (V5) Determination of vitamins A and K3 in vitamin pre-mixes and mixed pre-mixes. Helmeczy, K., Banyai, E., Period. Poiyfech. Chem. Eng., 1974, 18, 211-216. (V6) Liquid-gel partition chromatography of vitamin A compounds; demonstration of the formation of retinoic acid from retinyl acetate in vivo. ito, Y. L., Ziie, M., Ahrens, H., DeLuca, H. F., J. Lipid Res., 1974, 15, 517-524. (V7) Column chromatographic separation of isomers of vitamin A. Mariani, A,, Guaitolini, R., Boll. Chim. Farm., 1975, 114, 626-635. (V8) Vitamin A in mixed feeds, pre-mixes and foods: collaborative study. Parrish, D. B., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 903-909. (V9) Plasma retinol assay by elution from silicic acid with cymene. Pollack, J. D., Owen, G. M., Garry, P. J., Clark, D., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 977-983. (VIO) Vitamin K1 content of infant formula products. Schneider, D. L., Fiuckiger, H. B., Manes, J. D., Pediatrics, 1974, 53, 273-275. ( V I 1) Determination of calcium pantothenate in chewable multivitamin tablets. Shankle, L. L., Troup, A. E., Duvail, R. N., J. Pharm. Sci.. 1974, 63, 265-267. (V12) SP-Sephadex column chromatography of cobalamins contained in liver extracts. Torloiani, G., Mantovani, V., J. Chromafogr., 1974, 92, 201206. (V13) Determination of vitamin D. Florex XXS adsorption chromatography. Ueda, F., Higashi, T., Ayukawa, Y., Hashimoto, M., Vitamins, 1974, 40, 36 1-367. (V14) Isolation and chromatographic separation of vitamin BI2 (cyanocobalamin)and other corrinoids from biological sources. Vogelmann, H.,Wagner, F., Biotechnol. Bioeng. Symp., 1974, 969-975. (V15) Vitamin Be: ionexchange chromatography of pyridoxal, pyridoxoi, and pyridoxamine. Williams, A. K., Cole, P. D., J. Agric. FoodChem., 1975, 23,
915-91 6. (V16) Semi-automated system for analysis of the vitamin B6 complex by ion-exchange COlumn chromatography. Yasumoto, K., Tadera, K., Tsuji, H., Mitsuda, H., J. Nutr. Sci. Vitam., 1975, 21, 117127. Chromatography TLC (V17) Stability of vitamin A palmitate in selected ointment substrates. V. Influence of some ointment emulsion components on vitamin A stability. Adamski, R., Dobrucki, R., Farm. Pol., 1974, 30, 25-29. (V 18) Thin-layer chromatography of decomposition products of a vitamin A palmitate concentrate. Adamski, R., Dobrucki, R., Marchlewska, B., Farm. POL, 1974, 30, 1023-1028. (V19) Investigations on stability of cholecalciferol in solubilized aqueous solution. Adamski, R., Sawicka, J., Herba Pol., 1974, 20, 57-65. (V20) Stability of retinol palmitate in solubilized aqueous solution. Adamski, R., Sawicka, J., Herba Pol., 1974, 20, 50-56. (V21) Chemical determination of vitamin D3 in cod-liver oil. Ah, S. L., Pharm. Ztg., 1973, 118, 1992- 1993. (V22) Thin-layer chromatographic separation of some components of the vitamin B complex. Baczyk, S.,Szczesniak, L., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1975, 32, 347-350. (V23) Assay of L(+)-ascorbic acid in buttermilk by densitometric transmittance measurement of the dehydroascorbic acid osazone. Belijaars, P. R., Horrocks, W. S., Rondags, T. M. M., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57,65-69. (V24) Determination of drugs by densitometry of thin-layer chromatograms. V. Determination of vitamins Bj. B2, Be, and B12 (thiamine, riboflavine, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin) in mixture and in pharmaceutlcal preparations. Dzhoneidi, M., Koleva, M., Budevski, O., Pharmarie, 1975,30,453-455. (V25) Application of chromatography on silica gel for determining vitamin D content in Vitastol. Galecka, H., Acta Pol. fharm., 1975, 32, 629632. (V26) Quantitative determination of drugs by means of densitometry of thin-layer chromatograms. 5.Determination of the vitamins B,, B2, B6, and B12 in mixture and in pharmaceutical preparations. Joneidi, M., Koleva, M., Budevsky, O., Pharmarie, 1975, 30,453-455. (V27) Identification of pyridoxine hydrochloride from multivitamin preparations. Kamat, S. S.,Barve, V. P., Curr. Sci., 1975, 44, 310. (V28) Testing of single doses in drug quality control according to the Content Uniformity Test (USP XVIII) using quantitative evaluations of thinlayer chromatograms. 4. Testing of preparations having vitamins Bi and 6 6 as well as the hormones prednisolone and ethinyl estradiol as active ingredients. Kammerl, E., Mutschler, E., Pharm. Acta Helv., 1975, 50, 269-274. (V29) Determination of drugs by means of densitometry of thin-layer chromatograms. IV. Determination of vitamins A, E (and D2) (retinol, a-tocopherol and calciferol, respectively) in pharmaceutical preparations. Koleva, M., Dzhoneidi, M., Budevski, O., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 168-169. (V30) Identification and determination of folinic acid and cobalamins in combination. Lotti, B., Boll. Chim. Farm., 1975, 114,416-420. (V31) Improved 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine thin-layer chromatography methods for the determination of micro- and macroamounts of ascorbic acid. Navon. A., Levinson, H. Z., Z. Naturforsch. C, 1974,29, 777-780. (V32) Ointments with tocopherol acetate. Nerlo, H., Czarnecki, W., Farm. Pol., 1974, 30, 10951099. (V33) Determinationof 25-hydroxycholecalciferol by combined thin-layer and gas chromatography. Sklan, D., Budowski, P., Katz, M., Anal. Biochem., 1973,56,606-609. (V34) Chromatopolarographic and chromatospectrophotometric methods for monitoring vitamin KI production. Ktrukova, M. P., Fedorova, G. A,, Sarycheva, I. K., Vazhina, A. F.,Khim.-Farm. Zh. 1975,9,50-52. (V35) Thin-layer chromatography of the multivitamin preparation Turigeran. Thielemann, H., Fresenius’Z. Anal. Chem., 1974, 271, 365-366. (V36) One-dimensional thin-layer chromatography of multivitamin preparations (Summavit 10 and Summavit drops) on activated foil UV 254. Thielemann, H., Sci. Pharm., 1974, 42, 145-149.
(V37) Separation and detection limits of vitamins on ready-made UV 254 thin-layer chromatography films. Thielemann, H., Sci. Pharm., 1974, 42, 221-227. (V38) Thin-layer chromatography of vitamin-B complex preparations on activated pre-coated sheets. Thielemann, H., Sci. Pharm., 1974, 42, 94-96. (V39) Comparison of the limits of thin-layer chromatographic detection (semi-quantitative determination) of ascorbic acid on different sorption layers by use of specific spray reagents. Thielemann, H., Pharmazie, 1975, 30, 336-337. (V40) Technique for determining folic acid and K(4-aminobenzoyi)glutamic acid. Tripet. F. Y., Kesselring, U. W., Pharm. Acta Helv., 1975, 50, 312-317. (V41) Quantitative analysis of riboflavine in the presence of iron in multi-component pharmaceutical forms. Walash, M. I., Youssef, H. H., El-Anwar, F. M., J. Drug.Res., Egypt, 1974, 8, 113-121. (V42) Comparing physiochemical methods for determination of vitamin D in substances and in pharmaceutical preparations after chromatographic separation from biologically inactive compounds. II. Determination of vitamin D in substances and preparations from accompanying compounds. Wardynska, H., Paczek, K., Galecka, H., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1973, 30,587-596. (V43) Semi-quantitative determination of vitamin D ih horse- and pig-blood serum. Washuetti, J., Gemeiner, M., Mikrochim. Acta, 1974, 73-79. (V44) Determination of vitamin C in small amounts of urine by two- dimensional thin-layer chromatography. Zloch, Z., Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, 2 13-2 17.
Spectroscopy, UV and Visible (V45) Vitamin A palmitate stability in its solubilized aqueous solutions. Adamski, R., Sawicka, J., Herba Pol., 1974, 20, 50-56. (V46) Spectrophotometric determination of vitamin A (retinol) using iodine. ACSuiimany, F., Townshend, A., Anal. Lett., 1973,6, 1029-1037. (V47) Colorimetric determination of vitamin D in oily pharmaceutical preparations. Amer, M. M., Wahbi, A. M., Hassan, S. M., Analyst(London), 1975, 100,238-242. (V48) Application of the orthogonal function method in the determination of vitamin A in oily pharmaceutical preparations. Amer, M. M., Wahbi, A. M., Hassan, S . M., lndian J. Techno/., 1975, 13, 564-566. (V49) AutoAnalyzer method for simultaneous determination of vitamin B1 and 8 2 in single tablets. Andersson, R., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1974, 11, 595-602. (V50) Determination of platelet and leucocyte vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and the levels found in normal subjects. Attwood, E. C., Robey, E. D., Ross, J., Bradley, F., Kramer, J. J., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 54,95105. (V51) Direct spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination of L-ascorbic and Ldehydroascorbic acids. Baczyk, S.,Swindzinska, K., Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, I,259-264. (V52) Elimination of the effect of accompanying substances when determining L-ascorbic acid in pharmaceuticals by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Baczyk, S.,Swidzinska, K., Farm. Poi., 1975, 31, 399-40 1. (V53) Spectrophotometric determination of aminobenzoic acid (vitamin H). Balica. G., Parvanescu, H., Revta Chim., 1974, 25, 1013-1014. (V54) Chromatographic-UV spectrophotometric determination of menadione in tablets. Bathalter, W. H., Levine, J., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1973, 58, 361-362. (V55) Simplified methods for the examination of liver lipids. I. Determination of vitamin A using a direct solvent-extraction technique. Bayfield, R. F., Anal. Biochem., 1975,64,403-413. (V56) Determination of serum phytofluene and retinol. Bubb, F. A,, Murphy, G. M., Clin. Chim. Acta, i973,4a, 329-334. (V57) Measurement of dehydroascorbic acid and dioxogulonic acid in normal and diabetic plasma. Cox, B. D., Whichelow. M. J., Biochem. Med., 1975, 12, 183-193. (V58) Spectrophotometric determination of riboflavine in some pharmaceutical preparations containing liver extract. Dessouky. Y. M., Hussein, F. T., Ismaiel, S. A., Pharmarie, 1973, 28, 792. (V59) Determination of nicotinic acid and nicotinic acid derivatives with cyanogen bromide and
3-methyl-I-phenylpyrazolin-5-one. Dessouky, Y. M., Hussein, F. T., Ismaiel, S. A,, J. Pharm. Beig., 1974, 29, 43-50. (V60) Photometric determination of a-tocopherol acetate as the iron(ll1) hydroxamic acid complex. Dryanovska, L., lovchev, I., Naidenova. E., Pharmazle, 1974, 29, 58. (V61) Semi-automated determination of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide in food products. Egberg, D. C., Potter, R. H., Honold, G. R., J. Agric. FoodChem., 1974,22,323-326. (V62) Rapid, sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of ascorbic acid. Eldawy, M. A,, Tawfik, A. S., Elshabouri, S. R., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47,461-465. (V63) Analysis of pyridoxine hydrochloride tablets by the DAB VI1 method. Fischer, E., Geffken, D., Pharm. Ztg., 1974, 119, 1873-1875. (V64) Microdetermination of ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) in pharmaceutical preparations by differential spectroscopy using trifluoroacetic acid in the absence of vitamin A. Gharbo, S.A., Gosser, L. A., J.Pharm.Sci., 1975,64, 1196-1199. (V65) Stable and sensitive colorimetric method for the determination of ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) by using trifluoroacetic acid. Gharbo, S. A,, Gosser, L. A,, Analyst(London), 1974, 99, 222-224. (V66) Difference spectrophotometric method for the determination of vitamin A (retinol) by using trifluoroacetic acid, and its application to related compounds. Gharbo, S. A , , Gosser, L. A., Analyst (London),1975, 100, 703-707. (V67) Improved and accurate procedure for determination of vitamin A (retinol). Grys, s., Analyst (London), 1975, 100, 637-639. (V68) Relationships among 4-aminoimidazole5-carboxamide in urine and folate and vitamin BIZ (cyanocobalamin)concentrations in serum. Harrison, J. W., Siade, 8. A., Shaw, W., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1049- 1052. (V69) Spectrophotometric determination of vitamin K3. Hassan, S. S.M., Abd El Fattah, M. M., Zaki, M. T. M., Fresenius’Z. Anal. Chem., 1975,275, 115-1 17. (V70) The application of ferrihydroxamic complexes to photocolorimetric determination of drugs. Part 2: quantitative determination of calcium pangamate (vitamin BI5) and its calcium gluconate mixtures. lovchev, I., Dryanovska, L., Pharmazie, 1976, 31, 168-169. (V71) Use of ferrihydroxamic complexes in the photometric determination of pharmaceuticals. II. Quantitative determination of vitamin B,s and mixtures of it with calcium gluconate. lovchev, I., Dryanovska-Noninska, L., Farmatsiya (Sofia), 1975, 25, 1-7. (V72) Colorimetric determination of folic acid in pharmaceutical preparations. Kanjilal, G., Mahajan, S. N.. Rao, G. R., Analyst (London), 1975, 100, 19-24. (V73) Colorimetric estimation of pantothenates in formulations. Karawya, M. S.,Ghourab, M. G., Ibrahim, E. N., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 1357-1359. (V74) Kinetic determination of ascorbic acid by the 2,6-dichlorophenoiindophenol reaction with a stopped-flow technique. .Karayannis, M. I., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 76, 121-130. (V75) Identification and colorimetric determination of menadiol diacetate. Lotti, B., Boll. Chim. Farm., 1974, 113, 179-184. (V76) Determination of vitamin A in commercially prepared feeding-stuffs. I. Determinationof vitamin A in premixes and mixtures of active ingredients. Muelier, V., von Lengerken, J.. Wetterau, H., Nahrung, 1974, 18, 425-437. (V77) Analysis of fat-soluble vitamins. XIII. Chemical vitamin D assay in vitamin D and multivitamin preparations. Mulder, F. J., de Vries, E. J., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 13491356. (V78) Specific colorimetric determination of niacinamide in dosage forms. Nudelman, N. S.,Nudelman, O., J. fharm. Sci., 1976, 85, 65-67. (V79) Thiocyanate complexes of chromium(ll1) in chemical analysis. XXIII. Determination of vitamin 81 with analogs of Reinecke salt compounds. Oprescu, D., Ganescu. I., Varhelyi, C., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1974, 19, 1149-1153. (V80) Comparative study of colorimetric and fluorimetric determinatlons of thiamine (vitamin B1) by an automated discrete-sampling technique. Park, J. Y., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 452-458. (V81) Vitamin A in mixed feeds, pre-mixes and foods: development of method. Parrish, D. B., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.. 1974,57,897-902.
(V82) Automated analysis for vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in pharmaceutical products. Pelletier, O., Brassard, R., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58, 104-109. (V83) Automated and manual determination of pyridoxine in multivitamin preparations. Pelletier, 0.. Madere, R., Can. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,9,99-103. (V84) Photocolorimetric determination of pyridoxine hydrochloride in drug mixtures used in geriatric practice. Perepelitsa, N. P., Kirichenko, L. A., Farm. Zh. (Kiev), 1976, 31, 39-42. (V85) Determination of niacin and niacinamide in pharmaceutical products by automatic discretesample analysis. Ramirez-Munoz, J., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 71, 321-331. (V86) Spectrophotometric determination of retlonic acid in lotions, gels and creams. Schmidiger, O., Fresenius’Z. Anal. Chem., 1975, 274, 382. (V87) Assay of pyridoxine in pharmaceutical preparations by direct spectrofluorimetric measurement. Soederhjelm, P., Lindqvlst, J., Acta Pharm. Suec., 1974, 11,621-628. (V88) Spectrophotometric determination of tocopherols and tocotrienoles using bis(diisopropyioxythiophosphate)disulfideas specific reagent for copper(l1). Stamatov, S. D., Nikolov, N. K., Shishkov, A. N., Ivanov, S. A., Talanta, 1975, 22, 686-687. (V89) Determinationof vitamin A in blood plasma of patients with carotaemia. Stevenlnck, J. van, DeGoeig, A. F. P. M., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 49, 61-64. (V90) Automated analysis of vitamin B6complex by ion-exchange column chromatography. I. Diazotized 5-chloroaniline 2,4-disulfonyl chloride (4-amino-6-chlorobenzene- 1,3-disulfonyl chloride) as color-producing reagent. Tadera, K., Yasumoto, K., Tsuji, H., Mitsuda, H., Vitamins, 1974, 48, 6974. (V91) Simplified technique for determination of the vitamin A composition in biological fluids. Vahlquist, A., int. J. Vitam. Nutr. Res., 1974, 44, 375-381. (V92) Simplified colorimetric method for the determination of ascorbic acid in pure solutions and in pharmaceutical preparations. Wahba, N., Yassa, D. A,, Labib, R. S., Analyst (London), 1974, 99, 397-402. (V93) Quantitative analysis of riboflavine in the presence of iron in multicomponent pharmaceutical forms. Waiash, M. I., Youssef, H. H., El-Anwar, F. M., J. DrugRes., 1974, 6, 113-121. (V94) Quantitative determination of photosensitive cobalamins and degradation products. Witt, P. de, Muck, S.,Boll. Chim. Farm., 1973, 112, 422-426. (V95) Rapid micromethod for determination of ascorbic acid in plasma and tissues. Zannoni, V., Lynch, M., Goldstein, S., Sato, P., Biochem. Med., 1974, 11,41-48. Fluorimetric Analysls (V96) Fluorimetric determination of microamounts of thiamine as a complex compound with diamminosiiver chloride. Baczyk, S., Szwajca, T., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1975, 20,563-567. (V97) Comparison of fluorimetric and microbiological assays for estimating riboflavine content of blood and liver. Bamji, M., Sharada, D., Naidu, A. N., int. J. Vitam. Nub. Res., 1973, 43, 351-354. (V98) Observations on the determination of thiamine in serum by the thiochrome method. Blum, K. U., Merkel, R., Z.Kiin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1974, 12,437-439. (V99) Determination of retinal. Chan-Santos, E., Pietrzyk, D. J., Anal. Lett., 1974, 7, 409-417. (VIOO) Fluorimetric method for quantitation in the picomole range of 1-methylnicotinamide and nicotinamide in serum. Clark, B. R., Halpern, R. M., Smith, R. A,, Anal. Biochem., 1957, 68, 54-61. (V101) New fluorimetric method for the determination of vitamin 6.3 in blood. Durko, I., Vladovska-Yukhnovska, I . , Ivanov, Ch. P., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 49, 407-414. (V102) Improved procedure for the determination of thiamine. Edwin, E. E., Jackman, R., Hebert. N., Analyst (London), 1975, 100, 689-695. (V103) Simple method for determination of N’-methylnicotinamide in urine. Grimm, U., Knapp, A,, Clin. Chim. Acta, 1973, 47, 449-451. (V104) Automated fluorimetric assay of serum vitamin A. Kahan, J., int. J. Vitam. Nub. Res., 1973, 43, 127-141. (V105) Automated fluorimetric assay of Vitamin A in pharmaceutical preparations. Kahan, J., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 1074-1080.
(V106) Automated method for the analysis of riboflavine in milk, with application to other selected foods. Kirk, J. R., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 1085-1088. (V107) Automated method for the analysis of thiamine in milk, with application to other selected foods. Kirk, J. R., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 1081-1084. (V108) Fluorimetric assay for total vitamin C using continuous-flow analysis. Kirk, J. R., Ting, N., J. Food Sci., 1975, 40, 463-466. (V109) improved method for microdetermination of plasma vitamin E in laboratory rats. Meshaii, M. M., Nightingale, C. H., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1084-1 086. ( V I 10) Simple automated method for the determination of urinary thiamine. Muiruri, K. L., Romsos, D. R., Kirk, J. R., Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 1974, 27, 837-839. (V111) Differential determination of thiamine and Its phosphates, hydroxyethylthiamine and pyrithiamine in rat brain. Murdock, D. S., Gubier, C.J., J. Nutr. Sci. Vitam., 1973, 19, 43-54. ( V I 12) Automated analysis of riboflavine in multivitamin preparations. Peiletier, O., Brassard, R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974,63, 1138-1141. ( V I 13) Determination of riboflavine in pharmaceutical products by automatic discrete-sample analysis. Ramirez-Munoz, J., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974, 72,407-413. ( V I 14) Modified fluorimetric determination of vitamin A (retinol) in milk. Senyk, G. F., Gregory, J. F., Shipe, W. F., J. Dairy Sci., 1975, 58, 558560. ( V I 15) Fluorimetric determination of tocopherol in sheep plasma. Storer, G. B., Biochem. Med., 1974, 11, 71-80. ( V I 16) Simultaneous fluorimetric determinations of vitamins A and E in human serum and plasma. Thompson, J. N., Erdody, P., Maxwell, W. B., Biochem. Med., 1973,8,403-414. Gas Chromatography (V 117) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of vitamin 0 2 (calciferol) in fortified fuii-cream milk. Bell, J. G., Christie, A. A,, Analyst (London), 1974,99,385-396. (V118) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of vitamin D2 (calciferol) in multivitamin tablets containing minerals and vitamin E (tocopheryl) acetate. Edlund, D. O., Filippini, F. A,, Datson, J. K., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 1089-1091. ( V I 19) Determination of tocopherols, sterols, and steryl esters in vegetable oil distillates and residues. Feeter, D. K., J. Am. Oil Chem. SOC., 1974, 51, 184- 187. ( V I 20) Gas-chromatographic determination of vitamin D In cod liver oil, pharmaceuticals, and veterinary preparations. Hommes, M., van der Mijil Dekker, L. P., lnt. J. Vitam. Nutr. Res., 1973, 43, 271-282. (V121) Gas-chromatographic method for separation and determination of L-ascorbic acid and its oxidation products. I. Pfeiisticker, K., Marx, F., Chromatographia, 1974, 7, 366-368. (V 122) Gas-chromatographic determination of nicotinic acid in the presence of nicotinamide and nicotinonitrile. Panomarev, A. M., Vselyubovskaya, 0. A,, Yanotovskii, M. Ts., Zh. Anal. Khim., 1973,28, 2456-2458. (V 123) Gas-chromatographic determination of methylmalonic acid in urine and serum. Schiller, C. M., Summer, G. K., Clin. Chem., 1974, 20, 444446. (V 124) Quantitative determination of L-ascorbic acid by gas-liquid chromatography. Schiack, J. E., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 13461340. (V125) Gas-chromatographic determination of pantothenic acid in urine. Schulze zur Wiesch, E., Hesse, C., Hoetzel. D., 2. Kiin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 1974, 12,498-503. (V126) Approach to the chemical analysis of folic acid: gas chromatography of a degradation product from synthetic folic acid samples. Seifert, R. M., J. Sci. Food Agric., 1974, 25, 1509-1515. (V127) Simple gas-chromatographic determination of vitamin D2 in pharmaceutical preparations. Spencer, M., Mehta, A. C., Hetherington, C., J. Hosp. Pharm., 1975, 33, 152-153, 155-156. (V 128) Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of nicotinamide in multivitamin formulations after conversion to nicotinonitrile. Vessman, J., Stromberg, S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 311313.
(V129) Vitamin 66: gas-liquid chromatography of pyridoxol, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. Williams, A. K., J. Agric. FoodChem., 1974, 22, 107-109. Chromatography, HPLC (V130) Separation and determination of vitamins 61 (thiamine), B2(riboflavine),and Be (pyridoxine)and nicotinamide in commercial vitamin preparations using high-performance cation-exchange chromatography. Callmer, K., Davies, L.. Chromatographia, 1974,7,644-650. (V131) High-resolution liquid chromatography of vitamin E isomers. Cavins, J. F., Inglett, G. E., Cereal Chem., 1974,51,605-609. (V132) High-pressure liquid chromatography: separation of metabolites of vitamins D2 (calciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol) on small-particle silica columns. Jones, G., DeLuca, H. F., J. Lipid Res., 1975, 16,448-453. (V133) Radio-pharmaceuticals labeled with carbon-I 1: synthesis and high-pressure liquid chromatography of nicotinic acid labeled with carbon-11. Machulla, H. J., Laufer, p., Stoecklin, G., Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett., 1974, 16, 275-280. (V134) Separation of hydroxylated derivatives of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) by high-speed liquid chromatography. Matthews, E. W., Byfield, P. G. H., Colston, K. W., Evans, I. M. A,, Galante, L. S., MacIntyre, I., FEBSLett., 1974, 48, 122-125. (V135) Determination of ascorbic acid in foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and body fluids by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Pachla, L. A., Kissinger, P. T., Anal. Chem., 1976, 48, 364-367. (V136) Separation and quantitation of vitamin El, 8 2 , 66, and nicotinamide in commercial vitamin preparations using high-performance cation-exchange chromatography. Comment. Rabel, F. M., Chromatographia, 1975, 0, 156. (V137) Specific method for the determination of provitamin A carotenoids in orange juice. Reeder, S. K., Park, G. L., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58,595-598. (V138) Application of high-speed liquid chromatography to organic microanalysis. il. Separation and polarographic detection of pesticides, vitamins, and analgesics. Stillman, R., Ma, T. S., Mikrochim. Acta, 1974, 641-648. (V139) Liquid-chromatographic analysis of nanogram quantities of ascorbate in brain tissue. Thrivikraman, K. V., Refshauge, C., Adams, R. N., Life Sci., 1974, 15, 1335-1342. (V140) Determination of vitamin 0 2 (calciferol) in gelatin-protected vitamin A (retinol) acetate-vitamin 0 2 beadlets by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Tomkins, D. F., Tscherne, R. J., Anal. Chem., 1974,48, 1602-1604. (V141) Analysis of water-soluble vitamins by high-speed ionexchange chromatography. Williams, R. C., Baker, D. R., Schmidt, J. A,, J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1973, 11, 618-624. (V142) Analysis of riboflavine in commercial multivitamin preparations by high-speed liquid chromatography. Wittmer, D., Haney, W. G., Jr., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 588-590. (V143) injection solvent-induced anomalies in reverse-phase high speed liquid chromatography. Wu, C., Wittick, J. J., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 79, 308-31 2. Electrochemical Analysls (V 144) identification of (+)- or (f)-a-tocopherol in pharmaceuticals, food supplements, or feed supplements: collaborative study. Ames, S. R., Drury, E. J. E., J. Assoc. Oft Anal. Chem., 1975, 58, 585-594. (V145) Electrochemical determination of vitamin E in margarine, butter, and palm oil. Atuma. S.S., Sci. Food Agric., 1975, 26, 393-399. (V146) Voltammetric determination of tocopherols by use of a newly developed carbon-paste electrode. Atuma, S. S., Lindquist, J., Analyst(London), 1973,98, 886-894. (V147) Electrochemical determination of vitamin A (retinol). I. Voltammetric determination of vitamin A in pharmaceutical preparations. Atuma, S. S., Lindquist, J., Lundstroem, K., Analyst (London), 1974,99,683-689. (V148) Electrochemical determination of vitamin A. II. Further voltammetric determination of vitamin A and initial work on determination of vitamin D in the presence of vitamin A. Atuma, S. S., Lundstrom, K., Lindquist, J., Analyst (London). 1975, 100, 827-834.
(V149) Contributions to analytical chemistry of vitamin B12.Determination of small amounts of cyanocobalamin in presence of cyanide and analogues of vitamin B12 by means of a cyanide electrode without distillation of hydrogen cyanide. Duca, A., Goldstein, S.. Calu, C. Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, 187- 195. (V150) Reaction of vitamin K3 (menaphthone) with cysteine in aqueous ethanol and consecutive determination of K vitamins. Hayakawa, Y., Takamura. K., J. Pharm. SOC. Jpn., 1974, 94, 10701076. (V151) Consecutive determination of K vitamins by a reaction with mercaptoacetic acid. Hayakawa, Y., Takamura, K., J. Pharm. SOC. Jpn., 1975, 95, 1292-1297. (V 1 5 s - Electro-reduction and pulse-polarographic determination of nicotinamide in multivitamin tablets. Jacobsen, E., Thorgersen, K. B., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1974,71, 175-184. (V153) Determination of L-ascorbic acid in foods by a polarographic o-phenylenediamine method. Kajita, T., Yamamoto, Y., Senda, M., Jpn. Anal., 1973,22, 1051-1057. (V154) Voitammetric determination of thiamine hydrochloride. Kala, H., Fahr, F., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 726-727. (V155) lodometric determination of ascorbic acid by controlled potential coulometry. Karlsson, R., Taianta, 1975, 22, 989-993 (V156) Automated system for analytical microbiology. IV. Accuracy of measurements. Kavanagh, F. W., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1463-1467. (V157) Determination of small amounts of dehydroascorbic acid in vitamin C preparations. Koziov, E. I.,L'vova, M. S., Tkachenko, A. S., Karmanaova. V. I., Khim. farm. Zh., 1973, 7,47-51. (V158) Voitammetric determination of ascorbic acid by use of a carbon-paste electrode. Lindquist, J., Analyst (London), 1975, 100, 339-348. (V159) Application of differential pulse polarography to the assay of vitamins. Lindquist, J., Farroha, S. M., Analyst (London), 1975, 100, 377385. (V160) Automated constant-current coulometric assay system for ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate. Moros, S. A., Hamilton, C. M., Heveran, J. E., Donahue, J. J., Oliveri-Vigh, S., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1229-1231. (V161) Voltammetric determination of pyridoxine by use of a carbon-paste electrode. Soederhjelm, P., Lindquist, J., Analyst (London), 1975, 100, 349-354. (V162) Application of high-speed liquid chromatography to organic microanalysis. Ii. Separation and polarographic detection of pesticides, vitamins, and analgesics. Sriliman, R., Ma, T. S.,Mikrochim. Acta, 1974, 641-648. (V163) The polarographic determination of niacinamide (nicotinamide) in multivitamin preparations, Taira, A. Y., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57, 910-913. (V 164) Polarographic behavior and determination of orotic acid (vitamin 813) in milk. Yao, T., Musha, S . , Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn., 1975, 48, 435-438. ~~~
Titrimetric Analysls (V165) Ceriometric determination of L-ascorbic acid in pharmaceutical preparations, Baczyk, S., Karlik, B., Acta Pol. Pharm., 1975, 32, 477-480. (V166) Estimation of ascorbic acid in multivitamin formulation. Baveja, S. K., Gupta, A. K., Pharmacos, 1973, 18,40-46. (V167) Stabilization of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) by 2,3dimercaptopropanol before its determination (in foodstuffs). Bourgeois, C., Mainguy, P., George, P., Czornomaz, A. M., Analusis, 1973, 2, 556561. (V168) Determination of a-tocopherol by volumetric or coulometric titration with vanadium(\/). Cospito, M., Zanello, P., Raspi, G., Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem., 1974, 271,200-203. (V169) Determination of ascorbic acid in the presence of polysorbate 80. Dessouky, Y. M., Hussein, F. T., Ismaiel, S. A,, Pharmazie, 1973, 28, 791-792. (V170) Complexometric determination of some vitamins using metal picrates. Gajewska, M., Szrajber, Z., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1975, 20, 99-106. (V171) Determination of nicotinic acid derivatives in the product from the oxidation of 3-picoline in the presence of ammonia. Grzybowska, M., Chem. Anal., (Warsaw), 1974, 19, 801-806. (V172) Thallium(lll) perchlorate in acid medium
as a reagent for oxidimetric determination of ascorbic acid in drugs and fruit. Gupta, D., Sharma. P. D., Gupta, Y. K., Talanta, 1975, 22, 913-914. (V173) Calcium pangamate determination in Calgam preparation. Kachelska, O., Gruszczynska, R., Acta Poi. Pharm., 1975, 32, 641-642. (V174) Estimation of analgin and ascorbic acid in formulations. Rao, S. N., Ramamoorthy, M., Mohan, N. R. C., Dar, R. N., lndian J. Pharm., 1975, 37,98-99. (V175) Determination of diethylamide of nicotinic acid and phenatine by the iodometric method. Suprun, p. p., farm. Zh. (Kiev), 1975, 30, 49-52. ( V I 76) Determination of 3-mercaptopropionic, mercaptosuccinic, or 2-mercaptobenzoic acid by (use of) lead(lV) acetate. Verma, K. K., Bose, S., J. lndian Chern. SOC., 1973, 50, 367. (V177) Determination of cysteine, 3-mercaptopropionic, and mercaptosuccinic acid with neutral hexacyanoferrate(ll1). Verma, K. K., Bose, S., Ta/anta, 1975, 22, 74-75. Radioassay (Protein Bindlng) (V178) Radioassay of serum folate. Dunn, R. T., Foster, L. B., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1101-1105. (V179) Competitive protein-binding assay for 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. Edelstein, S., Charman, M., Lawson, D. E. M., Kodicek, E., Ciin. Sci. Mol. Med., 1974,46, 231-240. (V180) Competitive protein-binding assay for urinary riboflavine. Fazekas, A. G., Menendez. C. E., Rivlin, R. S., Biochem. Med., 1974, 9, 167-176. (V181) Comparison of two methods for radioassay of vitamin 8 1 2 (cyanocobalamin) in serum. Frenkel, E. P., White, J. D., Reisch, J. S., Sheehan, R. G., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 1357-1360. (V182) Liquid scintillation counting of cobalt-57: application to radioassay of vitamin B12(cyanocobalamin). Gutcho, S., Johnson, J., McCarter, H., Clin. Chem., 1973, 19, 998-1001. (V183) Solid-phase cobalamin assay using cobalamin-binding protein from dog stomach. Hippe, E., Oleson, H., Scand. J. Ciin. Lab. Invest., 1975, 35, 577-582. (V184) Direct radiochemical assay for serum folate: competition between (3H) folic acid and 5methyltetrahydrofolic acid for a folate binder. Kamen, B. A,, Caston, J. D., J. Lab. Clin. Med., 1974, 83, 164-174. (V185) Comparison of results using three commercially available vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) radioassay kits. Kampa, I. S., Hundertmark. J. M., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1975, 59, 191-194. (V186) Estimation of serum and red-cell folate by a simple radiometric technique. Mincey, E. K., Wilcox, E., Morrison, R. T., Ciin. Biochem., 1973, 6, 274-284. (V187) Competitive-protein-binding assay for 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and 25-hydroxyergocalciferol in serum. Preece, M. A,, O'Riordan, J. L. H.. Lawson, D. E. M., Kodicek, E., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974,54,235-242. (V188) Comparison of serum vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) determination by two isotopedilution methods and by Euglena (gracilis) assay, with special reference to low values. Puutula, L., Stenman, U., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 55, 263-266. (V189) Practical application of a simplified vitamin 8 1 2 (cyanocobalamin) radioassay. Shafer, R. B., Ripley, D., McMahon, J., Doscherholmen, A,, J, Nucl. Med., 1974, 15, 688-692. (V190) Experience with a commercial radioassay for vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Voogd, C. E., Mantel, M., Ciin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 54, 369-371. (V 191) Competitive-protein-binding analysis of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) using cyanocobalamin-free serum as a standard diluent. van de Wiel, D. F. M., Koster-Otte, L. J., Goedemans, W. T., Woldring, M. G., Clin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 56, 131142. (V 192) Competitive-protein-binding analysis of vitamin 8 1 2 (cyanocobalamin) using Lactobaciiius leichmanniias a specific binder. van de Wiel, D. F. M., de Vries, J. A., Woldring, M. G., Nieweg, H. O., Ciin. Chim. Acta, 1974, 55, 155-163. Infrared and Raman Spectrometry (V193) Determination of vitamin 8 1 2 by IR absorption spectrophotometry of the cyano group in benzyl alcohol. Goldstein, S., Ciupitoiu, A,, Vasilescu, V., Duca, A,, Can. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 9, 96-98. (V194) Determination of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) by cyano group determination by means of infrared absorption spectrophotometry. Goldstein,
S., Ciupitoiu, A,, Vasilescu, V., Duca, A., Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, I, 117-123. (V195) Determination of nicotinamide in medicines by infrared spectrophotometry. Nami-Gohar, F., Mesnard, P., Devaux, G., BUN.SOC.Pharm. Bordeaux, 1974, 113, 137-140. (V196) Application of resonance Raman spectrometry to the determination of vitamin B12. Tsai, C., Morris, M. D., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1975, 76, 193-198. (V197) Analyses of drugs and chemicals by infrared absorption spectroscopy. I. Determination of di-a-tocopherol and its acetate in pharmaceutical preparations. Rho, Y. S., Yakhak Hoeji, 1973, 17, 9-12. Thermal Analysis (V198) Thermometric assay of ascorbic acid. Bark, L. S., Grime, J. K., Ana/yst(London), 1974, 99, 38-42. (V199) Rapid method for assay of ascorbic acid tablets. Bark, L. S., Kershaw, L., Analyst (London), 1975, 100,873-877. (V200) Thermal analysis of some nonprescription vitamin preparations. Collins, L. W., Wendlandt, W. W., Thermochlm. Acta, 1975, 11, 253-260. Mass Spectrometry (V201) Fieid-desorption mass spectrometry of the B vitamins: pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, their phosphates, and thiamine. Sammons, M. C., Bursey, M. M., Brent, D. A,, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1974, 1, 169-171. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (V202) Examination of measurement conditions in the determination of cyanocobalamin in preparations by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Kidani, Y., Takeda, K., Koike, H., Jpn. Anal., 1973, 22, 719-723. (V203) Indirect determination of aminobenzoic acid by atomic absorption spectrometry. Kidani, Y., Saotome, T., Inagaki, K., Koike, H., Jpn. Anal., 1975, 24, 463-466. Proton Magnetic Resonance (V204) Determination of nicotinamide and nicotinonitrile by proton magnetic resonance. Skarzynski, M., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1974, 19, 78 1-786. Phase Solubility Analysis (V205) Recognition and solution of production problem in vitamin manufacture. MacMullan, E., Hagel, R., Gomez, R., Anal. Chem., 1975, 47, 473A-474A. Miscellaneous (V206) Identification of d- or dl-a-tocopherol in pharmaceuticals, food supplements, or feed supplements. Collaborative study. Ames, s. R., Drury, E. J. E., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975, 58, 585-594. (V207) Problems related to the determination of antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins in pre-mixes. Banyai, E., Gimesi, O., Period. Poiyfech. Chem. Eng., 1974, 10, 183-201. (V208) Vitamins. Boon, P. F. G., Autom. Anal. Drugs Other Subst. Pharm. interest, 1973, 264274. (V209) Simple and fast assay method for riboflavine. Clausen, E., Lab. Pract., 1975, 24, 161-162. (V210) Vitamins in foods: analytical methods. De Ritter, E., Cereal f o o d World, 1975, 20, 33-37. (V211) Accurate and automated vitamin assays. Egberg, D. C., Potter, R. H., Honold, G. R., food Prod, Dev., 1973, 7, 91, 94. (V212) Methods of ascorbic acid determination. Hajratwala, 8. R., Aust. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, NS3, 33-36. (V213) Determination of vitamin C in feed additives. Laffi, R., Giardino, G. F., Sci. Technoi. Aliment;, 1973,3, 251-253. (V214) Modifications in the purified rabbit-skeletai-muscle apophosphorylase b assay of serum pyridoxal phosphate levels. Pierce, H. I., Campbell, C., Moore, E., Hillman, R. S., Biochem. Med., 1974, 10,360-367. (V215) Report of ad hoc committee on vitamin D methodology, AOAC, Quackenbush, F. W., Banes, D., Derse, P. H., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1975,
131 R
58, 330-342. (V216) Electrophoretic separation of vitamin Bj2 derivatives. Tortolani, G., Ferri, P. G., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 88,430-433. FORMULATIONS AND MIXTURES Automated Analysis
( F l ) Automatization of the determination of acetylsalicyclic acid and free salicyclic acid. Kubin, H., Goenshirt, H.. Pharm. lnd., 1976, 38, 224. (F2) Simultaneous automated determination of hydralazine hydrochloride, hydrochlorothiazide, and reserpine in single tablet formulations. Urbanyi, T., O'Conneii, A. W., Adv. Autom. Anal. Technicon lnt. COngr., 1972, 9, 15-21. Chromatography, General
(F3) Determination of traces of salicylic acid in aspirin bulk, tablets, and other preparations containing phenacetin and caffeine: simultaneous determination of salicyclic acid and acetylsalicylic acid with additional components in pharmaceutical preparations. Ali, S.L., Chromatographia, 1974, 7, 655-658. (F4) Determination of propoxyphene hydrochloride, aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine in combination. Cunningham, C. G., Barkan, S.,J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974,57, 728-730. (F5) Analysis for acetaminophen, phenylephrine hydrochloride, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, and ascorbic acid in a capsule preparation. De Fabrizio, F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 91-93. (F6) Collaborative study of an ion-exchange method for the chromatographic separation of mixtures containing expectorants, sympathomimetic amines, antihistamines, or phenothiazine In pharmaceuticals. Smith, D. J., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 1974, 57,741-748. Chromatography, Gas
(F7) Gas chromatographic determination of phenol mcresol and phenethanol in pharmaceutical preparations. Johanson, R., Arch. Pharm. Chem., Sci. Ed., 1975, 3, 132. (F8) Quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic determination of mixed pharmaceutical formulations. Kaplan, E. R., Spark, A. A,, S.Afr. J. Sci., 1975,71, 241-243. (F9) Gas chromatographic determination of phenacetin, caffeine, antipyrine, and dimethylaminoantipyrine in pharmaceutical specialties. Oesch, M., Sahli, M., Pharm. Acta Heiv., 1974, 49, 317319. (F10) Simultaneous determination of acetylsalicylic acid, salicylic acid, and salicylamide in plasma by gas-liquid chromatography. Rance, M. J., Jordan, B. J., Nichols, J. D., J. Warm. Pharmacol., 1975, 27, 425-429. (F11) Quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of theophylline, ephedrine hydrochloride, and phenobarbitone suspension. Schultz, H. W., Paveenbampen, C., J. Pharm. Sci., 1973, 62, 1995-1997. (F12) Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of caffeine and codeine phosphate in pharmaceutical preparations. Stevens, M. R., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1686-1687. (F13) Simultaneous gas-liquid chromatographic determination of salicylic acid and aspirin in plasma. Walter, L. J., Biggs, D. F., Coutts, R. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1754-1758. Chromatography, HPLC
(F 14) Automated high-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine. Ascione, P. P., Chrekian, G. P., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 1029. (F15) Liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical analysis. Determination of cough-cold mixtures. Honigberg, I. L., Stewart, J. T., Smith, A. P., J. Pharrn. Sci., 1974, 63, 766-769. (F16) Eliminated in revision. (F17) Liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical analysis. 111: separation of diuretic-antihypertensive mixtures. Honigberg, I. L., Stewart, J. T., Smith, A. P., Hester, D. W., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1201. (FIE) Liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical analysis. (I. Determinatlon of a reserpine-chiorothiazide mixture. Honigberg, I. L.,Stewart, J. T., Smith, A. P., Plunkett, R. D., Hester, D. W.. J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1762-1764. (F19) Liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical
analysis. IV: determination of antispasmodic mixtures. Honigberg, I. L., Stewart, J. T., Smith, A. P., Plunkett, R . D., Justice, E. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 84, 1389. (F20) Quantitative analysis of a multicomponent drug product by using liquid chromatography. Mayell, J. S., Hiskey, C. F., Lachman, L., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46,449-452. (F21) Rapid quantitative determination of three active ingredients in liquid antitussive preparations by high-speed liquid chromatography. Menyharth, A., Mahn, F. P., Heveran, J. E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 430-434. (F22) Liquid chromatography of xanthines, analgesic drugs, and coffee. Murgia, E., Richards, P., Walton, H. F., J. Chromatogr., 1973, 87, 523533. (F23) Determination of acetaminophen in pharmaceutical preparations and body fluids by highperformance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Riggin, R. M., Schmidt, A. L., Kissinger, P. T., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 680683. (F24) Quantitative analysis of a multicomponent analgesic product Containing butalbital by using high-speed reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Rosenbaum, D., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 22262228. (F25) Applications of high-speed ion-exchange chromatography to pharmaceutical analysis. Smith, J. B., Mollica, J. A., Govan, H. K., Nunes, I. M., lnt. lab., 1972, 15-23. (F26) High-pressure liquid-chromatographic determination of adrenergic and antihistaminic compounds in pharmaceutical preparations. Sprieck, T. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 591-593. (F27) Aspects of pharmaceutical analysis. Applications of high-pressure liquid chromatography. Wragg, J. S.,Johnson, G. W., Pharm. J., 1974,213, 601. Chromatography, TLC
(F28) Thin-layer chromatography and ultraviolet spectrophotometryin the determination of analgesic, antipyretic, and barbituric mixtures. Curea, E., Opferman, C., Farmacia, 1974, 22, 483-488. (F29) Quantitative evaluation of thin-layer chromatograms: multicomponent analyses based on calibration graphs or use of internal standards. Ebei, S.,Herold. G., Chromatographia, 1975, 8, 569572. (F30) Thin-layer chromatographic separation of phenazone derivatives in some antipyretic-analgetic mixtures. Radulovic, D., Stanojcic, M., Arh. Farm., 1973,23,321-324. (F3 1) Specific thin-layer-chromatographic determination of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in plasma. Sigel, C. W., Grace, M. E., Nichol, C. A., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1202-1205. (F32) identification and quantification of caffeine, phenacetin, propyphenazone, and salicylamide in a composite preparation. Soeterboek, A. M., Van Thiel, M., Pharm. Weekbl., 1974, 109, 962-965. Colorimetric
(F33) Selective determination of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride in pharmaceutical dosage forms by reaction with ninhydrin. Burke, D., Venturella, V. S.,Senkowski, B. Z., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 269-273. (F34) Colorimetric determination of chlorpheniramine maleate, ephedrine hydrochloride, and guaiacolsulfonate potassium in a cough syrup. Das Gupta, V., de Lara, A. J. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 2001. (F35) Determination of components of drug mixtures. 111. Tablets. Theopaverin, theophenal, and theoserpin. Grabowska, I., Marcinkowska, K., Wodkiewicz, J., Farm. Pol., 1975, 31, 825-829. (F36) Spectrophotometric determination of salicylamide in complex mixtures. Joy, J., Szekeres, L., Mikrochim. Acta, 1975, II, 125-128. (F37) Spectrophotometric determination of paminophenol alone or in the presence of acetaminophen. Kalatzis, E., Zarbi, I., J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 71. (F38) Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and dichloralantipyrine in capsules. Plakogiannis, F. M.. Ahmed, M. S.,J. Pharm. Sci., 1975,64, 1547. Tltratlons
(F39) Analysis for acetaminophen and barbiturate combinations by differentiating nonaqueous titration.
Blake, M. I., Hunt, J., Rhodes, H. J., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63,89-91. (F40) Determination of resorcinol and phenol in resorcinol-phenol-boric acid solution. Das Gupta, V., Cates, L. A,, J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 93-95. (F41) Determination of a mixture of sodium noramidopyrine methanesulfonate and sodium metabisulfite. Gachon, M.. Maire, G., Eioy. F., Anal. Pharm. Fr., 1974,32,697-700. (F42) Chloramine-T as titrimetric reagent in potentiometric determination of isoniazid, phenelzine, and dihydralazine. Pinzauti, S.,Dai Piaz, V., La Porta, E., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 1446. (F43) Differentiating nonaqueous titration of aspirin, acetaminophen, and salicylamide mixtures. Rhodes, H. J., De Nardo, J. J., Bode, D. W., Blake, M. I., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 64, 1386. (F44) Comparative studies on quantitative analysis of analgesic mixtures. I. Investigations on selectivity of volumetric methods. Schleuder, M., Beyrich, T., Pharmazie, 1974, 29, 448-452. Mlscellaneous
(F45) Determination of carisoprodol, phenacetin, and caffeine in tablets by near-infrared spectrometry and their identification by thin-layer chromatography. Allen, L., J. Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 912-916. (F46) Quantitative applications of nuclear magnetic resonance in pharmaceutical analysis. Bowen, M. H., O'Neiil, I. K., Pringuer, M. A,, Roc. SOC.Anal. Chem., 1974, 11, 294. NEW TECHNIQUES Chromatography; Ion Exchange; Electrophoresls
( T I ) Chemical derivitization in gas chromatography. Drozd, J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 113, 303-356. (T2) High-resolution electron-capture gas-liquid chromatography. Pellizzari, E. D., J. Chromatogr., 1974,92, 299-308. (T3) Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: a report on the state of the art. Fenselau, C., Appl. Spectrosc., 1974, 28, 305-317. (T4) Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer data system. Karasek, F. W., Res./Dev., 1973, 24, 42-47. (T5) Improved method of sample introduction in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of biological materials. Lawrence, R. H., Jr., Waller, G. T., Kinneberg, K., Anal. Biochem., 1974, 62, 102107. (T6) Comparison of photometric detectors for high-speed liquid chromatography. Baker, D. R., Williams, R. C., Steichen, J. C., J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12, 499-505. (T7) Laboratory automation of high-pressure liquid chromatography. Beyer, W. F., Gleason, D. D., J. Pharm. Sci., 1975, 84, 1557-1560. (T8) Novel method of generating multi-slope gradients for high-pressure liquid chromatography. Bombaugh, K. J., J. Chromatogr., 1975, 107, 201-206. (T9) Use of a new variable-wavelength detector in high-performance liquid chromatography. Carr, C. D., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 743-746. (T10) Separations on heavily loaded smali-part i c k columns in high-speed chromatography. Engelhardt, H., Asshauer, J., Neue, U., Weigand, N., Aoal. Chem., 1974,46,336-340. (TI 1) Simple vacuum-suction device for use in quantitative thin-layer chromatography. Lubs, H., Peters, W. H., Schirmer, H., Rev. Roum. Biochim., 1974, 11,35-40. ( T I 2) Chemically-bonded stationary phases: preparation and, application to high-speed liquid chromatography. Pryde, A,, J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1974, 12,486-498. (T13) Pressure-stable ionexchange resins based on porous silica for liquid chromatography. Unger, K., Nyamah, D., Chromatographia, 1974, 7, 6368. (T14) Line-elution technique: fundamentals, practice, and examples. Dibbern, H.-W., Wirbitzki, E., G-CTFachzlab., 1975, 19, 117-120. (T15) Thin-layer stick chromatography. I. Thin-layer stick chromatography using silica gelcellulose. Maruyama, K.. Kawanabe, K., Jpn. Anal., 1973,22, 1295-1301. (T16) New technique for scanning tubular thinlayer chromatograms. Mukherjee, K. D., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 96, 242-244. (T17) Thin-layer chromatography on pre-coated
adsorbents attached by sintering to glass. XI. influence of pH of glass binders on formation of sintered thin layers. Okumura, T., J. Pharm. SOC.Jpn., 1974,94, 1045-1053. (T18) Sintered thin-layer chromatography with flame-ionization-detector scanning. Okumura, T., Kadono, T., Iso’o, A,, J. Chromatogr., 1975, 108. (T19) Impregnation of sulfuric acid on Silica gel G to quantitate spots on thin-layer chromatograms. Peterson, F. J., Duthie, A. H., Lab. Pract., 1974, 23, 245-246. (T20) Variations In the manufacture of commercial silica gel plates. Turano, P.,Turner, W. J., J. Chromatogr., 1974, 90, 388-389. (T21) Applications of the Nichrome-wire ring chamber in paper chromatography. Shahid, M. A,, Chughtai, N. A,, Afzal, A. U., Pak. J. Sci. lnd. Res., 1973,16, 199-201. (T22) Bibliography of electrophoresis, 1968 to 1972, and survey of applications. J. Chromatogr., Suppl. Vol. No. 4, 1975, 861 pp.
2223-2224. (T24) Improved penicillin-selective enzyme electrode. Cullen, L. F., Rusling, J. F., Schleifer, A., Papariello, G. J., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 19551961. (T25) Use of precipitate-based silicone-rubber ion-selective electrodes and silicone-rubber-based graphite voltammetric electrodes in continuous analysis. A review. Feher, Z., Nagy, G., Toth, K.. Pungor, E., Analyst (London), 1974,99,699-708. (T26) Methylephedrine- and ephedrine-selective electrodes. Fukarnachi. K., Nakagawa. R., Morimoto, M., Ishibashi, N., Jpn. Anal., 1975, 24, 428-432. (T27) Liquid membrane electrodes responsive to such organic anions as antiseptics and artificial sweetenings. Shigematsu, T., Ota, A., Matsui, M., Bull. lnst. Chem. Res. Kyoto Univ., 1973, 51, 268-272.
Electrochemlstry (T23) Potassium-ion-responsive coated-wire electrode based on valinomycin. Cattrall, R. W., Tribuzio, S.,Freiser, H., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46,
Mass Spectrometry (T28) Fieid-ionization mass spectrometry: a tool for the analycal chemist. Anbar, M., Aberth, W. H., Anal. Chem., 1974, 44, 59A-62A, 64A. (T29) Field-desorption mass spectrometry. Beckey, H. D., Schulten, H. R., Angew. Chem., lnt. Ed. Engl., 1975, 14, 403-415. (T30) Application of quadrupole mass filters in
fielddesorption mass spectrometry. Gierlich, H. H., Heinen, H. J., Beckey, H. D., Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1975, 2, 31-35. (T31) Modern ionization techniques in mass spectrometry. Milne, G. W. A,, Lacey, M. J., CRC Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem., 1974, 4, 45-104. (T32) A high-precision fluorimeter for biochemical measurements. Peterson, J. I., Friauf, W. S., Leighton, S. B., Anal. Biochem., 1974, 56, 255271. Mlscellaneous (T33) New type of continuous counter-current extraction: extractor with two continuous phases. Pan, S.C., Sep. Sci., 1974, 9, 227-248. (T34) Problem in liquid scintillation counting: adsorption of ( 14C)polyoxyethylene giycoi in dilute solutions. Crouthamel, W. G., Van Dyke, K., Anal. Biochern., 1975,66,234-242. (T35) New method for determination of purity by means of calorimetric differential thermal analysis. Staub, H., Perron, W., Anal. Chem., 1974, 46, 128--130. (T36) Automated, stepping differential calorimeter for the analysis of purity. fynger, J., Anal. Chem., 1975,47, 1380-1384.
Rubber Coe W. Wadelin” and Marion C. Morris Research Division. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio 443 16
This review covers chemical analysis of rubber and characterization of rubber by physical, chemical, and spectroscopic methods. Methods for the identification, characterization, and determination of rubber and materials in rubber are included, but the analysis of rubber additives when they are not contained in rubber is not included. Polymers other than rubber are covered in another review in this issue (130). The literature which became available to the authors between September 1974, the end of the period covered by the last review in the series (202), and September 1976, is covered. Abbreviations recommended in ASTM Designation D1418-76 have been used ( 5 ) .They are listed in Table I.
GENERAL INFORMATION Review articles have been written describing selection of known methods to give the most information when a limited amount of sample is available (119)or when speed is desired (82, 124). Ultraviolet, visible, NMR, and ESR spectroscopy were reviewed (204). Infrared spectroscopy was not included as it has been covered recently (79). Fourier transform carbon-13 NMR (31)and infrared (103) spectroscopy as applied to rubber were also reviewed. POLYMER IDENTIFICATION The term “total thermal analysis” was introduced to include T G (thermogravimetry), DTG (derivative thermogravimetry), DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), and T,(glass transition temperature). The measurements, except for T , are done in both nitrogen atmosphere and in oxygen (17j). In tread and black sidewall stocks SBR, BR, and polyisoprene can be distinguished. The polyisoprenes, NR and IR, can be distinguished from each other in sulfur cured, carbon black filled stocks, but not in peroxide cured, unfilled stocks. The ability to make this distinction was also observed by others (25).The effect of sulfur level (171), carbon black level (171), and carbon black type (25) was studied. I t was also observed that NR and IR can be distinguished by pyrolysis a t 350 “ C .followed by infrared or GC (gas chromatographic) examination of the pyrolyzate. As in total thermal analysis, the difference occurs only in sulfur cured,
carbon black filled samdes. The Dvrolvsis Droduct whose concentration is observed is dipentene (52). White sidewall blends of EPDM/NR/SBR/CIIR (173), CR/NR. or CR/NR/CSM (174) and innerliners of IIR. halogenated’IIR, or NR/CIIR (175) were also identified by total thermal analysis. Preparation of vulcanizates for infrared examination was reviewed. Degradation with 1,2-dichlorobenzene was preferred over pyrolysis or decomposition a t 200 “C. Any polymer present to the extent of 20% or more will be recognized (73). The method of combining 1,2-dichlorobenzene with a peptizer (39),which is very effective, was not mentioned. Polyurethanes were degraded by acid (137), amines (106, 137), alkali (102), or methanol to form compounds which could be examined by spectroscopy or chromatography. Polyethers intended for use in EU were degraded with a mixed anhydride of acetic and p-toluene-sulfonic acids. T h e acetates of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and many polyfunctional initiators were identified. The oxyethylene and oxypropylene group contents were determined by gas chromatography (193). Infrared spectra and thermal analysis were used to generally classify polyurethanes as to type (120). The diisocyanate component was identified by pyrolysis-GC (71). Polypentenamers present to the extent of 10%or more in vulcanizates with SBR, BR, IR, or NR can be identified by the GC detection of glutaraldehyde in the ozonolysis products (115).
Table I. Abbreviations Recommended by ASTM ( 5 ) CSM EPDM BR CllR CR IIR IR NBR NR SBR EU
Chlorosulfonyl-polyethylene Terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a diene with the residual unsaturated portion of the diene in the side chain. Butadiene rubber Chloroisobutene-isoprene rubber Chloroprene rubber Isobutene-isoprene rubber Isoprene synthetic rubber Nitrile-butadiene rubber Natural rubber Styrene-butadiene rubber Polyester urethane
APRIL 1977