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SEPHADEX gel particle with immobile water

large molecule small molecule

S6DhadeX GEL FILTRATION gel filtration is a far more convenient way of desalting proteins and other high molecular weight compounds than time-consuming dialysis techniques. SEPHADEX is automatically regenerated and is well suited for cyclic purification procedures. A typical application is illustrated below: SEPHADEX

1. Outside water replaced by solution

R E M O V A L O F A M M O N I U M S U L F A T E (B) F R O M S E R U M P R O T E I N (A)

2. Small molecules move into the gel until equilibrium

3. Volume outside gel particles replaced by water

Reference: Porath, J., Flodin, P.: Gel Filtration: A method for desalting and group separation, Nature, vol. 183, pp. 1657-1659, 1959. 4. Small molecules move from the ool until o n . i i l i h r i u m

5. Outside volume replaced by water to empty gel particles completely

AMONG OTHER APPLICATIONS . . . tested and proved . . . a) Exchanging buffer mediums—SEPHADEX assures easy and fast changing of buffer mediums prior to ion-exchange chromatography or electrophoresis. b) Fractionating polymers—SEPHADEX permits accurate and efficient fractionation of

homologous polymers by molecular weight. c) Purification and group separation — SEPHADEX makes possible fractionation of complex mixtures, extracts and many other substances. d) Concentrating —SEPHADEX provides simple and effective concentrating of solutions containing high molecular weight solutes, without changing ionic strength or pH. e) Partition chromatography— SEPHADEX is extremely valuable in a two-phase system when the aqueous phase must be stationary and the other mobile. f) Adsorption chromatography—SEPHADEX adsorbs some aromatic and heterocyclic compounds, a fact which can be utilized for separation. SEPHADEX is supplied in these types: (with lower limit for complete exclusion) G-25: M W 3,500-4,500; G-50: M W 8,00010,000; G-75: MW 40,000-50,000. All of the types are in the following sieve fractions: Coarse for industrial uses and when high flow rates are important; medium for standard laboratory usage; and fine for experiments where high resolution is essential.

PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS, INC. For complete and continuing information on SEPHADEX, and GEL FILTRATION,

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