Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment - C&EN Global Enterprise

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f-^/f nnouncing a New ACS Short Course of Vital ^~*)\/\/ Importance to Toxicologists, Biochemists, ^ ^~t^ Pharmaceutical Chemists, Agricultural Chemists, Environmental Scientists, and Biostatisticians....

Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment Washington, D.C.

Wednesday-Friday, February 2 2 - 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

Learn About Seven Key Ways You'll Benefit from Late-Breaking Attending This Course: 4 . Become familiar with Developments in: 1. Receive an intro­ Τ Risk Assessment and Pharmacokinetic Concepts Τ Applications of PBPK Modeling to Risk Assessment

duction to funda­ mental concepts and methods of current practice in carcinogen risk assessment 2 . Find out how birth defects may be caused and what agents may be of concern

Τ New Directions of Risk Assessment

The Course Director:

3 . Become aware of the current limita­ tions in the wide­ spread use of PBPK modeling risk assessment

Frederick DiCarlo, Senior Science Advisor, U,S, EPA, fditor of Drug Metabolism Reviews, Associate Editor of Xenobiotica, co-editor of a series of volumes on drug and chemical toxicity; and author of approximately 200 publications

the target tissue dose concept and how it provides important insights into the likely effects of exposures to toxic chemicals, even if quantitative model­ ing cannot be applied 5 . Understand the rationale, basis, goals, and develop­ ments in federal and state regulations for chemical classified has potential human carcinogens

6 . Learn about current risk assessment practices involved in neurotoxicity, including models, assumptions, uncertainty reduc­ tion, and biomarkers 7. Understand how to effectively use PBPK modeling to integrate existing data; identify gaps in your knowledge; suggest new experiments; and provide new in­ sights

For more information, FAX or mail in the coupon below. FAX: 872-6336. Or call the ACS Continuing Education Short Course at (800) 227-5558 or (202) 872-4508.

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YES! Please send me information on the ACS Short Course, Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment, to be held February 22-24, 1995, in Washington, D.C.

• . . Plus a Noted Faculty of Ten Top Experts in the Field!

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Mail to: American Chemical Society, Dept. of Continuing Education, Meeting Code ΤΟΧΡ9502, 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 2 0 0 3 6 .