Phase Equilibria in Ethyl Alcohol–Ethyl Acetate–Water System

John Griswold, Pao L. Chu, and W. O. Winsauer. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1949, 41 (10), pp 2352–2358. DOI: 10.1021/ie50478a063. Publication Date: October 19...
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Vol. 41, No. 10


B I X A R YSY$rrrcifs. Several ciliyl Figure 5 .

S o l u b i l i t j I s o t h e r m s i n Weight Water

76 i'uiis rvcre made to chccli i , l i t S pc~ifurni:riicc: of the apparatus anti

for Eth)I ~ I ~ ~ l i ~ l - IEicetatetti~

ixlibmtioiis, I>erisit,ies,boiling points, literatui'e

:tiid y-x value.? checked the tn rvithin analyt'ical accuracy.

_ _ _ Present Bonner



Berrh and Glasstone (20' C:.)

The ethyl alcohol-ethyl acetate tlnt:i :we given in Table VIA. Tho y-x v;rlues

F i g u r e 6.

are plotted in Figure 7 . These agrre with the data of Furnas arid Leighton except in the 50 to 75 mole % ethyl alcohol region where the pre-ent, data are slightly higher in ethyl alcohol. The boiling points are plotted in Figure 8 arid the activity coefficic,nts in 1;iyurc 9. T h e act,ivity coefficient~sare eucellwt~lycorrelated b y the two-suffix Van 1,aar cquation ( 1 7 ) . [The ethyl

Binodal C u r t e and Liquid-Phase Equilibria i n Mole % for E t h ? l Alcohol-F,th>l 4 c e t a t e - F ater Temptmture, normal Imiling point: pressure, i 6 0 m m .

Figurc 5 were preparcd. The curves are in good agrccnieut witti those of Bonncr (g), but do iiot agrce well with those of Bccch and Glasstone ( 1 ) . S o t e that solubility of ethyl acetat,(, in the water phase decreases with tcmperat,ure.




1Vati.r .5 7 1 6.33

73 i :3 8 1, S (il C,


'(Vt. t;, Ethyl Acetate


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