philadelphia quartz company - ACS Publications

102. Cryogenics, Nuclear. Engineering. Twelve-page brochure describes exten- sive activities and services in the fields of cryogenic engineering and h...
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Rotameters. Series of bulletins discuss the various applications of rotameters in process, laboratory, and pilot plant operations. Bulls. M-l, 18A, 18RG, and 19A, Dept. IEC, Instrument Division, Schutte & Koerting Co., 2270 State Rd., Cornwells Heights, Bucks County, Pa. 98 Centralized Control Systems. Bulletin 106 illustrates and describes the design approach, materials, construction, and modern facilities used in manufacturing a variety of centralized control and data presentation systems. Dept. IEC, Panellit, Inc., 7401 North Hamlin Ave., Skokie, III. 99 SERVICES Creative




Four-page booklet describes company's coordinated engineering, fabrication, and erection services. Special alloys, facilities, and processes are also discussed. Dept. IEC, Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., 2421 McCormick Bldg., Michigan Ave., Chicago 4> M· 1Ô0 Engineering Brochure. Eight-page booklet details engineering services and capabilities of company which has participated in a large number of reactor projects in the U. S. and abroad. Research and development work in fields of metallurgy, chemistry, ceramics, and nuclear engineering are included. Dept. IEC, Sylvania-Corning Nuclear Corp., Bayside, Ν. Υ. 101 Air Pollution. Factors affecting pres­ ent and potential air pollution levels are given in a report, "Appraisal of Air Pollution in Texas." Dept. IEC, Chief, State and Community Services Section, Community Air Pollution Program, Robert A. Tajt Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati 26, Ohio 102



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Cryogenics, Nuclear Engineering. Twelve-page brochure describes exten­ sive activities and services in the fields of cryogenic engineering and handling equipment, and nuclear engineering and manufacture. Company is prepared to design, engineer, and construct in any of the areas discussed. Dept. IEC, Steams-Roger Mfg. Co., Special Proj­ ects Dept., P.O. Box 5370, Denver 17, Colo. 103

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also see Chemical Materials Catalog, pages 408-409





1129 Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia 6, Pennsylvania



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