Carries large stocks for immediate ship- ment of 22,000 carefully selected, prepack- aged items as listed in ... custom-made electrodes, factory stock...
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Thermal American Fused Quartz Co., Inc. 1 8 - 2 0 Salem St. Dover, N . J.


M a n u f a c t u r e r of a complete line of Vitreosil fused silica a n d q u a r t z p r o d u c t s for laboratory and p l a n t requirements. Special a p p a r a t u s fabricated t o specification. Thermo Electric M f g . Co. 4 7 8 Huff St. Dubuque, I o w a

M a n u f a c t u r e r of T c m c o electric labora­ t o r y furnaces, temperature-controlling and indicating i n s t r u m e n t s , and l a b o r a t o r y hot plates. Available through l a b o r a t o r y a p ­ p a r a t u s supply houses. Arthur H. Thomas Co. West Washington Sq. Philadelphia 5, Pa.

Carries large stocks for i m m e d i a t e ship­ m e n t of 22,000 carefully selected, prepack­ aged items as listed in 1472-page catalog and 264-page supplement. Offers a paper strip electrophoresis a p p a r a t u s , Densigraph (re­ cording densitometer), a s s o r t m e n t of poly­ ethylene ware, s t u r d y and dependable line of Weber ovens, Ainsworth and M e t t l c r singlepan analytical balances, magnetic stirring a p p a r a t u s , Wiley laboratory mills, Stormer viscometer, B e c k m a n recording spectro­ photometers, Spinco continuous flowr electro­ phoresis a p p a r a t u s , etc.

Permanent-setting Thermostats, providing fixed temperature, are designed for controlling air temperature or a liquid bath where the operating temperature remains constant. Operational range 30 deg. to 700 deg. F. Supplied in either angular or straight type model. Their sensitivity is —0.03 deg. F. Standard overall length 6", other sizes fur­ nished upon request.


Todd Scientific Co. 160 State Road Springfield, Pa.

M a n u f a c t u r e s and distributes a special­ ized line of laboratory precise fractional dis­ tillation equipment, v a c u u m gages, regula­ tors, traps, a n d m a n y other accessories. Torsion Balance Co. 35 Monhegan St. Clifton, N. J.

M a n u f a c t u r e r of Christian Becker and Torsion precision balances, K e n t r o n and K e n t r a l l hardness testers, T o r b a l SubM i n i a t u r e toggle switch spot a n d D P D T . Engineering staff is available for special weighing or hardness testing problems. Tracerlab, Inc. 130 High St. Boston, Mass. Supplies complete line of nuclear instru­ m e n t s for tracer experiments and industrial control as well as organic and inorganic labeled c o m p o u n d s and survey e q u i p m e n t for health and c o n t a m i n a t i o n monitoring. Ultra-Violet Products Inc. 5114 Walnut Grove Ave. San Gabriel, Calif. M a n u f a c t u r e s complete line of Blakr a y lamps a n d Mineralights for ultraviolet fluorescent analysis, chromatographs, t i t r a ­ tion, and other laboratory techniques.

Automatic Control Water Bath meets various needs of industrial and medical laboratories. Mercury bulb thermo-regulator provides "onorF" temperature control by actuating elec­ tronic controller, thus energizing heating ele­ ment. Electrical outlets for stirring motor, controlled heater elements and operation of auxiliary apparatus. Price per Unit 8170.


United Carbon Products Co., Inc. 1 3 1 0 North Madison St. Bay City, Mich.

Signal Light Thermostats, con­ trol temperature of air or liquid whefe it is not necessary to change the operating condi­ tions. Range of —20 deg. F. to 550 deg. F. and a sensitivity of ± . 0 2 deg. F. A pilot light mounted on top indicates temperature is rising.

H i g h - p u r i t y graphite for spectroscopic and general l a b o r a t o r y work. Preformed and c u s t o m - m a d e electrodes, factory stock of rod and block high-purity graphites. Highp u r i t y graphites for nuclear work. G r a p h i t e crucibles and b o a t s for analytical and m e t a l ­ lurgical use. United Scientific Co. 2 0 4 - 2 0 6 Milk St. Boston, Mass. Unitron microscopes include all types for research, industry, and education: polarizing, metallurgical, stereoscopic, phase, toolm a k e r ' s , binocular, laboratory, etc. De­ scribed and priced in free catalog sent on re­ quest.


United States Testing Co., Inc. 1 4 1 5 Park A v e . , Hoboken, N . J.

1866 ECKARD AVE., ABINGTON, PA. Circle Nos. 60A-1, 60 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 63 A

60 A


T h e United S t a t e s Testing C o . offers its services in four general ways—testing, research, p r o d u c t design and development, and

manufacture of s t a n d a r d and special testing instruments. U. S. Stoneware Co. Akron 9, Ohio

M a n u f a c t u r e r of a wide range of corrosionresistant materials for t h e chemical i n d u s t r y . T r a d e - n a m e d flexible plastic t u b i n g — T y g o n is distributed by laboratory supply houses t h r o u g h o u t t h e world. Gray-glazed chemi­ cal porcelain laboratory sinks, chemically resistant T y g o n plastic paints, l a b o r a t o r y a n d pilot p l a n t grinding and mixing e q u i p m e n t arc typical of other products of particular interest to t h e laboratory technician. Varia n Associates 611 Hansen Way Palo Alto, Calif. I n s t r u m e n t Division produces N - M - R (nuclear-magnetic-resonance) spectrometers and laboratory m a g n e t systems. A radiofrequency spectroscopy applications labora­ tory, staffed by experienced chemists and physicists in t h e field, is maintained for re­ search purposes and as an analytical service. Microwave tubes are a major p r o d u c t of t h e company. Versenes, Inc. Framingham, Mass. See the D o w C h e m i c a l C o . The VirTis Co., Inc. 160 Ashburton A v e . Yonkers, Ν . Υ.

Freeze-drying e q u i p m e n t for t h e research l a b o r a t o r y is a specialty of T h e VirTis Co., Inc. Other fine research tools m a n u f a c t u r e d b y VirTis include homogenizers, pipet washers, E x t r a c t o - m a t i c rocker a n d separat o r y funnels, U l t r a B a c filter, and Anaerobic culture tubes. Voland & Sons, Inc. 32 Relyea PI. New Rochelle, N. Y. Voland & Sons, Inc., manufactures a s t a n d a r d line of analytical balances and weights. T h e y are glad t o q u o t e on special large capacity analytical balances for special weighing problems. Wakefield Industries, Inc. 5 1 0 8 West Grove St. Skokie, III.

F o r m s and blows scientific glassware as well as s t a n d a r d shapes in Pyrex, q u a r t z , and Nonex. F e a t u r e d are U r r y Toepler p u m p , diffusion p u m p s , micropipets, D e w a r flasks, m e t a l to glass seals, etc. Warren Electronics, Inc. 10 Washington Ave. Irvington, N. J. See Perkin-EImer Corp. W. M. Welch Manufacturing Co. 1515 Sedgwick St. Chicago 10, III. M a n u f a c t u r e r of scientific i n s t r u m e n t s , laboratory balances, meters, resistance boxes, cathetometers, sparkless m o t o r stirrers, e q u i p m e n t for physical chemistry, D u o seal high v a c u u m p u m p s , Wegner p u m p s for distillation, and t h e Densichron, a new densitometer for m a n y laboratory purposes, especially a d a p t e d for paper chromatog­ r a p h y . Write for booklets or catalog of Welch specialties. Wilkens-Anderson Co. 4 5 2 5 West Division St. Chicago 5 1 , III.

M a n u f a c t u r e r and distributor of equip­ m e n t , i n s t r u m e n t s , and supplies for indus­ trial and educational laboratories. A m o n g t h e types of e q u i p m e n t on which special e m ­ phasis is placed are stirrers, low-tempera­ t u r e baths, spectrophotometers, semimicro a p p a r a t u s and custom-built can-testing equipment. Will Corp. and Subsidiaries Rochester 3 , Ν . Υ.

Five warehouses: Rochester 3, Ν. Υ . ; A t l a n t a 1, Ga.; Buffalo 5, Ν . Υ.; Baltimore