EXAM 6 Energy dispersive spectrometry with "wavelength" know-how
E X A M 6 is an automatic energy dispersive spectrometer built around the X-ray optics and sample presentation techniques developed and field proven by generations of Philips wavelength dispersive spectrometers. As combined with EDAX/Philips unique software, the result is an interactively controlled energy dispersive system with precision, accuracy and sample handling capabilities never before achieved. E X A M 6 automated spectrometry brings you High Precision & Accuracy because of the sample spinning capability which minimizes sample inhomogeneity and because of tightly controlled sample positioning with respect to X-ray optics. High Speed Sample Handling Capability because of the use of either a 12 or 60 position external sample loader and an airlock. Fully Interactive S o f t w a r e to allow simultaneous control of analytical parameters, data collection & processing as well as instantaneous choice of analytical models. . . . and, of course, EXAM 6 brings you the ease of operation and speed you expect with any ED AX energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer.
EDAX International Inc. P.O. Box 135 Prairie View, Illinois 60069 A North American Philips Company CIRCLE 174 O N READER SERVICE CARD 342 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 9 , NO. 3, MARCH