PHILIPS COMPANY INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - PHILIPS COMPANY INC. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (10), pp 35A–35A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60106a740. Publication Date: October 1955. Copyright ...
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G R O W S W I T H YOUR RESEARCH N E E D S . . . Specifying Norelco is assurance that you can start with basic X-ray diffraction equipment and expand the value and range of this research and control analytical tool on a piece-by-piece basis arriving at the ultimate in advanced instrumentation offering complete flexibility in methods and techniques. X-RAY SPECTROGRAPH Facility offered by X-ray spectrographs (fluores­ cence analysis) attachments when added to the diff r a c t o m e t e r , will p e r m i t r a p i d q u a l i t a t i v e a n d quantitative determinations on elements present in the sample regardless of free or combined state.


Addition to diffractometer includes a high-intensity X-ray tube, radiation-proofed specimen chamber and wide range goniometer on special mounting. The apparatus is highly recommended for extremely rapid non-destructive chemical analyses.


The three position holder is designed for sequential X-ray analyses of three separate samples without reloading. The method effects a drastic reduction in sample preparation time. A helium path attachment, specimen spinner and provisions for handling heated specimens is also included.

Large slug specimens of steel or other metals can be used with this new device which will accommodate bulky specimens two inches in depth and ten inches square. This unusual facility effects a considerable savings in time and in specimen preparation and also lessens sample contamination.


PROPORTIONAL DETECTOR Use of the proportional detector and circuitry ex­ tends the range of existing detection equipment. It is high-speed and suitable for soft X-radiation to wavelengths above three Angstroms. Counting rate is in excess of 100,000 cps., and resolving time is one microsecond.

Selected crystals transform X-ray quanta to light which strikes a photo multiplier tube. T h e system features relatively uniform response at all wave­ lengths shorter than three Angstroms, and provides high quantum efficiency, optimum sensitivity with one microsecond resolving time.

1 / 0 0 0 t h SECOND TIMER With newly developed fast detec­ tor tubes having counting rates in excess of 100,000 cps, the need for highly accurate timing for measur­ ing small intervals is imperative. With high photon rates, accuracy of short interval counts is provided by this new, rapid timer for X-ray diffractometer and spectrographic a n a l y s i s . R e a d o u t is easily o b ­ served on E1T counter tubes and mechanical stage extends count to 999,999.



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COMPANY, I N C . 7 5 0 South Fulton A v e n u e , M o u n t V e r n o n , Ν . Υ . In Canada: Rogers Majestic Electronics Ltd.. 11-19 Brentcliffe Road, Leaside, Toronto 17, Ontario


27, N O . 10, O C T O B E R


35 A