Applications for. Thermal Analysis. An 8-p Thermofacts bulletin entitled. ''explosive and Propellant Studies. Using QDTA” describes the quantita- ti...
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Manufacturers' Literature This is the heart of the Mettler DSC System. OSHA Guide and Safety Catalog

What isn't missing is performance. A solid state detector leads the way. A solid state pneumatic detector, the IR 50, with unusually high sensitivity and speed of response provides an excellent S / N ratio. This, in turn, permits reduction in monochromator slit width and greatly improved resolution at faster scanning speeds. Strong price/performance ratio Resolution Wavelength Accuracy & Repeatability Accuracy Photometric Repeatability Dual Scan Speeds Scale Expansion Chart Size

3cm- 1 625 to 2000 cm- 1 6cm- 1 200010 4000 cm- 1 3cm- 1 625 to 2000 cm- 1 9cm-1 2000 to 4000 cm- 1 - 1%T 0.75% Τ Push Button Selection 2 min or 5Vb min for full range scanning 3X, ordinate 8' χ 18.8'

Price, complete: $3950.00

A 96-p illustrated safety catalog in­ cludes a special OSHA section to help employers and employees understand and meet the requirements of the Oc­ cupational Safety and Health Act. Over 115 products for employee pro­ tection are described as well as safety accessories for the laboratory. General Scientific Equipment Co., Limekiln Pike and Williams Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19150 Analytical Equipment

A 7-p bulletin gives information on the application, specifications, and practical use of the analytical electron microscope and energy-dispersive Xray spectrometer. Philips Electronics 452 Quadrupole M a s s S p e c t r o m e t e r

A new brochure describes the Q-30C mass spectrometer for continuous monitoring of gas composition and trace impurities to levels of one part in 107. Uses include quality control of electronic dopant gases used in semi­ conductor manufacturing. Uthe Tech­ nology International 455

Applications for Thermal Analysis An 8-p Thermofacts bulletin entitled "explosive and Propellent Studies Using QDTA" describes the quantita­ tive differential thermal analysis tech­ nique for the study of explosives and propellants. A single temperature scan provides an accurate measure of the heat of combustion, temperature of initiation, and reaction rate parame­ ters while requiring just 5-25 mg of sample. Fisher Scientific Co. 457

X-ray Spectrometers PHILIPS ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS A North American Philips Company 750 South Fulton Avenue Mt. Vernon, NY 10550


A 20-page brochure describes Sie­ mens' complete line of X-ray spec­ trometers ranging from manually op­ erated units to multichannel systems for process control. Included are com­ prehensive descriptions of the various instruments, specifications, applica­ tions information, and summaries of key features. Siemens Corp. 458

The vapor-deposited, thin-film thermopile sensor at the heart of the Mettier scanning calorimeter is revolutionary for a commercial instrument. As a sensor it is fast and responsive—assures excellent heat contact with crucibles. It is ideally suited for accurate purity determinations, as well as heat of fusion, specific heat, and many more measurements. The modular TA 2000 DSC system offers everything you want in thermal analysis. It is more sensitive and reproducible than most comparable instruments. It offers 0.17 millicalories per second full scale sensitivity. And calorimetric reproducibility of ± 0 . 5 % . Noise level is less than ± 1 microcalorie per second. Temperature range covers —20 to 500°C, with precision of ± 0 . 1 °C, and isothermal fluctuations of ± 0 . 0 0 2 ° C . Extremely linear selectable heating and cooling rates in steps of 0.1 °C. Temperature programs can be controlled remotely. It is completely computer compatible. For your copy of the 8-page Mettier TA 2000 brochure, circle the number.