Philips Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - Philips Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries Corp. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (1), pp 18A–18A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60194a716. Publication...
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100 KV

NORELCO 100 KV CONSTANT POTENTIAL X-RAY SPECTROGRAPH Spectrometrie determination of elements from Mag­ nesium (12) to Uranium (92), including the rare earths, can provide a rapid and accurate analysis which is many times faster* than chemical methods. With a potential 100,000 volts, the analytical chemist may determine "K" lines up to Bismuth (83). Field acceptance has demonstrated a high confidence in this X-ray spectrographic method . . . for both precision and accuracy. When compared to methods used in the past, this 100 KV X-ray unit provides demonstrable improvement in both speed and analytical precision. FEATURES OF THE 100 KV SPECTROGRAPH MULTIPLE CRYSTAL HOLDER - with three prealigned crystals, manually controlled. No re-alignment necessary. UNITIZED UNIVERSAL DETECTOR-with "piggy-

back" combination of flow proportional and scintilla­ tion counters. CONSTANT POTENTIAL - gives longer duty cycle and improves signal/noise ratio of higher atomic number elements. He and H2 OPERATION-for lighter elements. Safety control system provided. INVERTED GEOMETRY - best suited for a wide variety of samples in liquid, solid, and powder forms. The key virtue of this 100 KV Spectrograph is its great sensitivity at high operating speeds. Its main applica­ tion has been in the fields of metals analysis, consulting and testing laboratories, and the petroleum industry. As an example, the catalyst poisons, iron, nickel and vana­ dium, in crudes and distillates, can be spotted with accu­ racy in concentrations as low as 0.5 p. p.m. •Rate dependent on element being analyzed.

Investigate this fascinating instrument—it could turn expensive time into dollar savings for you. Write to :

Norelco ®




A Division of Philips Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries Corp. Dept. AI-1-3, 750 South Pulton Avenue, Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ. In Canada: Research & Control Instruments • Philips Electronics Industries Ltd. • 116 Vanderhoof Avenue • Leaside, Toronto 17, Ont. Circle No. 127 on Readers' Service Card

18 A
