turns hours to minutes minutes to dollars
100 KV
NORELCO 100 KV CONSTANT POTENTIAL X-RAY SPECTROGRAPH Spectrometrie determination of elements from Mag nesium (12) to Uranium (92), including the rare earths, can provide a rapid and accurate analysis which is many times faster* than chemical methods. With a potential 100,000 volts, the analytical chemist may determine "K" lines up to Bismuth (83). Field acceptance has demonstrated a high confidence in this X-ray spectrographic method . . . for both precision and accuracy. When compared to methods used in the past, this 100 KV X-ray unit provides demonstrable improvement in both speed and analytical precision. FEATURES OF THE 100 KV SPECTROGRAPH MULTIPLE CRYSTAL HOLDER - with three prealigned crystals, manually controlled. No re-alignment necessary. UNITIZED UNIVERSAL DETECTOR-with "piggy-
back" combination of flow proportional and scintilla tion counters. CONSTANT POTENTIAL - gives longer duty cycle and improves signal/noise ratio of higher atomic number elements. He and H2 OPERATION-for lighter elements. Safety control system provided. INVERTED GEOMETRY - best suited for a wide variety of samples in liquid, solid, and powder forms. The key virtue of this 100 KV Spectrograph is its great sensitivity at high operating speeds. Its main applica tion has been in the fields of metals analysis, consulting and testing laboratories, and the petroleum industry. As an example, the catalyst poisons, iron, nickel and vana dium, in crudes and distillates, can be spotted with accu racy in concentrations as low as 0.5 p. p.m. •Rate dependent on element being analyzed.
Investigate this fascinating instrument—it could turn expensive time into dollar savings for you. Write to :
Norelco ®
A Division of Philips Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries Corp. Dept. AI-1-3, 750 South Pulton Avenue, Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ. In Canada: Research & Control Instruments • Philips Electronics Industries Ltd. • 116 Vanderhoof Avenue • Leaside, Toronto 17, Ont. Circle No. 127 on Readers' Service Card
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