PHILIPS ANALYTICAL GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY. PU 4900 -. NEW standards in gas chromatography. Philipsnew standards. The PU 4900 has already proved...
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Philips new standards The PU 4900 has already proved itself to be the number one Total Chromatograph for capillary, multidimensional and conventional gas chromatography. Now there are two new models, both integrated standard units for capillary or packed column chromatography, which offer increased value for money and even easier entry into the PU 4900 range.

Discs and graphics are standard as are stored methods, raw data storage and post-run data manipulation, making this a package which offers you truly remarkable power. The systems form an excellent starting point for more sophisticated GC applications including multi-detector, multioven use with the PU 4900 Satellite oven and full automation with the

PU4700Autosampler. Ready availability and a most attractive price mean that you too could be a PU 4900 user very soon.

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PU 4900 - NEW standards in gas chromatography



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