and fume hoods. Prompt delivery. ALBERENE STONE - a division of the. Georgia marble company. For FREE literature and technical assistance address: THE...
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EDITOR'S COLUMN procedure performed in a s t a n d ­ ardization l a b o r a t o r y and should include date of calibration, n a m e of operator, identification of the reference s t a n d a r d used, and a de­ tailed record of observations and computations made. This t y p e of record,, when audited, will disclose the adequacy of equipment and procedures used and will therefore constitute evidence of the validity of the derived values. Lee C a h n of the C a h n I n s t r u ­ ment Co. described the effects of aerodynamic disturbances on a new 2.5 g r a m electrobalance (used for making measurements in vacuum a t normal or reduced atmospheres), and methods for achieving repro­ ducibility with this balance. Lloyd B. M a c u r d y , recently retired from the Bureau, described the violent and erratic changes t h a t occur in the indication of a balance a t near isothermal conditions and when the top of the balance case is cooler t h a n the bottom. H e also suggested practical methods for minimizing these effects, and de­ scribed experiments with several insulation configurations which controlled these t h e r m a l disturb­ ances. H. A. B o w m a n of the B u r e a u showed d a t a t a k e n on the N B S ex­ perimental one-kilogram balance, in which the sources of arrestment errors associated with the coupling between the suspension and the beam were reduced to a few p a r t s of 10 9 . This was done by a design in which the knives and flats were maintained a t a constant load throughout the entire arrestment and weighing cycle and by a multi­ ple link suspension. Mr. P o n t i u s developed m a t h e ­ matical formulas to show the cumu­ lative effects of various systematic and r a n d o m errors t h a t m a y occur in balance performance. D r . Churchill Eisenhart, chief of the B u r e a u ' s statistical engineering laboratory, reminded the audience t h a t " a c c u r a c y " refers to the close­ ness to the true value, while " p r e ­ cision" refers to the closeness of re­ peated measurements.



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