phosphine transamination reaction

Elizabeth G. Bent, R. Curtis Haltiwanger, and Arlan D. Norman*:. Intermediates in the 1,2-(NH2)2C6H4/P(NEt2)3 Transamination. Reaction. Page 4313...
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Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 26, 1991 5053

Additions and Corrections 1990, Volume 29

Elizabeth C.Bent, R. Curtis Hdtiwanger, MII A r b D.Nom": Intermediates in the 1,2-(NH2)2C6H4/P(NEt2)3 Transamination Reaction. Page 4313. The parameters of C(20) and C(20') are incorrect in Table 111. The correct parameters are as follows: C(20)


-0.0841 (14) -0.1666 (13)

1.1865 (24) 0.1929 (22)

0.2144 (9) 0.1045 (14)

0.144 (IO) 0.165 (12)

Page 4314. All parameters in Table IV are incorrectly multiplied by 1.414. The corrected table is given below.

Table IV. Atomic Coordinates' (XIO,) and Equivalent Isotropic Displacement Parameters (A2 X IO') for

-383 ( I ) -9 (1) 630 ( I ) 733 ( I ) -790 (2) -890 (2) -602 ( 1 ) -656 (2) 300 (2) -1303 (2) -1357 (2) -1838 (2) -2253 (2) -2200 (2) -1723 (2) -1324 (2) -1332 (2) -1966 (2) -2589 (2) -2581 (2) -1951 (2) -188 (2) 1058 (2) -253 (3) 1281 (2) 5496 (1 ) 5058 ( I ) 4490 ( I ) 4280 ( I ) 5936 (2) 6004 (2) 5681 ( I ) 5680 (2) 4788 ( I ) 6409 (2) 6446 (2) 6883 (2) 7274 (2) 7238 (2) 6801 (2) 6393 (2) 6370 (2) 6986 (2) 7626 (2) 7650 (2) 7033 (2) 4058 (2) 5317 (2) 3903 (3) 5385 (3)

-571 ( I ) 1945 (1) -607 ( I ) I 1 10 ( I ) -2005 (3) -532 (3) 806 (3) 2684 (4) 3070 (3) -2554 (4) -1703 (4) -2009 (4) -3224 ( 5 ) -4076 ( 5 ) -3754 (4) 1150 (4) 2233 (4) 2753 ( 5 ) 2152 (6) 1091 ( 5 ) 570 (4) 3903 (4) 3428 (4) 3376 ( 5 ) 4647 ( 5 ) -294 (1) 2307 ( 1 ) -440 ( I ) 1527 ( I ) -1628 (3) -354 (3) 1174 (3) 3059 (4) 3394 (3) -2305 (4) -1570 (4) -2043 (4) -3274 ( 5 ) -4006 ( 5 ) -3531 (4) 1624 (4) 2712 (4) 3333 (4) 2864 ( 5 ) 1813 ( 5 ) 1180 (4) 3868 ( 5 ) 41 15 ( 5 ) 5295 ( 5 ) 3460 ( 5 )

8738 ( I ) 8102 ( I ) 9308 ( 1 ) 7943 ( I ) 8294 (2) 9114 (2) 8186 ( I ) 7420 (2) 8727 ( 1 ) 8453 (2) 8937 (2) 9170 (2) 8914 (2) 8436 (2) 8191 (2) 7694 (2) 7266 (2) 6748 (2) 6676 (2) 7101 (2) 7613 (2) 8880 (2) 9130 (2) 9487 (3) 8823 (2) 4122 ( 1 ) 3190 ( I ) 3789 ( I ) 2372 ( I ) 4006 (2) 4960 (2) 3794 (1) 3051 (2) 3587 ( 1 ) 4612 (2) 5166 (2) 5817 (2) 5897 (2) 5345 (2) 4688 (2) 3960 (2) 3520 (2) 3585 (2) 4100 (2) 4544 (2) 4481 (2) 3348 (2) 4209 (2) 2994 (3) 4856 (2)

"Atoms have occupancies of 1.0. Atoms in molecule B are primed. bThe equivalent isotropic L/ is defined as one-third of the trace of the orthogonalized Uij tensor. -Arlan D. Norman