Phosphorimetry Goes Commercial - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Phosphorimetry as an analytical technique has been pioneered for many years by Dr. R. J. Keirs of Florida State University. Aminco (which has been mak...
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sample holder, and emission pickup and analysis system. In the excitation system, a xenon lamp provides the light and a monochromator disperses it. The monochromator is motor driven, thus sweeps through its range— 200 to 800 ni/x.—to direct monochromatic light through a slit to the sample. The sample tube is fused quartz, holds 0.5 ml. of material, and is cooled with liquid nitrogen, nitrous oxide, or other refrigerant. The emitted light is dispersed by another monochromator and impinges on a photomultiplier tube which changes it to an electrical signal and amplifies it. From this point, it can be used to drive an oscilloscope or an x-y plotter, depending on the type of study. There are three types of curve the instrument can provide, Aminco says:


PROTOTYPE IN ACTION. American Instrument has put several phosphorimeters into research labs to check out the design. This one is at National Heart Institute

Phosphorimetry Goes Commercial Aminco begins producing instrument to analyze by exciting sample with UV, analyzing emitted light Phosphorescence leaves the mineralogical museum this week, enter's the lists as a commercially available method of analysis. American Instrument, Silver Spring, Md., has begun manufacturing a phosphorimetric analyzer, calls it the Aminco-Keirs Spectrophosphorimeter. The unit works by irradiating a sample with ultraviolet light to excite it, analyzing the emitted light. Phosphorimetry as an analytical technique has been pioneered for many years by Dr. R. J. Keirs of Florida State University. Aminco (which has been making analyzers using fluorescence for many years) has 66





been working with Dr. Keirs, has incorporated many of his ideas into its instrument design. The Spectrophosphorimeter can identify and analyze quantitatively for hundreds of organics ranging from acetophenone to xylene. Included: molecules with multiple bonds which can be made into rigid transparent solutions and are excited by UV. The instrument can also be used for mineral phosphors, which phosphoresce because of the impurities they contain. But, Aminco feels, biggest use will be with organics. How It Works. The Aminco instrument consists of an excitation system,

• Phosphorescence spectra—intensity of phosphorescent emission as a function of emission wave length at a constant excitation wave length. These spectra can be displayed either on the oscilloscope or the plotter. • Excitation spectra—intensity of phosphorescent emission as a function of excitation wavelength. In this case, wavelength of the emitted light is constant. And the data can be displayed either on the oscilloscope or on the plotter. • Decay curves—intensity of phosphorescent emission at a constant wave length as a function of time, after the exciting radiation of a constant wave length has been removed. For fast decay curves (one second or less), the oscilloscope must be used for data display, since the plotter can't keep up. Convert to SPF. The Aminco-Keirs Spectrophosphorimeter will cost about $5600, according to the company. And for only a few hundred more dollars, it can be converted into a dual instrument—handling both phosphorescence and fluorescence. Aminco converts the unit from phosphorescence to fluorescence by removing the cooling flask assembly and sample tube and substituting a fluorescence cell holder compartment. The units will be useful for many types of laboratories, Aminco says. Among them: biomedical research, organic research, perhaps mineralogical research. They can analyze ethylene derivatives, hydrocarbons, amines, nitro compounds, aldehydes and ketones, benzene derivatives, and porphyrins, among others, the company points out. E1 t

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Hard on the heels of Monsanto's introduction of Santofome (C&EN, Aug. 8, page 35), Dyna-Foam Corp., Ellenville, N.Y., has come out with a similar product—expanded extruded polystyrene. Its price: from $3.60 per 1000 sq. ft., a range which allows it to compete with paper for many uses. Dyna-Foam expects its product to find uses in disposable furnishings, food packaging, display and cushioning materials. The company figures that plastics of this nature will create a S500 million a year market; already plastics of various types have replaced 365,000 tons of paper per year. E2

NEW EQUIPMENT Multiwal! bags with a separate, intermediate ply of polyethylene film arc now commercially available from Chase Bag, New York, N.Y. Advantage: Since the polyethylene is not next to the product, it is protected from abrasion and mechanical injury and is thus a more effective moisture barrier, Chase claims. E3 INSTRUMENTS . . .

QUICK-CHANGE NOSEP I E C E . . . C o n v e n i e n t quickchange centerable or triple revolving nosepiece.


Dyna-Foam Offers Expanded Polystyrene As Paper Substitute


New Electrolytic Hygrometer cell, from Beckman Instruments, F u l l e r ton, Calif., is designed to measure moisture contents from 1 to 10 p.p.m. in streams containing more than 50% Ho. The new cell has a shorter electrolytic element than the standard cell. This reduces the error caused by catalytic recombination of oxygen electrolytically generated from the moisture in the stream, the company says. For H 2 contents below 50%, however, the standard cell is suitable, Beckman adds. E4 Inclined-vertical manometers are available from F. W. Dwyer Mfg., Michigan City, Ind. The units are /made in various ranges up to 23 in. of water, are accurate to within 1%, according to the company. E5 Flow switch for bulk materials handling systems responds to lack of material at a critical point. Marketed by Syntron, Homer City, Pa., the device can be used to set off an alarm or to



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