Phosphorus Chemistry - American Chemical Society

In 1977, The Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of children's ..... ing and b) the textile fiber business has become more global in na...
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Chapter 17 Phosphorus Flame Retardants for a Changing World

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017

Alan M. Aaronson Akzo Chemicals Inc., 1 Livingstone Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-3401

The growing use of plastics and other flammable synthetic materials in construction, home furnishings, and various industrial applications is creating oppor­ tunities for polymer compatible, thermally stable, environmentallyfriendly,and cost-efficient flame retar­ dants. New legislation emphasizing test methods that provide input for mathematicalfiremodelingis chang­ ing the focus of interest in preferred flame retardant actionfromsimple ignition resistance tofirepropaga­ tion and rate-of-heat release. These factors together with concerns about combustion product toxicity and corrosivity, long-term worker exposure, and manufac­ turing waste minimization are creating product param­ eters uniquely met by various phosphorus compounds. The best phosphorus compounds for both new and existing applications will be significantly different from those compounds in the marketplace today. This paper will describe some new compounds and the driv­ ing forces defining the product parameters that will challenge phosphorus chemists for the next decade.

Flame retardants are an important commercial end use for organophos­ phorous compounds. Many opportunities exist for organophosphorus

0097-6156/92/0486-0218$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Phosphorus Marne Retardants


compounds to play an increasingly greater role in this end use in the future. I will point out some of the factors in our changing world, which to some may appear to be problems, but which I believe present excellent opportunities for organophosphorus compounds. Phosphorus compounds, as flame retardants, have been around for a very long time but it is only in the last several decades that various events have occurred creating a situation in which organophosphorus compounds are fast becoming the most important and most versatile class of flame retardants. This new era in flame retardancy was ushered in by the tremendous growth of new synthetic polymers as replacements for traditional materials in all aspects of our daily life, from construction to home furnishings. A major turning point was the 1974 Federal Trade Commission complaint against 25 compa­ nies, testing agencies and standards organizations. In this complaint, the Federal Trade Commission, spurred on by the increasing incidence of fire deaths involving synthetic materials, and by one particularly horrible case, accused essentially an entire industry and its voluntary consensus standards of misrepresenting the fire safety of materials. The straw that broke the camel's back was a case in which a homeowner insulated his garage with exposed rigid polyurethane foam which he was assured was flame retarded and safe for use because the foam was "self extinguishing" by a commonly applied, small-scale, standard test method (ASTM 1692). The fire that eventually occurred in the garage was not small-scale, and the foam was far from "self-extinguishing". In the resulting consent agreement, the FTC required that ambiguous and misleading terminology be eliminated, that test methods be developed to more accurately reflect the hazards of materials used in actual applications and that sufficient warning accompany any such test results. In addition, the FTC required that parties to the consent agreement fund a five million dollar, five-year research program to develop better and more-scientifically-sound test methods to measure the fire performance of materials, in particular cellular or foamed plastics. This research program, administered by the Products Research Committee, set the tone for considerable work in both industry, academia and at the National Bureau of Standards which has since changed its name to the National Institute of Standards and Technology or NIST. Not long after the FTC complaint, the various model building-codewriting organizations responded to the growing use of plastics in construction by writing separate sections in their codes defining acceptable applications and establishing fire test performance criteria for plastic materials. These building codes were subsequently written into law throughout the country. In 1977, The Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of children's sleepwear treated with trisdibromopropyl phosphate, better known simply as 'Tris". This ban was imposed after a National Cancer Institute study linked Tris to kidney cancer. Trisdibromopropyl phosphate is no longer an item of commerce. In the area of household furnishings, the Consumer Products Safety Commission encouraged the development by the furniture industry of a

In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017


voluntaryflammabilitystandard designed to provide a minimum of cigaretteignition resistance. Various local jurisdictions, most notably the State of California, the City of Boston and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey established their own standards going beyond cigarette-ignition resis­ tance to much more severe open flame testing, especially for furniture used in high-risk occupancies. In just 17 years, the entire field of flame retardancy has taken a giant leap forward and the technology to provide FR synthetic materials has made remarkable progress. Today, flame retardant grades of synthetic polymers have found applications in areas considered impossible a few years ago. One example is the use of polyurethane foam in upholstered furniture for high-risk occupancies such as hotels, prisons and hospitals. Polyurethane foam, which was once described in the press as "solid gasoline" is now formulated to withstand severe fire test exposure without propagating the fire. This remarkable progress was made possible by advances in the develop­ ment of fire-test methodology. Many of these advances are directly related to Products Research Committee sponsored projects. Fire-test method development has followed two separate but comple­ mentary paths. One path, theoretically oriented, is characterized by the measuring of scientifically-meaningful fire properties, such as mass loss and rate-of-heat release. This approach also includes the development of mathe­ matical models incorporating these properties to predict propagation and flame spread. A new lab-scale apparatus, the "cone calorimeter" developed at NIST is an example of the hardware now available to measure these fire properties. The second, more empirical path, is marked by the development of larger scale test methods that are meant to simulate potential "real world" or actual exposure conditions. Examples of such test methods are room fire tests in which actual pieces of furniture are placed in 8 χ8'χ12' room-size enclosures and exposed to fire sources ranging from multiple sheets of newspaper or waste baskets in full conflagration to even larger sources such as 20 lb. and 25 lb. wood cribs. The measurement of the rate-of-heat release during the combustion of materials is done by measuring the depletion of the oxygen in the combustion atmosphere under varying heat flux exposures. This has become the domi­ nant technique applied in the development of new small-scale tests. The apparatus developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology known as the "cone calorimeter", after its cone-shaped radiant heat source, has been so universally well received by fire researchers, especially in the government regulatory agencies of Europe, that it is probably the only test apparatus that will be agreed upon by all parties during the harmonization activities to establish European fire test standards. Using this apparatus, it is possible to measure not only the rate-of-heat released, but also a) the rate-ofsmoke generation, b) some measure of the toxic potential of the smoke generated and c) the corrosivity of the smoke generated. Another test method that has acquired worldwide acceptance as a !

In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017



Phosphorus Flame Retardants


reliable benchmarking procedure is the Underwriters Laboratory subject 94. This method primarily impacts those materials used in electrical applications. The UL94 method, though it has been around for many years, has not remained static. The criteria for acceptance have become more severe, and in many instances where materials could previously gain acceptance by melting and dripping away from the ignition source (UL94V2), the stricter criteria of UL94V0 will not only prohibit ignition of the specimen but will not allow burning drips either. Thus, formulation techniques to promote melting and polymeric breakdown to low viscosity liquids will eventually become less important than techniques to promote char formation as a barrier to ignition and consumption of material. These advances in test methodology have brought about a movement away from the "beat-the-test" scenarios of the previous era of very small-scale tests, a practice which contributed to the events which brought about the 1974 FTC complaint. Instead, attention is now focused on controlling the burning behavior of materials by a) inhibiting ignition in the first place, b) slowing flame propaga­ tion, c) reducing the rate of energy (heat) released, and d) limiting the amount of material consumed. This has created opportunities for organophosphorus flame retardants because you can achieve these effects best by the way organophosphorus flame retardants work. To be more specific, organophosphorus flame retardants work most effectively in the solid or condensed phase by inhibiting ignition and promot­ ing char formation. Usually, this is most effective in oxygenated polymers like wood, cotton, polyurethanes, polyesters, etc. where char formation is an effective means to limit further burning. A good char layer is not only difficult to ignite, but it also insulates underlying virgin polymer minimizing thermal degradation. In more hydrocarbon-like polymers that melt, drip and depolymerize to highly-flammable and volatile fragments, such as polyolefins and styrenics, the traditional way to pass FR tests is to poison the flame by quenching radical reactions in the gaseous combustion zone (with halogens from brominated or chlorinated flame retardants) or by diluting combustible fragments with inert gases or by removing heat with molecules like water (from hydrated inor­ ganics such as alumina trihydrate or magnesium hydroxide). These mechanisms, however, are not as effective in limiting the rateof-mass loss, energy release or total mass consumption as is the formation of a monolithic, insulating char barrier. Those organophosphorus compounds most commonly used today, the chloroalkyl phosphates and the aryl phos­ phates, or even the inorganic ammonium polyphosphates and elemental red phosphorus are not very effective char formers in these polymer systems. To achieve effective char formation in hydrocarbon-like polymers, we are beginning to see combinations of phosphorus compounds with other mole­ cules, and we are beginning to see phosphorus containing molecules combin­ ing structural elements that will induce char formation. Several recent examples of the blend approach which is really an extension of FR technology

In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017



borrowed from the coatings field are formulations of ammonium polyphos­ phate with nitrogenous polymers and carbonifics like pentaerythritol as in recent patents granted to Hoechst and Enichem. More interestingly, phosphorus-containing molecules which also contain char-inducing moieties are exemplified by melamine amyl phosphate (Figure 1). In another case,(Figure 2) the carbonific, pentaerythritol, is built into the molecule in the form of the spirostructure linking two phosphoric acid moieties. This intumescent approach, long useful in coatings, is just beginning to take hold in thermoplastics. Market growth is slow because these new materials are clear departures from the old highly-filled flame retarded forms of the same polymers, and it takes time for designers and engineers to incorporate these new materials into applications. Shifting our attention to environmental concerns, the Dutch Ministry of the environment is considering legislation to reduce a number of different waste streams by the year 2000. Under the intense lobbying efforts of the green movement, the Dutch Ministry is looking to grossly reduce, if not prohibit the use of flame retardants, especially organic bromine compounds, antimony oxide and chloroalkyl phosphates. The acute and chronic toxicity of these materials are not the only issues. Important other considerations are the characteristics of these additives in wastes. For example, how these flame retardant additives leach from their substrates with time, what happens to them on incineration of the plastics, and the ecotoxicity of these materials in streams, soil, ground water, etc. Environmental concerns are not just limited to the flame retardant molecules themselves or their decomposition products. The implementation of R C R A and the Clean Air Act have also taken their toll of the manufactur­ ing processes for flame retardants. In the last year, one major flame retar­ dant, tetrakis (2-chloroethoxy)ethylene bisphosphate (Figure 3) was withdrawn from the market because of environmental problems stemming from its manufacturing process. Similar manufacturing concerns may threaten other chloroalkyl phosphates if current government scrutiny of their chronic toxicity data doesn't do them in first. The Falklands war also contributed to the loss of confidence in halogenated materials. Analysis of some of the naval experiences during the Falklands war showed that corrosive atmospheres generated during shipboard fires did considerable damage to the sensitive electronic guidance and com­ munication systems. These corrosive gases were blamed on halogenated materials. As a result, the U . S. Navy has subsequently banned the use of halogenated flame retardants in wire and cable on U.S. Navy ships. It is generally recognized that approximately 80% of fire deaths are the result of smoke inhalation, smoke being the airborne solid and liquid particu­ lates, and gases evolved when a material undergoes pyrolysis or combustion (ASTM E176 (1979)). Thus, the combustion products released from burning plastics has attracted great interest as the uses of plastics in construction and furnishings have grown. In particular, certain flame retardant additive systems, those based on halogens, are suspected of increasing the amount of toxic and corrosive gases generated by burning plastics. In addition to

In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017


Phosphorus Flame Retardants


presenting a threat to the lives of people caught in fires, there is a concern that these FR products present a threat to the environment when plastic waste is incinerated and a threat to the health of workers exposed to the fumes when molding or extruding these FR plastics. While all halogenated compounds can and will generate hydrogen halides in a fire, certain aromatic bromine compounds are suspected of also generating brominated benzodioxins and benzofurans during combustion. Some are also suspected of containing dioxins and benzofurans formed during their manufacture. As a result of these suspicions, the West German Chemical Industry Association arrived at a consensus to voluntarily stop using decabromodiphenyl ether and octabromodiphenyl ether in new product development. Many large companies in the U.S. are also looking for non-halogenated flame retardant alternatives. Since organophosphorus FR's primarily work in the condensed or solid phase, development of less volatile molecules (either higher MW or reactive) will most likely reduce the risk of toxic phosphorus containing species in the smoke from burning materials such as plastics, fabrics and other combustible substrates.The effective inhibition of combustion, though, may cause an increase in the relative amount of carbon monoxide formed. But because less material is consumed, the total amount of toxicants and, therefore, the toxic hazard produced should be less than in uninhibited or poorly-inhibited combustion. To respond to these challenges, we are seeing considerable new product development activity. The thrust of new flame retardant product develop­ ments is aimed at a new generation of products that a) will not release halogenated gas, b) will reduce visible smoke, c) will achieve the same density as non-FR polymers and d) will meet more-stringent FR test standards (such as UL94VO vs. UL94V2). Some polymers are processed at temperatures of 250°C and higher. Many of the current flame retardants are not suitable for use under these conditions because they are too volatile, or not sufficiently thermally stable. New flame retardants will also demonstrate greater compat­ ibility with polymers, have greater thermal stability, and they will be more permanent. One way to increase the permanence of a flame retardant is to reduce its vapor pressure by increasing its molecular weight. In one new commercial product, the molecular weight of triphenyl phosphate was more than doubled by making the hexabrominated derivative, tris(2,4-dibromophenyl)phosphate (Figure 4). Three other commercial examples achieve higher molecular weight while retaining high phosphorus content by adding additional struc­ turally-similar moieties. In the first example, resorcinol is used to couple two diphenyl phosphate moieties, creating a molecule which is almost a dimer of triphenyl phosphate (Figure 5). The commercially-available product also contains higher oligo­ mers. In the second example, two bicyclic phosphate molecules are coupled together by an Arbuzov reaction with dimethyl methylphosphonate (Figure 6). This creates a very non-volatile material from three relatively volatile but thermally-stable molecules. In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



C = N






î-p(0)0C5Hn OH

^C-N^ NH 1 Melamine 2


Amyl p h o s p h a t e (1)

ψ*2 >N,

0 C-NH

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017










NH2 N-C.








CH -0












pentate ( 2 )

(CLCH CH 0) P(0)0CH CH 0P(0)(0CH CH CL) 2













Tetrakis(2-chloroethoxy)ethylene b i s p h o s p h a t e (3)




3BR C6H30H+P0CL3


(C H 0)2P(0)0C6H40P(0)(0C H )2 6





/ Η





b i s ( d i p h e n y l p h o s p h a t e ) (5)


2C2H5C-CH2O-P + ( C H 3 0 ) P ( 0 ) C H 3 2


CH O 2





CH 0 2



V C H 2



CH 0 2


2 Figure




e s t e r s (6)

In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017


Phosphorus Flame Retardants


In the third example, two low molecular weight alkylphosphine mole­ cules are coupled together with glyoxal more than doubling the molecular weight of the phosphorus starting molecule (Figure 7). The polarity of the phosphonyl groups and hydrogen bonding by hydroxyl groups also contribute to reducing volatility. Volatility can also be reduced by making a metal salt such as the aluminum salt of a methylphosphonic acid, as claimed in another recent U.S. patent (Figure 8). Another way to increase the permanence of a flame retardant is to react it into the polymer substrate as the polymer is being manufactured. General examples of this have been practiced in polyester fiber for several years. These compounds have been around for a few years and have achieved significant commercial success (Figure 9). Two new examples in the patent literature describe the formation of linear copolyesters. The first example is the phenyl analog of the methyl compound of the previous figure (Figure 10). Even though this molecule has a lower phosphorus content than its methyl analog, this variation is significant because of the worldwide concern about the proliferation of methylphosphorus molecules and their building blocks. The second example is interesting because the hydroxymethyl monomer is oligomerized thus reducing its volatility before blending with polyester resins (Figure 11). It is also reported to copolymerize with the polyester on blending. In the past, the approach to reducing textile flammability was by applica­ tion of FR treatments to the finished fabric or of the final fabricated product. Though several of these posttreatment products (Figure 12) continue to enjoy commercial success, the new reactive FR's seem to indicate a significant change in emphasis from posttreatment of fabrics to manufacturing FR fibers. This is not unrelated to the facts that a) the demand for FR fibers is increas­ ing and b) the textile fiber business has become more global in nature. Competition from low-cost third world fiber producers is forcing the produc­ ers in the developed countries of the U.S., Europe and Japan to differentiate their products by adding unique properties such as flame retardancy to gain added value. I have briefly covered some of those factors I see having a strong influence on the future development of organophosphorus flame retardants. In the future, the design of new FR molecules will be based on a moving target. Gone are the days when all that had to be considered was relative FR efficiency and effect on substrate properties. Today, and in the future, in concert with the chemical industry's dedication to Responsible Care™, we must consider everything from a flame retardants manufacture, through its distribution, application and service life until its eventual disposal or recycling.

In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017





/ \










0 x





CH (!:HCH3

C2H5CHCH3 Figure





1,4 -diphosphacyclohexanes


3 (CH3O) 2P (0) CH3+A1XL3 — X C H 3 O P (0) 0) AL+3CH3CL 3

CH3 Figure


Aluminum t r i s ( m e t h y l methyl­ phosphonate ) ( 8 )

CH3P(0)C H C00H 2







(0)CH CHCH C00H 2



R e a c t i v e F R s f o r p o l y e s t e r f i b e r s (9)

C6H P(0)C H4C00H 5


OC2H4OH F i g u r e 10

R e a c t i v e FR f o r p o l y e s t e r f i b e r s (10)

In Phosphorus Chemistry; Walsh, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: April 7, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0486.ch017



Phosphorus Flame Retardants



C2H5CH0P(0)CH20H C H 6



> R0(P(0)CH2