Journal of the American Chemical Society
February 27, 1980
Photochemical Reduction of Some Carboxylatopentaamminecobalt(111) Complexes by Tris(bipyridine)ruthenium( 11). Evidence for Cage Recombination Reactions' Wolfhart Bottcher and Albert Haim* Contributionf r o m the Department of Chemistry, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794. Received May 18, 1979 Abstract: The quenching of the luminescent, excited state of Ru(bpy)32+by pentaamminecobalt(II1) complexes of p-nitrobenzoate, o-nitrobenzoate, benzoate, and acetate has been studied at 25 OC, pH 5.8, and ionic strength 0.10 M as a function of the concentration of the cobalt complex. Linear Stern-Volmer plots were obtained from which the following quenching rate constants have been calculated: (2.4 f 0.2) X lo9, (1.3 f 0.1) X IO9. (1.5 0.1) X los, and (2.1 f 0.2) X IO8 M-Is-I. Limiting quantum yields for cobalt(I1) production are 0.01 1 f 0.001,0.051 f 0.001, and 0.45 f 0.15 forp-nitrobenzoato-, o-nitrobenzoato-, and benzoatopentaamminecobalt(III), respectively. On the basis of these results and of calculations of diffusion-controlled rate constants, it is suggested that the quenching of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~by+ the cobalt complexes can result in the transfer of an electron from the excited-state donor to the unique ligand of the quencher (for the nitrobenzoate complexes) or to the cobalt center of the quencher (for the benzoate and acetate complexes) to produce ligand-centered or cobalt-centered successor complexes in a solvent cage. For the latter complexes, cage dissociation leading to the production of cobalt(I1) and cage recombination resulting in the regeneration of the reactants are competitive, and therefore substantial yields of cobalt(I1) are observed. For the ligand-centered complexes, cage recombination predominates and therefore the quantum yields of cobalt(I1) are very low.
Introduction It is well known that electron-transfer reactions between transition-metal complexes can proceed via a resonance exchange or a chemical mechanism.2 In the chemical mechanism, the electron, initially in an orbital localized in the reducing agent, is transferred to an orbital centered on a ligand bound to the oxidizing metal center. The intermediate produced in this manner undergoes internal electron transfer in a subsequent step, the electron ultimately residing in a n orbital localized in the reduced form of the oxidizing metal center. The bulk of the experimental evidence for the operation of the chemical mechanism rests on rate comparison^.^-^ However, there is direct evidence for the intermediacy of ligand radicals bound to an oxidizing metal center in radiation chemical studies of nitrobenzoatopentaamminecobalt(II1) comple~es.~ In our previous work,8 we attempted to probe the chemical mechanism by studying the reactions of the excited, luminescent state * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~with + pentaamminecobalt(II1) complexes of 4,4'-bipyridine and some of its derivatives. Although radical ions derived from 4,4'-bipyridine are quite stableg and can be generated by utilizing * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ + ,we ~ 3were ' ~ unable8 to detect 4,4'-bipyridine radicals bound to the Co(NH3)s3+ moiety. One possible explanation which was advanceds for the failure was a very rapid (>4 X lo6 s-I) rate of intramolecular electron transfer from the bound radical ion to the cobalt(II1) center in a postulated C0'"(NH3)5(4,4'-bpy-)~+ intermediate. In view of the relatively slow (2.6 X l o 3 s-l) rate of internal electron transfer from p-nitrobenzoate radical to C O ( N H ~ ) ~we ~ +decided ,~ to investigate the photochemical reactions of nitrobenzoatopentaamminecobalt(II1) complexes with tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II), eq 1, where L = p - and o-nitrobenzoate (PNBz and ONBz). For comparison purposes, we also studied the corresponding reactions of benzoate (Bz) and acetate- (Ac). Quenching rate constants and quantum yields for Co(I1) production have been measured, and the results provide important information about the mechanism of electron transfer and the question of cage recombination reactions. * R u ( b p ~ ) 3 ~++Co(NH3)5L2+ Ru(bpy)s3+ + C O ( N H ~ ) ~ L (1) +
Experimental Section Materials. The benzoato and nitrobenzoato complexes were prepared by the method of Gould and T a ~ b eexcept , ~ that four extractions with ether were carried out to remove the excess parent acid. Acetatopentaamminecobalt(II1) perchlorate was prepared by the method of Sebera and Taube." The sample of pyridinepentaamminecobalt(II1) perchlorate was the same as used in previous work.12 The purification of the argon, of the water, and of the lithium perchlorate was described previously.I2 All other chemicals were reagent grade and were used as received. Luminescence Quenching Measurements. A series of solutions of constant R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~concentration + (2 X M) and variable quencher concentration (5 X to 5 X M) containing also the desired amounts of buffer and of LiC104 was prepared. These solutions were deaerated for approximately 1 h in 1-cm2serum-capped fluorescence cells and then thermostated at 25.0 O C in the cell compartment of a Perkin-Elmer MPF-44A fluorescence spectrophotometer. Emission intensity measurements were carried out at 61 5 nm with an excitation wavelength of 450 nm. Photolysis Measurements. Flash photolysis measurements were carried out with a Xenon Corp. Model 720 apparatus. The experimental details were described recently.s The carboxylate complexes are known to undergo redox reactions when irradiated in their ligand to metal charge transfer bands (near-UV). Therefore, in order to prevent the direct photochemical reduction, the outer compartment of the thermostatable photolysis cell was filled with 0.010-0.10 M Fe(C104)3 in 5 M HC104. This was sufficient to absorb most of the flash light of wavelength shorter than 350 nm. Steady-state photolysis measurements were carried out with a conventional setup consisting of a 450-W Hanovia Xe-Hg lamp mounted in a Schoeffel L H I5 1 N lamp,housingand an optical train with a 0.6-cm glass plate, a 5-cm cell filled with water, a 450-nm interference filter, a lens, a shutter and an iris. The details of the photolysis cell were described previously.* Light intensity was determined by tris(oxalato)ferrate(III) actinometry. The cobalt(I1) produced wasestimated using Kitson's method.I3 Visible and ultraviolet spectra were recorded in a Cary 17 or 11 8 spectrophotometer. pH measurements were carried out with an Orion Model 801 or a Radiometer Model 26 pH meter.
Results The emission intensities measured in the quenching experiments were treated according to the equation
0002-7863/80/I502-l564$0l .OO/O
0 1980 American Chemical Society
Bortcher, Haim
1 Reduction of Carboxylatopentaamminecobalt(ZZZ)Complexes
Table I. Stern-Volmer Constants K,,, Limiting Quantum Yields @I for Production of Co2+,and Quenching Rate Constants k , for the Reactions of *Ru(buyh2+with Co(NHq)5Ln+ Complexesa
1 4 f IC
7.8 f 0.6
(1.1 f 0.1) x 10-2
2.4 f 0.2,c 2.4 f 0.1
(5.1 f 0.1) X
1.3 f 0.1, 1.2 f 0.1
0.90 f 0.06
0.45 f 0.15
0.15 f 0.01, 0.10 f 0.04
1.3 f 0.1
1.O f 0.06d
0.80 f 0.12
0.17 f O.O1,d 0.21 f 0.05
6.45 f 0.07d
0.92 f O.lOd
1.09 f 0.01
0.21 f 0.02
4.7 f 0.3‘
28 i 2c
a Measurements at 25 OC, pH 5.8 (phosphate buffer), p = 0.10 M (LiC104). b The first entry is calculated from &,/TO; see text. The second entry is calculated from eq 13. Measured by K. R. Leopold, B.S. Thesis, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1977. From ref 8. e This entry corresponds to quenching by the free ligand.
where ( Z O / Z ) ~is~ the corrected ratio of emission intensities in the absence and presence of quencher, respectively, and K,, is the Stern-Volmer constant. The corrected intensity ratios are related to the observed intensity ratios by the equation
1 - 10-A’Q (3) 2.303A’q
where A Dand AQ are the absorbances per centimeter of donor and quencher, respectively, a t the excitation wavelength and A’Q is the absorbance per centimeter of the quencher a t the emission wavelength. As shown in Figure 1, the plots of ( l o / I)cor vs. [Q] were linear.14 Values of K,, for the complexes studied and for the p-nitrobenzoate anion were obtained by a least-squares fitting of the data to eq 2 with the requirement that the intercept be 1. From these values of K S Ylisted , in column 2 of Table I, and the relationship K,, = kq70, where k , is the rate constant for reaction 1 and 70 = 0.60 f 0.02 psI5 is the lifetime of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~values +, of k , were calculated and are listed in column 4 of Table I. Included in the table for purposes of comparison are the quenching rate constantss for i (Co(NH3)5py3+) and ii (Co(NH3)sbpy4+). It will be seen
that the nitrobenzoate and N-methyl-4,4’-bipyridine complexes react a t rates near the diffusion-controlled limit, whereas the benzoate, acetate, and pyridine complexes react a t rates one order of magnitude slower. The mechanistic implications of these observations will be discussed below. In the steady-state photolysis measurements, solutions of constant [ R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ +(-2.5 ] X M) and variable [Co(NH3)5L2+] (2 X to 7 X M) were irradiated for a period of time t , and then analyzed for Co2+. Quantum yields 9, were calculated from the expression a,, = ( V[Co2+]/tZ) where Vis the volume of the solution irradiated, [Co2+] is the concentration of Co2+ present after irradiation for a time t , and Z is the light intensity. Plots of I/@, vs. l/[Co(NH3)5L2+] were linear (see Figure 2) and least-squares treatment of the data yielded values of intercepts and slopes. The inverses of the
2 I
[I]. n.103
Figure 1. Stern-Volmer plots for the quenching of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ +A,: PNBz-; B, C0(NH3)sPNBz2+; C, Co(NH3)sONBz2+; D, CO(NH3)5AcZ+;E, Co(NH3)sBz2+.
intercepts are the limiting quantum yields for Co2+ production, 91,and are listed in column 3 of Table I. The ratios of intercepts to slopes, as shown below, are equal to K S v .Values of k , calculated from Ksv/rO are listed in column 4 of Table I. A solution containing -3 X M Co(NH3)5PNBz2+and -1 X M Ru(bpy)s2+ a t p H 5.8 was subjected to flash photolysis. N o transients could be seen a t 330 or 420 nm, the reported’ wavelengths for the maxima of Colll(NH3)5(PNBz2-)+.
Discussion The resuIts of the quenching measurements are interpreted on the basis of the equations hw
Ru( b p ~ ) 3 e ~ + * R u (bpy) 32+
* R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ +Qe *R~(bpy)3~+---Q
* R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ + - - ---+ Q R~(bpy)3~+---Q-
The forward and reverse reactions in eq 4 represent the excitation of R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~by+ absorption of light and the first-order radiative and nonradiative decays of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ +respec, tively. The forward reaction in eq 5 represents the diffusioncontrolled approach of the excited state ( * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ +and )
Journal of the American Chemical Society / 102:5 / February 27, 1980
10-2 CQ1
Figure 2. Quantum yields for Co2+production: A, Co(NH3)5PNBz2+; B, Co(NH3)50NBz2+;C, Co(h H3)5Bz2+:D, C O ( N H ~ ) ~ P ~ ~ +
Table 11. Diffusion-Controlled Rate Constants and Quenching
Efficiencies for the Reactions of *Ru(bpy),2+ with Co(NH3)5Lfl+ 'ComDlexes
O -&*O*-
I .7
cobalt(II1) complexes (column 4 of Table I). It must be recognized that k , is a measure of the fraction of encounters between * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~and + Q which result in the deactivation of the excited state. In order to assess the quenching efficiency of the encounters, it is necessary to have values of kd, the diffusion-controlled rate constants for the reactions of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~with + the Co(1II) complexes. Values of kdo at infinite dilution were estimated using the Debye equationI6 corrected for the hydrodynamic effect:I7vi8
D A and D Bare the diffusion coefficients of the two reactants (taken to be 5 X cm2 s-'1. NOis Avogadro's number. rA and rg are the effective radii of the reactants. For water a t 25 OC, a is 7.131 X 10-sz,@B/(r,~ rB), where Z A and Z B arethe charges of the reactants. b = 3 r ~ r ~ / ( r ~ Values of kd a t ionic strength 0.10 M were calculated from the infinite dilution values kdo and the Debye-Brpnsted equation:l9
1% kd = 1% kdo + ~ Z A Z B ~ C L 1/ [ P(rA 4- r ~ ) f i ](8) 1.1 is the ionic strength. LY and P are 0.509 and 3.29 X I O 7 for water a t 25 OC, respectively. Equations 7 and 8 are applicable to spherical reactants. For Ru(bpy)32+, which is spherical, we take r A = 6.8 X IO-* cm.20However, the cobalt complexes are not spherical and therefore we have calculated the radii equivalent to the sphere of equal volume from the equation20
~ MN 9.1 c 2.6 H 0.96 ~ 6.8 ~ 17 +~ u u a Calculated from f A = 6.8 X lo-* cm for R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ and + values of r g estimated as described in the text. From eq 7 and 8. Calculated from k , / k d . Calculated from k d and K O ,eq 10. Calculated /This entry corresponds to the free ligand. fromf&/(l -f,)~
the cobalt(II1) complex (Q) to produce an encounter or precursor complex. The precursor complex can dissociate to yield the reactants (reverse of eq 5 ) or undergo the well-establ i ~ h e d ~electron ~ , ' ~ transfer quenching reaction (eq 6). The reduced quencher in eq 6 is represented by Q-. It will be seen later that two alternative formulations are possible for Q-. Applying the steady-state approximation to the excited state * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~and + to its encounter complex with Q, it can be shown that (Io/I)c,,r = 1 4- 7okq[Q], where k , = kdket/(k-d k e t ) .Of major interest in the present work are the nature and the reactions of the species *R~(bpy)3~+---Qproduced in the primary quenching process. However, before discussing this point, it is instructive to examine the values of k , for various
(9) d l , d2, and d3, the diameters along the three principal axes, have been estimated from bond distances and geometric considerations. Values of t - ~ r g , kd, and f,,the fraction of encounters between *Ru(bpy)3*+ and the quencher ( k q / k d )that result in deactivation, are listed in Table 11. It will be seen that for the PNBz, ONBz, and bpy complexes, the measured values of k , approach calculated values of kd and, therefore, nearly every encounter (or every other encounter for Co(NH3)50NBz2+) result in electron transfer. In contrast, the values of k , for the benzoate, acetate, and pyridine complexes are a t least one order of magnitude smaller than the diffusion-controlled limits (J, < 0.1) and, therefore, less than 10% of the encounters result in deactivation. An alternate and instructive approach to view this data is to calculate the values rg
= '/2(did2d3)'I3
Bottcher, Haim
Reduction of Carboxylatopentaamminecobalt(III) Complexes
Scheme I
of ke, (eq 6) from the expression fqk-d/(l -is). In order to perform the calculation, it is necessary to have values of k-d. These were estimated from the expression k-d = kd/Ko where K O ,the outer-sphere association constant for eq 6, is given byI2
It will be seen that the values of k-d are nearly the same for all the Co(II1) complexes in Table 11, but the values of k,, vary considerably, ranging from 2.4 X los to 2.5 X 1O1O s-I. Evidently, the cobalt complexes of Table I1 fall into two categories. Co(NH3)5Ac2+, Co(NH3)5Bz2+, and Co(NH3)5py3+, relatively inefficient quenchers, have ke, values in the vicinity of lo8 s - l , whereas the complexes Co(NH3)50NBz2+, Co(NH3)5PNBz2+, and Co(NH3)5bpy4+, quite efficient quenchers, have k,, values near 1 O l o s-l. It is noteworthy that the distinction between the two classes of cobalt(II1) complexes is not associated with varying rates of dissociation of the precursor complexes (reverse of eq 5), but with different rates of intramolecular electron transfer within the precursor complexes. The difference between the two classes is ascribed to a different detailed mechanism for the electron transfer. For the nitrobenzoate and N-methyl-4,4'-bipyridine complexes, it is postulated that the chemical mechanism is operative, the electron being transferred from *Ru(bpy)j2+ to an orbital localized in the unique ligand L of Co(NH3)5Lnt. For the acetate, benzoate, and pyridine complexes, it is postulated that the acceptor orbital is localized in the cobalt center. Some additional, albeit indirect, evidence for the proposed mechanism comes from a consideration of the quenching of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~by+ the free ligands. N-Methyl-4,4'-bipyridinium and p-nitrobenzoate ions quench * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~at+ diffusioncontrolled rates ( k , for bpy2+ is 2.5 X lo9 M-' S - I ) , whereas benzoate, acetate, and pyridinium ions are ineffective quenchers ( k , < lo7 M-' s-]). Values of k,, for the first two ligands are 1 6 X 1010 s-I and for the last three < 1O7 s-l. We suggest that the first two ligands, whether free or bound to a Co(NH3)s3+ moiety, accept an electron from * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ + a t rates equal to or near the diffusion-controlled limit, e.g., for the bound ligands the chemical mechanism obtains. In contrast, the last three ligands, whether free or bound to Co(NH3)s3+, d o not accept an electron from * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ + , because of their highly negative reduction potentials. Under these circumstances, the chemical mechanism for the bound ligands is precluded, and the alternate, but slower, electron transfer to the cobalt(II1) center becomes operative. To be sure,21the key difference between the two classes of ligands is that those that promote the chemical mechanism have accessible, long-lived radical^^.^,^^ whereas the remaining ligands do not. In fact, the radical generated from N-methyl-4,4'bipyridinium and * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~has + been detected and characterized by flash photolysis.* Similar attempts to detect the p-nitrobenzoate radical formed by quenching of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ + have failed. However, there is no concern about this point since
the products of the electron-transfer quenching have opposite charges (+3, -2) and, presumably, undergo cage recombination in preference to cage dissociation, as observed previo u ~ l y for * ~ the quenching of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~by+ a variety of nitroaromatic compounds. Additional details for the postulated mechanisms come from an examination of the fate of the successor complexes R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ + - - - QTwo - . detailed electronic formulations can be ascribed to the successor complexes, I and 11. In I the elec-
tron added to the Co(II1) complex is localized in an orbital centered in the cobalt, whereas in I1 the electron is in a ligand orbital. I n general both formulations can be accessible, and therefore eq 6 must be replaced by eq 1 1 and 12:
It is noteworthy that reactions 11 and 12 are entirely analogous to the reactions postulated to account for the direct formation of Co(I1) and of the bound ligand radical in the reaction of Co(NH3)5PNBz2+ with hydrated electron^.^ The possible reactions of the successor complexes are depicted in Scheme I (which also includes all the previous steps). The upper and lower sets of reactions in the scheme correspond to the formation of cobalt-centered and ligand-centered quenching product, respectively. The successor complexes are shown to undergo cage recombination reactions, kcTCoand kcrL,to regenerate the reactants. In competition with the cage recombination reactions, the successor complexes undergo cage separation reactions, kcsCoand kCsL,to produce 111 and IV, Co1'(NH3)5L("-')+
CO"'(NH~)~(L-)("-~)' IV respectively. I11 is known to undergo rapid spin interconver~ i o and/or n ~ ~ ligand d e t a ~ h m e n reactions, t~~ k-L, to produce Co2+.The metal-bound ligand radical, whether in the cage, k I Cor , separated from its geminate partner, k,, reacts via intramolecular electron transfer to produce the appropriate Co(l1) species. Because of the low concentrations of R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~ 111, + , and IV, the homogeneous bimolecular recombination reactions of R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~with + 111 or IV are too slow to compete with the first-order reactions of I11 ( k - L ) or IV (k,).26On the basis of Scheme I, and applying the steadystate approximations to the precursor and successor complexes 111
Journal of the American Chemical Society
/ 102:5 / February 27, 1980
and to I11 and IV, the quantum yield of Co2+, a,,,, is given by
tively. These rate constants are of reasonable magnitude for a reaction with a 1.6-V driving force between two species having self-exchange rate constants of the order of lo8 M-I ip, = s-1.28-30However, if the Co2+ is produced by the alternate kd[Co(NH3)5Ln+']R pathway leading to cobalt-centered successor complexes, the (ketCo ketL)kd[Co(NH3)5L"+] (k-d ketCo + ketL)/70 values of kcrLgiven above represent lower limits, and, in fact, arguments presented below suggest that this may be the case. (13) For Co(NH3)5Bz2+, electron transfer to the cobalt(II1) center was suggested above as the major pathway for the disappearance of the precursor complex, and the substantial quantum yield observed (0.45) indicates that cage separation competes favorably with cage recombination. If only a cobalt-centered ketLkcsL successor complex is formed, the limiting quantum yield is (14) kcrL kcsL kic kcsCo/(kcsCo+ kcrCo).Therefore, kcsCo= 0.82kcrC0and using kcsCo= 4.3 X lo9 s-l we obtain kcrCo= 5.2 X lo9 s-l to be From eq 13 it is predicted that a plot of 1/@,,, vs. l/[Co(III)] compared with kcrL> 6.9 X 1Olo s-I. The smaller rate constant should yield a straight line with an intercept equal to (ketCo for electron transfer from the cobalt-centered successor comketL)/R and a ratio of intercept to slope equal to (ketCo plex as compared to the ligand-centered successor complex is ketL)kd70/(k-d ket) = K s v .This prediction is borne out by consistent with the lower rate of self-exchange and oxidation the experimental results (see Figure 2). Values of K,, calcupotential of I vs. II.31 lated from the measurements of yields of Co2+ are in excellent Returning to the question of the source of Co2+ in the reagreement with values of K,, derived from the emission actions of the nitrobenzoate complexes, if it is assumed that quenching measurements (compare the two sets of values of all the Co2+ is formed by the reaction of the precursor complex k, = K s v / 7 0 in the last column of Table I). leading to a cobalt-centered successor complex, then the limThe values of the limiting quantum yields, R/(ketCo ketL), iting quantum yield of Co2+ is given by kcsCoketCo/(kcsCo+ provide information about the fates of the successor complexes kcrCo)(ketCo ketL). Assuming that kcsCo/(kcsCo kcrCo)for and additional support for the two proposed reaction pathways the nitrobenzoate complexes is equal to the observed value (ketCoand ketL) of the precursor complexes. Since the rates (0.45) for Co(NH3)5Bz2+,we obtain32kqCo= 5.9 X lo7 and of outer-sphere reactions of carboxylatopentaammineco1.5 X lo8 M-' s-' for Co(NH3)5PNBz2+ and Co(Nbalt(II1) complexes are quite insensitive to the nature of the H3)50NBz2+, respectively, where kqCois the rate constant for carboxylate ligand,27we would expect that a cobalt-centered quenching *Ru(bpy)j2+ by the nitrobenzoate complex via the successor complex would give limiting yields of Co(I1) that are path that produces the cobalt-centered successor complex. The nearly independent of the carboxylate ligand. For a cobaltexcellent agreement between the calculated values of kqCofor centered successor complex, the limiting quantum yield is given the nitrobenzoate complexes and the measured value of k, for by kcsCo/(kc,Co k cr co). kcsCo and kcrCoare determined Co(NH3)5Bz2+ provides some support for suggesting that the largely by the charge of the cobalt complex and the redox precursor complexes containing Co( NH3) 5PN Bz2+ and properties of the Co(NH3)5L2+I+ couple, and thus little Co(NH3)50NBz2+ react via parallel paths to yield ligandvariation in ipl is expected when L represents a series of related centered successor complexes which undergo cage recombicarboxylato complexes. However, this expectation is in marked nation and cobalt-centered successor complexes which uncontrast with the experimental observations. For the PNBz and dergo, in part, cage separation to produce Co2+. ONBz complexes the limiting quantum yields for Co2+ forThe magnitude of the quenching rate constants for mation are very small (0.01 1 and 0.051, respectively), whereas Co(NH3)5py3+ and Co(NH3)5bpy4+ led us to suggest different a substantial value of (0.45) is found for Co(NH3)5Bz2+. mechanisms for the two systems, namely, electron transfer to The difference in behavior between the nitrobenzoate and cobalt and to the ligand, respectively. However, in contrast with benzoate complexes can be accommodated nicely within the the results for Co(NH3)5PNBz2+ and Co(NH3)5Bz2+, where postulated dual pathway for the disappearance of the precursor values of k, and of are different for the two mechanisms, complexes and assigning different rates of cage recombination both pyridine complexes were found to have values of 'hl near to cobalt-centered and ligand-centered successor complexes. unity. This result can still be accommodated within the dual Thus, for the nitrobenzoate complexes, the dominant path for mechanistic concept. For Co(NH3)5py3+, the high quantum the disappearance of the precursor complexes is via the yield for Co2+ production indicates that the cobalt-centered chemical mechanism with the resulting formation of a bound successor complex undergoes cage separation in preference to radical ligand. Since internal electron transfer from nitrocage recombination. Since @I = 0.80, kcsCo= 4kcrCo. From eq benzoate radicals to the cobalt(II1) center to which they are 8 and 10 we estimate kcsCo = 6.8 X lo9 s-I and, therefore, attached is slow (2.6 X l o 3 and 4.0 X lo5 s-l for kcrCo= 1.7 X I O 9 s-l. It is noteworthy that the higher value Co(NH3)5PNBz2+ and Co(NH3)50NBz2+, respectively) of $1 for Co(NH3)5py3+ as compared to Co(NH3)5Bz2+ is compared to cage separation ( 109-1010s-l), the low quantum associated with a higher rate of cage dissociation as well as a yields indicate that cage recombination is a highly favored lower rate of intramolecular electron transfer of the successor process. This result appears reasonable when it is recognized complex. In the case of Co(NH,)5bpy4+, one possible interthat the successor complex consists of a 3+ ruthenium product pretation of the high value of $1 is that kcrL 10" s-l or > 4 X lo6 s-l depending on whether fast cage recombination or fast intramolecular electron transfer in C O I I I ( N H ~ ) ~ (was ~ ~responsible ~)~+ for our inability to detect the bound radical in flash photolysis studies. The present, more detailed analysis indicates that fast intramolecular electron transfer is the more likely explanation.
Conclusions The present investigation provides evidence, as did our previous work,8 that it is possible to generate bound radicals in the coordination sphere of cobalt(II1) complexes by oxidative quenching of *Ru(bpy)3*+. Complexes of the type Co(NH3)5Ln+, where L is a carboxylate or pyridine ligand, capable of forming a relatively stable free radical, are suitable quenchers in this respect because they accept an electron more readily than the generally slowly reacting cobalt(II1) center. A problem in the possible detection of bound radicals and the measurement of intramolecular electron transfer from the radical to the oxidizing metal center to which it is bound lies in the strong oxidizing properties of the R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~generated + simultaneously in the solvent cage. The efficient reoxidation of the bound radical by R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~before + cage separation limits the use of * R ~ ( b p y ) 3 ~as+ an electron donor. We have found that isopropyl radicals (generated by photolysis of acetone-2-propanol mixtures35) are suitable electron donors. Using this system,30we have been able to generate the species Co"'(NH3)5(PNBz2-)+ and measure the rate constant (2.3 X lo3 s-', in excellent agreement with the reported' 2.6 X lo3 s-' value) for intramolecular electron transfer from bound nitrobenzoate radical to cobalt(II1) center. References and Notes (1) This work was supported by Grants CHE76-10449 and CHE79-09253 from
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