Photoelectron spectroscopic study of the ground states of chloromethyl

Ana E. P. M. Sorrilha, Leonardo S. Santos, Fábio C. Gozzo, Regina Sparrapan, Rodinei Augusti, and Marcos N. Eberlin. The Journal of Physical Chemistr...
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J . A m . Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 299-303

Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study of the Ground States of CH2C1+,CHC12+,and CHFC1' Lester Andrews,* John M. Dyke, Neville Jonathan, Noureddine Keddar, and Alan Morris Contribution f r o m the Department of Chemistry, The University, Southampton, SO9 5 N H , U.K. Received August 15, 1983

Abstract: Reactions of chloromethanes with fluorine atoms produced the CH2C1,CHC12,and C H F C l free radicals for observation of structured first photoelectron bands. These bands a t 8.87, 8.54, and 9.16 f 0.01 eV vertical ionization energies, respectively, exhibited 1040 f 30, 860 f 30, and 920 f 40 cm-I vibronic intervals that are due to symmetric C-C1 stretching fundamentals in the ground states of the CH2CI+,CHC12+,and CHFCl' cations. The observed fundamentals a r e substantially higher than corresponding values for the ground electronic states of the neutral radicals, which indicates a substantial increase in net C-CI bonding in the cations as compared to the free radicals.

Introduction Photoelectron spectroscopy has been generally employed t o study stable molecules and low-lying electronic states of t h e corresponding cations.',* Although free radicals require special methods for preparation, these species are interesting subjects for photoelectron spectroscopic investigation since t h e cations formed on ionization may have different bonding and structure from t h e neutral free radicals. Hydrogen a t o m abstraction by fluorine a t o m s from suitable precursors has proven t o be a n effective method for preparing free radicals for photoelectron spectroscopic s t ~ d y . ~T- h~i s paper reports such a study of t h e ground states of C H 2 C l + , CHCl2+,and CHFCI' produced by ionization of the corresponding free radicals; preliminary photoelectron spectra of t h e CH,CI free radical have been communicated in a n earlier letter.6 Only a few direct observations of chloromethyl free radicals have been reported, although these radicals have been proposed as reaction intermediate^.'-^ The infrared s p e c t r u m of CH2C1 in solid argon provided evidence for a planar radical with some (C2p