Photoionization Spectrometry: A

Donald L. Fox ... M. Deas , Archibald Marshall , Thomas McCanny , Ravi P. Singhal , Hamdi S. Kilic , Costantine Kosmidis , Andrew J. Langley , Waseem ...
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Anal. Chem. 1994,66, 2212-2218

Laser- Induced Photofragmentation/Photoionization Spectrometry: A Method for Detecting Ambient Oxides of Nitrogen J. B. Slmeonsson,tg* G. W. Lemlre,t~~ and R. C. Sausa' U.S. Army Research Laboratory, AMSRL- WT-PC, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 2 1005-5066

Laser-inducedphotofragmentation/photoionization(PF/PI) spectrometry has been used to detect trace ambient concentra-

tions of NO, N O 2 , H N 0 3 and C H 3 N 0 2 . The method uses a single laser operating near 226 nm to both fragment the parent molecule and photoionize the resultant NO fragment by a (1 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) process via its A W X211 (0,O) band. Ion detection is accomplished by using a pair of miniature electrodes. Use of a single laser and optogalvanic ion detection greatly simplifies the instrumental requirements of the method and allows for real time, in situ monitoring of the above-mentionedcompound under ambient conditions. Analytical merits of the technique have been evaluated as a function of the sampling pressure and detection electrode voltage. Limits of detection (LODs) determined for NO, N O 2 , HN03 and C H 3 N 0 2 are 1, 22, 5, and 220 ppbv, respectively, using 10 f l of pulse energy and an integration time of 10 s. Results of the study indicate that PF/PI spectrometry enables a simple instrument design to be used for sensitive measurements of these compounds. The high sensitivity is a reflection of the high efficiency of each of the photofragmentationand photoionizationprocesses employed. The ability to use low fluences has the added benefit of suppressing nonresonant multiphoton ionization background signals. Sensitivities demonstrated for species in this study suggest that the technique has excellent potential for measurements of NO, (NO + N 0 2 ) and NO,, the concentration of total reactive odd nitrogen compounds.


The development of real-time, laser-based sensitive monitors of pollutants in the atmosphere (e.g., automobileexhaust, waste products of incineration) has been of great interest in recent years. (See refs 1-7 and references cited therein for a partial list of representative studies.) Of importance is the detection and monitoring of atmospheric nitrogen oxide compounds because of their key roles in atmospheric reaction cycles, such as the production of acid rain and photochemical smog, and the regulation of species such as OH and ozone in NRC/ARL Postdoctoral Research Associate. t Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. 8 Present address: US.Army Dugway Proving Ground, Joint Contact Point Directorate, Dugway, UT 84022-5000. ( 1 ) Lemire, G. W.; Simeonsson, J. B.; Sausa, R. C. Anal. Chem. 1993,65,529. (2) Simeonsson, J. B.; Lemire, G. W.; Sausa, R. C. Appl. Spectrosc. 1993, 47, 1907. (3) Cool, T.A.; Williams, B. A. J. Combusf.Sci. Technol. 1992, 82, 67. (4) Halpern, J. B.; Jackson, W. M.; McCrary, V. Appl. Opt. 1979.18 (9,590. ( 5 ) Jeffries, J. B.; Raiche, G. A,; Jusinski, L. E. Appl. Phys. B 1992, 55, 76. (6) Zhu, J.; Lustig, D.; Sofer, I.; Lubman, D. M. Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 2225. (7) Syage, J.; Pollard, J. E.; Cohen, R. B. Appl. Opt. 1987, 26 (17), 3516.


AnaIyticalChemistry, Vol. 66, No. 14, July 15, 1994

the atmosphere.8-1° Precise measurements of NO, (NO, N02) and NO,, the sum concentration of NO, NO2, HN03,HNO2, NO3, N205, HOzN02, organic nitrates (e.g., PAN, PPN) and other nitrocompounds, are crucial if a comprehensive understanding of the processes that determine the tropospheric levels of these compounds is to be achieved. Presently,the measurement of NO, N02, and other nitrogen oxide compounds at background and polluted levels (pptv to ppbv) remains an important analytical challenge.llJ2 For NO, the most common method of detection is by chemiluminescent reaction (CL) with 0 3 . The reaction produces electronically excited N02* whose emission intensity is proportional to the initial concentration of NO. Other measurement methods include long path absorption and differential absorption LIDAR (DIAL).I3 For NO2, the EPA standard method for measurement is also by CL with ozone; however, prior to measurement, NO2 must be quantitatively converted to NO by catalytic or photolytic means." An alternate method is based on a different chemiluminescence reaction in which NO2 reacts directly with a luminol solution (CL-luminol) at a wetted surface." Other methods include tunable diode laser absorption spectrometry (TDLAS),14 differential optical absorption spectrometry (DOAS),15optoacoustic spectrometry,16 denuder methods, and wet chemical methods. Methods for detecting H N 0 3 are generally limited to filtration techniques employing wet chemical and chromatographic detection of the filtrate,' denuder techniques, and optical absorption spectrometries. The sensitivity of the above-mentioned methods for detecting nitrogen oxide compounds in the atmosphere usually requires that the signal be integrated over time or distance, resulting in a loss of temporal or spatial resolution. Furthermore, the selectivity of these methods is often insufficient to prevent interference effects for low-level determinations. Laser photoionization (LPI) spectroscopy was proposed as a method for detecting atmospheric pollutants as early as (8) Singh, H. B. Enuiron. Sci. Technol. 1987, 21 (4), 320. (9) Logan, J. A. J. Geophys. Res. 1983, 88 (C15). 10785. (10) Seinfeld, J. H. Afmospheric Chemisrry and Physics of Air Pollution;Wiley and Sons: New York, 1986; pp 3-22, 157-164. (1 1) Sickles, J. E. In Gaseous Pollufanfs;Nriagu, N . O., Ed.;Wiley and Sons: New York, 1992; pp 51-128. (12) Assessmenf of Techniques for Measuring Tropospheric N,O,; NASA Conference Publication No. 2292; NASA: 1983. (13) Edner, H.; Sunwon, A.; Svanberg, S.O p t Lett. 1988, 13 (9), 704. (14) Schiff, H. I.; Hastie, D. R.; Mackay, G. I.; Iguchi, T.; Ridley, B. A. Enuiron. Sci. Technol. 1983, 17 (8). 352A. (15) Plane, J. M. C.; Nien, C.-F. Rev. Sei. Insfrum. 1992, 63 (3), 1867. (16) Fried, A. Appl. Specfrosc. 1982, 36, 562-565. (17) LeBel, P. J.; Huebert, B. J.; Schiff, H . I.; Vay, S.A.; VanBramer,S.E.; Hastie, D. R. J . Geophys. Res. 1990, 95 (D7), 10199.

This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 1994 by the American Chemlcal Society

1979. Briefly, the results of selected representative studies are as follows. Brophy and Rettner first demonstrated the feasibility of the approach by using two-photon ionization to detect trace levels (ppmv) of aniline in air.'* High sensitivity was also demonstrated by Frueholz et al., who used two-photon ionization to detect naphthalene vapor at densities less than 107/cm3.19 Cool and Williams have recently demonstrated the detection of chlorinated ethylenes using resonanceenhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS).2aJ1 Using this technique, they detected C2Cl4 at the 240 ppb level in a mixture prepared from automobile exhaust and a set of chlorinated hydrocarbons chosen as potential interferences. Recent studies by Lubman and co-workers6reveal that a resonance two-photon ionization (R2PI) at 266 nm can be used to detect trace levels (ppb) of substituted nitrobenzenes at atmospheric pressures by soft ionization with a minimum amount of fragmentation. REMPI with TOFMS has also been employed by Syage and co-workers for the sensitive detection of atmospheric constituent^.^ The studies were conducted using air expansions for a variety of organophosphonates and organosulfides. Detection limits as low as 300 ppt were reported for dimethyl sulfide using (2 1) REMPI near 391 nm corresponding to a resonance enhancement through the vibrationless level of the 3p Rydberg state at 195.31 nm. More recent studies in our laboratory have shown that molecular beam sampling with TOF spectrometry can be used to detect N O (8 ppb) at atmospheric pressures by (1 1) REMPI via its A2Z+ X211(0,O)band near 226 nm.' The above-mentionedexamples reveal that the sensitivity of LPI is high and that it can be employed for detecting trace pollutants in various environments. However, a potential problem of LPI is that moderate to high laser intensities are required for the method to be analytically useful. This can result in the generation of intolerable background signals due to nonresonant ionization processes. An alternate method to LPI for monitoring trace atmospheric constituents is laser photofragmentation with subsequent fragment detection. This method is particularly useful for fragile molecules such as NO2 and H N 0 3 , which easily dissociate upon the absorption of UV-visible radiation or for molecules that lack absorption features in the UV-visible. Recently, a laser photofragmentation-fluorescence (LPFF) technique has been used to determine atmospheric levels of HNO3 in s i t ~ . ~An ~ gArF ~ ~laser served as the excitation/ photolysis source while emission of the excited OH(A2Z+) fragment was monitored near 308 nm. By simultaneously measuring the HNO3 with LPFF and conventional filter methods, an intercomparison of the two approaches demonstrated that LPFF provides good agreement with the filter methods. It has nearly the same sensitivity, yet allows significantly faster response times (nominal 75% reduction in integration times). Sandholm and co-workers have reported on a photofragmentation/laser-induced fluorescence (PF/ LIF) technique using a two-color excitation scheme for the




(18) Brophy, J. H.; Rettner, C. T. Opt. Lett. 1979,4 (IO), 337. (19) Frueholz, R.; Wessel, J.; Wheatley, E. Anal. Chem. 1980, 52, 281. (20) Cool, T. A.; Williams, B. A. Hazard. Waste Hazard. Mater. 1990, 7 , 21. (21) Williams, B. A.;Cool, T. A.; Rohlfing, C. M. J. Chem. Phys. 1990,93,1521. (22) Papenbrock, Th.; Stuhl, F. J . Atmos. Chem. 1990. 10, 451. (23) Papenbrock, Th.;Stuhl, F.; Mtiller, K. P.; Rudolph, J. J . Amos. Chem. 1992, 15. 369.

detection of N0224and N0.24,25The measurement of NO2 was accomplished by the photofragmentation of NO2 at 355 nm via a XeF excimer laser, and the resultant N O fragment was then quantitatively detected using two-photon LIF via the A2Z+ X211(0,O)and D2Z+ A22+ (0,O) bands near 226 nm and 1.1 pm, respectively. The fluorescence signal resulting from D2Z+ X211transitions was monitored in the 187-220 nm region. Limits of detection (S/N = 2) of 10 pptv for NO2 (6 min of integration time) and 3.5 pptv for N O (2 min of integration time) were reported. Recent studies in our laboratory have shown that an approach which combines laser-induced photofragmentation with LPI, photofragmentation/photoionization (PF/PI), can be used to detect N O and nitro-containing vapors with both high sensitivity and se1ectivity.'v2 In one study, a single laser was employed to both fragment the parent molecule and photoionize the resultant characteristic N O fragment by a (1 1) REMPI process via its A2Z+ X211 (0,O) band near 226 nm.' The technique employed molecular beam sampling with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection of the ions. At 226 nm, NO+ ions were generated from a variety of nitro compounds and were produced almost to the exclusion of any other ions such that the use of mass spectrometric detection was virtually unnecessary. By virtue of the selectivity and efficiency of the PF/PI mechanism employed, it was possible to achieve high sensitivities with relatively low laser pulse energies (