Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers - American Chemical Society

Thus we have produced multifunctional photorefractive polymers which exhibit both ... lasing has been achieved at pump energies as low as 1 mJ with 10...
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Chapter 35

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 7, 2012 | Publication Date: September 1, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0672.ch035

Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Composites for Photonics Paras N. Prasad Photonics Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260-3000

Multifunctional materials will play an important role in the development of Photonics Technology. This paper describes novel multifunctional polymeric composites for applications in both active and passive photonic components. On the molecular level, we have introduced multifunctionality by design and synthesis of chromophores which by themselves exhibit more than one functionality. At the bulk level, we have introduced the concept of a "multiphasic nanostructured composites" where phase separation is controlled in the nanometer range to produce optically transparent bulk in which each domain produces a specific photonic function. Results are presented from the studies of up-converted two– photon lasing, two-photon confocal microscopy, optical power limiting, photorefractivity and optical channel waveguides to illustrate the application of the multifunctional optical composites. The development of Photonics or Optical Technology is crucially dependent on the availability of materials which can simultaneously exhibit more than one property. These are multifunctional materials. MultifÀinctionality is exhibited by a material when it simultaneously performs two or more different functions. Also, a combination of two different functionalities can give rise to a new effect useful for photonics technology. An example is photorefractivity which is produced by the combined action of nonlinear electro-optic effect and photoconductivity. In this paper, the nanostructure control used in our laboratory to introduce multifunctionality will be presented. On the molecular level, we have introduced multifunctionality by design and synthesis of chromophores which by themselves exhibit more than one functionality (1). Examples are chromophores which show strong two-photon absorption and strong fluorescence. We have utilized the combined action of these two functions to achieve up-conversion lasing (1-4). We have also designed and synthesized segmented co-polymers and sidechain co-polymers consisting of different groups which perform different functions. Thus we have produced multifunctional photorefractive polymers which exhibit both © 1997 American Chemical Society

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.


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electro-optic effect and hole-conduction (5). At the bulk level we have introduced the concept of a "multiphasic nanostructured composite" where phase separation is controlled in the nanometer range. This is accomplished by sol-gel processing (6) and by using the cavity of a reverse micelle as a nanoreactor (7). The domain size being much smaller than the wavelength of light produces optically transparent bulk. Using this approach we have produced bulk samples consisting of two dyes in two different phases which exhibit lasingfromboth dyes. We have designed and processed multiphasic nanostructured composites which exhibit two-photon absorption cross-section more than two orders of magmtude larger than those of commercially available dyes. In these composites efficient two-photon lasing has been achieved at pump energies as low as 1 mJ with 10 nanosecond pulses. Multiphasic composites containing C together with a two-photon absorbing dye have been prepared and shown to exhibit power limiting behavior derivedfromboth C Q and the dye (6). Another area of use of composites is fabrication of Optical Channel waveguides. Using sol-gel processing of inorganic:organic composites we have prepared low loss optical waveguides, the refractive index of which can be selected by adding Ti0 . The thermal characterization of these waveguides has been performed (7). We have prepared multi-component photorefractive polymers for optical data storage applications (8). This photorefractivity is a combination of two functionalities: electro-optic effect and photoconductivity. We have achieved holographic diffraction efficiencies up to >30% in our composites. 6 0



Materials Multifunctional Chromophores. Small molecular units can also be designed to be optically multifunctional. In our laboratory we have focused on the designs and synthesis of two types of multifunctional chromophores: (i) efficient up-converters which absorb at longer wavelengths and fluoresce at shorter wavelengths and (ii) electrical-optical bifunctional chromophores which can produce both electro-optic and charge-transporting functions. Up-converted emission can be produced by a combination of multiphoton (such as two-photon absorption) and efficient emission (high quantum yield). The two-photon absorption is a nonlinear optical process which is characterized by the imaginary part of third-order nonlinear polarizability (second hyperpolarizability) of the molecule (9,10). These processes have traditionally been assumed to be weak, and, therefore, not of much practical significance. Our recent work based on design of optically nonlinear chromophores have produced structures which exhibit strong two- and even three-photon absorption processes. In addition, they are strongly fluorescent and, therefore, generate strong up-converted emission. Figure 1 shows structure of an example of a chromophore, 4-[N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N(methyl)amino phenyl]-4-(6-hydroxy hexyl sulfonyl stilbene (abbreviated as APSS), which exhibits strong up-converted emission at -560 nm when pumped with a pulse laser source at 800 nmfroma mode-locked Ti-sapphire. This structure contains a donor (dielthylamino) group and an acceptor (sulfonyl) group separated by a conjugated segment and, therefore, also shows second-order nonlinear optical activity such as ,

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Composites for Photonics


second-harmonic generation and electro-optic effect when electrically poled in a noncentrosymmetric bulk form (10). Another example of a multifunctional chromophore is given in Figure 2. This chromophore, 4-(N,N^diphenylamino)-(P-nitrostyrene), developed by Laser Photonics Technology, Inc. contains a charge transporting (triaryl arnine) group which can conduct holes (77). It also consists of an electron donor group and an electron acceptor group separated by a conjugated segment. Therefore, it exhibits second-order nonlinear optical activity such as electro-optic effect in the electrically poled bulk form. A combination of these two functionalities produce the phenomenon of photorefractivity in which light absorption produces a refractive index change. The mechanism involves a space-charge field generation by the absorption of light which creates charge carriers that are spatially separated by transport of at least one carrier (hole in the present case). This space-charge field produces a refractive index change because of the electro-optic properties of the medium (chromophore in the present case). Multifunctional Polymers. In addition to the possibility of designing a multifunctional chromophore, multifunctionality can be introduced in a polymeric structure by taking advantage of its tremendous structural flexibility. For example different functionalities can be introduced either by incorporating appropriate functional entities in the side chain or by using segmented units in the form of a co-polymer. The advantage of this approach is that each functionality can be almost independently optimized by a judicious choice of the appropriate structural unit since one structural unit (chromophore) contributes only one major function. The multifunctional polymer approach has the advantage over the guest-host approach (components physically dispersed in a polymer matrix) in that a high level of loading of a desired functional group can be achieved without the risk of immediate or long-term phase separation. An example of a side-chain multifunctional polymer is a photorefractive polymer shown in Figure 3. This polymer contains an electro-optic chromophore (labeled as EO), a chargetransporting group (labeled as CT) and an alkyl group to control the Tg of the polymer (labeled as CTG). The relative ratio of these groups can be varied to optimize the photorefractive property (5). Multiphasic Nanostructured Composites Bulks. A novel approach to produce multifunctional polymeric composites is to use a multiphase system with the phase separation at the nanometer scale. Since the domain sizes are much smaller than the wavelength of light, they do not scatter. The result is an optically transparent sample in which each domain may produce a different optical function. We have developed such a multiphase composite using sol-gel processing which produces large size bulks of excellent optical quality (6). In this approach, we prepare highly porous monolith gel (in the present case silica) and thermally process it. The pores in the silica monolith under our processing conditions are in the nanoscale region (~5 nm). This allows various molecules (such as fullerene) to be adsorbed in the pores by diffusion of a solution followed by evaporation of the solvent. Then the pores are filled with a polymerizable liquid such as methyl methacrylate (MMA) which is then

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



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Figure 1. Molecular structure of 4-|N-(2-hyaroxyemyl)-N-(memyl)aminophe 4 -(6-hydroxyhexyl sulfonyl) stilbene, from here on abbreviated as APSS. /



Figure 2. Molecular structure of a bifunctional chromophore, 4(NjN'jdiphenylaminoJ-iP-nitrostyrene).

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x:y:z = 0.17: 0.53: 0.3

Figure 3. The structure of a multifunctional side chain photorefractive polymer.

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 7, 2012 | Publication Date: September 1, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0672.ch035



Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Composites for Photonics


polymerized in-situ. This MMA procedure first pioneered by Pope, Asami and Mackenzie (72) has been used by several groups. We have followed the procedure described by Gvishi et al. (75). The concept of a multiphase nanostructured composite can be used to prepare a wide variety of optical materials. We have been able to dope two (or more) different optically responsive materials, each of which can be in different phases of the matrix (the silica phase, the PMMA phase and the interfacial phase), to make multifunctional bulk materials for photonics. For example, we have doped in addition to the fullerene, which is adsorbed in the interfacial phase, a fluorescent and optically nonlinear chromophore bisbenzothiazole 3,4-didecyloxy thiophene (BBTODT) in the PMMA phase. This nonlinear chromophore was developed by B. Reinhardt and co-workers at the Polymer Branch of U.S. Air Force Wright Laboratory (14). Reverse Micelle Nanoreactors. Reverse micelles are spheroidal aggregates formed by the dispersion of a surfactant[s] in an organic solvent (75). They can be formed both in the presence and absence of water. The presence of water is, however, necessary to form large surfactant aggregates. Water can be readily dissolved in the polar core, forming a "water pool". The size of the "water pool" is determined by W , the watersurfactant molar ratio (W = [H 0]/[S]). The aggregates containing a small amount of water (below W = 15) are usually called reverse micelles whereas droplets containing a large amount of water molecules (above W = 15) are called microemulsions. When using iso-octane as a continuous medium, the water pool radius, Rw is found to be linearly dependent on the water content (Rw(A°) =1.5 W ) (16) which in turn is related to the size of the particles. As a result, particles of various sizes can be synthesized by varying the size of the water pool which serves as a nanoreactor for carrying out various reactions. Confinement in these small compartments inherently limits particle growth, thereby resulting in controlled size, monodispersed particles. In the example presented here the reverse micelle was prepared by dispersion of the surfactant, sodium bis(2-ethyl hexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) in isooctane. The hydrolysis and sol-gel processing of titanium isopropoxide was carried out in the 5 nm size cavity of the reverse micelle to produce highly uniform T i 0 nanoparticles. These particles were redispersed in a polymer (polyimide) solution and cast as a film of the polymer composite containing T i 0 nanoparticles. 0








Properties Two-photon Pumped Up-Conversion Lasing. Frequency up-conversion lasing is an important area which is receiving considerable attention. Compared to other coherent frequency up-conversion techniques such as optical parametric mixing or second harmonic generation, the up-conversion lasing provides broad tunability without any phase-matching requirement. Up-conversion lasing has been successfully achieved in inorganic rare-earth ions where sequentially pumped multiphoton transition is used. Direct two-photon pumping to achieve population inversion in organic systems usually requires very high peak power. However, using our multifunctional chromophores, discussed above, we have achieved up-conversion lasing by direct two-photon pumping

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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(2-4). The chromophore APSS was pumped by 5 nanosecond pulsesfroma dye laser which in turn was pumped by the 532 nmfrequencydoubled output of a pulse Nd-Yag laser. The lasing wavelength was 560 (3). Two-photon pumped lasing has been achieved in the solution phase as well as in a bulk polymer composite phase. Another novel geometry for two-photon pumped lasing is the use of a hollowfiberin which the APSS solution is introduced (4). This geometry allows a longer interaction length with beam confinement so that lasing can be produced at a very low pump threshold. We have demonstrated two-photon pumped up-conversion lasing in another dye, trans-4[p-(N-ethyl-N-(hydroxyethyl) amino)sryryl]-N-memylpyridinium tetraphenyl borate (abbreviated as ASPT) (2). Its chemical structures is shown in Figure 4. This molecule shows a two-photon pumped lasing at -620 nm when pumped by the flindamental (1.06 μ) near IR wavelength of a pulse Nd: Yag laser. A lasing efficiency of 3.5% has been achieved. The pump threshold for lasing is as low as 1 μΐ of 10 nanosecond pulses. Lasing has been accomplished by using a solution of ASPT or ASPT-doped at the interfacial phase of a multiphasic glass composite discussed above. This result also demonstrates that the multiphasic nanostructured glass composite is of high enough optical quality to be used for intracavity work. Optical Power Limiting. This is another area of considerable current interest because of its relevance to sensor protection and eye protectionfromthe threat of laser damage (17,18). Optical power limiters are devices which limit the optical output to a level below the damage threshold. Power limiting action can be produced by using a variety of physical mechanisms such as nonlinear absorption (for example two-photon absorption), reverse saturable absorption, nonlinear refraction and thermal effects. Each of these mechanisms has its own merits and limitations. Therefore, it may be desirable to use a combination of these mechanisms in order to broaden the scope of optical power limiting. A multiphasic nanostructured composite may be especially suited for this purpose because one can incorporate different power limiting functions in different phase. We have successfully demonstrated this application by using a sol-gel processed glass-polymer composite discussed above in which the fullerene, C , resides at the walls of the pores and a nonlinear chromophore bisbenzothiazole 3,4-didecyloxythiophene (BBTDOT) is present in the polymer, PMMA, phase (6). C has been shown to exhibit the optical power limiting behavior at 532 nm, mainly by reverse saturable absorption (17). BBTDOT is a new nonlinear chromophore synthesized by Bruce Reinhardt et. al at the Polymer Branch of the US Air Force Wright Laboratory (14). It exhibits a strong two-photon absorption and, therefore, power limiting behavior at -602-820 nm (19). Our composite which exhibits contributions from both C and BBTDOT shows optical power limiting at 532 nm and 800 nm. 6 0

6 0

6 0

Two-Photon Confocal Microscopy. Confocal microscopy provides the possibilities of optical sectioning of a sample by the use of a spatial filter to improve axial resolution of the optical microscope (20). These optical sections can be used to reconstruct the 3D structure of a polymeric specimen. Confocal microscopy using fluorescence is usually performed by a single-photon excitation (linear absorption) of a fluorophore which may be chemically an integral part of the system (polymer) being investigated or just

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Composites for Photonics


physically dispersed (solid solution). For the one-photon absorption of these fluorophores emitting in the visible range, one requires shorter (towards UV) wavelength excitation which would have a very short penetration depth in the material, thereby limiting the depth of a material one can probe. Furthermore, although a confocal microscope samples signalsfromthe focal point of the objective, during the image acquisition the entire specimen volume is illuminated, often resulting in reduction of resolution. UV excitation may also lead to chemical damage of the coating or paint. Multiphoton excitation in confocal microscopy is a nondestructive evaluation technique for polymeric materials and provides a significant advantage in the gain of three-dimensional resolution and image contrast. It also reduces theriskof thermal and photochemical degradation of the material. In multiphoton confocal microscopy, one uses a direct two- or three-photon pumped nonlinear absorption to excite a fluorophore which then emits. In this process, the pump wavelength is longer (towards the IR), while the emission is up-converted to the visible. Since the absorption is highly intensity dependent, strong absorption and subsequent emission occurs very localized at the focal point, therefore, providing one with an opportunity to increase the axial resolution. Since the multiphoton absorption process is much weaker than the linear absorption, and the wavelength is in the near IR, the penetration depth in the sample is very long. Therefore, one can easily study structures with depth profile and investigate the surface, the bulk and any underlying interface of a polymeric material or coating. By virtue of this longer penetration depth, one can use different color fluorophores in different layers of coating to conduct multilayer multiphoton confocal microscopy to selectively probe different layers of a coating. Two-photon microscopy was introduced by Denk et al. in 1990 (27), but it has seen limited application. The fluorophores reported in the past did not exhibit strong two-photon induced emission. Therefore, one had to use intense pulse laser sources to study them. The recent work at the Polymer Branch at US Air Force Wright Laboratory and that at Photonics Research Laboratory at SUNY, Buffalo have produced organic structures that exhibit strong two- and three-photon absorption and exhibit strong up-converted fluorescence. Furthermore, we have shown that with the same pump source for multiphoton excitation, one can excite a number of differentfluorophoresto generate multicolors to conduct multiphoton multicolor microscopy for the study of microstructures of multilayer coatings, their interfaces and bulk as a function of depth. We have used a single excitation wavelength of 800 nm from a mode-locked Ti-sapphire laser to pump, by two-photon absorption, a series of newfluorophoresand achieve multiple colorfluorescenceover the entire visible spectrum enabling more than three spectrally separated detection channels. Also, the use of a single excitation wavelength minimizes the axial off-registration due to chromatic aberration. The wavelength of 800 nm can be conveniently reached by a diode laser itself, reducing the cost and size requirement for the pump source for multiphoton confocal microscopy. We have used a bulk polymer sample to map the microstructure of the surface and the bulk. The sample was a poly-HEMA (poly-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) block containing one of our highly efficient two-photonfluorophoreswith several fractures infiltrated (22). Figure 5 shows a microfracture at the depth of 46 μιηfromthe surface.

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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Figure 4. Molecular structure of trans-4-[p-(N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethylamino)styryl]-N-methylpyridiiûum tetraphenyl borate, abbreviated as ASPT.

Figure 5. Two-photon confocal image of a doped polymer block at a depth of 46 μιη showing a microfracture.

In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Composites for Photonics


In contrast, a conventional one-photon excited fluorescent confocal microscopy shows no signal beyond about 10 μιη in the bulk. Photorefractive Polymer Composites. Polymeric media have been investigated for both permanent and erasable optical data storage (25). For erasable optical data storage, a great deal of interest has been shown in photorefractive materials (24). Photorefractivity in inorganic crystals such as LiNb0 , BaTi0 , KNb0 , etc. has been widely investigated over an extensive period (24). A more recent entry is by photorefractive polymers which offer advantages of ease of processing and cheaper cost over the traditional inorganic photorefractive materials (25,26). Considering the relatively short history of photorefractive polymers, rapid advances have occurred and their photorefractive figure of merit is now comparable and even better in some regard than that of inorganic crystals (27,28). As mentioned above, photorefractivity is a multifunctional property which is produced by the combined action of photoconductivity and nonlinear optical properties of a material (24). It is a result of the functions of photogeneration, transport, charge trapping, and the electro-optic effect. In a holographic experiment, two beams are crossed to produce intensity interference pattern. The action of light produces charge carriers which move to dark regions, get trapped and set up an internal space-charge modulation field. This space charge field then produces a refractive index modulation (refractive index grating) through the electro-optic effect. This is the holographic grating containing the optical information which can be read by the diffraction of a probe beam. The process of photorefractivity in polymeric systems is differentfromthat in inorganic crystals in that the key parameters affecting the photorefractive behavior are electric field dependent for polymeric systems. The role of the applied dc electric field for the polymeric materials is crucial and multifunctional: (i) it enhances the charge-carrier generation; (ii) it stimulates the transport of the carriers via field-dependent mobility; and (iii) it forces a non-centrosymmetric alignment of chromophores. Polymeric materials for the photorefractive effect have to be optimized for charge photo generation, transport, trapping and electro-optic effect. We have found that by using a polymeric composite structure each of these functionalities can be derived from independent components and thus separately optimized (8,28) A recent polymeric composite developed in our laboratory which exhibits a very high diffraction efficiency of -30% at several wavelengths (633 nm, 514.5 nm, 4881 nm) consists of poly[N-vinyl carbazole] as the charge transporting matrix, fullerene C as photosensitizer, APSS (discussed above) as the electro-optic chromophore and tricresyl phosphate as the plasticizer (28). The plasticizer lowers the Tg of the composite so that it can be electrically poled in situ at room temperature. We have also used a multifunctional polymer containing the charge transporting unit, the electro-optic unit and the Tg lowering unit (its structure given in the earlier section) for photorefractivity. However, the diffraction efficiency is not as high as that of the above composite. In order to achieve high diffraction efficiency, a very high electric field needs to be applied which is a major hurdle in practical application of these materials. The research effort in our laboratory is now directed towards creating a better understanding

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In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



of the processes involved in order to design a composite which would work at lower fields. Another objective of our research on photorefractivity is to understand the kinetics of grating formation and decay. The decay process is particularly important for storage of information. T i 0 NanoparticlesrPolyimide Composite Waveguides. The T i 0 nanoparticles can be used to increase the refractive index of a film to make it more suitable as an optical waveguide (7). We have used the T i 0 nanoparticles prepared by the reverse micelle approach described above. The T i 0 particles prepared with W = 2 were then extracted from the reverse micellar solution by the addition of a known volume of N-methylpyrolidinone (NMP). Phase separation occurred immediately; the particles were extracted in the NMP phase. To the NMP solution containing T i 0 particles, a polyimide solution was added. Then a film was cast on a glass slide using this solution. The film was then baked at 200°C for 30 minutes, followed by heat treatment for 30 minutes at 300°C in a nitrogen atmosphere. The concentration of T i 0 was estimated to be 4% by weight. The optical waveguide loss of this film as a planar waveguide was found to be 1.4 dB/cm at 633 nm. The refractive index of the film was 1.560 compared to 1.550 for a pure polyimide film. 2



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Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Polymer Branch of the US Air Force Wright Laboratory and the Directorate of Chemistry and Life Sciences of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The author acknowledges thanks to Bruce Reinhardt, Professor P. C. Cheng, Dr. J. D. Bhawalkar, Mr. G. S. He, Dr. Deepak Kumar, Mr. G. Ruland, Ms. Manjari Lai and Mr. M. Yoshida for their collaboration. Literature Cited (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

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Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Composites for Photonics


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In Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers; Jenekhe, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.