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P H O T O V O L T Densitometer for CHROMATOGRAPHY
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Use TEMPSCRIBE Recorders
photoelectric precision
instrument for the
rapid, and convenient evaluation of strips and The TEMPSCRIBE self-registering Recording Thermometer meets a longfelt need for a moderately priced recorder for general purpose applications where a graphic record of temperature in surrounding air is required. The record—written on an easy-to-read chart, 4 " in diameter, with graduations spaced uniformly over full range—is indispensable wherever knowledge is desired if temperature goes above or below any given point. TEMPSCRIBE is the only recorder made with pen and actuating element in door, which, when opened, permits a clear view of the complete chart, and easy chart replacement without danger of damaging pen arm or accidentally marking chart. W r i t * for Bulletin 7 0 4
BACHARACH INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENT CO. 7 3 0 1 Penn Avenue · Pittsburgh 8 , Pa.
sheets in filter paper chromatography and paper electrophoresis Write for Bulletin # 8 0 0 to
PHOTOVOLT CORP. 95 Madison Ave. New York 16, Ν . Υ. Also p H meters Colorimeters Fluorimeters Electronic Photometers Reflection Meters Multiplier Photometers Interference Filters
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Complete Line FOR ALL PHASES OF LABORATORY FILTRATIONS Selas Micro-Porous Porcelain laboratory filter w a r e c a n b e used for all t y p e s of l a b o r a t o r y n i t r a t i o n s , from t h e clarification of chemicals t o t h e cold s t e r i l i z a t i o n of p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s . R a p i d , microscopic filtrations a r e possible w i t h Selas M i c r o - P o r o u s P o r c e l a i n filter m e d i a . . . a fine p o r o u s m e m b r a n e w i t h precisely controlled p o r e sizes. All Selas filter w a r e is chemically i n e r t , highly resistant t o heat, a n d mechanically strong.
T h e complete line of Selas filter ware comprises: Filter Crucibles Filters for Micro and Semi-Micro Analyses Filter Funnels Filter Candles _ Special items, incorporating Selas / %fc-_®fe Micro-Porous Porcelain Filter Media are available upon request. WRITE FOR CATALOG
Fluid Processing Division