and timer/sealer, a data processor. This addition enables the computation of the concentration of each element which is then displayed and printed out...
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NEW PRODUCTS Automatic X-Ray Spectrometer A new multi-channel x-ray spectrometer which will determine up to seven elements simultaneously is completely automatic except for changing the specimen. The spectrometer units are equipped with analyzing crystals and detectors selected for the optimal spectrometer conditions for a particular element. A wide variety of crystals and detectors is available. The electronic panel with this instrument contains in addition to the linear amplifier, pulse height analyzer, high voltage supply, and timer/sealer, a data processor. This addition enables the computation of the concentration of each element which is then displayed and printed out as per cent. This instrument is manufactured by Siemens and distributed by Eastern Scientific Sales Co., P. 0. Box 155, Cherry Hill, N. J. 420

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measures total water in all solids except those which decompose below the boiling point of water and those which give off alcohols, amines, or ammonia. The instrument holds up to 3.5 cc. of sample and determinations are complete in 10 to 25 minutes. Operating on the coulometric principle, the instrument has an extended dynamic range of 1 ^g. to 10 mg. H 2 0. Accuracy of the final reading as verified using pure water is ± 2 % . Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 360 Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif.

421 Automatic Membrane Osmometer Dohrmann Instruments and Stabin Instruments have introduced an automatic membrane osmometer which is based on the instrument designed by Shell Development Co. Certain modifications and very precise machining have improved overall accuracy and stability. Number average molecular weights of polymers may be determined in minutes. Dohrmann Instruments Co., 990 Varian St., San Carlos, Calif. 422 Circle No. 70 on Readers' Service Card