Fully stabilized, simple, usable with all types of electrodes. Write for Bulletin #195. $135. High Precision. pH Meter Model 110. Single range 0-14, s...
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Gate" for corrosive


The Daniel Simplex Honed Flow Section In laboratories and plant installations where flow measure­ ment accuracy is a critical factor, you'll find the Daniel Simplex Honed Flow Section right at home, taking "toll" of corrosive fluids. This precise measurement tool is furnished in carbon steel or 304 stainless steel to withstand severe attack by cor­ rosive agents. Each tube is carefully honed to exact inside diameters and finished to a smooth, 45-60 micro-inch roughness. The popular Simplex orifice plate holder provides for fast, simple platechanging. It may be used with any type of differential recorder, and handles pressures from 0 to 1440 p.s.i. (Gage) c.w.p., or 600 lbs. A.S.A. in sizes from VA" to 6". The unit is shipped complete with one stainless steel orifice plate bored to your specifications. Send today for your copy of our catalog Section " O " for full details on Daniel Honed Flow Sections.





Los Angeles, California 3352 Union Pacific Ave. ANgelus 9-9206

Houston, Texas P. 0. Box 19097 HOmestead 5-3451

Circle No. 61 on Readers' Service Card


A complete line of pH meters, incorporating permanently frictionless taut-suspension indicating meters, modern electronic tubes and circuits. Simple in operation and maintenance; featuring sealed amplifier plug-in units.

Electronic pH METERS High Precision pH Meter Model 110

Two-way pH Meter Model 85

Single range 0-14, scale length 7", readable to 0.02 pH unit. Temperature control 0-100° C, voltage selector for 80-260 volts. Available — carrying cover and baseboard for bottles, beakers. Write for Bulletin #105

Single range 0-14, scale length 3", readable to 0.05 pH Unit. Available— compact battery pack for field use ($38.00 addtl.). Fully stabilized, simple, usable with all types of electrodes. Write for Bulletin #195



Standard Laboratory pH Meter Model 115

Portable pH Meter Model 125 Single range 0-14, scale length 5V2", readable to 0.03 pH unit. Only 3 batteries, standard radio type, 2,000 hours of service. Available — carrying frame for instrument, beakers, bottles. Write for Bulletin #118

• Single range 0-14, scale length 4", readable to 0.05 pH unit. • Temperature control 20-100° C, available with carrying case. • Additional millivolt scale for redox measurements and titrations. Write for Bulletin #225


$175 Tester Model 25 for Checking and Adjusting pH Meters A compact, inexpensive instrument without batteries; for checking performance of PH0T0V0LT and other pH meters. Requires neither electrodes nor buffers. Write for Bulletin #138 $ 6 8

P H O T O V O L T C O R P O R A T I O N 95 Madison Avenue, New York 16, Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 42 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 52, N O . 12



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