Physical and Chemical Methods of Sugar Analysis: A Practical and

Physical and Chemical Methods of Sugar Analysis: A Practical and Descriptive Treatise for Use in Research, Technical, and Control Laboratories. Third ...
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The other principal types of compounds fallow in the usual sequence. Tables, such as the one showing the relationships between acids and their various derivatives, are excellent teaching aids. The frequent discussion of aliphatic and aromatic types simultaneously is a time-savingarrangement. The subject matter included is clearly presented and has been. in the main, well chosen. he chapter on amino acids and Proteins, however, seems too brief for the students for whom the hook is intended; there is no mention of such important amino acids as tyrosine and tryptophane nor of the various dasses of simple proteins. I n a few theoretical sections brevity may be secured a t the expense of clarity. The chapters on the more advanced topics are very interesting. The survey of recent developments in aliphatic chemistry cannot fail t o impress the reader with the extraordinary usefulness and versatility of the hydrocarbons. Such a treatment will probably give the goad student a keener aPPreciation of the possibilities of organic chemistry than if the material were scattered throughout the text. The authors are t o be congratulated on the modernity of these chapters. New methods of re paring old intermediates are given, and there is informationonsuch recent products as Lucite. Vinyon, and Nylon, and bacteriocidal agents. such as sulfaguanidine and benzyllauryldimeth~lammoium chloride (the latter in the section on Coal Tar Products). The chapter on natural products includes an introduction to the essential oils, the terpenes, alkaloids, pigments, vitamins, and hormones. The twenty-five laboratory experiments, chosen to meet the needs of these groups of students, show a reasonable balance between standard syntheses for teaching organic methods, and test tube experiments to illustrate properties. There are also four experiments for extracting material from natural products, such a s lecithin from egg yolk. Of questionable advantage is the inclusion in the laboratory directions of complete equations for the reactions encountered. Some teachers prefer t o have such equations given in the descriptive portions of the text, so that students must look them up and hence learn to relate the theoretical and practical work. This disadvantage may be counteracted, however, by the use of the questions after the experiments and proper oral quizzing assuggested by the authors. Since adequate tents for the dasses of students for ~ h o m this book is intended are scarce, this book should meet areal need. ELIZABETH DYER


F ~ A M E N T A 0s L S QUALITATIVE CHEMICALANALYSIS. ROY K. McAlpinc, Ph.D., and B r o n A. Soule. Sc.D., University of Michigan. Second Edition. D. Van Nostrand Company, 375 pp. 4 figs. 12 tables. Inc., New York City, 1941. xi 13.5 X 21.5 cm. $2.50.


he second edition of this book follows the same general plan .,the first edition and should continue to serve iatisfactorily for the second semester course of college in which qualitati,, analysis is presented. in the first edition the first four .hapters include review material and a consideration of some important theoretical aspects of qualitative analysis. Chapter VI treats the lead, silver, mercury (om) group. Common compounds and reactions are first described and following this the precipitation of the group is discussed. Next are given directions for the precipitation of the group and the separation and identification of the cations. The of the chapter a .,tain, review of observations to be used in reporting unknowns, an excellent discussion of the relation the group t o other cation groups, an explanation of the chemistry of the group. and a list of problems and laboratory exercises. The remainder of the cation analysis is treated in a similar manner in VIII to XIII inclusive. Chapter VII is devoted t o study aids. Chapters XIV and XV take up the identification of some common ,id radicals. ~h~~~ two chapters leave much to be desired. chapters XVI and XVII deal with the analysis af dry u*nowns, Chapter IV, which treats the Ionization Theory in Analytical Pmesses, has heen rewritten and expanded. Chapter V, in ~ h i c hthe student is introduced to laboratory technic, has been expanded to include several pages of description of semimicro technic. The second .zdition of this book should continue t o serve both instructor and student well. I t must he considered a valuable addition t o the chemical literature. LYMANJ. WOOD Lours UNrveas'Ty ST. ~ o m s~ SCHooL , ~ s s o Oxu ~ r

FUNDAMENTALS oa CHEMISTRY.L. Jmn Bogert, Ph.D.. formerly Instructor in the Department of Medicine, University of Chicago; Instructor in Experimental Medicine, Yale Medical School, and Lecturer in Chemistry, Connecticut Training School for Nurses, New Haven; Professor of Food Economics UNIYBI(SIZY OP DELAWIRB NBWARK, DELIWA~B and Nutrition, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan; Research Chemist, Obstetrical Department, Henry Ford PRYSICAL AND CHEMICAL M~~~~~~ SUGAR A ~ A ~ Hospital, ~ Detroit. ~ Fifth ~Edition, ~Revised. ~ W. B. Saunden , Company* Philadelphia and London, 1g41. xix +8'5 pp. PRACTICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE TREATISE FOR USE INRESEARCH, AND CONTROL LABORATORIES. C. A. Broune. 74 figs. 13.5 19.5 TECANICAL, I n recognition of the demand by schools of home economics Ph.D., Formerly Research Chemist of the Louisiana Sugar for~a textbook twhich covers the fundamentals of in~ ~station; chief ~ of the~ i ~S.t ~andr ~nursing ~ ~~ b ~ ~U. y , organic, organic, and physiological chemistry on an elementary Bureau of Chemistry; Chemist in Charge of the New Pork sugar ~~~d~ ~ ~ b and ~chief ~of the~ U. S.t ~ u r~e a uof~ level, ; this well-known textbook has been expanded in the fifth Chemistry, and F. W. Zerban, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge of edition by the addition of several new chapters on organic chemthe New York Sugar Trade Laboratory (Formerly Research istry and its applications to physiology. The chapter on vitamins revisions chemist of the ~ ~sugar ~ ~ ~istation; ~~~i r ~ c t io rhas ~ been ~ rewritten ~ ~ and throughout i~ ~the book extensive ~ ~ have been made in developments. The of the sugar ~ ~station of pem; ~ and ~ Chem~ i ~ line with recent ~ ~ t treatment ist of the Pnerto Rico Sugar Planters' Experiment Station). is primarily factual. No attempt is made t o incorporate more ~ h i ~~ dd i t i ~ john ~ , wiley and sons, h c . , ~ e york w City, than a smattering of atomic structure, and radioactivity is covered in two pages. The Arrhenius theory of electrolytic solutions 1941. xiv 1353 pp. 332 figs. 15 X 23 cm. $15.00. The earlier editions have been well recognized as standard only is mentioned and none of the basic concepts of chemistry are valuable handbooks of sugar analysis. ~h~ present edition has developed systematicauy. The sections devoted to purely descriptive chemistry are remarkably free from misleading stateto bring it up to date,, It is a comprehen. heen entirely sive treatment of all phases of the analysis of sugars, with special ments. The textbook is successful in the bands of students who have studied chemistry in secondary schools and may be recomreference to cane and beet sugan (sucrose) and the estimation f, sugars in foods. It is an invaluable reference book for sugar them. mended as a text for short courses in applied chemistry where ists and food analysts. chemists who are engaged in general factual knowledge of the subject is stressed, rather than training in the use of the scientific method. The hooklet of Study Plans. carbohydrate research will find it valuable for reference concern. issued with previous editions, is not available for the present voling analytical methods. ume. C. S. HUDSON LAURENCE S. FOSTER


