"Physical Biology - From Atoms to Cells" - C&EN Global Enterprise

DOI: 10.1021/cen-v085n036.p002. Publication Date: September 03, 2007. Copyright © 2007 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News ...
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S M ConfKeifce oifChemical Research Ocflft- 22nd & 13rd, 2007 [




Houston, Texas

"Physical Biology • From Atoms to Cells" Conference Chair: Ahmed H. Zewail

The 2007 Welch Conference is-sOTUlÎreifeto, provide a broad perspective on current state-of-the-art m e t h ^ p j c ^ ' ^ i ^ l ^ l ^ ^ ^ j t r a l to chemical and biological behavior. The two-day c p i ^ r ^ ^ ^ p é S i ^ ^ s i o n s broadly covering the following topics: V i s u a l i z ^ n i | ^ f e ^ ^ ^ | | ^ m p u t a t i o n for Complexity, Macromolecular Function, Mnà^FroFrÎfÔeliétt^ The conference brings together 18 of the woria^^éfafcaj^BîHi^cientists in the areas covered. These areas include m i c r o s c c î p ^ p ^ | a ^ @ p microfluidics, single-molecule spectroscopy, protein folding anaHn^gg^j?5lbiological assemblies, molecular and systems biology, and consciousnefi§Md quantum mechanics of the brain

Speakers Sir John M. Thomas University of Cambridge "Revolutionary Developments from Atomic to Extended Structural Imaging" Sir John E.Walker University of Cambridge "Rotary Motors at Atomic-Scale Resolution" Stephen Quake Stanford University "Microfluidic Large Scale Integration" Carlos J. Bustamante University of California, Berkeley "Biological Single-Molecule Spectroscopy" Peter G. Wolynes University of California, San Diego "Protein Folding and Beyond" Michèle Parrinello Swiss Federal Institute of Technology "Simulating Complexity: Challenges and Progress in Atomistic Simulations"

Rob Phillips California Institute of Technology "The Physics of Genome Management" Roderick MacKinnon The Rockfeller University "The Mysterious Cell Membrane" Christopher M. Dobson University of Cambridge "Protein Misfolding and Disease" David A. Tirrell California Institute of Technology "Alternative Translations of RNA Messages" George M. Whitesides Harvard University "Why is it so Difficult to Design Ligands that Bind to Proteins" Noel S. Hush University of Sydney "Symmetry Breaking, Derealization and Dynamics in Electron Transfer Systems"

For a conference program and online registration go to:

www.welchl .org/chemicalconference/

William H. Miller University of California, Berkeley "Using the Initial Value Representation of Semiclassical Theory to Add Quantum Effects to Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations" David Baltimore California Institute of Technology "Inflammation: NF-κΒ and MicroRNAs Play Their Roles" Leroy Hood Institute for Systems Biology "Systems Biology Will Transform Medicine" Christof Koch California Institute of Technology "The Neurobiology of Consciousness"

Discussion Leaders Roger D. Komberg Stanford University J. Andrew McCammon University of California, San Diego Douglas C. Rees California Institute of Technology Alexander Varshavsky California Institute of Technology