Physical chemistry at USAFA: Personalized instruction

er-managed instruction (CMI) and computer-aided instruc- tion (CAI) ... The contrast, the physical chemistry laboratory course .... Probably the best ...
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Physical Chemistry at USAFA: Personalized Instruction Lany P. Davis, Donn M. Storch, and Lany D. Strawser United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80840 A personalized method of instruction has been used in the junior-level physical chemistry course a t the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) for two years. Use of computer-managed instruction (CMI) and computer-aided instruction (CAI) allows efficient use of instructor time. This results in more instructor-student interaction, better use of classroom time, and thorough understanding in the areas covered as measured with standardized examinations. Background History of Teaching Physical Chemistry a t USAFA Physical chemistry at the Air Force Academy (USAFA) is similar to other undergraduate physical chemistry courses a t most colleges with a "lectureflab" format. The students (or cadets) meet in the classroom for one hour on alternate davs. Each semester has 42 lesson days and because of the altkrnate day scheduling of Academy classes runs approximately 17 weeks. The laboratory course is separate and meets for two hours on alternate days. In the past, the classroom course was taught as a traditional lecture course; the amount of information covered and the pace of teaching was a compromise between challenging top students and allowing for less capable students. The course normally has an excellent teacher-to-student ratio of approximately 1:12. In the fall the lecture course topics include gas laws, thermodynamics, solutions, phase diagrams, and kinetics. The spring semester lecture topics include svmmetrv. ".atomic and molecular auantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and statistical thermodynamics. The contrast. the phvsical chemistrv laboratorv course offers more student friedom. The laboratory coursek highly inrlividunlizrd. Each student works inde~endentl\,on a sequence of experiments that he or she chboses. he experi-


Journal of Chemical Education

ments are selected from a list of more than 50 possible experiments arranged into six groups hased on the theory or procedure involved. Each student is required to perform eight experiments of which six must he from different groups. The student then works independently to develop and perform the procedure and submit a written report by the due date. Certain asDects of courses at the Academv are not within the control bf the instructor. Final examinations are reauired to he com~rehensiveand must carrv a weieht of a t lkast 25% of the total points available in tde course. In the physical chemist^ lecture course. we have used the ACS 'n;ermodynamics'test (1973 version) for the past 12 years. This test provides a comprehensive evaluation of fall semester workand also offers a method of comparing student performance against a standard. We supplement this test with a separate section covering nonthermodynamic material. For the spring semester we have used the ACS Quantum Mechanics test (1973 version, also supplemented) for 12 years. Historically, the average results of our students on these exams range from the 50th percentile to the 76th percentile. The Problem The problem can be summarized as too much to do and not enough time to do it. Each student participates in academic studies, military training, and physical training. Cadets in their third "ear a t the Academv. (the time when our . chemistry majors rake physical chemistry) are unsigned milimr\ duties involvt*din the day-to-diw weratiun uf the cadet military organization. ~ddi