Physical Chemistry in the Petroleum Industry - Advances in Chemistry

Physical Chemistry in the Petroleum Industry ... impaired except for the application of experimental data and associated generalizations concerning th...
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Physical Chemistry in the Petroleum Industry Β. H. SAGE

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1951 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1951-0005.ch031

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 4, Calif.

Understanding of the physical and chemical principles relating to the production and refining of petroleum has contributed to the emergence of a truly chemical industry based upon petroleum as a raw material. This transition would have been retarded and its ultimate accomplishment impaired except for the application of experimental data and associated generalizations concerning the physical properties of hydrocarbons by the technical personnel of the industry at large. The contributions of numerous investigators to the background of experimental informationand its correlation for the petroleum industry are described and a brief review of the more pertinent literature is presented.

T h e scope of physical chemistry as related to the petroleum industry includes regions in which the subject matter crosses other fields of science. The subject is bounded i n part by organic chemistry, thermodynamics, mechanics, and structural chemistry. The present treatment of physical chemistry, which is limited to the period from 1925 to 1950, considers only the physical properties of nonionic phases of direct interest to the producing and refining activities of the petroleum industry. Under these circumstances the fields of physical chemistry can be divided broadly into phenomena pertaining to equilibrium and those i n which divergences from equilibrium are of primary concern. The treatment of equilibrium has been subdivided into the characteristics of hydrocarbon phases which are concerned with volumetric and phase behavior and the thermal, surface, and optical prop­ erties of the systems of interest. Only properties relating to rheological processes and material and thermal transfer have been considered i n the nonequilibrium field. This classification is somewhat arbitrary and other subdivisions would be possible. I n the interest of brevity, no consideration has been given to electrolytic solutions, which often are of importance i n the production of petroleum and i n some of the refining operations of the industry. I n the petroleum industry the influence of pressure upon the properties of fluids is important. I n production practice, pressures i n excess of 10,000 pounds per square inch (37) appear to be of interest and the hydrogénation of petroleum (51, 69) may involve even higher pressures. Such pressures materially influence the physical and chemical equilibrium of these systems. The magnitude of this effect results from the fact that the partial volumes (43) of many of the components of petroleum are large, thus making their chemical potential (21) or fugacity (42) markedly susceptible to changes i n pressure. For this reason many of the earlier generalizations concerning the effect of pressure upon the volumetric (6, 73) and phase behavior (55) of substances did not describe the effect of pressure upon the characteristics of hydrocarbon systems with sufficient accuracy for engineering needs. I t is not possible to neglect the effects of pressure on the viscosity of either liquid (3, 60) or gaseous (74) hydrocarbon phases or to treat the interfacial tension 372

In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

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of such phases as functions of temperature and composition only. I n many instances the effects of pressure upon the thermal and component diffusion constants (10, 75) cannot be neglected. The early work of Gibbs (22) i n the field of statistical mechanics, which has been supplemented and extended b y many workers (20, 72), has assisted i n the interpretation and coordination of experimental results. The science of statistical mechanics has been of particular value i n establishing the heat capacity of hydrocarbons at infinite attenuation. However, much progress must be made before it will be possible to predict from statistical mechanics the characteristics of a phase from a knowledge of its state. The period be­ tween 1925 and 1950 has been characterized b y substantial progress i n the accumulation of experimental data from which concordant theories or generalizations may be devel­ oped. The petroleum industry is interested in processes involving both physical and chemical changes. The present discussion is limited to situations where no change i n the molecular species is involved. A substantial part of the experimental facts which are reviewed often is of direct use i n the prediction of the tendencies toward and the rates of chemical reac­ tion. Transfer processes are of importance, particularly a detailed knowledge of the effects of the motion of fluid (1, 34). During the period covered b y this discussion some progress has been made i n the field of fluid mechanics. However, much still is to be learned about the basic nature of turbulence and its influence upon transfer processes. Work is required in the analysis of fluid flow under conditions where large changes i n the properties of the phases are encountered within a given flowing system. The groundwork of thermodynamics was well systematized by Gibbs (21), who based his work upon the earlier considerations of Clausius and Carnot. The principal relations of interest i n multicomponent systems have been systematically presented b y Goranson (23). The close interrelation of heat and work i n flowing systems of changing composi­ tion, velocity, and elevation under conditions where irreversible processes are of con­ trolling importance has been considered i n some detail by E c k a r t (18). Onsager (52) has made unusual contributions i n pointing out the interrelation of the several transfer coefficients involved i n such processes. The importance of the changes i n thermodynamic, rheological, and transfer charac­ teristics of fluids with position can be exaggerated only with difficulty. I n a large number of processes encountered i n the petroleum industry, the variations i n state within a single flowing stream result i n significant changes i n many of the intensive properties of the phases. The average values of these properties often do not yield results sufficiently descriptive of actuality for engineering needs. It is probable that the petroleum industry will become increasingly interested in the microscopic approach to the characteristics of systems which are not at mechanical or thermodynamic equilibrium. A n adequate experimental background of facts concerning the rheological properties of hydrocarbon fluids appears to be increasingly desirable, as more interest is given to the microscopic aspects of momentum, thermal, and material transfer processes.

Equilibrium Phenomena For present purposes discussion of equilibrium phenomena is divided into the fields of phase equilibria, volumetric behavior, thermal properties, and surface characteristics. The subject matter is limited to a number of the components and their mixtures which are found i n petroleum. T h e phenomena are restricted to those involving properties i n which time does not enter as a variable. The elimination of time follows from the basic characteristic of an equilibrium state i n which the properties of the system are invariant. The phase equilibrium of mixtures is characterized b y the following equalities: (1) ρω

= p(2> — p o )

(2) (3)

In these equations the superscript parenthetical figures refer to individual phases. In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.


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Τ is temperature, Ρ is pressure, and / is the fugacity of the component. I n Equation 3 subscript k refers to each component of the system. I n the present discussion the fugac­ i t y (42) is employed i n preference to the chemical potential (21). Earlier i n the history of the petroleum industry, Raoult's (56) and Dalton's laws were applied to equilibrium at pressures considerably above that of the atmosphere. These relationships, which assume perfect gas laws and additive volumes i n the gas phase and zero volume for the liquid phase, prove to be of practical utility only a t low pressures. Henry's law was found to be a useful approximation only for gases which were of low solubility and at reduced pressures less than unity. Beattie (2) and coworkers opened a new approach to the description of the phase behavior of pure substances and mixtures through more accurate equations of state. A n extension of the Beattie-Bridgeman equation (2) has been developed b y Benedict, Webb, and R u b i n (4). I t describes the volumetric behavior of mixtures of the lighter hydro­ carbons i n both the liquid and gas phases with sufficient accuracy to permit its employ­ ment i n evaluating the fugacity as a function of state. I t appears that the equation of state offers one of the most useful methods of generalizing the phase behavior of mixtures of the lighter paraffin hydrocarbons. The chief difficulty i n the application of such equa­ tions lies i n establishing the requisite constants for the components of high molecular weight. Recent work (11) has indicated the feasibility of utilizing commercially avail­ able automatic digital computing equipment to evaluate the properties of the coexisting phases i n heterogeneous hydrocarbon mixtures b y use of the Benedict equation of state. Table I presents a summary of some of the literature pertinent to the phase behavior of a number of the lighter components of petroleum, listing publications. I n this table the specific references for each subject are identified b y an index number applicable to an American Documentation Institute reference (59). The large number of entries involved does not permit the inclusion of the specific references as part of this discussion. T h e marked increase i n publication found i n the past five years appears typical of the general growth of research activities, although i n part i t may result from a more complete litera­ ture search i n this period. Table I.

Publications Concerning Phase Equilibria

Status ComMixponent ture 8

Subject Azeotropes Correlations Critical state Miscellaneous

6 7 4

9 7 -

Carbon dioxide Hydrogen sulfide Nitrogen Water Natural gas Crude oil Hydrocarbons, general Methane Ethane Propane Propene n-Butane Isobutane 1-Butène η-Pen ane Pentene n-Hexane Benzene n-Heptane n-Octane Nonane Decane Heavier

10 7 8 10 9 8 9 7 8 7 6 8 4 6 8 6 5 4 6


4* 3 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 4 7 4 6 2 3 5 2 3 4 6

Cumulative Total Number * 1930 1935 1940 1945

1Θ25 0 1 7 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

0 3 8 2 1


0 0 0 0 0


0 2 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 1 0

1 0 1


2 0 2 0 0



Index Number

0 5 11 2

0 12 21 3

1 19 27 10

8 40 29 15

1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4


3 2 1 10 4 5 7 16 4 12 0 6 0 2 3 0 6 12 7 4 3 2

4 2 1 16 12 9 8 20 7 15 1 9 2 5 4 0 7 13 9 5 4 2

6 3 5 21 17 15 14 32 12 17 3 22 5 8 7 3 11 20 14 11 6 11

1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27

0 8 2 2 6 2 2 5 0 3 0

1 2 2


Total • Author's estimate of statue of studies in comparison with potential use by industry expressed on a prob­ ability scale extending from 0 to 10. , b Publications are predominantly American; foreign references which have come to author s attention nave been included. American Documentation Institute (59). «l Mixtures reported under each of pure substances listed. c

In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.






200 100




20 10

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AA /







S 20 α ^






/ rw















Figure 1.




Cumulative References Pertaining to Several Fields in Physical Chemistry

Figure 1 presents the cumulative totals of references found i n the several fields of physical chemistry considered here. The literature listing is not exhaustive, but represents only references that have come to the attention of the author. Azeotropes have become of increasing industrial importance. The basic theory concerning their behavior presented by Kuenen (39) and Roozeboom (56) remains the classic contribution. Horsiey (28, 29) and Lecat (40) have summarized the recent advances i n this field. I t is probable that much additional experimental work must be completed to establish the details of the behavior of azeotropic mixtures of industrial interest. T h e absence of adequate experimental data is particularly acute at elevated pressures. T h e behavior of azeotropes at elevated pressures is becoming increasingly important to the petroleum industry and will necessitate meticulous experimental investigations, as the generalization of the behavior of azeotropes is more difficult than for normal systems. The concept of ideal solutions (41) was used b y the industry early i n the period covered b y this discussion. Hydrocarbons follow this type of behavior with reasonable accuracy at pressures somewhat above their vapor pressures. However, important divergences occur at higher pressures. Serious deviations from ideal solutions are experienced for components at reduced temperatures markedly greater than unity. Lewis (48) proposed a modified type of ideal solution b y neglecting the volume of the liquid phase. This modification simplified the application of the concept. The Lewis generalization has been widely employed b y the industry. In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

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Brown and coworkers (85, 64) contributed to the correlation of the phase behavior of hydrocarbons by considering that the ratio of the fugacity of a hydrocarbon component in a phase to the mole fraction of that component is a single-valued function of pressure and temperature. This ratio is not necessarily equal to the fugacity of the component i n the pure state at the same pressure and temperature. This equality would be required for an ideal solution. Generalization of this ratio as a function of the reduced temperature and pressure has been the basis of many of the correlations which are referred to i n Table I . The concept of the pseudocritical state (88) has assisted materially i n the generalization of the behavior of mixtures. However, the estimation of the pseudocritical temperature and pressure proves to be troublesome unless recourse is had to the volumetric methods originally proposed by K a y (88). The equilibrium ratio denned as the ratio of the mole fraction of a component i n the gas phase to that i n the coexisting liquid phase (36) has proved to be a useful means of correlating the phase behavior of hydrocarbons. However, i t has been found (61) that the equilibrium ratios at a given temperature and pressure are markedly influenced b y the nature and amount of the other components present. The Benedict (4) equation of state has opened a new avenue to the correlation of the phase behavior of hydrocarbons. However, the extent of the iterative calculations required to determine the properties of the coexisting phases has prevented its widespread adoption. Recently the concept of convergence pressures (58, 76) has gained acceptance i n the industry. This pressure is presumed to be that at which the equilibrium ratios approach unity. However, for a given mixture a true convergence pressure exists only at the critical temperature of the mixture. A t present, by appropriate choice of one of the aforementioned methods, the phase behavior of hydrocarbons can be predicted with reasonable accuracy under most of the conditions of interest. A n important exception occurs i n the case of retrograde dew point states, when the nature and amount of the heavier hydrocarbons present i n small quantities may be of controlling importance. This uncertainty i n predicting the behavior of a system may well prevail until the large number of compounds of intermediate and high molecular weight can be identified. The use of characterization factors to identify the group of hydrocarbons of greater molecular weight than decane has proved satisfactory for predicting the bubble point state, but those factors are not adequate for correlating the experimental dew point data. The final part of Table I is devoted to a summary of the available data concerning specific components and their mixtures. Recently there has been a material increase i n the available data concerning isomers of the lighter hydrocarbons. However, the field is large and many mixtures still exist for which no experimental data are available and for which the existing methods of prediction still are inadequate.

Volumetric Behavior The early application of volumetric data for hydrocarbons made use of the perfect gas laws. They were not sufficiently descriptive of the actual behavior to permit their widespread use at pressures i n excess of several hundred pounds per square inch. T h e need for accurate metering aroused interest i n the volumetric behavior of petroleum and its products at elevated pressures. Table I I reviews references relating to the volumetric behavior of a number of components of petroleum and then- mixtures. F o r many purposes the ratio of the actual volume to the volume of a perfect gas at the same pressure and temperature has been considered to be a single-valued function of the reduced pressure and temperature or of the pseudo-reduced (88) pressure and temperature. The proposals of Dodge (16), Lewis (12), and B r o w n (8) with their coworkers serve as examples of the nature of these correlations. The Beattie-Bridgeman (2) and Benedict (4) equations of state describe the volumetric behavior of many pure substances and their mixtures with an accuracy adequate (81) for most purposes. However, at pressures above 3000 pounds per square inch the accuracy of representation with existing constants leaves something to be desired. W i t h regard to the nonhydrocarbon components, the references listed i n Table I I are In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.



Table II.

Publications Concerning Volumetric Behavior

Status" Subject


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Compressibility Correlations Equations of state Miscellaneous Carbon dioxide Hydrogen sulfide Nitrogen Water Natural gas Crude oil Methane Ethane Propane Propene n-Butane Isobutane 1-Butène π-Pentane n-Hexane Benzene n-Heptane n-Octane Decane

8 7 8


10 6 10 10 9 8 9 6 8 5 5 6 5 8 6 5 6


Cumulative Total Number & 1945 1940 1935 1930


1 3 8 3 5 0 8 4 4 4 6 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0

7 11 12 10 3 3 8 3 8 3 16 6 5 4 9 2 1 4 1 2 1 0 3

8 12 20 12 3 4 8 3 13 6 22 6 7 5 11 2 2 4 1 6 1 2 3




tu re


7 7 6

0 0 0 0

1 0 5 0

3 1 5 3

5 4 10 6

0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 6 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 7 2 4 0 4 2 2 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0





3 5 6 8 8 8 4 6 3 6 3 3 4 4 6 4 4 6

Index Number


II-l II-2 II-3 II-4 II-5 H-6 II-7 II-8 II-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23

Author's estimate of status of studies in comparison with potential use by industry expressed on a probabil­ ity scale extending from 0 to 10. & Publications are predominantly American; foreign references which have come to author s attention have been included. American Documentation Institute (69). Publications are predominantly American; foreign references which have come to author's attention have been included. American Documentation Institute (69). 4 Data for components pertain to self-diffusion and techniques for measurements of this quantity have been developed only recently. * Mixtures are reported under each of components.

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i t y expressions designated b y Onsager (52) have indicated the basic relationships i n a field which has received but little attention since the early work of M a x w e l l [50). R e ­ cently a summary of the diffusion constants of a large number of actual gases and liquids (70) became available. Hirschfelder (14) has considered multicomponent diffusion from the viewpoint of statistical mechanics. The microscopic consideration of diffusionai processes has not received the attention given to the analogous aspects of the thermal transfer of energy. The large variations i n the diffusion coefficient with change of state and the marked changes i n volume during diffusion have complicated the analysis of these processes from the microscopic standpoint. A s i n the discussion of thermal transfer, no consideration has been given to the effects of flow processes or convective influences upon material transfer. Table V I I I summarizes the references that relate to diffusion coefficients of interest to the petroleum industry.

Conclusions Physical chemistry and related sciences have played an increasingly important role i n the explanation and prediction of physical phenomena which are useful i n the production and processing of petroleum. Knowledge of the volumetric and phase behavior of hydro­ carbons has so developed that such properties may be predicted with reasonable accuracy at most of the states of interest except those near retrograde dew point. The inability to describe with certainty the composition of many hydrocarbon mixtures i n terms of their components places a severe limitation on the prediction of the volumetric and phase be­ havior of petroleum and of mixtures of its components. Thermodynamics has been a useful tool i n predicting physical and chemical equilibria and i n determining the heat and work associated with actual processes. Progress has been made i n the application of the third law of thermodynamics i n conjunction with heat capacity data at low temperatures to predict the chemical potential or free energy of numerous pure hydrocarbons. T h e background of thermodynamic data at elevated pressures for both the gas and liquid phases has increased materially and useful equations of state now are available. They permit the accurate estimation of the volume, enthalpy, and entropy of the lighter hydrocarbons and their mixtures over the greater part of the range of pressures and temperatures of industrial interest. Predictions of thermodynamic properties based on the law of corresponding states also have proved useful. The optical characteristics of many of the pure hydrocarbons have been investigated extensively. This situation is particularly true i n regard to the index of refraction under ambient laboratory conditions, as this property has proved to be a useful analytical tool. The background of experimental work remains insufficient to permit estimations of the interfacial tension between hydrocarbon phases and between hydrocarbon and solid or aqueous phases. However, satisfactory experimental techniques have been developed and the pertinent experimental facts should be forthcoming if the industrial need continues. In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

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Limited information concerning surface tensions under atmospheric conditions is available for a variety of hydrocarbons. In the field of rheology, primary emphasis has been placed upon Newtonian fluids. A t low pressures there are adequate viscosity data concerning hydrocarbon phases to per­ mit useful generalizations. Only limited information on the effect of pressure on the viscosities of liquids and gases has been obtained. However, the rapid changes i n vis­ cosity with state i n the critical region make difficult the prediction of viscosity i n many flowing systems»of interest i n the production of petroleum. Advances i n fluid mechanics have increased the importance of knowledge of rheological properties of petroleum, for it is now possible to predict with some certainty the velocity i n a flowing fluid as a function of time and spatial position if requisite physicochemicai properties have been measured. The increased understanding of turbulence and the extension of the analysis of poten­ tial flow have made possible the consideration of many thermal and material transfer problems which formerly were not susceptible to analysis. However, at present the application of such methods is hampered b y the absence of adequate information con­ cerning the thermal conductivities and diffusion coefficients of the components of petro­ leum. T h e diffusion coefficient i n particular is markedly influenced b y the state of the phase. F o r this reason much experimental effort will be required to obtain the requisite experimental background to permit the quantitative application of the recent advances i n fluid mechanics and potential theory to dynamic transfer problems of practical interest.

Acknowledgment The author's efforts i n this field during the past two decades have been directed b y the interest and financial support of the American Petroleum Institute through Project 37. W . N . Lacey rendered sympathetic assistance and constructive guidance i n the preparation of this material. The assistance of Helen De W i t t and Elizabeth M c L a u g h l i n in connection with the assembly of the references utilized i n this review is gratefully acknowledged.

Literature Cited (1) Bakhmeteff, Β. Α., " T h e Mechanics of Turbulent Flow," Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1941. (2) Beattie, J . Α., and Bridgeman, O. C., Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 63, 229-308 (1928). (3) Beecher, C.E.,and Parkhurst, I. P., Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., Petroleum Development and Technology, pp. 51-63 (1926). (4) Benedict, M . , Webb, G . B., and Rubin, L. C., J. Chem. Phys., 10, 747-58 (1942). (5) Berg, C., and Bradley, W. E., Petroleum Eng., 18, 115-18 (1947). (6) Berthelot, D., Trav. et Mem. Bur. intern. Poids et Mas., p. 113 (1903). (7) Bichowsky, F . R., and Rossini, F . D., "The Thermochemistry of the Chemical Substances," New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1936. (8) Brown, G . G., Souders, M . , Jr., and Smith, R. L . , Ind. Eng. Chem., 24, 513-15 (1932). (9) Brown, M . G., Oil Gas J., 42, No. 35, 42-4 (1944). (10) Chapman, S., and Cowling, T . G., "The Mathematical Theory of Nonuniform Gases," London, Cambridge University Press, 1939. (11) Connolly, T .J.,Frankel, S. P., and Sage, Β.H.,Elec. Eng., 70, 47 (1951); A I E E , Misc. Paper 50-259; American Documentation Institute, Document 3036. (12) Cope, J . Q., Lewis, W. K . , and Weber, H. C., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23, 887-92 (1931). (13) Corcoran, W . H . , Roudebush, B., and Sage, Β. H . , Chem. Eng. Progress, 43, 135-42 (1947). (14) Curtiss, C. F., and Hirschfelder, J . O., J. Chem. Phys., 17, 550-5 (1949). (15) Dodge, B. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24, 1353-63 (1932). (16) Douglas, H . W., Rev. Sci. Instruments (England), 27, 67-9 (1950). (17) Douslin, D . R., and Huffman, H. M., J. Am. Chem.Soc.,68, 173-6 (1946). (18) Eckart, Carl, Phys. Rev., 58, 267-75 (1940). (19) Edmister, W. C., Petroleum Refiner, Part 2 (November 1948 to December 1949). (20) Fowler, R. H . , "Statistical Mechanics, The Theory of the Property of Matter in Equilibrium," London, Cambridge University Press, 1936. (21) Gibbs, J . W., "Collected Works," Vol. I, New York, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1931. (22) Ibid., Vol. II. (23) Goranson, R. W., "Thermodynamic Relations in Multicomponent Systems," Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1930. (24) Gore, R. C., Anal. Chem., 22, 7-11 (1950). (25) Hauser, Ε. Α., and Michaels, A. S., J. Phys. and Colloid Chem., 52, No. 7, 1157-65 (1948).

In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1951 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1951-0005.ch031



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In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.