Physical Methods in Modern Chemical Analysis ... - ACS Publications

Physical Methods in Modern Chemical Analysis. Volume 1 (Kuwana, Theodore). Alvin L. Beilby. J. Chem. Educ. , 1980, 57 (2), p A58. DOI: 10.1021/ed057pA...
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book reviews orohlem varies in number f m m ahout 10-20

a good mix of answered and unanswered problems if the study guide is not availahle t o students. This suggestion is pwhahly a contradiction of the reason for the study guide. Many of the pmhlems are appropriately of t h e drill type. Recognizing that many students in the introductory organic chemistry class have a major interest in biological fields, the authors have drawn examples liberally from these

mer chemistry is covered in 6 pages withsome scattered paragraphs in various chapters on nylon, polyurethanes, orlon, and polyesters. Students will find the brief 1-2 page chapter summaries useful learning aids as well as the 20 page appendix on nomenclature. After reviewing the book, one is left with the impression t h a t if students could not learn organic chemistry from this text then there is not much hope for them. For the chemistry major, one might wish for more rieor and detail than is found in this text. Non-maims mav find that the maximum has

Lowell E. Weller University of Evansville Evansville, IN 47702

Mastering Organic Chemistry: A ProblemSolving Approach G m d d W Gibson, W. B. Saonders Ccmpany, Philadelphia. 1979. iii 563 pp. Fig. & tables. 26.5 X 19.5 cm.


T h e purpose of this ho