Physical science with environmental and other practical applications

Physical science with environmental and other practical applications (Turk, Jonathan). Gordon K. Pagenkopf. J. Chem. Educ. , 1978, 55 (6), p A273...
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ever no mathematical operations are included

Physical Science with Envlronrnental and Other Practical Appllcatlons Jonathan Turk, Naturalist, Sunshine Canyan-Colorado, and Amos Turk, The City College of the City of New York. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1977. xii 595 pp. Figs. and tables. 20 X 27 cm. $15.95.


The title of this text, "Physical Science with Environmental and Other Practical Applications," provides a mare than adequate indication of the theme that pervades the book. There is a large amount of material presented in the 17 chapters, and in fact, there appears to he something for everyone as evidenced by the chapter titles that include, to name a few, "Chemical Bonds," "Energy," "Environmental Geology," "Engineering," "Electromagnetic Waves," and "Astronamy-The Solar System." The disciplines of ehemistry, geology, and physics provide the basis of the scientific discussions with minimal utilization of mathematics. In most cases environmental oroblems or phyiral phtncmenm pn,wrle the tneme 01 a chapter ur rertim and thus there 15 ltttle compartmentalization by specific diseipline. The authors have utilized many pertinent and timely examples to emphasi&the praetical application of the underlying principles. The use of environmental examoles orovides a Irmd ampevieu. ~,fmnn's part. prewnr, and pn+cu