Physical techniques in biological research volume I: optical techniques

biology, Rutgers University. Rutgers University Press, New. Brunswick, 1955. xi + 220 pp, 12 figs. 3 tables. 14.5. X 22 cm. $3.50. The dedication of t...
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Edited by Selman A. Waksman, Director, Institute of Microbiology. Rutgers University. Rutgers University Press, New 220 pp. 12 figs. 3 tahles. 14.5 Brunswick, 1955. xi X 22 om. $3.50.


T H E d~dirxtionof thr Institute of !dicnhiolw\ al Rutxers I'uivrrsity on Juar! 7 , 1054, inrlelcd u sympwitm~ Perrpwlive* and Horirwrs in hlirrohiology. ('ontrihution* to the riymposium are here collected and made available to all who are interested seriously in historical and developmental patterns of microbiological science. Little attention is given to specific applicstions of microbial activity. Instead, the book treats broadly the general biology, metabolism and hiologicd aassociations of microorganisms. Part I, The Microbe as a Living System, includes papers by C. B. van Niel, A. Lwoff, J. Lederherg, and B. D. Davis. Part 11, Metabolism of Microorganisms, contains the contributions of H. A. Barker, J. W. Foster, W. W. Umbreit, P. Wilson, and D. H. Peterson. Part 111, Microorganisms and Higher Forms of Life, is composed of presentations by M. Heidelberger, F. L. Horsfall, Jr., H. Eagle, and R. L. Starkey. Appended are three eeneral addresses delivered at the dedication of the Institute hv I.. ti'. Junes, S. A. \i'ukman, awl .4. .I. I