Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants - ACS Publications

Tech. 1987, 14(10), 1-177. 4. Reddy, KR; Smith W.H.Aquatic Plants for Water Treatment and Resource ... Mangolia Publishing Inc. Orlando, Florida, 1987...
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Chapter 20

Bioremediation of Chromium from Water and Soil by Vascular Aquatic Plants

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020

P. Chandra, S. Sinha, and U. N. Rai Aquatic Botany Laboratory, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow-226 001, India

The ability of aquatic plants to absorb, translocate and concentrate metals has led to the development of various plant-based treatment systems. The potential to accumulate chromium by Scirpus lacustris, Phragmites karka and Bacopa monnieri was assessed by subjecting them to different chromium concentrations under laboratory conditions. Plants showed the ability to accumulate substantial amounts ofchromium during a short span ofone week. When the plants were grown in tannery effluent and sludge containing 2.31 μg ml and 214 mg kg Cr, respectively, they caused significant reduction in chromium concentrations. While there was an increase in biomass, no visible phytotoxic symptoms were shown by treated plants. The plants can then be harvested easily and utilized for biogas production. -1


Chromium is one ofthe toxic metals widely distributed in nature. Ofthe two forms found in the environment, trivalent and hexavalent, hexavalent chromium is the form considered to be the greatest threat because ofits high solubility, its ability to penetrate cell membranes, and its strong oxidizing ability (1). The large-scale uses ofchromium in metallurgical, pigment and dye, and in textile, and electroplating makes these industries potential sources ofchromium pollution. The tanning industry is also a major contributor of chromium pollution of water resources. In India, according to a recent estimate, ca 2,000-3,200 tonnes of elemental chromium escape into the environment annually from the tanning industries alone (2). Chromium concentrations in effluents usually range between 2,000-5,000 pg ml" compared to the recommended permissible limit of 2 pg ml . The management of large amounts of effluent discharged by the tanneries has become a formidable task in developing countries. Contamination ofwater resources by these effluents is posing serious health hazards and is a threat to aquatic ecosystems. 1



© 1997 American Chemical Society

In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Bioremediation of Chromium


Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020

The treatment ofenormous volumes oftannery wastewater by conventional methods prior to its release is energy intensive and involves huge expenditures. It will also result in vast quantities ofchrome sludge causing a problem of solid waste disposal. In India, ifall chromium used in the tanning industry is treated by conventional methods, as much as 75,000-100,000 tonnes of chrome sludge will be generated every year (2). To overcome this problem, cost effective biological systems seem to be a feasible alternative. In recent years, considerable efforts have been made to develop aquatic macrophytebased wastewater treatment systems (3-5). Constructed wetlands planted with Phragmites, Typha and Scirpus spp. have also been found effective in treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters (6-7). During the course of this study, a large number of promising metalaccumulating species have been identified (8-14). However, large-scale exploitation ofthese plants in metal abatement programs has yet to be undertaken. While working on a National Mission Project on drinking water, several promising chromium-accumulating macrophytes were identified from chromium-polluted water bodies adjacent to tanneries (15). Plants of the same species were collected from unpolluted ponds and lakes located at different sites, and a series of experiments were carried out with tannery effluent and sludge to assess their chromium uptake potential. The study includes the results of experiments carried out on Bacopa monnieri, Scirpus lacustris, Phragmites karka, and Nymphaea alba under the laboratory and field conditions. Material and Methods For the study, plants of Bacopa monnieri, Scirpus lacustris, Phragmites karka m&Nymphaeaalba were collected from unpolluted water bodies and grown in large hydroponic tubs for 8 weeks. Young plants of each species were detached from mother plants and two sets of plants of each species were prepared in 10% Hoagland's solution. One set of plants (N. alba) was acclimatized under laboratory conditions and the other set in a natural unpolluted environment for conducting experiments with effluent. The plants under the laboratory conditions were provided with 16 h of illumination usingfluorescenttube light (Philips), 115 pmol m s" and 8 h dark photoperiods at 25 ± 2 °C. For conducting experiments with tannery sludge, young plants of B. monnieri P. karka and S. lacustris were acclimatized in an uncontaminated garden soil for 8 weeks. 2



Laboratory Studies The acclimatized plants of N. alba were subjected to five different concentrations (0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0 and 5.0 pg ml ) of Cr prepared using K^CiC^ supplied at zero time without further addition during the treatment. Plants in 10% Hoagland's solution without metal served as controls. Three sets of plants (each set consisting of four beakers of 2 litres capacity containing two plants of N. alba in 1.5 litre treatment solution) were used for each concentration. One set of plants each was harvested after 48, 72 and 168 h and washed thoroughly with distilled water. Root, leafand rhizome were separated manually, dried in an oven at 105°C and digested in a mixture ofHN0 : HC10 (5:1, v/v). Chromium was estimated with aPerldnElmer 2380 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. 1



In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Studies under Field Conditions Experiment with Tannery Effluent: Effluent was collected manually in acid washed plastic containers (N=5) of 20 litres capacity eachfromthe different outlets ofthe Northern tannery (Unnao, U.P.) India, brought to thefieldlaboratory, and allowed to settle for one week. Effluent wasfilteredusing muslin cloth and physicochemical properties were determined using standard methods ofAPHA (16). The effluent was digested in HN0 : HC10 (5:2, v/v) and chromium was estimated by Atomic Absolution Spectrophotometry. The mean value (N = 10, two replicatesfromeach container) of Cr was 2.31 + 0.40 pg ml" . The effluents from all the containers were mixed and used in this study. 3


Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020



Five litres offilteredeffluent containing 2.31 pg ml Cr were treated with plants (50gfreshweight each of N. aïba S. lacustris, B. monnieri and P. karka) in round plastic troughs (12" diameter, 8" depth). Though the biomass weight of each species was equal in each treatment, numbers of plants varied in different species, it was 3,5,15 and 20 in Κ alba, S. lacustris, B. monnieri and P. karka, respectively. Each experiment consisted of two sets (each having four replicates), one was harvested after one week and others after 2 weeks. The experimental sets were kept in a net house to prevent natural contamination. The plants in tap water containing no chromium served as controls. Harvested plants were dried and processed for metal estimation following the method described earlier. t

Experiment with Tannery Sludge: The sludge samples collected manually in plastic bagsfromthe Northern tannery (Unnao, U. P.) India were brought to thefieldlaboratory, dried, powdered and sieved. Sludge samples (N=20) were digested inHN0 : HC10 (5:2, v/v) and Cr content was estimated by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The mean value of Crwas 2.14 ± 18.05 mg kg . 3



All the above plants (30-gfreshweight) were planted in round plastic troughs (12" diameter, 8" depth) containing powdered, sieved sludge (5 kg). The experiment for each test plant (four replicates each separately) was set up for different harvesting periods. A thin layer of water (2-4 cm) was maintained over the sludge throughout the experiment. Plants were harvested after 4,8 and 12 weeks. The biomass was determined onfreshweight basis from each trough. For metal estimation, plants were oven dried and digested with a mixture of HN0 : HC10 (5:1, v/v). Chromium was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectro­ photometry. 3


Plants were analyzed for their Cr content at time zero and values of Cr in control plants were deductedfromthe accumulation values oftreated plants. Statistical Analysis Analysis of variance ofthe data was performed for calculating the statistical significance using completely randomized block design. Student V test (two tailed) was applied to see the significance level as compared to controls (17).

In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Bioremediation of Chromium


Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020

Analytical data for quality of Cr were ensured through repeated analysis (N= 5) of EPA quality control samples (Lot TMA 989) in water, and results were found within 5.41% ofthe certified values. For plants, recoveries of Crfromthe plant tissues were found to be 98.2 + 4.65 % as determined by digestingfivesamples eachfromuntreated plants with known volumes of Cr. The blanks were run all the time, and duplicate analysis was carried out to check the precision ofthe method. Some of the data on B. monnieri and S. lacustris published earlier (18,19) have also been used for comparison in this study. Results Physicochemical analysis of effluent (N = 5) showed high values for pH (8.84 ± 0.21), biological oxygen demand (BOD: 790 ± 52.52 pg ml ), chemical oxygen demand (COD: 1870 ± 98.5 pg ml ) and total dissolved solid (TDS: 850 ± 36.8 pg ml ). The value for dissolved oxygen (DO) was quite low (2.3 ± 0.015 pg ml ). Effluent used in the experiments contained 2.31± 0.40 pg ml Cr Tannery sludge had high pH values of9.2 ± 0.2 and contained 214 ± 18.05 mg kg Cr. 1






Figure 1 (a-c) shows chromium accumulation in the root, leaf and rhizome ofAi alba at different ambient chromium concentrations (0.1-5.0 pg ml ) and treatment durations. The maximum accumulation of chromium was in the root followed by rhizome, and leaf. During thefirst48 h, the accumulation in the roots was significant, and it reached steady state conditions at 168 h (Figure la). The maximum accumulation ofchromium (1207 pg gr dw) was shown by the roots at 5 pg ml ambient chromium concentration after 168 h. Accumulation of chromium in the leaf ofN. alba was comparatively low, maximum being 515 pg g- dw after 168 h at 5.0 pg ml* background Cr concentration (Figure lb). The accumulation of chromium in the rhizome oîN. alba was lowest (Figure lc). At the highest background concentration of chromium, maximum accumulation of80.06 pgg" dw was shown by the rhizome oîN. alba after 168 h. 1






The young plants ofB. monnieri, N. alba, S. lacustris and P. karka were treated with 100% tannery effluent for 1 and 2 weeks (Figure 2). The plants showed different levels of chromium accumulation during this period. A maximum accumulation of chromium was shown by the plants ofΡ karka (615 pgg* dw) followed by S lacustris (515 pgg dw), N . alba (465 pg g dw) and B. monnieri (340 pg g dw) after 2 weeks. Table 1 shows the results ofexperiments carried out with high chromium containing sludge collectedfromthe tanneries. All of the three plants (P. karka, S lacustris and B. monnieri) showed duration dependent accumulation of chromium. The maximum accumulation was in the roots ofP. karka (816 pg g dw) followed by S. lacustris (460 pg g" dw) and B. monnieri (310 pg gr dw) after 12 weeks. In comparison to B. monnieri and S. lacustris chromium concentrations were higher in the above ground parts ofΡ karka (llOpgg^dw). 1







In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020



Figure 1. (a-c). Chromium accumulation by Κ album different plant parts (a = root* b = leaf" c=rhizome) as a function of Cr concentration and exposure. All values are means of four replicates ± SD. Root, F-value (concentration)=49.91a; F-value (exposure)=6.92b. For leaf, F-value (concentration) = 101.4a; F-value (exposure) = 13.5. Forrhizome,Fvalue (concentration) = 132.23a; F-value (exposure) = 8.50b; a = ρ < 0.01; b=p < 0.05.

In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020



Bioremediation of Chromium


Figure 1. Continued

Figure 2. Accumulation ofchromium from tannery effluent by different plants after 1 and 2 weeks. All values are means offour replicates + SD. T-test (two tailed): a=ρ < 0.025 with comparisons made at 1 week.

In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.




Table 1. Chromium concentrations (pg g dw) in the plants treated with tannery sludge Plants 4 Weeks

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S. lacustris P. Karka B. monnieri

203 ± 19 645 ±75 133 ±12

Root + Rhizome 8 Weeks 363±26b 752 ±64 207 ±14a

12 Weeks 460 ±47 816 ±69 310±25c

Shoot S. lacustris Ρ Karka B. monnieri

36.6 ±4.2 69.4 ± 6.8 53.4 ±3.9

60.3 ±7.5 82.4 ±9.2 74.6 ±7.8

75.2 ±8.8 110.3 ±12.5 94.6 ±8.2

All values are means of four replicates + SD. T-tests (two tailed): a = ρ < 0.02 with comparisons made at 4 weeks; b = ρ < 0.01 with comparisons made at 4 weeks; c = ρ < 0.02 with comparisons made at 8 weeks.

Plants grown in tannery sludge showed an increase in biomass (Figure 3) at 12 weeks, and it was in order ofP. karka < S. lacustris < B. monnieri. The percent increases in biomass were 633%, 620% and 433% in P. karka, S. lacustris and B. monnieri, respectively.

Biomass (g fw) 250


B. monnieri

3. lacuatrla Plants

p. Kick*

Figure 3. The effect ofchromium accumulation on biomass (g dw) in different plants treated with tannery sludge. All values are means of four replicates ± SD. T-test (two tailed): a = ρ < 0.05 with comparisons made at day 0, b = ρ < 0.05 with comparisons made at 8 weeks.

In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.




Bioremediation of Chromium


Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020

The efficiency of aquatic macrophyte-based phytoremediation systems depends mainly on their design, and the nature of wastewater and soil. A plant species may be tolerant to one metal but may not be so with another one. Plant forms ( i.e., free-floating, submerged and emergent) also play a significant role in the removal of metals. Submerged species accumulate more metals than thefloatingand emergent ones (20,21). A rootless submerged species (Ceratophyllum demersum) has been found to possess the potential to accumulate substantial amounts of chromium (10) conforming with the earlier reports. Rooted aquatics with floating foliage are important constituents ofaquatic ecosystems. The plants oîNymphaea are reported to be capable of accumulating metalsfrompolluted waters (22). During the present study, N. alba also showed the potential to accumulate substantial amounts of chromium under laboratory conditions as well as infieldexperiments with tannery effluent The accumulation ofchromium was higher in the root in comparision to leaf and rhizome. The lower concentration of chromium in the leaf is probably due to the slower mobility of Cr transportfromroot to the shoot. Trivalent chromium forms complex compounds with COOH groups that inhibit the translocation of metalfromthe root to the shoot (23). The ability offineroots to accumulate high quantities of metal has also been reported (24). The tuft offineroots ini?. monnieriand S. lacustris has also shown substantial accumulation of chromium and copper (19). Chromium accumulationfromsoil sludge depends upon the nature of plants and conversion of Cr (DI) into Cr (VI), the ions ofwhich easily penetrate the cell membrane. To make chromium ionsfreelyavailable to roots requires oxygenfromthe air for a few weeks to facilitate the oxidation of Cr QJS) into Cr (VI) (25). The selection of aquatic macrophytes is, therefore, of utmost importance as they are the only such species which are capable of transporting atmospheric oxygen into the rhizosphere zone through their leaves. This is important in reducing chromium concentrations in sludge soil. In the present study, roots of P. karka showed the potential to accumulate chromiumfromtannery sludge. This might have been caused by a large supply of oxygen to the rhizosphere zone through the huge foliage ofthe plants. Similarly, higher accumulation ofchromium was shown by the plants of S. lacustris which possess long, cylindrical, hollow, tube-like leaves capable of transporting atmospheric oxygen to the rhizosphere zone. This study shows that chromium uptake performance ofB. monnieri; S. lacustris, P. karka andN. alba plantsfromtannery effluent is promising. The chromium accumulation was significant in P. karka (615 pg gr dw) followed by S. lacustris (515 pg g" dw), and N. alba (465 pg g dw) after 14 days. The accumulation for this period was lowest (340 pg g dw) inB. monnieri. In our earlier study (18), tannery effluent (containing 0.7 pg ml" Cr) treated with a combination of plants (Spirodela polyrrhiza, Hydrilla verticillata) showed maximum reduction in chromium concentration at 25% dilution ofthe effluent. 1





The results of the present study are quite encouraging. Overall performance of plants in the removal of chromiumfromtannery sludge and effluent was quite satisfactory.

In Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants; Kruger, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Plants showed high levels of tolerance to chromium. Though, there was a slight decrease in chlorophyll content inB. monnieri, and S. lacustris (19), plants showed no visible phytotoxic symptoms. The résulte indicate thesuitabilityoftheseplantsinphytoremediationofchromium in water and soil. Acknowledgement

Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on October 6, 2012 | Publication Date: April 8, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0664.ch020

We thank Dr. P. V. Sane, Director, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India for his help and encouragement in this work. N B R I Publication No. (452) NS. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

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