PICKER nuclear - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 22, 2012 - DOI: 10.1021/ac60234a848. Publication Date: February 1966. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1966, 38, 2, 170A-170A. Note: In l...
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\bur neutron generator requirements are stringent ? Good. Now match them against our specifications. Picker Nuclear set out to develop a neutron gen­ erator t h a t would incorporate the important recent advances most meaningful to users. The successful result of this effort is available as Accelerator I. Accelerator I is distinguishable from other neu­ tron generators by these attributes (and more) : truly stable beam current and beam location, ex­ tremely fine focus control, high beam currents t h a t are continuously maintainable, five minute target change, and operation with a pump-down of only two to three minutes. The traditional stability and focus problems have become virtually obsolete. More precisely now, our exacting performance s p e c i f i c a t i o n s —which t h i s i n s t r u m e n t a c t u a l l y meets —include: Fast neutron yields: up to 2.5 χ 1 0 u neutrons/sec­ ond from the Τ (d,n) reaction. Thermal neutron fluxes: up to 5 χ 10 8 n e u t r o n s / cm 2 -sec. Beam current: greater t h a n 2.5 mA of deuterons (90% atomic b e a m ) . Beam energy: continuously variable from 0 to 150

PICKER nuclear

keV (intermittent operation at 175 k e V ) . Gamma yield: 10 e g a m m a s / s e c (11 MeV) from the B u (p, gamma) reaction. It is also worth observing t h a t the engineering decisions for Accelerator I have inevitably leaned toward the conservative. Accordingly, one finds things like an extra large vacuum pump. Or a con­ servative r a t i n g on all power supplies permitting continuous operation exceeding all ratings. Typical. But if, despite our vaunted conservative engi­ neering, the need for service should nevertheless arise, you're still in good hands. Picker Nuclear, which sells and services an exceptionally broad line of nuclear instruments (small sample: liquid scin­ tillation counters, automatic counting systems for gamma-emitting samples, counting systems for al­ pha and beta samples, a variety of instrument sys­ tems designed for the study of organ function), will do the same for Accelerator I. This is comforting. Summary and conclusion : Picker Nuclear pro­ vides a p r e t t y distinctive pedigree for a neutron generator. And the offspring shows it. Write for details ; ask for bulletin 60-39JDG.

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