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radiation monitoring you can bank on

PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION cal, semimicro, micro, and assay balances, including automatic recording and the fast Right-A-Weigh analytical balances. Also makes Class M, S, and S-l weights.



ALOE SCIENTIFIC Division of Brunswick-Balke-Collender 5655 Kingsbury St. Louis 12, Mo.

n e w p e a c e o f m i n d comes to t h e w e a r e r of t h i s b a d g e . N o t o n l y d o e s h e a l w a y s k n o w t h e full score o n h i s p e r s o n a l e x p o s u r e , b u t h e c a n confi­ d e n t l y r e s t o n i t s accuracy, t o o . C o n ­ t i n u o u s t e c h n i c a l i m p r o v e m e n t in G a r d r a y film p r o c e s s i n g a n d d e n s i ­ t o m e t r y (direct electronic I B M re­ c o r d i n g n o w e l i m i n a t e s all p o s s i b i l i t y of h u m a n e r r o r ) gives h i m t h i s p o s ­ itive protection . . . G A R D R A Y records exposures as low as 1 mr, as high as 300,000 mr. G A R D R A Y is sensitive to gamma and x-radiations and beta radiation: reports t h e m separately. G A R D R A Y reports are cumulative tallies: (1) current week (2) 13-week total (3) year's total t o date. G A R D R A Y reports are prompt (two days in and out, average). G A R D R A Y identification is doublysure: (1) printed on wrapper (2) x-rayed on film.



Exhibiting: Modulated steel laboratory furniture made to easily fit new or existing laboratory facilities. A new Petrolite hood for use in air-conditioned rooms is available. Apparatus for microchemical analysis such as microbalances, de Fonbrune micromanipulator and others; American Optical Electropolarizer, ultra­ sonic equipment for cleaning of chemical glassware and other new apparatus items for chemical procedures. Representatives at Exhibit: Gerry Wisler, Dave Kuhlber, Joe Blomker. General Product Line: Same as original writeup above.

Booth: 67

in solution polarographically. New Polarstar polarizing microscope—AO Spencer Microstar microscope—New AO Spencer Fluorestar microscope for fluorescence microscopy. Representatives at Exhibit: D. A. Burgh, George Tatoian. General Product Line: Microscope and Re­ cording Electro-Polarizer.



ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS, INC. North St. Wolcott 16, Conn.

Exhibiting: Potentiostat for controlledpotential or controlled-current electrolyses, high-precision wide-range electromechan­ ical current integrator for controlledpotential coulometric analysis, cells for controlled-potential electrolysis and coulo­ metric titrations. Representatives at Exhibit: R. E. Cover, J. G. McClure. General Product Line: Manufactures propri­ etary items, the Potentiostat and current integrator being exhibited, and develops and builds systems incorporating the use of these units. Also manufactures com­ plete electromechanical units as a sub­ contractor.

AMERICAN BALANCE CORP. 48 Potter Ave. New Rochelle, Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Single-pan deflection balance "Quik Chex" plus standard line of two pan balances and weights. Representatives at Exhibit: H. C. Becker, K u r t Lesker, Alan Glanz, Russ Hoeltje Jerry McCann. General Product Line: Single-pan deflection balance "Quik Chex" plus standard line of two pan balances and weights.

Booths: 90, 91 AMERICAN INSTRUMENT CO., INC. 8030 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Md.

Exhibiting: Announcement of a spectrophosphorimeter for recording of spectra and decay of phosphorescent emission from liquids at low temperatures; Meniscomatic-buret and instrumentation for recording p H and titrant delivered; re­ search model of gas chromatography equipment with high temperature features and high quantitative control on liquid and gas injection in microliter range. Representatives at Exhibit: W. D . Finn, H. W. Huck, G. M. Rolls, L. R. Heiss. General Product Line: Manufactures the Aminco line of laboratory instruments— analytical, research, chemical, physical, engineering, inspection, quality control, materials and environmental testing, high pressure equipment.


TALLY You can start enjoying this protection (and acquiring this peace of mind) any time. Right now, if you wish, by calling any Picker X - R a y local office. Or write to

PICKER X-RAY CORPORATION 2 5 So. B r o a d w a y , W h i t e Plains, N . Y . Circle No. 166 on Readers' Service Card 74 A





AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. Instrument Division Box A , Buffalo 15, Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: AO new Goldberg process refractometer—used for "in-stream" proc­ ess control by use of refractive index measurements. Recording Electro-Polar­ izer—used for the analysis of electroreducible or electro-oxidizable substances

4th floor—Penn-Sheraton Hotel