Picker X-Ray Corporation

lurgists who know their way around x-ray diffraction and x-ray ... x-ray tube alignment because the tube mounts directly to the diffractometer: once a...
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W e ' r e t a l k i n g h e r e t o analytical chemists, crystallographers and metallurgists who know their way around x-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence analysis equipment. To people like you the importance of the advances cited below will be abundantly clear. To others of lesser technical background, any local Picker representative will be glad to explain their significance in terms of greater analytic versatility, easier operation, more accurate results.

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The big central access port in the diffractom· eter permits quick set-up of vacuum or helium path attachments with neat disposi~ tion of wires, vacuum and gas lines, etc.

unique; Bip lane Diffractometer \is just one of m a n y reasons w h y n e w Picker equipment for X-ray Diffraction and Fluorescence A n a l y s i s lets you do ψmore V easier yf aster y m o r e accurately because it's the only one that lets you h a n d l e a n y k i n d of s p e c i m e n — s o l i d or l i q u i d — w i t h e q u a l e a s e because you can operate it horizontally (as shown above) or vertically (as in tint panel) or even run two diffractometers simultaneously r o t a t e s a m p l e i n d e p e n d e n t l y a b o u t d i f f r a c t o m e t e r axis for special precision-procedures . Makes for jiffy alignment of specimen or analyzer crystal, or detection of preferred orientation i n c r e a s e or decrease t h e take-off a n g l e (down to zero, if you like) without having to realign the x-ray tube save h o u r s f u s s i n g w i t h x-ray t u b e a l i g n m e n t because the tube mounts directly to the diffractometer: once aligned it stays that way permanently. You can even interchange x-ray tubes without having to realign vary s c a n n i n g p a t t e r n a n d t e c h n i c f r o m r e m o t e control—choosing continuous scan or step scan (with selectable increments) or oscillation : manual or motor-driven *•>'--'

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" · include a spanking-new completely integrated R a d i a t i o n Analyzer— first electronic ensemble designed specifically for x-ray diffraction. Digital p r i n t o u t b y preset t i m e or preset count. K V a n d M A M o n i t o r Control for high-precision reproducibility. N e w c a m e r a - t y p e diffraction t a b l e with A.C.A. accepted dovetail t r a c k s . . . . . . but, alas, we have to stop somewhere. Get the full story on this remarkable new equipment from your local Picker representative (see 'phone book) or write Picker X-Ray Corporation, 25 South Broadway, White Plains, New York.

if it has to do with RADIA TIOJV it has to do with Circle No. 123 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 2 , N O . 8, JULY 1 9 6 0
