PHONE 815/968-0747. TWX 910.631-3419,! ... Bio-Rad offers highly purified and tested reagents for ... CA 94804, Phone (415) 234-4130. Also in: Rockvil...
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METHODS. REAGENTS, ECHNIQUES, LAB AIDS, Have you ever seen a "Regroovenator"TM, used a "Reacti-Flask"TM or administered C, ACCESSORIES for "Electronic T o n i c " ™ ' ? These and numerous novel, practical gadgets are described i ^ CHROMATOGRAPHY other in our 84 page GC-4 Unique Laboratory The "Handbook of Silylation"Aids and G.C. Accessories catalog. The GC-4 catalog with its stationary phases, and "The G-C4 Lab Aids and column packings, syringes, reaction vials and closures, plus many other items to make G-C Accessories" catalogs. life easier around the lab, will f u l f i l l most of The GPA-3a Handbook of Silylation is our your laboratory's needs. 48 page handbook on methods and reagents Both catalogs are free upon request. Just for silylation.alkylation, fluoroacylation and write for our G.C. catalog pack. other special techniques for preparing suit­ Regroovenator, Reacti-Flask and Electronic able derivatives of a wide range of com­ Tonic are trademarks of Pierce Chemical Co. pounds for gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Methods, reagents and refer­ PIERCE CHEMICAL COMPANY ences are given for sugars, alcohols, amines, P.O. Box 117 Rockford, Illinois 61105 U.S.A. '. steroids, acids as well as many other com­ PHONE 815/968-0747 TWX 910.631-3419,! pounds of interest. CIRCLE 1 1 6 O N READER SERVICE CARD

Molecular weight!

Nakos and Mortenson 1 .) Bio-Rad offers highly purified and tested r e a g e n t s for S D S - a c r y l a mide gel e l e c t r o p h o r e s i s : acrylamide, Bis, SDS, T E M E D , a m m o n i u m Rapid and accurate ρ e rs u I f a t e , p o l y p e p t i d e mo 2- mercaptoleculai weight ethanoland estimations can Coomassie be a c h i e v e d brilliant blue with the SDSR-250. Pur­ acrylamide c h a s e them gel elcctrosingly or in p hο re sis the SDS technique. Aciylamide The key is a Kit. which potent pro­ contains t e i n dénaturrepresenta­ ant and EOIUElectrophoretic Mobility tive quantities bilizing agent, of e a c h rea­ 5DS (sodium .1 .2 .3 gent. Like to d o d e c y l sulfate) know more about hain of Azoierrodoxin from 4 standard It binds to pro curves. M Bio-Rad's prodteins to c a n c e l diflase, 2. fi , ..„., c t s for g e l e l e c ­ ferences in intrinsi ceraldehyde phosphate dehy­ trophoresis? Write for drogenase, 5. alpha-chycharge and converts m o t r y p s i n o g e n A, rice List X w i t h six their shape to rod-like 6. myoglobin. pages devoted to reagents, particles whose lengths materials and apparatus for this vary uniquely with their prorapidly g r o w i n g technique. tein molecular weight. (Sec example G. and Moiienson, L , Biochemistry 10, 455 (1971!·

Molecular weight estimations using Bio-Rad's SDSAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis


BIO·RAD 32nd & Griffin Ave.. R i c h m o n d . CA 94804, Phone (415) 234-4130 Also i n : Rockville Cenlre. Ν. Υ.; St. Albans, E n q l a n d ; M i l a n o : M u n i c h CIRCLE 35 ON READER SERVICE CARD 756 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 8, JULY


Ten-inch recorder has plug-in modules for dc and mV and V, dc current, dc microvolt, frequency, temperature for thermocouples, resistance-bulb, and thermistor. The recorder has 22 chart speeds, positive and negative guard switch, and is available in flat­ bed and vertical styles. Soltec Corp. 428

Chemicals Control Serum Met-El-S is a control serum with markedly elevated values for naturally occurring common and trace cations including Na, Se, Κ, Cr, Ca, Mg, Co, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Fe. The material is for use with atomic absorption spec­ trophotometry and other analytic methods. Met-El-S is human serum, lyophilized for stability, assayed, packaged in twin 5-ml vials, and priced at $15/package. Fisher Scien­ tific Co. 429

Fluorogenic Reagent Fluram (fluorescamine) for quantita­ tive assay of primary amines in the picomole range is available in vials containing 100 mg in crystalline form. Fluram reacts with primary amines to form intensely fluorescent products, but excess reagent and its degradation products are nonfluorescent. Roche Diagnostics 430

Polyethylene Fractions Fractions of polyethylene with a nar­ row molecular-weight distribution are made by SNPA of France with spe­ cially built instrumentation. Fractions cover a wide molecular-weight range and maintain a narrow distribution. ArRo Laboratories, Inc. 431

Liquid-Scintillation Chemicals Two fluors in solution have been added to the company's list of ScintillAR liquid-scintillation chemicals. Concifluor is a concentrated fluor solution, available in quarts. Dilufluor is a ready-to-use fluor solution available in gallons. Both are packaged in shat­ ter-resistant Safemor bottles. Mallinckrodt 432

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