PILOT CHEMICALS, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Inorganic Chemicals. An 80-page catalog of inorganic research chemicals

lists over 1000 chemicals alphabetically plus a separate listing by element. Alfa Inorganics, Inc., 26 Congress St., Beverly, Mass. 629

PIPETTE a n y reagent automatically

Company Periodicals


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WILL SAVE YOU HOURS OF MIXING TIME! New LIQUIFLUOR* is an exclusive development of Pilot Chemicals—a pre-mixed liquid concentrate of PPO and POPOP in specially purified toluene which will save you hours of mixing time in the laboratory . . . and greatly reduce the chance for error. No more time-consuming laboratory weighing and stirring. No more waiting for ingredients to dissolve. All you do is pour LIQUIFLUOR* into the solvent. Independent laboratory tests show counting efficiencies identical with old 'weigh and stir' method. ADVANTAGES: . Saves time — just mix — no waiting. . Less chance for error in compounding. . Flexible — can be used with any liquid scintillator system containing toluene. . Contents: a 25x concentrate. 1 liter contains 100 grams PPO and 1.25 grams POPOP in specially purified toluene. . Available in 1 liter and 500 milliliter bottles. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. WRITE TODAY. . · TO DEPT. A-612. (A request on your letter-bead will bring you a free sample.) *TM

PILOT CHEMICALS, INC. 36 PLEASANT ST.. WATfJIOHiH 72. MnSS. Circle No. 89 on Readers' Service Csrd

Lab-ORATORY. Vol. XXVIII, No. 3. This 16-page issue describes many laboratory items including analytical balances, vacuum ovens, chromatography supplies, ovens, hot plates, freeze drying equipment, etc., Schaar Scientific Co., 7300 W. Montrose Ave., Chicago, 111. Atomlight. No. 40. This 16-page issue contains articles on polyamino acids and on the use of tracers in the study of biogenic amine compartments. New labeled chemicals are also introduced in this periodical. New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston, Mass. 02118. What's New for the Laboratory.


54. This 20-page issue features 9 precision scales and includes a heavyduty mixer, a laboratory hot plate with Pyroceram top, vacuum oven, automated oxygen analyzer, automatic pipets, plus many other laboratory items. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J. Barnes Engineering News. The September issue, 4 pages, contains an article which describes how ATR is used to reveal the composition of the adhesives of "sticky tapes." Other company products are discussed. Barnes Engineering Co., 30 Commerce Rd., Stamford, Conn. 06902. GC Newsletter. Vol. 1 No. 3, This 8-page issue features an article on high speed analysis and also includes articles on simultaneous use of two gas chromatographic detectors, determination of the alcohol content of blood, and a simple method for checkout of an electron capture detector. Perkin-Elmer, Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Cenco International News. Vol. 3, No. 1, This 8-page issue includes information on the company's line of new ovens, vacuum pumps, modular radiation lab, vacuum gauges, analytical balances, and other laboratory equipment. Cenco Instruments Corp., 2205 Lee St., Evanston, 111. 60202.

... continuously ...accurately The new MP-611 Microdyne® automatic pipette system is 100% complete . . . no extra chambers to buy. With just one system you can deliver over 100 different volumes (from 0.1 to 10 millilitres) . Made completely of inert materials (PYREX* and TEFLON**). Simple titration delivers precise dispensing of fluids to 0.05 ml. Available under General Services Administration Federal Supply Service: FSC Groupée, Part II. ItemNo.(s) 5J,-2. The measuring pipette conforms in design in the specifications outlined in the National Bureau of Standards. Measuring and Serological uses conform in design with F e d e r a l Specification D-D-v581a. The pipette conforms to the Class " A " t o l erances prescribed in the National Bureau Circular C-602.



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International Applied Science Laboratory, Inc. 510 South Franklin Street Hempstead, New York Circle No. 65 on Readers' Service Card

VOL 36, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1964

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