custom instruments and to custom systems. These are few but are significant in the types of processes on which they are being used— primarily nuclea...
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PINCH VALVES " H i n g e d " sleeve permits t i g h t closing reduces w e a r .

Recesses in sleeve serve as '"hinges" during compression.

Unobstructed flow eliminates high friction loss; and there are no metal parts in contact with pulp or liquid.

Several types of closing mechanisms are available, from handwheel to motorized.

Automated Systems. Completely automatic systems may be coordinated and interlocked with other plant equipment. 1" to 14" I.D.; pressures to 150 psi; temperatures to 200° F. WRITE FOR CATALOG


MINE AND SMELTER SUPPLY CO. 3 8 0 0 RACE STREET · D E N V E R , C O L O R A D O OFFICES A N D AGENTS I N P R I N C I P A L CITIES Circle No. 56 on Readers' Service Card

78 A


Roots-Connersville lias added to its line a new model, Model 7M125, of rotary positive-displacement meters. Meiers are recommended for production, transmission, distribution, intraplant, or

institutional-gas measurement at pressures to 125 p.s.i. Meter is compact, easily installed, permanently accurate, and requires minimum maintenance. Meter is approximately 18 X 9x/i X 9l 2 inches.

tions of plastics a n d metals are introduced. A b a c k g r o u n d trend is directed to custom instruments a n d to custom systems. These are few but are significant in the types of processes on which they are being used— primarily nuclear a n d exotic propellant m a n u f a c t u r e at the m o m e n t .

control system. It can be used for solvent control to correct e v a p o r a tion losses in coating finishing, wire coating, rotogravure printing, and sizing. It can be used to d e t e r m i n e end point in such processes as polymerization a n d other chemical reactions. A viscometer is used to automatically control starch cooking or e n z y m e conversion.

Wallace & Tiernan's new V e r e a m eter i n t r o d u c e s an improved version of variable area flowmetering to fluid systems. Glass t u b e capacities with s t a n d a r d floats arc 0.25 to 310 gallons per m i n u t e of water, 1.1 to 1300 s t a n d a r d cubic feet per m i n u t e of air, against u p to 350 p.s.i.g. a n d 400° F. T u b e d i a m e t e r s r a n g e from 3 / 8 to 3 inches, w i t h scale lengths of 5 or 10 inches. T u b e s and corresponding floats are available in two types: a plain t u b e with a tubeguided float, or a t u b e with beadguided float. Schuco Scientific, Div. of Schueler & Co., is presenting micro flow meters for the m e a s u r e m e n t of micro q u a n t i ties of gases or liquids. M e t e r s come in two s t a n d a r d models with choice of flow tubes. I n s t r u m e n t s will detect gas flows of less t h a n 10 cc. per h o u r and are a c c u r a t e to 1 % . Will m e a s u r e flow in either direction a n d indicate direction by c h a n g e in signal polarity. Viscometers are finding increased application in process control. Norcross Corp. features a complete

O n e of the major differences in process chromatographs is the m e t h o d used for detecting a n d measuring the c o m p o n e n t s of the mixture u n d e r analysis. Burrell's K7 ionizes the separated c o m p o n e n t s using thermionic emission as the source of energy. T h i s is in contrast to t h e r m a l conductivity a n d to ionization m e t h o d s using flame and radioactive sources. Ionization greatly increases sensitivity to detection, speeds the analysis, p e r m i t s the use of small d i a m e t e r columns, a n d decreases the sample size. Inorganic a n d organic c o m p o u n d s a n d fixed gases can all be analyzed w h e n using thermionic emission. T h e analog c o m p u t e r ' s speed and simplicity in solving problems involving statistics, probability, simulation linear p r o g r a m m i n g , o p e r a tions research, n o n l i n e a r equations, a n d differential equations makes it a n ideal tool for plotting the best course in any p r o g r a m . An analogc o m p u t e r can o p e r a t e an entire sys(Continued on page 80 A)