PITTCON CONFERENCE & EXPO 2011 - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 22, 2010 - PITTCON CONFERENCE & EXPO 2011. Chem. Eng. News , 2010, 88 (47), p 34. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v088n047.p034. Publication Date: ...
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original co-founders of Thermo Electron. Next on the schedule is the Plenary Lecture, Polyvalent DNA Architectures: New Modalities For Intracellular Gene Regulation and Detection, presented by Chad A. Mirkin, Northwestern University. Immediately following is a poster session and complimentary Sunday Night Mixer with light refreshments.

Are you attracted to science... Attend Pittcon—the magnet for scientific innovation. Get complete and up-to-date registration, exposition, technical session, and short course infor mation at www.pittcon.org. Pittcon 2011, the world’s largest annual conference and exposition for laboratory science will be held from March 13 -18, 2011, in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Georgia World Congress Center. Pittcon is the perfect venue every year for VFLHQWLVWVWRSUHVHQWWKHLUUHVHDUFK¿QGLQJVDQGIRUH[KLELWRUV to launch their new products and technology. The low registration fee of $105 (discount pricing by February 14, 2011), includes unlimited access to the H[SRVLWLRQÀRRUWHFKQLFDOSURJUDPSOHQDU\OHFWXUHDQG Conferee Networking Sessions for the entire week. Group discounts from one company or organization are also available. After a 13-year hiatus, Pittcon will be returning to the great city of Atlanta, the entertainment and cultural center of the South. Atlanta is home to a robust food and beverage industry, one of the largest concentrations of colleges and universities in the southern United States, and the site of a rapidly expanding biotech and pharmaceutical region. If you haven’t been to Atlanta in the past three years, you haven’t seen it. This year’s Exposition offers the latest instrumentation and technology for all facets of laboratory operations from 1,000 exhibitors from over 90 countries. Highlights of the exposition include a Life Science, LIMS, and New Exhibitor areas; a Twitter Café located in the Pittcon booth (5079) for attendees to send Pittcon tweets; Centennial Park, where you can pick up complimentary copies of leading magazines, enjoy an interactive Coca-Cola display, and relax while watching exhibitor videos on large screen monitors; a WUDPIRUQDYLJDWLQJWKHÀRRUDQGWZRLQWHUQHWFDIHVIRU\RXU convenience. Wireless internet will be accessible in public areas and new this year, a mobile application that will enable Smartphone users to build their agendas, interact with exhibitors, and view the technical sessions will be available for download. The Opening Session for the Technical Program includes the Pittcon Heritage Award ceremony with awardees, George Hatsopoulos, John Hatsopoulos and Arvin Smith, the

The 2011 Technical Program consists of more than 2,000 technical sessions including symposia, contributed sessions, workshops, awards, and posters. There will be no technical sessions between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. This ZLOOJLYHFRQIHUHHVDFKDQFHWRYLVLWWKHH[SRÀRRUDQGQRW miss any important sessions. To help offset the issues of concurrent sessions, there will be 10 selected symposia (50 sessions total) that will be webcast and made available to registered conferees for 60-days after the Conference. Selected symposia will be marked in the Preliminary and Final Programs. Another exceptional educational opportunity during Conference week is Short Courses, which are an excellent and affordable way to enhance your professional skills. Participants can choose from more than 100 courses covering nearly 60 topics in pharmaceutical, life science, and analytical chemistry—just to name a few. Classes range from beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels and run in length from half to two-day sessions. Take three or more Short Courses and your 2011 conference registration fee will be waived. So mark your calendars, register now, and make your housing and travel plans at PittconHousing.com for this once a year premier conference and exposition. Join us in Atlanta, *HRUJLD0DUFK±IRUDZHHNRIVFLHQWL¿FDGYHQWXUH city lights, and southern nights! * No Member of the editorial staff of Chemical & Engineering News participated in the creation of the material in this advertising section of the magazine