Pittsburgh research grant

George W. Jack (B.S.,Grove City College), research assistant;. Mary L. Dodds (M.S., Universityof Pittsburgh),research assist- ant. The grant covers re...
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PITTSBURGH RESEARCH GRANT Dr. Alexander Silverman, Head of the Department of Chemistry George W. Jack (B.S., Grove City College), research assistant; in the University of Pittsburgh, announces the continuation of Mary L. Dodds (M.S., University of Pittsburgh), research assistthe biochemistry research project which has been subsidized by ant. The grant covers researches on animal nutrition, tissue resthe Buhl Foundation of Pittsburgh. The personnel for 1939-40 piration, and molecular sructure. Dr. C. G. King, professor of are: Max O.Schultze (Ph.D., Wisconsin), senior fellow; Her- biochemistry in the University of Pittsburgh, is directing professor bert E. Longenecker (Ph.D., Pennsylvania State College), senior and Dr. Gebhard Stegeman, professor of physical chemistry, is fellow; Theodore H. Clarke (Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh), associate director. Cooperative studies will he made with the senior fellow; Rade R. Musulin (Ph.D., University of PittsDepartments of Physics and Biology, and with the School of burgh) senior fellow to September 1st; Carl V. Smythe (Ph.D., University of California),senior fellow reporting September 1 s t ; Medicine of the University of Pittsburgh. The total sum availC. J. Harrer (B.S., University of Pittsburgh), research assistant; able for the entire project is 160,000.

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