edited by MIRIAM
Avo" High Schoal Awn. CT 06001
Plan tor Safety Miriam C. Nagel Avon High School A w n . CT 06001
A high schml chemistrv teacher has a unique responsihilitv to students. The first course in chemistry set7 the pattern
lifelong attitudes toward rhemical safety in more advanced lahoratories, other work places, and even in the home environment,. Safety cnnsciousness is completely compatible with ntotivatim and achievement in a first-year lab. Furthermore, high schnol teachers are responsihle for the safety of naive, cu&,us adolescents in the ~ a h r a t o r yand may be held legally liable for negligence if a st.udent brings suit. after a lah in^ ion. ' safety prohlems in lahoratories are magnified by the number of different students (and teachers) sharing the same facilities. In the lockstep scheduling characteristic of high schools, short lab periods often cause students and teachers to take shnrtcuts that can produce unsafe conditions. However, hazardous conditions will be minimized hv conscious efforts to keep labs uncluttered and well irganiaed. Plon fnr safetv. The teacher should ~ l a nfor maximum vi.;il)il:ty. b . h .rudt.nt shcwld I w ~ ~ l w r v a t d wth e ;a quick v a n , d t h v lab. .4+n w,wk >tatim