Planning ahead with urethane elastomers? Formrez® prepolymers relieve you of the difficult-to-control initial reaction of resin and isocyanate. With Formrez pre polymers you can now design new, longer lasting urethane elastomer products. Formrez prepolymers are available for either batch or continuous process ing, producing urethane elastomers in a range of hardnesses. The elastomers provide excellent physical properties, 38
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including outstanding tear resistance, low compression set, good abrasion re sistance and high resistance to oxida tion and solvents. Applications include: industrial tires and wheels; b e l t i n g ; O-rings and gaskets; and pump parts, to name a few. Detailed information on Formrez pre polymers is available in a series of Witco Technical Service Bulletins —F-8 through F-15. Witco also supplies resins
for those manufacturers wishing to pro duce their own prepolymers.
WITCO CHEMICAL !3ëE££:& ./;.-Z«,2$££Sa DEPT. AC-12, 122 EAST42ND ST, N.Y. 17, N.Y.