plant anticancer agents, xlviii. new cytotoxic flavonoids from muntingia

currence of 7.8-di-0-substituted flavans, biflavans, and flavones. Most of the isolates .... From the eims fragmentation pathway (mlz 167, 197, 2 10) ...
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Journal ofNatura1 Prodrccr Vol. 54,No. I , pp. 196-206, Jan-Feb 1991

PLANT ANTICANCER AGENTS, XLVIII. NEW CYTOTOXIC FLAVONOIDS FROM MUNTINGIA CALABURA ROOTS'*2 NORITO KANEDA,JOHN M.PEZZUTO, D. DOELSOEJARTO, A. DOUGLASKINGHORN,. NORMANR. FARNSWORTH, Program fm Collabmatiw Rcrumh in tk Pharmarartical Scienm, Colkge of Pharmacy, Univnsity of Illinoir at Chicrrgo, Chicago, Illinoir 60612


Dtpartment of CkmUtty, Faculty of Science, Mabidol Uniwsity, Bangkok 10400, Thailand ABsTRAcr.-From a cytotoxic Et,O-soluble extract of Mrtntingia crrlabrtra roots, twelve new flavonoids were isolated, constituting seven flavans 1-7, three flavones 8,10,and 12,and two biflavans 9 and 11.The structures of compounds 1-12 were established by the interpretation of spectral data, with the nmr assignments of these constituents being based on 'H-'H COSY, 'H-I3C HETCOR, and selective INEPT experiments. This is the fint report of the occurrence of 7.8-di-0-substituted flavans, biflavans, and flavones. Most of the isolates demonstrated cytotoxic activity when tested against cultured P-388 cells, with the flavans being more active than the flavones. Furthermore, certain of these structurally related flavonoids exhibited somewhat selective activities when evaluated with a number of human cancer cell lines.

Roots of Muntzngia calabura L. (Elaeocarpaceae)were investigated as part of a continuing project to discover novel antineoplastic agents of plant origin (1). Samples were collected in Thailand for preliminary screening and in the Philippines for detailed phytochemical investigation. This tree species, introduced from tropical America to southeast Asia, does not appear to have been used for the treatment of cancer historically, but its various plant parts have been utilized for other medicinal purposes. In Indochina (Cambodia), the roots are mixed with other drugs and employed as an emmenagogue and for the treatment of liver diseases (2-4). Infusions of the flowers are drunk in east Asia in cases of headaches and incipient colds (4-6) and are consumed in both east Asia and South America for antihysteric, antidyspeptic, diaphoretic ( 4 , 7 ) , and antispasmodic purposes ( 4 , 7-10). This same type of infusion is also drunk as a tranquilizer or a tonic in Colombia (9). Despite the widespread use of this plant, previous phytochemical investigations have been few and constitute investigations on its seed oil ( 1 1) and tannin (12) constituents. In the present study, twelve new flavonoids were isolated from M . calabura roots, and reported herein are details of the isolation, structure elucidation, and cytotoxic activity of these Compounds.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For compound 1,a molecular formula of C 18HZ005 was consistent with its ms and 13C-nmrspectral data. The presence of a simple benzenoid chromophore having an unconjugated aromatic system was suggested by observed absorption maxima at 227 and 280 nm in the uv spectrum and at 1600 and 15 10 cm- (benzene ring) in the it spectrum. Compound 1 exhibited 18 carbons including three methoxy carbons at 6 55.1


'For the previous paper in this series, see Choi et al. (1). *Dedicated to Professor G.B. Marini Bettolo on the occasion of his 75th birthday.

Jan-Feb 19911

Kaneda et al. : Cytotoxic Flavonoids

1 R,=R,=H, R,=OH 2 R,=R3=OMe, R,=H


8 R,=R3=OMe, R,=H 10 R,=OMe, R,=H, R,=OH 12 R,=R3=OH, R,=H

3 R,=R,=OMe, R,=OH 4 R,=OMe, R,=H, R,=OH 5 R,=OH, R,=H, R,=OMe

6 R,=R,=OH, R,=OMe 7 R,=R3=OH, R,=H

9 R=OMe 11 R = O H (q), 55.7 (q), and 60.7 (9) in its I3C-nmr spectrum, which indicated that its skeleton

might be that of a flavonoid. Resonances occurring at 6 24.3 (t), 29.9 (t), and 77.7 (d), constituting a C-3 unit, indicated that 1 was a flavan (13). In the ‘H-nmr spectrum, one typical aromatic ABX pattern (3H) was observed at 6 6.46 (dd,J=9.0, 2.5 Hz), 6.48 (d,J=2.5 Hz),and 6.96 ( d , / = 9 . 1 Hz), and one meta-coupled ( / = 1.8 Hz) nonequivalent proton system also appeared as doublets at 6 6.56 and 6.66. By interpretation of the 13Cchemical shifts of three methoxyl groups (55.1, 55.7, and 60.7) (14) and of the eims spectral fragmentation (m/z 137, 167, 180) (15), ring B was confirmed as 5’-hydroxy-3’,4’-dimethoxyphenyl. The position of one methoxyl group in ring A was determined as occurring at C-7 by analysis of its 13C-nmrchemical shifts and comparison with model compounds (16,17) and by using the selective INEPT n m r experiment, which identifies vicinal I3C-lH coupling (18). In the latter, irradiation = 8 Hz) of the meta-coupled proton at 6 6.48 (d,/ = 2.5 Hz) resulted in enhancements of carbons at 6 113.8 (C-10) and 107.3 (C-6). The conformation of 1 was suggested by coupling constants of H-2 (dd,J= 10.2, 2.4 Hz) in the ’H-nmr spectrum, which indicated that the B ring was equatorially substituted at the C-2 position (19-2 1). The absolute configuration of compound 1 was assigned as 2s by the negative cd absorption maximum at 284 dm (A€ - 1.3), by analogy with previous cd spectral observations (22-25). Compound 2 exhibited uv (A max 229,274 nm) and ir (v max 1590, 1500 cm-’) spectral data similar to those of 1,suggesting that it was also a flavan. Its hreims spectrum (m/z 360.1563), as well as its ‘H- and l3C-nrnr spectra, indicated that the molecular formula was C,,H,,06. In the ’H-nmr spectrum, two ortho-coupled protons and two singlet aromatic protons (2H) were apparent at 6 6.50 (d,J = 8.5 Hz), 6.77 (d,/= 8.7 Hz), and 6.68 (s), respectively. It was observed by analysis of the ‘Hand l3C-nmr spectra that five methoxyl groups were substituted in rings A and B. The placements of these methoxyl groups were confirmed as 7 ,8-dimethoxy in ring A and 3 ’ ,4’, 5’-trimethoxy in ring B by the 13Cchemical shift of two methoxy carbons (6 60.6



Journal of Natural Products

Wol. 54, No. 1

and 60.7) (14) and eims spectral fragmentation peaks ( m h 179, 181, 194) (15). From thecouplingconstant(dd,J=9.8,2.3Hz)at6 5.05inthe 'H-nmrspectrum, theH-2 proton was confirmed as axial (19). The absolute configuration of compound 2 was also determined as 2S by measurement of its cd spectrum ( h e - 1.0 at A max 283 nm) (22). Compound 3 (C2,Hz40,) exhibited spectral data(uv, ir, cd, 'H and 13Cnmr) similar to those of compounds 1 and 2, except that it possessed a somewhat different substitution pattern. From the eims fragmentation pathway (mlz 167, 197, 2 10) (15) and 13Cchemical shifts of the three methoxy carbons at 6 60.8,60.9, and 61.2 (14), it was evident that compound 3 was 7,8-dimethoxy-substitutedin ring A and either 2'-hydroxy-3',4',5 '-trimethoxy- or 5 '-hydroxy-2',3',4'-trimethoxy-substituted in ring B. To confirm the substitution pattern in ring B, a selective INEPT nmr experiment was carried out (18). Irradiation = 5 Hz)of the hydroxy proton at 6 5.75 resulted in enhancementsofcarbonsat6 121.8(C-lr), 140.0(C-2'), and 140. l(C-3'). Therefore, compound 3 was established as (2S)-2'-hydroxy-7,8,3',4',5 '-pentamethoxyflavan. Compounds 4-7 resembled compounds 1-3 in their spectral data (uv, ir, cd, 'H and 13Cn m r , eims) but showed lesser degrees of methoxylation than compounds 2 and 3. For compound 4 (c&&6), four methoxy protons, one ortho-coupled aromatic proton, and one meta-coupled aromatic proton, in turn, were observed in the 'H-nmr spectrum at 6 3.83-3.88 (12H), 6.48 ( d , j = 8 . 5 Hz), and 6.74 ( d , J = 8 . 5 Hz) and 6.59 (d, J = 1.8 Ht) and 6.65 ( d , J = 1.9 Hz). The positions of the four methoxyl groups in rings A and B were resolved as being at C-7, C-8, C-3 ', and C-4 ' by further interpretation of I3C nmr (6 55.4, 55.8, 60.3, 60.4) and eims (mlz 166, 167, 180) spectra. Thus, compound 4 was determined as (2S)-5'-hydroxy-7,8,3',4'-tetramet hoxyflavan. For compound 5 (C19H2206), the main fragment peaks ( m h 179, 181, 194) in the eims spectrum were identical to those of 2. The 'H-nmr spectra of these two isolates were also similar, except that one hydroxy proton at 6 5.64 (s) appeared for compound 5, in place of the methoxy protons at 6 3.89 (s) for compound 2. The position of this hydroxyl group was placed at C-8, because the C-7 methoxy carbon of 2 persisted in the '3C-nmr spectrum of 5 (56.0), while the C-8 methoxy resonance of 2 was no longer present. Therefore, compound 5 was elucidated as (2S)-8-hydroxy-7,3',4',5'-tetramethoxyflavan. Compound 6 (C19H2,0,) was considered as an analogue of 3 from its eims fragmentation pathway (mlz 197, 2 10). In the 'H-nmr spectrum, two hydroxy protons were observed at 6 5.70 (s) and 6.00 (s). In a selective INEPT nmr experiment similar to that carried out for 3, the positions of these hydroxyl groups were confirmed at C-8 and C-2', respectively. Irradiation = 5 Ht) of the hydroxy protons at 6 5.70 resulted in enhancements of carbons at 6 133.8 (C-8), 142.6 (C-9), and 145.3 (C-7), while an analogous irradiation at 6 6.00 gave the corresponding enhancements of carbons at 6 121.3 (C-I'), 139.9(C-2'), and 140.0(C-3'). Thus, compound 6wasestablished as (2S)-8,2 'dihydroxy-7,3 ' ,4', 5 '-tetramethoxyflavan. For compound 7 (C,,Hz,06), its eims spectral data (mlz 167, 180) suggested that the substitution pattern in ring B was the same as in 1 and 4. On the observation of three methoxy carbons (6 55.9, 56.4, 60.9) in the 13C-nmr spectrum, and one orthocoupled ( J = 8.5 Ht) proton system and two hydroxy protons at 6 5.49 (s) and 5.88 (s) in the 'H-nmr spectrum, the positions of these two hydroxyl groups were confirmed at C-8 and C-5'. Therefore, compound 7was determined as (28)-8,5'-dihydroxy-7,3',4'trimethoxyflavan. For compound 8 (C20H200,), the presence of an aromatic ring conjugated to a carbonyl group was suggested by absorption maxima at 24 1and 3 16 nm in its uv spectrum and at 1640 (C=O), 1600, and 1500 cm- (benzene ring) in its ir spectrum. In the 'H-




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Kaneda et al. : Cytotoxic Flavonoids


nmr spectrum, five methoxy proton, two singlet aromatic proton, and one orthocoupled proton systems were observed, in turn, at 6 3.944.05 (15H), 6.72 ( l H , s), 7.20 (2H, s), 7.06 (d,J=8.8 Hz), and 7.94 (d,J=8.8 Hz), suggesting that 8 was a flavone, co-occurring with the flavan 2,of identical substitution pattern. This was confirmed by the 13C-nmr spectrum showing two methoxy signals at 6 60.9 and 61.3. Therefore, compound 8 was determined as 7,8,3',4',5'-pentamethoxyflavone. The spectral data (uv, ir, 'H and 13C n m r ) of compounds 10 and 12 were almost identical to those of 8, except for variations in the number of methoxyl groups (10,four methoxyls; 12,three methoxyls). In the same way as for 1-8,compounds 10 and 12 were elucidated as 5'-hydroxy-7,8,3',4'-tetramethoxyflavone (C,&I,,O,) and 8,5'dihydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxyflavone (C18H1607),respectively. As a consequence of selective INEPT n m r experiments carried out on compounds 1-8, 10,12,it was observed that irradiation of a given methoxy proton clearly enhanced only its attached carbon, using an experimental parameter of = 4 Hz. Compounds 9 and 11 indicated uv and ir spectral patterns similar to those of flavans 1-7. The respective eims fragmentation patterns (9,m/z 167, 181, and 676; 11,m/z 167 and 662) revealed that they were biflavans and also suggested that 9 was comprised of two units represented by flavans 5 and 7,while 11 was a dimer of &van 7.In their 'H- and 13C-nmrspectra, companion peaks of similar resonance were observed for compounds 9 and 11.The largest difference in 13Cchemical shift of these companion peaks was 0.7 ppm in 9 and 0.6 ppm in 11.Consequently, it was considered that these companion peaks were indicative of the existence of stereoisomerism. After a 'H-I3C HETCOR nmr experiment, both 9 and 11 were found to contain a biphenyl unit, linked at C-5 and C-5". It is known that biphenyls and analogous biaryl derivatives cause stereoisomerism resulting from axes ofchirality and from helicity (26,27). In the case of compounds 9 and 11,the biphenyl moiety is symmetric, for which a configurationally stable chiral axis does not exist. Thus, the stereochemistry of biphenyls may be described as M and P in terms of helicity (26). The absolute configurations of 9 and ll were determined as 2s and 2"s by strong negative absorption maxima at 289 nm (A€ -2.3) and at 288 nm (A€ - 1.3), respectively, in their cd spectra. Therefore, compound 9 (C37H40012) was determined as a mixture of the two diastereomers [(M),(2S),(2'3)- and (P),(2S),(2"S)-) of 8,8"-5 '-tri hydroxy-7,7"-3 ' ,3"-4 ',4"-5"-hep tamethoxy-5,5"-biflavan, and compound 11 (C36H38012) was also deduced to be a mixture of the two diastereomers [(M),(2S),(2"S)- and (P),(2S),(2"S)-) of 8,8"-5',5"tetrahydroxy-7,7"-3 ' ,3"'-4' ,4"-hexamethoxy-5, 5"-biflavan. It is generally considered that flavans arise from double reductions of analogous flavanones, because they co-occur with flavanones of identical substitution pattern, in spite of often possessing most unusual patterns of substitution (23). In this study, flavones were indeed found to co-occur with flavans of the same substitution pattern. As summarized in Table 1, all of the isolates except compound 8 were found to demonstrate cytotoxic activity with cultured P-388 cells; the flavans 1-7 were more active than the structurally related flavones 10and 12 in this test system. Flavans 1-7 a p peared somewhat selectively active toward melanoma (Me12) and KB cells. Moreover, relative to the parent KB cell line, enhanced activity could be demonstrated with the vincristine-resistant KB (KF3-V) cell line, especially in the case of compounds 2 and 5. In contrast, compound 3 (hydroxylated at the 2'-position) and compounds 9 and 11 (biflavans) were generally cytotoxic and not preferentially active against KB-V cells. The structurally related flavones 10 and 12 were not active against KB (and KB-V) or melanoma cells. However, marginal activity was observed with the human colon (C012) cell line, which again suggests some selectivity. A deeper understanding of the




1 2

. . . . . . .

. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 .

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..... ... .. ... .. . . . . .

..... ..... . . . . .

. . 9 . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . 8

11 12

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Journal of Natural Products


. ...... .......

Cytotoxicity Data of Compounds 1-12.'


Structual type

flavan flavan flavan flavan flavan flavan flavan hone biflavan flavone biflavan flavone

cell linesb

tLl-iF >20 >20 10.9 >20 >20 >20 >20

>20 >20 3.3 >20 >20 >20 >20




12.0 >20 16.0 >20

>20 5.0 >20

Lu 1

>20 >20



14.6 8.9 9.7 9.0 9.2 14.5 10.6

>20 15.8 12.0 >20 >20 >20 >20




12.4 >20 15.6 >20

10.2 >20 8.7 >20

6.2 15.2 9.0 5.9

13.5 >20 >20 >20



5.4 11.8

4.9 2.0 3.0 2.3

4.1 "I' 3.7 11.9 4.8 16.7

'Results are expressed as ED,, values (kg/ml). bBcl human breast cancer; H T (HT-1080), human fibrosarcoma; Lul, human lung cancer; Mel2, human melanoma; Co12,human colon cancer; KB, human nasopharyngeal carcinoma; KB-V, vincristineresistant KB; P-388,murine lymphocytic leukemia. 'NT:not tested, since compound was difficult to dissolve in dimethyl sulfoxide.

mechanisms of these differential activities could contribute toward site-specific chemotherapeutic strategies. Previous reports (28-3 1) have pointed to the cytotoxic activity of methoxylated flavonoids (flavones, isoflavones, flavanones, and flavonols). The cytotoxicity of flavans 1-7illustrates that the activity of flavonoids is due to methoxyl andor hydroxyl groups in the structures and also shows that a C-3 carbonyl group is not necessary to elicit this type of activity. EXPERIMENTAL. GENERALEXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES-hfelting points (uncomted) were determined on a Kofler hot-stage apparatus. Optical rotations were taken with a Perkin-Elmer Model 24 1 polarimeter. Uv spectra were obtained on a Beckman DU-7spectrometer, and cd spectra were measured on a JAKO J 4 0 A automatic recording spectropolarimeter. It spectra were obtained with a Nicolet MX-1 interferometer. 'H-nmr and '3C-nmr spectra were measured with T M S as internal standard, employing a Varian XL-300 instrument operating at 300 MHz and 75.6MHz, respectively. 'H-'H COSY and 'H-"C HETCOR nmr experiments were also performed on a Varian XL-300,using standard Varian pulse sequences. Selective INEPT nmr experiments were conducted on a Nicolet NT-360 spectrometer performing at 90.8 MHz. Mass spectra were taken on a Varian MAT 112sdouble focusing mass spectrometer at 80 eV. High resolution ei mass spectra were obtained using a Finnegan MAT 90 instrument. CYTOTOXICwsAYs.-Extracts, fractions, and compounds were tested for cytotoxic activity with eight cell lines, BC1 (human breast cancer), HT-1080 (human fibrosarcoma), Lul (human lung cancer), Me12 (human melanoma), Col2 (human colon cancer), KB (human nasopharyngeal carcinoma), KB-V (vincristine-resistant KB), and P-388 (murine lymphocytic leukemia), by the procedures basically established by the National Cancer Institute (32)as described previously (33-35).The test was dbplicated at five concentrations (20.0,4.0, 0.8, 0.16,and 0.032 Fglml) pUre compounds. PLANT MATERIAL.--The mots of M . cabbwa were collected for detailed phytochemical investigation by Dr. D.A. Madulid in a second growrh forest in Marikina (Manila), Philippines, in June 1989.The identity of the sample was confirmed by a taxonomist (D.D.S.). Herbarium specimens representing this collection are deposited in the Philippine National Herbarium, Manila, Philippines and at the Herbarium of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. For preliminary screening of cytotoxicity, the roots of M. Calaburuwere collected in June 1288 in Saraburi Province, Thailand. A voucher specimen representing this collection has been deposited at the Herbarium of the Royal Forestry Department, Bangkok, Thailand.

Jan-Feb 19911

Kaneda et al. : Cytotoxic Flavonoids

20 1

EXTRACTIONAND ISOL.ATION.-The dried plant material (7.3kg) was exhaustively extracted with MeOH at mom temperature to fiord 600 g of residue on removal of solvent under vacuum. This extract was taken up in MeOH (200ml), and the resultant suspension in H 2 0 (3liters) was treated with Et20 (3X 3 liters). The E t 2 0 layer was concentrated to dryness, and the residue (65g) was chromatographed batchwise over Si gel (1.5kg) with CHCI, and CHC1,lMeOH as eluent. Fractions of 500 ml each were collected and checked on tlc to produce eight pooled fractions: F1-2 (CHCI,), F3-4 (CHCI,), F5-8(CHCI,), -14 [CHCI,-MeOH (50:l)], F15-20 [CHCI,-MeOH (20:l)], F2 1-26 ICHCI3-MeOH (10:l)], F2732 [CHCI,-MeOH (5:l)], and F3-2 (CHCI,-MeOH (3:l)]. F5-8(14.8g) and F9-14 (12.5g) were repeatedly subjected to cc over Si gel by elution with toluene-Me2C0 (40:1 to 10:l),which resulted in the isolation of the following compounds in sequence from the column: (2S)-5'-hydroxy-7,3',4'trimethoxyflavan 111 (350 mg, 0.0048% w/w), (2S)-7,8,3',4',5'-pentamethoxyflavan [2] (600 mg, 0.0082% wlw), (2S>2'-hydroxy-7,8,3',4',5'-pentamethoxyflavan [3] (1.6g, 0.0219% w/w), (2s)-5'hydroxy-7,8,3',4'-tetramethoxyflavan 141 (3.3 g, 0.0452% wlw), (2S)-8-hydroxy-7,3',4',5'-tetramethoxyflavan [5] (430mg, 0.0059% wlw), (2s)-8,2'-dihydroxy-7,3',4',5'-tetramethoxyflavan 161(2.1 g, 0.0288% w/w), and (2S)-8,5'-dihydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxyflavan (4.0g, 0.0548% wlw). Compounds 5 and 7 were finally purified by crystallization from MeOH. F15-20 (9.2g) was subjected to chromatographic separation with a series of Si gel columns eluting with toluene-Me,CO (20:1 to 10:1)and EtOAc, which resulted in the sequential isolation ofrhe following compounds: 7,8,3',4',5'-penramethoxyflavone[SI (68rng, O.o009% wlw), (M),(2S),(rS)-,(P),(zr),(2"S)8,8"-5'-tri hydroxy-7,7"-3', 3"'-4' ,4"'-5m-heptamethoxy-5, 5"-bi9avan 191 ( 106 mg , 0.0015% w/w), 5 'hydroxy-7,8,3',4'-tetramethoxyflavoneI101 (200mg, 0.0027% wlw), and (M),(2S),(2"S>,(P),(2S),(2"~ 8,8"-5' ,5"-tetrahydroxy-7,7"-3',3"-4',4"-hexamethoxy-5,5"-biflavan[ll](470mg, 0.0064% wlw). Compounds 8 , 9 , 10, and 11 were finally purified by crystallization from MeOH. F2 1-26 (6.18). which was purified by elution with toluene-Me,CO (7:1) over a Si gel column, afforded 8,5'-dihydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxyfl~vone1121 (170mg, 0.0023% wlw). Compound 12 was f i d l y purified by crystallization from MeOH.


CHARACTERIZATION OF COMPOUNDS 1-12.-(2S)-5 '-Hydwxy-7,3' ,4'-trimefhxyfivun 111.Colorless oil: [u]'"D -25.Oo(c=0.22,CHCI,); uv A max (MeOH) (log E) 227 (4.ll), 280 (3.61),288 (sh) (3.51)nm; cd (MeOH) (AE)296 (O),284 (- 1.3),265 (0);ir v max (KBr) 3430,2930, 1620, 1600, 15 10,1470, 1200,1160, 1 1 10 cm- 'H nmr see Table 2; ',C nmr see Table 3;eirns m/z (rel. int.) [MI+ 316 (loo),180 (76), 167 (37),165 (47),137 (48);hreims m/z [MI+ 316.1309 (calcd for C,,H,,O,, 3 16.1311).


( 2 S ) - 7 , 8 , 3 ' , 4 ' , 5 ' - P f u m f ~ x y [2].4lorless ~va~ oil: [U12"D -75.0' (c=0.30,CHCI,); uv max (MeOH) (log E) 229 (4.18),274 (3.37)nm;cd (MeOH) (AE)295 (0), 283 (- l.O),257 (-0.2);ir v max (KBr) 2940, 1590,1500, 1470,1420, 1240,1130, 1 1 10,1080cm-'; 'H nmr see Table 2;I3C nmr see Table 3; eims d z (ret. int.) [MI+ 360 (loo),329 (8),194 (91),181 (26),179 (39),151 (20);hreirns d z [MI+ 360.1563(calcd for C2,,H2406,360.1573).

(2S)-2'-Hydtvxy-7,8,3',4',S'-pmtamUhxyy%avan [ 3 ] . 4 l o r l e s s oil; [IX]~"D- 15.4' (c = 0.74, CHCI,); uv max (MeOH) (log E)227 (4.20),284 (3.80),289 (sh) (3.74)nm; cd (MeOH) @E) 290 (O), 285 (-0.3),264 (0);ir v rnax (KBr) 3430, 2930, 1600, 1500, 1470, 1420, 1200, 1130, 1 1 10, 1080 crn-I; 'H nmr see Table 2;"C nmr see Table 3; eims m/z (rel. int.) [MI+ 376 (65),210 (87).197 (14), 167 (loo), 85 (36),83 (55);hreims m/z [w+376.1526(calcd for C20H240,, 376.1522). (2S)-S'-Hydwxy-7,8,3',4'-terramrthoxypavan[4].--Colorless oil; [aI2"D -59.2' (c= 0.26,CHCI,); uv A rnax (MeOH) (log E) 229 (4.16).274 (3.36)nm; cd (MeOH) (AE)295 (O), 284 (- l.O),275 (-0.6), 257 (-0.1);ir v max (KBr) 3410,2920,1600, 1500,1470, 1230, 1 1 10 cm-I; 'H n m r see Table 2; I3C nmrseeTable3;eimsm/z([M)+ 346(97),315(10),193(21),192(22),180(93),167(100),166 (50),15 1 (30);hreims mlz [MI+346.1408(calcd for C1&2206, 346.1416).

(2S)-8-Hydmxy-7,3',4 ',5 '-fetrumthxyfivun I51.-Mp 154" (colorless prisms, MeOH); [a]"D -48.5' (c=O.38,CHCI,); uv A max (CHCI,) (log E)246 (3.80),271 (3.26),279 (sh) (3.11)nm;cd (MeOH) (AE)292 (O), 282 (-0.3), 276 (-0.1);ir v max (KBr) 3430,2930, 1620, 1590, 1250, 1220 crn-'; 'H nmr see Table 2;I3C nmr see Table 3;eims mlz (rel. int.) [MI+ 346 (70).194 (loo),18 1 (25), 179 (36),152 (9);hreims m h [MI+346.1406 (calcd for Cl9H2206. 346.1416).

(2S>8,2'-Dihydroxy-7,3',4',S'-tctrumcthoxyflavan [6].-CoIorIess oil: [a]"D -7.3'(c = 0.55, CHCI,); uv A max (MeOH) (log E) 226 (4.18),286 (3.66)nm;cd (MeOH) @E) 3 10( O ) , 285 (-0.2),265 (0); ir v max(KBr) 3440,2920,1500, 1470, 1370,1200,1130, 1100, 1080 cm-'; 'H nmr see Table 2; 13Cnmr see Table 3;eims m/z (rel. int.) [MI+362 (52),210 (loo), 197 (26, 181 (ll),153 (49);hreims d z [MI+ 362.1364(calcd for CI9H,,O,, 362.1366). (2S)-B,S'-Dihydwxy-7,3',4'-frimf~xy~un m.-Mp

153" (colorless needles, MeOH); [aI2'D

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Jan-Feb 19911


Carbon Zb


C-2 . . . C-3 . . . C-4 . . . C-5 . . . C-6 . . . C-7 . . . C-8 . . . C-9 . . . C-10 . . . C-I' . . . C-2' . . . C-3' . . . C-4' . . . C-5' . . . C-6' . . . 7-OMe . . 8-OMe.. 3'-OMe . 4'-OMe . 5'-OMe .

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Kaneda et a!. : Cytotoxic Flavonoids

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77.7d 77.6d 73.3d 77.0d 78.2d 73.0d 78.3d 162.5s 29.9t 2 9 . 9 ~ 2 8 . 2 ~ 2 9 . 4 ~ 2 9 . 8 ~ 2 8 . 3 ~ 3 0 . 0 ~ 106.4d 2 4 . 3 ~ 2 4 . 3 ~ 2 4 . 6 ~ 2 3 . 9 ~ 2 4 . 0 ~ 2 4 . 2 ~ 2 4 . 3 ~ 177.9s 129.8d 123.3d 123.4d 123.0d 118.5d 118.6d 118.9d 120.9d 107.3d 104.3d 104.4d 104.ld 104.2d 104.2d 104.5d 109.9d 158.9s 151.6s 151.6s 151.2s 145.3s 145.3s 145.61 156.65 101.5d 137.2s 137.3s 136.9s 133.7s 133.81 134.0s 136.8s 155.5s 148.5s 148.8s 148.2s 142.31 142.6s 142.6s 150.4s 113.8s 115.7s 116.2s 115.5s 115.13 115.5s 115.4s 118.61 137.7s 137.4s 121.85 137.5s 136.71 121.3s 137.55 126.9s 101.8d 102.8d 140.05 101.4d 102.9d 139.9s 102.ld 103.5d 152.4s 153.1s 140.1s 152.0s 152.9s 140.0s 152.5s 153.5s 135.0s 137.2s 141.3s 134.6s 137.3s 141.4s 135.1s 141.1s 149.2s 153.1s 146.5s 148.9s 152.9s 146.4s 149.3s 153.5s 106.0d 102.8d 104.9d 105.3d 102.9d 105.0d 106.0d 103.5d 55.lq 56.0q 56.2q 55.8q 56.0q 56.lq 56.4q 56.4q - 60.6q 60.8q 60.3q - 61.3q 55.7q 55.9q 61.2q 55.4q 55.7q 61.0q 55.9q 56.lq 60.7q 60.7q 60.9q 60.4q 60.4q 60.6q 60.9q 60.9s 55.9q 56.4q - 55.7q 56.3q - 56.lq


. . . . . . . . . . .



163.4s 105.6d 178.7s 120.7d 110.0d 156.7s 136.55 150.3s 117.9s 126.6s 101.8d 153.1s 139.4s 150.4s 107.4d 56.2q 61.3q 55.7q 60.5q

164.9s 106.0d 180.3s 116.ld 110.2d 152.4s 135.6s 146.7s 118.6s 127.73 102.9d 154.2s 140.4s 151.4s 108.6d 56.8q



56.5q 61.0q


-45.5' (r=O.20, CHCI,); uv A r n a ~(CHCI, (log e) 245 (3.72), 270 (3.26), 278 (sh) (3.15) nm; cd (MeOH) (AE)291 (O), 283 (-0.3), 275 (-0.2), 267 (-0.1); ir u mar (mr)3360,2930, 1610, 1590, 1460, 1220, ll00cm-I; 'H nmrseeTable 2; '3CnmrueTable3;eimsdz(rel. i n t . ) M + 332(52), 180 (loo), 167 (25), 165 (39), 153 (20), 152 (21); hreims m/z [MI+ 332.1265 (calcd for C1&2006. 332.1260).

7,8,3',4',S ' - P e n t a m t b o x y [8].-Mp ~ 206" (colorless prisms, MeOH); uv A mar (CHCI,) (log E) 241 (4.34), 262 (sh)(4.1 l), 3 16 (4.36) nm; ir v mar (KBr) 3280,2930, 1640, 1600, 1500, 1290, 1120 cm-'; 'H nmr see Table 2; I3C nmr see Table 3; eims m/z (rel. int.) [MI+ 372 (100), 357 (15), 329 ( 4 , 192 (9), 172 (9), 152 (12); hreims d z [h@ 372.1206 (calcd for C2d-I200,, 372.1209).





H-2 . . H-3 . . H-4 . . H-6 . . H-2' . . H-6' . . 7-OMe. 3'-OMe 4'-OMe 8-OH . 5'-OH . H-2" . . H-3" . .



. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





4.90 d (9.4) 1.70-2.13 m 2.25-2.72111 6.38s 6.59d(2.1) 6.61 s 3.75 s 3.77 s 3.66s 8.13s 9.17 s 4.97 d(9.9) 1.70-2.13 m

4.Wd(9.4) 1.70-2.13 m 2.25-2.72m 6.30s 6.59d(2.1) 6.61s 3.74s 3.79s 3.68s 8.13s 9.20s 4.97 d (9.9) 1.70-2.13 m

4.90d(9.1) 1.70-2.12m 2.25-2.70111 6.36 s 6.58 d (2.3) 6.61s 3.75 s 3.77s 3.66s 8.11s 9.17 s 4.90 d (9.1) 1.70-2.12 IU

4.90d(9.1) 1.70-2.12m 2.25-2.70 m 6.30s 6.58d(2.3) 6.61 s 3.74s 3.78s 3.68s 8.11s 9.20s


. . . .

. .

. .



... . .... .. ...

. .



'1 1


1.70-2.12 rn

Wol. 54, No. 1

Journal of Natural Products







H-4" . . . . H-6" . . . . H-2" . . . . H-6" . . . . 7"-OMe . . 3"-OMe . . 4"-OMe . . 5"-OMe . . 8"-OH . . . 5"'-OH. . .


.. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. ..

. . . . .

. .

. .







2.25-2.72 m 6.38s 6.79s 6.79s 3.75 s 3.77s 3.66s 3.81s 8.13 s

2.25-2.72m 6.32s 6.82 s 6.82 s 3.74s 3.79s 3.68s 3.79s 8.13 s

2.25-2.70 m 6.36s 6.58d (2.3) 6.61 s 3.75 s 3.77 s 3.66s

2.25-2.70 m 6.30s 6.58d(2.3) 6.61s 3.74s 3.78s 3.68s

8.11s 9.17 s

8.11s 9.20s





= 0; coupling constants are provided in parentheses. 'Measured in DMSO-d, at 300 MHz, bAssignmentsof M and P may be reversed. For the sake of convenience, the M companion peaks were assigned as those of greater intensity.

(M),(2S),(2"S>,(P),(2S),(rS>8,8"-Sf-Tribydroxy-7, 7"-3',3"-4',4"-S"-beptumt~~-S,S"-biflavun [9].-Mp >228" (dec) (colorless prisms, MeOH); [a]22D 11.3" (c= 0.3 1, CHCI,); uv A may (CHCI,) (log e) 247 (4. i9), 269 (3.85) MI; cd (CHCI,) (Ae) 305 (01, 289 (-2.3), 275 (-0.2); ir IJ IMX (KBd 3440, 2930, 1590, 1490, 1450, 1340, 1230, 1130cm-'; 'HnmrseeTable4; 1 3 C ~ r s e e T a b l e 5 ; e i m s dz (d. int.) {MI+ 676 (16), 496 (2), 482 (2), 302 (41), 207 (29), 193 (26h 181 (100), 167 (87); hreims d z {MI+ 676.2520 (calcd for C37H4@12, 676.2520).



"C-nmr Spectra of Bifiavans 9 and 11.' Compound


Carbon Mb

c - 2 (C-2") c-3 (C-3") c-4 (C-4") c-5 (C-5") C-6 (C-6") c-7 (C-7") C-8 (C-8") c-9(C-93 c-10(C- 10") c-1' (C-1") c-2' (C-2") c-3' (C-3") C-4' (C-4") c-5' (C-5") C-6' (C-6"') 7-OMe (7"-OMe) 3'-OMe (3"'-0Me) 4'-OMe (4"-OMe) 5'-OMe(5"-OMe)

76.8( 77.0) 29.7( 29.7) 23.3( 23.5) 130.0(130.1) 106.2(106.4) 145.9( 145.9) 133.7 (133.7) 143.7 (143.7) 113.7 (113.7) 137.2 (137.4) 101.6 (103.7) 153.0 ( 152.8) 135.7(136.9) 150.3 (152.8) 107.2 (103.7) 56.1( 56.1) 55.7( 55.9) 59.9( 60.0) - ( 55.9)


P 76.9( 77.1) 29.5( 29.5) 22.7 ( 22.9) 130.5 (130.6) 105.7 (105.9) 145.9 (145.9) 133.7 (133.7) 143.6 (143.6) 114.2 (114.2) 137.2(137.4) 101.7 (103.8) 153.0(152.8) 135.8 ( 137.O) 150.4( 152.8) 107.2 ( 103.8) 56.1( 56.1) 55.7( 55.9) 59.9( 60.0) - ( 55.9)



76.8 ( 76.8) 29.7 ( 29.7) 23.3( 23.3) 130.0 ( 130.0) 106.2(106.2) 145.8 (145.8) 133.6(133.6) 143.7(143.7) 113.7 (113.7) 137.2 (137.2) 101.6(101.6) 153.0 (153.0) 135.7 (135.7) 150.3(150.3) 107.2 (107.2) 56.1( 56.1) 55.7( 55.7) 59.9( 59.9)

76.9 ( 76.9) 29.5( 29.5) 22.7( 22.7) 130.5(130.5) 105.7(105.7) 145.9( 145.9) 133.7(133.7) 143.6(143.6) 114.2 (1 14.2) 137.2 (137.2) 101.7 (10 1.7) 153.0 (153.0) 135.8 (135.8) 150.4(150.4) 107.2 ( 107.2) 56.1( 56.1) 55.7( 55.7) 59.9( 59.9)





'Measured in DMSO-d, at 75.6 MHz, $ , = 0. bAssignmentsof M and P may be reversed. For the sake of convenience, the M companion peaks were assigned as those of greater intensity.

Jan-Feb 19911

Kaneda et al.: Cytotoxic Flavonoids


S 1 - H y d ~ ~ - 7 , 8 , 3 ' , 4 ' - t e t r a m e(101.-Mp t ~ ~ f i ~ 2 12-2 13' (colorless needles, MeOH); uv A max (CHCI,) (log E) 242 (4.31), 253 (4.20), 263 (4.18), 312 (4.38) nm; ir v rnax (KBr) 3280, 2940, 1650, 1600, 1520, 1430, 1290, 11 10 cm-'; 'H n m r see Table 2; I3C nmr see Table 3; eims d z (rel. int.) [MI+ 358 (loo), 343 (19). 3 15 (20), 18 1 (24), 165 (34). 152 (3 l), 137 (32); hreims d z (MI+ 358.1052 (calcd for C1&II8O7, 358.1053). (M),(ZS),(Z"Sj,(P),(ZS),Q"S j8,8"-5 ',Srn-Tetrabydroxy-7,7"-3I , 3"-4', 4m-hexamethoxy-S,S"-bifivan [ll}.-Mp >2 11' (dec) (colorless prisms, MeOH); 18.9O(r= 0.22, CHCI,); uv A max (CHCI,) (log E) 244 (4.28), 268 (3.84) nm; cd (MeOH) (AE)302 (O), 288 (- 1.3), 276 (-0.5); ir u max (KBr) 3430,2930, 1600, 1450, 1100 cm-'; 'H nmr see Table 4; I3C n m r see Table 5; eims d z (rel. int.) (MI+ 662 (8), 482 (2), 302 (24), 193 (29), 180 (lo), 167 (100); hreims m/z [MI+ 662.2356 (calcd for C36H38012, 662.2363).


8,S1-Dihyd~~-7,3',4'-trimethoxyflavone [12].-Mp 225-227' (dec) (light yellow prisms, MeOH); uv A max (CHCI,) (log E) 242 (4.22), 259 (sh) (4.20), 269 (4.28), 3 10 (4.28) nm; ir u max (KBr) 3440, 2940, 1630, 1570, 1430, 1280, 1110 cm-'; 'H n m r =Table 2; I3C n m r see Table 3; eims m/z (rel. int.) [MI+ 344 (loo), 329 (30), 301 ( 1 3 , 167 (41), 148 (26), 137 (20), 120 (39); hreims m/z [MI+ 344.0891 (calcd for C,,HI6O,, 344.0896). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This investigation was funded, in part, by grant CA33047 with the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Doming0 A. Madulid, of the Philippine National Herbarium, Manila, Philippines, is thanked for providing plant material used in this investigation. We acknowledge the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry Laboratories of the Research Resources Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, for expert assistance and for the provision ofspectroscopic equipment used in this study. We thank Mr.R.B. Dvorak,ofthe Department ofMedicina1 Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, University of Illinois at Chicago, for recording the high resolution ei mass spectral data. LITERATURE CITED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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