Plant Pigments, Flavors and Textures The Chemistry and Biochemistry

included giving main prefixes and suffixes for mineral names, as well as guidelines far learning aids. The nine appendices at the end of this book con...
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book reviews Figs. &tables. 27.6 X 21.3 cm. i $25.00.

+ 501 pp.

This texthook is intended to aervice a two-year rhem~stryp r w a m either in the lasl two years of secondary school or in grader 12 and 13 of the British Commonwealth & e m . The authors' intent to relate chemistry to the human experience has resulted in a sourcehook that admirably succeeds in describing diverse geological and living processes in chemical terms. A d o t edition of this book was tested in the schvols of Victoria. Australia. in 1977. In the same year the newlyformed Chemistry Kducatiun A~soeintlon assumed control of the hook-writing project with sixteen contributing writers, a six member editorial board and a chief editor. A casual glance a t this textbook reveals that the authors have succeeded in creatine an attractive oackaee which exalts descrinlive c h ~ m ~ s tto r ya high plateau. Thecornhinatiun c,f colorful language, "homry" examples and tw